Lightworkers vs. Darkworkers [Signs, Traits, Syndrome]

Why Some Starseeds/Lightworkers/Indigos Experience Negative Attacks & Others Don’t – Denise Le Fay

“Dear Denise,

I’m writing because I am concerned that there may be some of us, and I am one, who believes that I am protected from the Dark, and have always been protected, because otherwise, my job here would not make much sense, and so other than breathing in light and breathing out love on a daily basis, I have never felt the urge to do any special ritual or activity with specific reference to keeping Team Dark away from me and those I love, especially my pets.

My life prior to awakening was full of pain, especially physical, and I always handled it without becoming a victim of blaming any other for the condition in which I found myself.  Emotionally, I have been dragged through the mud a few times, but again I learned the lessons and was able to extricate myself when I needed to. 

I’m not saying I was anything special in my younger years, that’s for sure, but somehow I knew that I created my reality and if I succumbed to pressures outside of myself, I would pay a very big price indeed.

Can you tell me, please, and I know you will tell me honestly, am I fooling myself? I am comfortable with my awareness, and since my awakening, I have had no experiences with Team Dark, and as I read about those who have, I wonder if my turn is yet to come.

I don’t sense that, but it would help me tremendously, and hopefully, others, who wonder if we’re being naive. I do not want to infer that protection isn’t necessary, but is it possible that there are some of us who incarnated into this nano-second protected? Thank you. Love to All Here.

– Barbara”

Barbara wrote this Comment under another article recently (which I’ve edited here slightly), and because it’s an important question, I wanted to respond to it in its article. Thank you, Barbara. ♥

In all honesty, I think the majority of Starseeds/Lightworkers/Lightwarriors/Indigos have not wanted to fully consciously know and admit (while in our physical bodies and lives on Earth) just how extensive the negativity, atrocities, and deceptions on Earth have been and how profoundly handicapped humanity has become due to Team Dark’s multidimensional actions against them.

Knowing this at higher, nonphysical levels is very different from being in physicality feeling and living under the negative distortions and interference directly.

Despite being aware from childhood that I intentionally came to 3D Earth from someplace less dense, I’ve resented protecting myself from Team Dark energetically during this life here.

That may sound strange from an ultra-sensitive elder Starseed who volunteered to live inside the enemy’s camp to stop them, but it’s true.

I have resented needing to continually protect myself from Team Dark in this life because it was a daily and nightly reminder of how dark and horrible life on Earth has been and my role in correcting this situation.

Not all Starseeds/Lightworkers/Indigos are here to embody the higher frequency blueprints for humanity in the same ways or to the same degree.

I know many of my Starseed/Lightworker/Indigo co-workers don’t have a soul mission to experience and embody severe polarized Light/Dark extremes in physicality as I and sure others have during this Ascension lifetime.

This does NOT mean anyone is more privileged or special than another; it merely means that not all Starseeds/Lightworkers/Indigos are carrying out the same mission work while here now.

We’re all here to aid humanity, Earth, Home, and everything and everyone in between and beyond, but we each have different talents and soul missions within the Ascension Process.

Not everyone is or needs to be an Ascension Process electrician or Ascension Process framer, plumber, heating and air, carpenter, painter, etc.; all are equally required for their essential individual abilities.

For a few decades, I wondered why I had so many negative encounters and attacks from Team Dark—the negative nonphysical, nonhuman Aliens, plus other negative lower frequency and lower consciousness entities.

During my twenties (1970s) and thirties (1980s), I often thought that I must be doing something “wrong” to cause or attract such negative nonphysical attention and attacks repeatedly.

Many have incorrectly thought this about ourselves over the years or decades. I considered everything I was aware of then and always felt like some significant piece of this puzzle was missing.

I’ve finally realized that some, not all, Starseeds have the ‘soul mission’ of experiencing repeated negative attacks, encounters, face-to-face conversations, etc., in multiple dimensions (physical, astral, mental planes) from Team Dark. Why?

