Lisa Nichols – Creative Visualization Course [Review]

Lisa Nichols’ Creative Visualization Course on Mindvalley promises to unlock the power of your mind to manifest your dreams. silva

Before diving in, I was skeptical, but my desire to tap into this potential outweighed my doubts.

The Creative Visualization Course by Lisa Nichols and Mindvalley is an online program for mastering the power of this transformational practice.

Are you falling for one of the most common traps in personal growth?

It’s a trap so unassuming and so seemingly innocent that many of us spend years or decades stuck in it –

All while wondering why we’re not getting the money, career success, fitness, or love relationships we crave.

This trap is that taking action is the best step to change your life positively.

Get off your butt. Take a significant risk. Just do something, and the rewards will come.

All this sounds great – but the reality is that simply taking action is often counterproductive.

Because until you learn how to look inwards and unlock your total capacity to create and transform, you’re destined to repeat the same self-sabotaging patterns embedded in your subconscious:

No matter how much willpower you muster or how hard you work.

Creative visualization is one of the most powerful and scientifically validated practices for awakening your creative force on the inside so that you can transform on the outside.

In just a few minutes a day, creative visualization allows you to reprogram any aspect of your emotions, habits, and subconscious mind – so that when you do action, it works. Smoothly, naturally, and without resistance.

Creative visualization is the key to breathing life into your most precious visions, dreams, and desires.

And through this program, you’ll gain the fastest, most impactful way to harness it to create lasting and profound breakthroughs in any area of life that matters to you.

Get Access To The Course by Lisa Nichols with a Mindvalley Subscription.

Mindvalley Creative Visualization Course
Harness the limitless creative force inside you to make any vision, dream, or desire a reality: fast.

Creative visualization is a mental technique that involves using your imagination to create a mental image or scenario of what you want to achieve or manifest in your life.

It is a process of harnessing the power of your mind to visualize specific goals, desires, or outcomes as if they are already a reality.

This practice is often associated with the law of attraction and positive thinking.

Here are key components of creative visualization:

  1. Clarity of Goals: Before starting the visualization process, it’s important to have a clear understanding of your goals. This could be related to personal development, career success, health, relationships, or any other aspect of your life.

  2. Relaxation: Creative visualization often begins with a relaxation technique to calm the mind and create a receptive mental state. Deep breathing or meditation may be employed to achieve this.

  3. Visualization Techniques: Once relaxed, individuals mentally visualize their desired outcomes. This involves creating detailed images in the mind, incorporating sensory details like sight, sound, touch, and emotion. The key is to make the visualization as vivid and real as possible.

  4. Positive Affirmations: Alongside visualization, practitioners often use positive affirmations—positive statements about themselves or their goals—to reinforce the positive images they are creating in their minds.

  5. Consistency and Repetition: Successful creative visualization often requires consistent practice. Regularly visualizing your goals and fostering a positive mindset over time is believed to help align your thoughts and actions with the desired outcomes.

Creative visualization is used in various fields, including personal development, sports psychology, and holistic health.

It’s important to note that while many people find this technique beneficial, individual experiences may vary, and some may prefer different approaches to goal setting and achievement.

Related: Michael Beckwith: Life Visioning

Creative Visualization is an online program for mastering the power of this transformational practice.

Each day, you’ll experience insightful training videos, and immersive Emotion Fueled Visualization sessions for creatively visualizing (and realizing) different goals for every dimension of your life.

From wealth to healing, to manifesting, to spiritual growth, and much more: you’ll get today’s best tools for creating any lasting transformation you want – from the inside out.

You’ll emerge from this experience with a lifelong toolkit of techniques you can use to awaken the creative force inside you and make positive changes that stick.

  • Lisa’s infectious energy: Nichols is a captivating guide, radiating positivity and genuine belief in the power of visualization. Her enthusiasm is contagious, making it easy to buy into the program’s core principles.

  • Practical and actionable: The course goes beyond fluffy theory. It provides concrete tools and techniques for daily visualization practice, like the “100-morning technique” for accessing Alpha brainwaves and the “Mental Screen” for visualizing desired outcomes.

  • Variety of learning formats: The course combines video lessons, guided meditations, downloadable workbooks, and a supportive community forum, catering to different learning styles and preferences.

  • Focus on mindset: The program delves into the limiting beliefs that can hold us back and offers strategies for overcoming them. This emphasis on inner work sets the stage for effective visualization.

  • Personal transformation stories: Sharing inspiring stories of real-life individuals who achieved incredible results through visualization adds a powerful layer of motivation and showcases the potential of the practice.
  • Price point: The course can be considered expensive compared to other online visualization resources. Consider whether the additional features and community access justify the cost.

  • Time commitment: While daily practices are short (around 10 minutes), consistency is key. Be prepared to carve out dedicated time for the program if you want to see results.

  • Individual results may vary: The course emphasizes that success hinges on personal effort and belief. While it provides valuable tools, it’s not a guaranteed recipe for instant manifestation.
Hypnosis Live Free stress, goals, gratitude, LOA, Purpose, Positive Thinking, Success.

