11 Signs You’re Dealing With An Energy Vampire

We often encounter people who leave us feeling drained and exhausted daily.

These individuals are commonly referred to as “energy vampires” because they tend to feed off the positive energy of those around them.

Identifying the signs and symptoms of an energy vampire is crucial for maintaining our well-being and protecting our positive vibes.

This article will explore the characteristics and behaviors that may indicate you’re dealing with an energy vampire.

One of the telltale signs of an energy vampire is the conversation is all about them and their problems.

Another behavior typical of this personality type is a lack of accountability for their role in their life dramas.

But there is more to an energy vampire than just that. The awful ones will destroy you and your life as they suck you into their world.

This is known as Psychic Vampirism.

Psychic Vampire Meaning

A psychic vampire or psychic vampirism (energy-draining vampire) is a person who gets increased energy around other people but leaves those other people exhausted or “drained” of energy.

They suck the life force out of people like an energy parasite.

Vampiristic types are not just suckers of energy (energy vampires) but dumpers. Spending time in their presence will eventually make you drained, disoriented, emotionally flooded, and unwell.

There is another side of the Psychic Vampire – The Psychic Dumper.

The Psychic Dumper does just that. They are the ones who dump their pain, responsibilities, and drama on souls who have dealt with a lot of trauma and abuse in their lives.

The psychic dumper generally will not do this to those who are more vigorous, more centered, and grounded or who live a better life than them.

Related: Energy Protection For Empaths

In essence, there are two types of Psychic Vampires:

  1. The Energy Drainer – Sucks the life force from you.
  2. The Energy Dumper – Ways you down with their mental, physical, or both problems.

There Are 7 More Psychic Vampire Types:

  1. The Narcissist
  2. The Rageaholic
  3. The Victim
  4. The Drama Queen or King
  5. Control Freaks and Critics
  6. The Nonstop Talker
  7. Passive-Aggressive People

Psychic Vampire- Are The People In Your Life Draining Your Energy?

How much do you know about the people you think you do? Do your emotional attachments to people blind you to their real natures, and if so, how much?

  1. Person A – becomes dependent on others under the name of love.
  2. Person B – makes others dependent upon them under the name of love.
  3. Person C – does both.
  4. Person D – does neither.

We all know the myth about vampires who suck blood from their victims and make them into vampires.

Although this myth has some truth, it can also be seen as a metaphor because they don’t all live in Transylvania and dress in black.

The worst vampires you can imagine are not necessarily those who suck your blood but those who suck your energy!

We have all encountered them, and it’s always traumatic when we do.

I have been aware of such people’s existence since I was young and used to avoid them when I could after having had quite horrible encounters with them.

They may not be significant in numbers–perhaps 10% of the population and growing- but their environmental damage is so devastating that they seem more prominent.

It’s probably because psychic vampires tend to gravitate toward positions of power and authority.

I’m writing about this subject because we must know these people and entities, or it will seriously halt our progress and can even be a threat to our immediate lives. These vampires put deep scars on our souls that always need healing if nothing else.

(FYI: Many of us also engage in energy-draining activities, such as poor food and drink choices, movies, music, television programs, staying up late, etc. Be mindful of what drains you and what fills you up positively.)

signs of an energy vampire

In a metaphorical sense, being around an energy vampire typically refers to individuals who drain your emotional or mental energy.

Here are some potential symptoms or signs that you may be around an energy vampire:

  1. Feeling Drained: Spending time with the person leaves you feeling physically, emotionally, or mentally exhausted.

  2. Negativity: The individual often expresses negativity, complains frequently, or focuses on problems rather than solutions.

  3. Constant Need for Attention: They may constantly seek attention, validation, or reassurance, making it emotionally taxing for those around them.

  4. Drama and Conflict: Energy vampires may create unnecessary drama or conflict, which can lead to increased stress for those around them.

  5. Lack of Reciprocity: The relationship feels one-sided, with little or no emotional support or reciprocity from the other person.

  6. Manipulation: Energy vampires may use manipulative tactics to control or influence others, leading to emotional strain.

  7. Self-Centered Behavior: They may exhibit self-centered or narcissistic behavior, putting their needs consistently above others.

  8. Inability to Set Boundaries: Energy vampires may disregard personal boundaries, making it challenging for others to establish and maintain healthy limits.

  9. Emotional Rollercoaster: Interactions with them may feel like an emotional rollercoaster, with unpredictable mood swings or extreme emotions.

  10. Physical Symptoms: Some people report experiencing physical symptoms, such as headaches or fatigue, after spending time with energy vampires.
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The Psychic Vampire & Empath Relationship

Empathy is feeling the same as another person, pitying another person, and knowing what the other person is feeling or thinking.

Energy Draining Vampires can be your:

  • boss
  • spouse
  • children
  • parents
  • friends
  • coworkers
  • relatives
  • neighbor

They come in all packages, and you must be on the lookout for them at all times. They can lurk at you as their prey at any time.

