Lightworkers vs. Darkworkers [Signs, Traits, Syndrome]

What does it mean to be a Lightworker? What does it mean to be a Darkworker, what are the signs and traits, and how do you recognize one?

I know that the topic of Lightworkers and Darkworkers has been around for a long time; however, since my post about Indigo’s (another theory) went viral, I thought I would continue on this path some more.

The 11:11 time prompt was believed to be a wake-up call for lightworkers/earth angels to step into their assigned mission on earth.

Lightworkers vs. Darkworkers

What Does Lightworker Mean?

Lightworker is used within spiritual and metaphysical contexts to describe individuals who feel a deep calling or a sense of purpose to contribute positively to the world.

Lightworkers are believed to have a mission or duty to bring love, healing, and higher consciousness to humanity and the Earth. The concept is rooted in New Age and esoteric beliefs.

What Does Darkworker Mean?

A Darkworker is the opposite of a lightworker.

A Darkworker is someone or a group who selfishly uses and abuses another for their gain or a means to an end agenda that does not serve the greater good.

It describes individuals who may be on a spiritual path but focus on working with or exploring the aspects of consciousness, energy, and existence that are often considered darker or shadowy.

Lightworker Traits

  1. You’re a truth seeker
  2. You are spiritual but not religious.
  3. You are an old soul.
  4. You may have felt different as a child, perhaps the family’s black sheep. Early in life, you may have experienced difficulty finding your tribe because you felt like you didn’t ‘fit in with your family.
  5. Most animals are naturally drawn to you, whether domesticated or wild.
  6. You believe in justice and fighting for what is right.
  7. You are super-sensitive to other people’s energy.
  8. You hate to see destruction of any kind.
  9. You believe personal and spiritual growth is essential for you and humanity.
  10. You have a high level of compassion and empathy.
  11. You are interested in Ancient Histories like Sumeria, Egypt, and Mayan.
  12. You are powerful at manifesting what you need, whether a physical item or a person.
  13. You forgive those who have hurt you because you know it will serve you to do so.
  14. You are a natural healer, whether physically, spiritually, or emotionally.
  15. You are highly intuitive, frequently having prophetic dreams, spiritual insights, and a strong inner knowing about people, places, and things.
  16. You are a loner.
  17. You experienced many traumas and challenges during your childhood years.
  18. You feel a secure connection to nature and natural surroundings.

Darkworker Traits

  • Service to self (self-centered)
  • Will step on or over whoever to get their way
  • Moves away from God or Source
  • Feel drained after talking with them
  • The perpetual drama follows or is created by them
  • Narcissistic Personality Disorder
  • Lacks humility
  • Lacks integrity
  • Unloving
  • Strong negative energy
  • Loves manipulating and controlling others
  • Power trippers
  • Revenge and jealousy are emotions they attempt to encourage in others
  • Dishonest
  • Lacks personal power

The Lightworker Identity /Jeshua Channeled By Pamela Kribbe

Lightworker souls were born long before the earth and humanity came into being. Lightworkers are souls with a strong inner desire to spread Light – knowledge, freedom, and self-love – on earth.

They sense this as their mission. They are often attracted to spirituality and therapeutic work of some kind.

Lightworkers often feel different from others because of their deeply felt mission.

By experiencing different kinds of obstacles on their way, life provokes them to find their unique path. Lightworkers are nearly always solitary individuals, not fitting into fixed societal structures.

Go to Jeshua.Net and then navigate to the right sidebar. Go to channeling and then to the Lightworker series to read more.

What Is Lightworker Syndrome?

Lightworker Syndrome is described as the potential difficulties or pitfalls individuals who strongly identify with this spiritual calling might encounter.

These challenges may include the following:

  1. Overgiving: Lightworkers may be prone to overextending themselves by giving too much of their time and energy without properly caring for themselves.

  2. Feeling Drained: The empathetic nature of lightworkers may make them susceptible to absorbing the negative energies of others, leading to emotional or energetic fatigue.

  3. Difficulty Setting Boundaries: Lightworkers may find it challenging to establish and maintain healthy boundaries, which can contribute to feelings of overwhelm and burnout.

  4. Sense of Isolation: Feeling different or not fully understood by others who don’t share similar spiritual beliefs can lead to isolation.

Lightworker vs. Darkworker – Steve Pavlina

Asking this question is like asking whether you’re a black belt in karate or jujitsu.

Most likely, you are neither since most people never make such a commitment in their entire lives. Lightworkers and darkworkers combined probably account for less than 1% of the population.

Becoming a lightworker or darkworker isn’t something that happens to you, and it’s a conscious choice, one the vast majority of people never make.

You may lean towards one polarity or the other, and you can certainly experiment with both polarities as much as you desire. Becoming a lightworker or darkworker means committing to mastering a single contradiction.

What does it mean to polarize? When you decide to polarize, you’re committing to a certain life. It is similar to committing to a particular field that takes a long time to master, such as training for the Olympics, becoming a concert pianist, or becoming a Grandmaster at chess.