To experience severe polarity extremes in 3D physicality and our physical bodies so we can embody higher frequency energetic solutions.

This is another fantastic Alchemical Ascension formula where some Starseeds energetically utilize Team Dark’s negativity and attacks to activate polarity resolution and integration within their bodies.

Doing this automatically activates the next phase, the embodiment of higher frequency Unity blueprints for evolving humanity.

The Ascension Process had to be embodied in this physical dimension by Starseeds/Lightworkers/Indigos as the way to physically, biologically, and energetically anchor the higher frequency Unity blueprints or templates into this dimension and timeline for humanity for the next Evolutionary Cycle.

Realize that some Starseeds/Lightworkers/Lightwarriors/Indigos have close and repeated battles with Team Dark, and many do not, and both situations are normal.

Starseeds who experience close hand-to-hand combat with Team Dark do so NOT because they did anything “wrong,” NOT because they weren’t feeling enough “love,” NOT because some were “better” than others, NOT because they’ve been in their subconscious basements, and are projecting it on others, or any other such incorrect type of thinking and awareness.

And the Starseeds who don’t experience repeated attacks from Team Dark haven’t done anything “wrong” either!

These negative attacks happen to some Starseeds/Lightworkers/Indigos because it’s part of the Ascension Process of Alchemically transmuting, transforming duality and what we’ve come to call “negativity” into a higher frequency.

It’s Alchemically transformed back to a neutral state, then becomes “unified” and exists in a higher frequency range and state. Do not feel guilty if you have or have not experienced attacks and battles with Team Dark or if you have to or don’t have to protect yourself against them.

We all do what we’re here now to do; it’s just that some of us have to wear more work-related protective gear than others. But, no matter what, always be careful, please, and protect yourself whenever you need to.

Gratitude to all for your services in the Ascension Process.


May 31, 2012, copyright black, white Copyright © Denise Le Fay and TRANSITIONS, 2012–2013. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and link.


Everything changes when you start to emit your own frequency rather than absorbing the frequencies around you when you start imprinting your intent on the universe rather than receiving an imprint from existence.” – Barbara Marciniak

You hold the history of the universe within your physical body. The mutation of your physical body is occurring upon the planet now, for you are allowing it to evolve to a point where a computer can house this information.

This will occur due to biogenetic engineering that has nothing to do with you. Of course, you can facilitate the process by intending to cooperate with it.

As a species, you are biogenetically altered by the beings who created you and redesigned your DNA at periodic junctures in your history.

This period was designed by the original creator gods or project designers for them to return and take over this place and return it to its original plan. Millions have been called to participate in this project.

Millions have said, “Yes, we are renegades. Let us go and take back this project and see if we can set it right. We will rebuild the ruins and put it together.” 

So the plans have been drawn, the designs made, and the genetics studied to find who carries the recessive genes and the chord of light inside them.

You have selected with great clarity the parentage that genealogically provides you with the fullest accessibility to combinations of light-encoded filaments that can potentially evolve.

Before you came into the body, all of you committed to designing events that would fire your codings or blueprints that would activate your memories. Then you went into the body, and you forgot.

All of you have had your blueprints and codings fired to some extent because you understand that you are part of a divine purpose or Divine Plan. The firing of the codings and the realization of your identity will become phenomenally intense.

The reason for this is the evolving DNA. When you have twelve helixes of DNA, those helixes will begin to plug into the twelve-chakra system. The twelve chakras are vortex centers loaded with information that you must be able to translate.

You are evolving yourself even when you are not on the planet, and you are perhaps more involved with other identities of yourself.

Therefore, to evolve, you pick particularly challenging situations where you must rise beyond what has been established as a ceiling or boundary of what is possible.

You have to become super-beings in whatever reality you enter because this is your forte as members of the Family of Light, the branch of renegades.

You purposely came to this planet to challenge yourself so that you could be defiant- not in a way that would give you problems or create disharmony, but in a way that would create harmonic defiance.