Psychic Vampires are energy suckers, and empaths are energy givers, which is why Vamps seek out empathic people in the first place.

Why does an empath not leave when they realize a vampire has sunk its fangs into them? There is a perfect reason. Empaths are good people who mistakingly project their goodness onto others.

Young empaths are naive to the true nature of some humans, and they couldn’t imagine in their wildest dreams that someone would use, abuse, and manipulate them because empaths wouldn’t do that.

It takes a series of “relationship wake-up” calls for empaths to realize this world has bad people.

Psychic Vampires are cunning and will pin problems on someone else in almost every situation. They never accept responsibility for their role in any issue, leaving the empath with the guilt and blame.

Sensitive people are prime targets for energy vampires. You offer a listening ear, a kind heart, and an endless supply of energy for the energy vamp to use at their will.

In that way, energy vampires use your very nature against you, draining you of your life force.

Energy vampires always find themselves in the middle of a catastrophe, flailing from target to target with their emotional and dramatic behavior. When they’ve landed on you, they fling this drama onto you, hoping you’ll absorb it and fix it for them.

Energy Vampires treat empaths according to how they are feeling. If the Vampire is having a bad day, they project that onto the empath. They want to make you feel the way they feel.

Empaths and other ordinary people have bad days but don’t generally project it onto other people as a vamp would. A healthy person self-isolates if they have to until they have dealt with and conquered their emotions.

Psychic vampires place their problems squarely on the shoulders of other people. They will not take any responsibility for contributing to their problems, and they are always the poor victim.

I put Psychic Vampirism and Narcissism in the same category. Narcissists are the most dangerous energy vampires. Why?

Scientific research on narcissists (sociopaths and psychopaths) has shown that they have an “empathy deficient disorder.” Full-blown narcissists use what seems like empathy as a ploy to get what they want when they begin to distance themselves.

Empathy is a crucial human ability because it is essential to prosocial behavior and moral development. A deficit in empathic abilities, especially affective empathy, is essential in a psychopathic personality.

They are often insecure at their core and may also use dehumanizing tactics and criticisms to keep their “prey” uncertain.

Energy vamps do not respect their targets, for if they did, they wouldn’t behave as they do.

Psychic Vampire signs

Energy Vampire Signs

Psychic Vampirism is a parasitic relationship in which one person feeds off another person’s life force (also known as prana). These people who drain others’ energy are referred to as psychic vampires.

No gadget or meter exists to know when a potential psychic or energy vamp is draining you. The only way to tell you are under attack is to look out for these symptoms:

  1. You feel like crap for no reason.

  2. Life starts to suck for no reason.

  3. Constant anxiety for no reason.

  4. Health suffers, and energy is down for no reason.

  5. You’re depressed, and feelings of futility abound for no reason.

  6. Bad dreams for no reason.

  7. You are always in “anticipation mode/hypervigilance.”

  8. You have a bad attitude for no reason.

  9. You Attract obstacles for no reason.

  10. Feelings of suspicion for no reason.

  11. You doubt yourself and your life purpose for no reason.

Yes, there is no physical meter with a dial that goes to the red when you’re being drained and dumped on by others, but there is one kind of meter that has been with us from the beginning called intuition.

Backed by arts like Vibrational Kinesiology or energy healing, it may make sense with a healthy dose of reason and emotional intelligence.

A few mainstream psychoanalysts have been frustrated with those clients who cannot get better, seem to backslide, or whose issues seem vague and impossible.

They have tried it all, following the traditional theories concerning Personal Responsibility and creating our sickness.

After getting nowhere, a few intelligent psychologists have put down the textbooks, taken off their spectacles, and asked those poor patients, the ones with their heads in their hands, questions like…

  1. “So, who is around you at this time?”
  2. “So, who are you hanging around with?”
  3. “Tell us about the people you love?”

So, the bottom line is that when you notice that someone you are connected with constantly makes you feel uncomfortable and tired for no apparent reason. If things go wrong, consider that this other person may be a psychic vampire.

The way to spot a psychic vampire is to be aware of how you feel in the presence of a particular person. When you interact with them, do you feel empowered, neutral, or drained and depressed during the visit and afterward?

Dr. Judy Orloff, my go-to for empath self-defense, has a short quiz to see if you’ve been dealing with an energy drainer.

  1. Do your eyelids get heavy, and you feel ready for a nap? Yes or No

  2. Do you ever feel put down or like the rug has been pulled out from under you? Yes or No

  3. Does your mood take a nose-dive? Yes or No

  4. Do you suddenly feel physical pain? Yes or No

  5. Do you want to binge on carbs or comfort food? Yes or No

  6. Do you feel toxic or agitated? Yes or No

  7. Does the person corner you to tell you their life story? Yes or No

  8. Does the person like to gossip and bad-mouth other people? Yes or No

  9. Is the person critical, controlling, or punishing? Yes or No

  10. Is the person negative and self-obsessed? Yes or No

Related: Dark Empath

Energy Vampire
  1. Constant Negativity: Energy vampires thrive on negativity. If someone in your life consistently focuses on the negative aspects of situations, downplays achievements, and sees the glass as perpetually half empty, they might be draining your positive energy.