You aren’t just going to wake up one day to discover that you’re a 10th-degree black belt, nor will you suddenly wake up and realize you’re a lightworker or a darkworker. Polarizing as a lightworker or darkworker is a substantial long-term commitment.

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Lightworker – Darkworker – Polarize

It doesn’t just happen by itself in a flash of insight. To polarize is a decision you make with every fiber of your being. It may be a natural choice for some people, but it felt like a calling.

Others have to spend a lot of time exploring both polarities to consciously and deliberately commit to polarization, But most people never polarize. If you polarize as a lightworker, you dedicate your life to serving the greater good.

If you polarize as a darkworker, you dedicate your life to serving yourself. Using a Star Wars analogy is similar to deciding whether or not to become a Jedi or a Sith. It should be rather apparent that most people never make this kind of commitment in their entire lives.

Hence, most people are neither lightworkers nor darkworkers. The two extremes of committing one’s life to serve the greater good or self-interest are not attractive to most people.

It is just not for them. After you polarize, your polarity becomes the central focus of your life. You live and breathe it daily, almost becoming part of your DNA.

Compartmentalizing such a commitment is impossible. You can’t work at a menial job and do lightworking or darkworking on the side, and that’s like trying to be President of the USA “on the side.”

Being a lightworker or darkworker is a 24/7 deal, 365 days a year. It is who you are, not merely what you do. Those who haven’t polarized can experience both polarities but at a much lower intensity level than a lightworker or a darkworker can.

It’s enormously beneficial to explore both polarities and understand how they work. You will not doubt whether you are a lightworker or a darkworker.

That is, by definition.  If you have any doubts about it, you haven’t polarized.

The Darkworker Path

For a darkworker, elevating one’s consciousness is all that matters. Usually, this is achieved via pursuing higher power and control of one’s life. Darkworkers ultimately want to be the kings and queens of their universes.

If you don’t genuinely desire some form of dominance and control over your reality, you aren’t a darkworker.

Since the consciousness of others is viewed as either nonexistent or irrelevant, darkworkers are willing to do things that lower the awareness of others, acting like energy vampires. They believe it’s possible to create a net gain for themselves at the expense of others.

Workers will often employ the opposite strategies in dealing with others if they find it personally advantageous.

This includes lying, using fear and intimidation tactics, being cruel, squashing others’ dreams, keeping secrets, and manipulating others. It’s a very competitive mindset.

Darkworkers often make the people around them more fearful, apathetic, and less conscious. This is how to recognize a darkworker.

Treating others this way isn’t their goal; for darkworkers, it’s only a means to an end.

Socially, it may be necessary for a darkworker to avoid being caught doing such things, but they don’t suffer severe inner resistance to such a path.

You can often detect the presence of a darkworker by its effect on your consciousness. For example, if you work for a company run by darkworkers, you may perceive that going to work at your job lowers your awareness compared to staying home.

Going to work is like entering an awareness-lowering cloud, inviting you to resonate with lower states of consciousness such as fear, greed, apathy, depression, and worry.

When you leave work, you feel like you’re coming out of that dark cloud; it’s like you can finally breathe and be yourself again.

Suppose you recognize that you’re in such a situation and continue to allow yourself to be vamped because you feel too powerless to do otherwise; in that case, you have first-hand knowledge of how effective darkworking can be.

The weaker your independence will become, the more you empower the darkworker using you. Think of this as energetic slavery.

lightworker path

The Lightworker Path

Lightworkers believe everyone is part of a conscious whole and identify with that collective consciousness.

They still have their egos but regard their individuality as an avatar of that collective consciousness.

Therefore, expanding individual consciousness is a tool of higher awareness rather than an end in itself. Trying to get ahead at someone else’s expense makes no sense for a lightworker.

It’s like your left hand is competing with your right. There can be no winners and losers in life. We’re all in this together, and we’re all part of the same whole. Lightworkers feel very connected to other people.

They regard others as extensions of themselves. The basis for that sense of connection is unconditional love.

This includes love and acceptance of darkworkers, as well. Lightworkers recognize that darkworkers are also aspects of the greater unfolding consciousness.

This includes discovering and sharing the truth, being courageous, encouraging others to do the same, and favoring compassion over cruelty. Lightworkers strive to raise the consciousness of those around them. They don’t intentionally vamp off other people.

If you work for a company or organization run by lightworkers, you can expect it to be a consciousness-raising experience.

Going to work is like entering a cloud of light. You look forward to it and almost hate to leave. You know you’re performing a valuable service that helps others. You feel great about your job and the people you work with.

You may even want to extend the work into your time. Going to work gives you peace, joy, love, contribution, compassion, and connection.

Working feels like breathing love — it is an energizing experience. One exciting way darkworkers and lightworkers can compete is through how they treat others.

Lightworkers are continually trying to raise the consciousness of others, especially by sharing ideas, truth, attention, and positive intentions. When lightworkers do this to pawns of darkworkers, it can threaten the darkworkers’ power base.

Darkworkers don’t like it when their slaves are made aware of their slavery and offered the choice to be free. It’s like stealing their food.