Through your harmony, you are defiant toward the old vibrational frequency. Part of the friction you feel with others is that you are on this path of evolution and bursting forth.

Others don’t like this because they are not coded at this time to respond the way you are. Some people are not coded at all for this.

Some knew the change plan and came here at this time to be observers.

Some timid beings came here knowing that if they dared to step onto this planet- while realizing what the blueprint of the planet was that somehow this would be accreditation of their conscious journey and would catapult them into higher consciousness even if their only participation in the transition was merely to be here.

Being near this kind of activity is empowering. So, give due credit to all who have decided to participate in this tremendous frequency change.

All these participants are necessary because the more frequencies on the planet, the more energy can be built to alter the old frequency.

Those who have opened themselves to light are having their bodies rearranged. Sometimes, you may wake up at night and feel the rearrangement. This body rearrangement is the restructuring of the DNA.

Barbara Marciniak – The Pleiadians – Lightworkers

When we speak of Light, we speak of information. (Light is information) Those of you who have had experiences where you allowed Light to come into your body unflaggingly know that once you expose yourself to light, you begin to increase the amount of information.

Your perceptions — everything about yourself — begin to change — you awaken.

The darkness of the veil is removed.

So when we speak of Light, we talk about the return of information — the intention of bringing a great amount of information to this planet, whose frequency has been drastically controlled — but that comes later in the story.

This project, as it would be called Earth, was fought over.

It looked enticing. It seemed desirable to others, so during Earth’s early history, there were wars in space over its ownership. Have you ever wondered who owns Earth?

Prime hunk of real estate? Do you think that it is ownerless in space?

Ah, you have something to learn about space territories. So there were changes, as it would be, in administration. And the original planners, who, we will say, the original planners of your universe, were of the Family of Light.

They designed an information center — they created a place where galaxies would contribute the information.

The Earth was to be a library– do you understand — a Cosmic library, a place of incredible beauty — a place of experimenting with how information could be stored through frequencies, through the genetic process.

So, the battles took place. Different zones of the Earth became — let us say — lost — to certain original owners, and the Earth became a place of duality.

It became a place, of course, in this free-will universe, where others, who had the right to do whatever they wanted — because it is free will — came in and took over.

We call it raiding your Earth. They did like corporate raiding on Wall Street. Do you understand? They raided the Earth.

The raid that you are now to be concerned about is a raid that occurred approximately 300,000 years ago — what historically speaking, you would call, from a Biblical point of view — certainly from most of your esteemed ‘scientifics’ — the beginning of human civilization.

But it was only the beginning of the later phase — as we said, what we call modern man.

The exciting thing about the skirmish that occurred about 300,000 years ago is that a particular group of entities came, and they fought in space — as, of course, many others have fought in space for this Earth principality, this territory, this prime hunk of real estate — and they won.

They beat out Light. It gives you a new idea of Light. So, it became their territory. There was great radioactivity — nuclear action — much of the Earth was rent asunder.

And the original species — human creation — the Adam man, as it would later be called — was in great destruction — scattered.

So those new gods — those new creator gods — were also master geneticists. They understood the process. They understood how to create life. They wanted this territory for their reasons.

Let us give you another hint about why territories are formed and why territories are held.

There are consciousnesses in all things. This your ‘scientifics’ will one day step off their ladders and begin to realize. And then you will start to own the planet yourselves.

There is consciousness within all things. Consciousness communicates continuously. Consciousness vibrates — or can be led to vibrate — at certain — what would be called electromagnetic frequencies. Electromagnetic frequencies are very interesting.

They tend to act in a variety of ways. One of the ways that we will be concerned about speaking with you this evening is that electromagnetic energies of consciousness can act as ‘food.’ Feel that concept out — it can act as food.

So that means that just like apples can be prepared, eaten, and ingested in various ways, perhaps consciousness could be prepared and consumed.

Do you understand? In their evolution, some entities began to discover that they could feed themselves as they created life and put consciousness into things by varying the frequencies- by modulating the frequencies of forms of consciousness.