  2. Chronic Complaining: Complaining is one way energy vampires express their negativity. If you constantly listen to someone complaining about their life, work, or relationships without any intention of finding solutions, you may be dealing with an energy vampire.

  3. Feeling Drained After Interactions: Pay attention to how you feel after spending time with specific individuals. If you consistently feel exhausted, emotionally depleted, or anxious, it could be a sign that you’ve encountered an energy vampire.

  4. Lack of Reciprocity: Healthy relationships involve a give-and-take dynamic. Energy vampires, however, tend to take without giving back. If you notice a lack of reciprocity in your interactions, where you consistently provide support and positivity but not receive the same in return, you might be dealing with an energy vampire.

  5. Attention-Seeking Behavior: Energy vampires often crave attention. They may engage in dramatic or attention-seeking behaviors to draw focus onto themselves. Constantly seeking validation and attention can be a sign that you’re dealing with someone who feeds off the energy of others.

  6. Manipulation and Guilt-Tripping: Energy vampires may use manipulation and guilt-tripping to get what they want. If you find yourself frequently guilt-tripped into doing things you wouldn’t normally do, it’s essential to recognize these manipulative behaviors.

  7. Inability to Accept Responsibility: Energy vampires often avoid taking responsibility for their actions. They may blame others for their problems, refuse to acknowledge their mistakes, and deflect accountability. This behavior can contribute to a draining and toxic dynamic.

  8. Overwhelming Self-Centeredness: An energy vampire tends to be excessively self-centered. If conversations consistently revolve around their needs, problems, and achievements, with little regard for others’ experiences, it may be a sign of energy-draining behavior.

Related: Narcissistic Personality Disorder Traits

Why Do They Do This?

They have difficulty creating their energy because they don’t know how to. Some say vamps were traumatized at a young age and have cut themselves off from receiving power naturally from god or source.

Many Psychic vampires are soulless beings because they do not have a self. They are “selfless,” but not in a selfless way.

Since they lack their natural energy supply, they must siphon it from other individuals, groups, and nations.

They need someone else to feed their energy needs. And they always feed out of fear, creating fear in the other person, which is their life energy.

Psychic Vampires have forgotten how to give something “from their heart genuinely”; their heart chakra is closed. They are disconnected from Prime Creator, and when they share, it’s always with a “what’s in it for me?”

They are out of balance with their energy flow. Many are possessed by entities from the lower astral planes that use these human vehicles to feed off your fear. Many names know these entities, but one of them is Archons.

As long as they can feed on someone else, they feel strong and vital, but when the victim is too low on energy, they may walk away as destructively as possible and choose a new victim, or they have several victims with whom they are working on at the same time.

If such a person should be exposed and no longer pull life energy out of somebody else, they would collapse and eventually die unless they start building their power by being more positively oriented and working on self-balance.

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⇒Further reading: The Wetiko Mind Virus? 


I advise you to become more authentic and maintain your boundaries and containment.

  1. Containers confine your actions in whatever area you find yourself in, giving you a sense of what to do. An example would be you wouldn’t ask your gardener to clean your house.

  2. Boundaries limit you from doing certain things; they are the line you must never cross. An example would be a neighbor taking stuff from your garage when you’re not home without permission.

You need to “be yourself” always by being authentic and maintaining boundaries. I’ll give you an example.

Are you a hugger? Some people hug others at social engagements as a greeting.

Most people reciprocate.

However, some people don’t like to be hugged or given hugs. If you are one of these people, you are authentic by not embracing or stating you do not like hugs, and it’s not a big deal.

Setting boundaries is a form of self-care and must be maintained and practiced regularly. Boundaries are guidelines or limits we set.

They can include personal boundaries like not eating junk food daily or relationship boundaries where you feel comfortable enough to say ‘no’ to a last-minute invite to go out.

Examples of personal & relationship boundaries are:

  • Avoiding harmful or toxic people.
  • Protecting your physical space.
  • At work – We are protecting our ability to do our work without interference or drama.
  • Time – protecting the use and misuse of our time.
  • At Work – Not responding to calls, texts, or emails when you’re off the clock.
  • Your right to privacy – Not everyone needs to know your business.
  • Saying ‘No’ when you do not want to do something.

Identifying and addressing energy vampires is crucial for maintaining mental and emotional well-being.

By recognizing the signs of an energy vampire and setting boundaries, you can protect yourself from the draining effects of these individuals.

Surrounding yourself with positive, supportive individuals who contribute to your energy rather than deplete it is essential for cultivating a healthy and balanced life.