Conscious Lightworking

Now, let’s get into the details of lightworking. What does the path look like? A lightworker must commit to living consciously to raise the consciousness of others and serve as an example of conscious living.

This doesn’t necessarily mean becoming a teacher. It says that a lightworker makes very conscientious and deliberate choices about how to live. Lightworking requires that you accept complete responsibility for your life.

You must wean yourself off socially conditioned habits that don’t serve you and replace them with deliberate, conscious choices.

Examples of how you physically express the path of lightworking:

  •  Communicating a message of conscious living through writing, speaking, music, video, and other media (this is mostly my approach)
  • Building a business that performs a consciousness-raising service (even feeding people helps shift people away from lower states, so they needn’t worry so much about survival).
  •  Working for a lightworker-driven organization or enterprise (you don’t have to run the show to contribute).
  • Helping to create more freedom and ensure human rights (perhaps by volunteering or participating in government).
  •  You are creating art, music, or other expressive forms that inspire and uplift people.
  • Teaching and educating people (as long as you’re teaching truth).
  •  You are healing people (such as via modern or alternative medicine).
  • Counseling or coaching people (lots of different forms of this).
  •  Raising highly conscious children.
  • Being a scientist or researcher and sharing your results (truth elevates consciousness)
  •  Being an explorer (discovering and sharing new facts).
  • Being a whistleblower (exposing falsehood and corruption and raising awareness of problems, thereby bringing light to darkness)
  •  Conscious investing (investing in lightworking is also lightworking).
  • The above list is far from complete. There are countless ways to express lightworking on Earth.
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Lightworker Syndrome

One obstacle that traps many highly conscious people is Lightworker Syndrome. This happens when someone wakes up to a higher level of consciousness but can’t figure out how to live on purpose and feed themselves simultaneously.

Such people have a lot of trouble staying connected to higher levels of consciousness while remaining solidly grounded in the physical world.

Many of them get so frustrated with the experience they become depressed and have feelings of wanting to give up and “go home” (i.e., return to the nonphysical world).

 Spiritual Connectedness vs. Physical Groundedness

These troubled lightworkers often feel they must compromise: stay connected up top and be ungrounded, or lose that higher connection and become more grounded. But this is a severe compromise; so many oscillate back and forth, never quite sure which is right.

Consequently, these lightworkers either do empty work they don’t enjoy, which pays okay, or they do purpose-centered work that hardly pays anything.

But this either-or decision takes a toll in the long run. It’s hard to stay on purpose if you’re worried about paying the rent, and it’s hard to generate good income if your work doesn’t inspire you.

The real trap is the either or belief itself. It’s a mistake to think you can’t attract abundant resources doing what you love.

Believing that staying broke is the best way to help others is also a mistake.

Many lightworkers are so sensitive to the idea of sacrificing their purpose for money that they figure it’s better to have no money or barely enough to get by.

As is typical of other lightworkers, I’m susceptible to the idea of making money “the wrong way.”  I have a strong disinclination — I would call it total disgust — of violating my values to generate income.

However, when facing financial scarcity and having to pay the rent or lose your home, maintaining integrity is challenging because, under stress, you’ll likely lower your vibration and bring your awareness down.

You effectively become a different person. When your survival and stability are threatened, those become your priority.

Fortunately, I haven’t been in this situation for long, but I know what it’s like. It’s pretty hard to think about serving others when you’re behind on your rent, deep in debt, and you discover a 3-day pay-or-quit notice taped to your apartment door.

Fearing Your Lightworker Power

You can’t maintain your stable connection to Source AND remain grounded simultaneously because you’re afraid of what it will mean if you succeed.

There’s a good chance you won’t agree with that statement — I wouldn’t have agreed with it a few years ago — but please keep an open mind while I explain why this is so.

First of all, it is possible to stay connected to Source and be grounded at the same time. This isn’t just some new-age concept — it’s downright practical. On the one hand, I have my purpose, spiritual beliefs, and feeling of connection to everyone.

When I resonate with those thoughts, I’m motivated to serve and help people all day. On the other hand, I also live in the physical world. I need to provide the basic needs for myself and my family, which, in practical terms, means I need an income.

So I can’t be too airy-fairy if it means I don’t have a place to live. I have to stay adequately grounded.

Unlimited Abundance Mindvalley Masterclass

Connectedness + Groundedness = Synergy

At their core, these two sides aren’t really in conflict.

They may be different energies, but they’re not inherently opposed to each other. They serve to support each other, and the spiritual side provides abiding motivation.

When I feel connected up top, I’m driven. I’m passionate. I’m energized. And I’m also peaceful.

That’s a powerful motivation to do work that could help me become more grounded simply by generating some income. And on the other side, when I’m more grounded and physically and financially stable, I have more freedom.

I have a greater capacity. I don’t have to worry about paying the bills, which lends itself to the spiritual side because I can devote more time to spiritual pursuits.

So, these two energies are naturally complementary.  When they work together, they work synergistically.

I can tell you that this is what I experience as my usual state of being. I have an outstanding balance of conscious connectedness and physical world grounding. I attend to both sides.