They could keep themselves in existence. They began to figure out how the Prime Creator nourished itself. It sends out others to create a food source for themselves.

Now, the new owners of your planet — this principality in space out on the fringes of your galactic system had a different appetite and preferences than the former owners.

They nourished themselves off of fear. They fed themselves off chaos, though fear was their primary food source.

In some ways, it fed, stimulated, and kept them in power. Understand? So 300,000 years ago, these creator gods that your Bible speaks of — that the Babylonian tablets speak of — that texts all over the world, in actuality, speak of — they came, and they rearranged what would be called the native species of man.

And they rearranged what would be called your DNA to have you broadcast within a specific limited frequency band. This has been going on for a long time now.

What part do you play in it? Why are you here? Why are you created here in this story? For some of you, this is just like a dream. We are reminding you of what you know inside of yourselves, and we have come onto your planet to trigger your memory banks.

We have come to your planet to inspire the human race to begin creating their reality through the Family of Light.

Now, of course, the original planners were not about to lose the territory — did you think they would give up so easily?

Of course, they exist in a different time sector than you. So the new owners came and worked in their laboratory, and workers created versions of humans with a different DNA — the two-stranded double-helix DNA.

They took the human species’ original DNA and disassembled it. Yes, isn’t that clever? They left it, of course, within the human cell, but they split it apart.

And so, let us say something like an electrical fence — frequency fence — was put around the planet. Some of you have seen that your technological scientifics have created an electrical fence that you can keep animals within.

So the electric fence was put around your planet- as a control over how much the frequencies of humans could be modulated and changed.

As the story goes, this frequency was set around the planet, making it very difficult for frequencies of light and information to penetrate.

And, when these Light frequencies could penetrate the frequency control, who was there to receive them? — the DNA was unplugged.

The Light encoded filaments were no longer organized. And so the creative Cosmic rays that bring Life did not have something to plug into and hold onto.

Now, there were many noble experiments. And, of course, the original planners began to call on what would become the Family of Light to infiltrate the project and begin to incarnate- to begin, one by one, to bring Light information back into the place where it was lost.

And so the Family of Light began its work here — coming into a system that was devoid of Light — devoid of information — and allowing through what would be called the redefining of the laws of man to let these creative Cosmic rays pierce the body individually by the individual — and then group by group.

These information frequencies were brought onto your planet in small numbers throughout these eons. In times, great battles and wars were fought; information always wanted to be expressed.

The original planners knew that, cosmically speaking, this was a lesson to help them understand the creator gods who took their project.

And so they set about to create their version of a plan — at a time when the frequency of the Earth would be altered — a time when the owners would perish if they could not change their frequency.

Their food source would be taken away — food source of the ‘fear food’ source of anxiety, chaos — hunger — despondency. Get the picture?

Guess who is removing the food source? You are! As members of the family of Light, you are renegades. You are systems busters and love to go in and cause trouble.

You are famous, your branch of the Family of Light — your division; you are notorious for going into a system of reality and altering the frequency, always bringing information.

Many understand their assignment. There are many whose memories are beginning to rise. The planet is jam-packed with humanities at this time.

Those here knew darn well what would occur in this place — they wanted to be near significant change. So, in a nutshell, this is the plan. It is a good plan.

>>You can read the rest at

Best Jobs/Careers for Lightworkers

  1. Environmentalist
  2. Writer
  3. Channeler
  4. Reporter
  5. Psychic Readings
  6. Teaching
  7. Researcher
  8. Healer
  9. Musician
  10. Artist
  11. Psychologist

In Closing, About Lightworkers and Darkworkers

If you believe you are a lightworker or a darkworker, the best thing you can do is invest in your personal growth.

Educating yourself about topics that can serve you and help you become physically, mentally, and spiritually healthier would also help.

And most importantly, you need to remember who you truly are.

You are a piece of the infinite creation, and you can transform the world by transforming yourself through your personal growth and transformation journey.