Lisa Nichols Creative Visualization Course

Lisa Nichols is CEO of Motivating the Masses, one of the top training and development companies globally, a best-selling author of 6 books, and one of the most sought-after transformational and motivational speakers whose global platform has reached and served over 36 million people.

The Power of Creative Visualization | Vishen Lakhiani| YouTube

Creative Visualization with Lisa Nichols is about using the power of your imagination in positive and fun ways to create the life you want. To teach you how to dream big, not only how to imagine big, but how to make your dreams a reality.

What Is Creative Visualization?

Creative Visualization is going into a relaxed state of mind to visualize an outcome.

Creative visualization is a widespread practice. And like many other popular practices, you’ll find various approaches and opinions surrounding it.

Some of these approaches are life-changing, while some don’t work, and it can be confusing and time-consuming to find the best ones.

The Power Of Creative Visualization Program solves this challenge by guiding you through a curriculum of highly optimized creative visualization techniques and sessions that are each:

  1. Science-based: psychologists, neuroscientists, and mind science pioneers like Jose Silva have made tremendous strides in understanding and mastering the subconscious mind – and these tools harness the best of those breakthroughs.

  2. Permanently transformational: the techniques you gain awaken deep and lasting change in you – so your transformation becomes a natural and effortless part of who you are, without struggle or resistance.

  3. Vivid and enjoyable: creative visualization can and should be fun – and with the proper techniques to engage your emotions and light up your creative energy, you’ll find it becoming not a chore but the highlight of your day.

  4. Easy to use: you’ll instantly connect and grow from every technique in the program. A few minutes a day is all you need, and no prior experience or skill set is necessary.

The Power Of Creative Visualization gives you all the best benefits of this transformational practice: you might otherwise need to commit with hardly any time or hassle.

Imagine It & Create It: Lisa Nichols

Haven’t you ever heard someone say that it is 100% possible to create it into your reality if you can imagine it? It’s true. You can dream, believe, and visualize it, and then you can manifest this dream into your life.

Visualizing is a way to review what you want to experience before it happens.

Your life experience, I’m talking personally here, is based on your subconscious blueprint. Your subconscious blueprint decides your life experience. If your subconscious blueprint is “fear-based,” more than likely, you will experience a mediocre life experience.

Using Creative Visualization, you can change your subconscious blueprint to bring success in every area of your life. Try this experiment. Imagine sucking on a piece of lemon. What happened? You probably made a funny face, didn’t you?

Now, use your imagination for this exercise. Close your eyes and imagine and visualize vividly and clearly that you’re resting comfortably in a hammock. The air is comfortable, and the environment is safe; your body feels relaxed and light.

Now imagine this: keep your eyes closed. How do you feel? I bet you feel as you imagined it; this is how Creative Visualization works.

Here’s Why Creative Visualization is Important

  1. Achieve Goals
  2. Boost Confidence
  3. Accelerate Health
  4. Spot Hidden Opportunities
  5. Break Free from Stress

The spiritual teacher Esther Hicks said:

“Seventeen seconds of focused, pleasurable visualization is stronger than 2000 hours of working to obtain a goal.”

This is a secret that proponents of creative visualization have known for years. Today, science is beginning to show some evidence why…

Most people only set goals at the conscious level — which is only 1-5% of your potential resources.

But according to cutting-edge research from Dr. Bruce Lipton at Stanford University Medical Center, your subconscious mind ultimately votes on how much success, abundance, happiness, health, and freedom you experience.

Dr. Bruce Lipton explains, “Most people don’t even acknowledge that their subconscious mind is at play when it is a million times more powerful than the conscious mind and that we operate 95 to 99 percent of our lives from subconscious programs.”

And your subconscious mind has been programmed with a blueprint that contains limits for (among other things) how happy we can be, how much money you’ll make, what your relationships can be like, what type of vacations you’ll take, how fit and vibrant you can become, what kind of car you’ll drive.

So now, the question becomes: Are there proven methods for changing your subconscious blueprint and creating breakthroughs in every area of your life?

I Can’t Creatively Visualize

Neither could many of our customers — but that was before they listened to Lisa Nichols’ incredible visualization sessions. Just read the reviews and testimonials on this page.

You don’t have to do anything except relax, listen, and let Lisa guide you. She does all the hard work.

Give it a try: you’ll surprise yourself with just how easy this can be, and you’ll discover the creativity, skillset, and passion required to create a truly remarkable life. Lisa’s style makes this so different — she brings EMOTION and visual ability.

Lisa Nichols’ Creative Visualization Course is a well-structured program packed with practical tools and inspiring guidance.

It offers a potent blend of mindset work, visualization techniques, and community support to help you tap into the power of your imagination and create a life you truly desire.

However, the price tag and required commitment might not be for everyone.

My recommendation? If you’re drawn to the idea of using visualization to achieve your goals, and you’re ready to invest both time and resources, then give this course a try.

Lisa Nichols’ infectious enthusiasm and the program’s comprehensive approach might just be the spark you need to unleash your creative potential and manifest your dreams.

Remember, your results will depend on your individual dedication and belief. So, approach the program with an open mind, a willingness to practice, and a dash of faith in the power of your own imagination.

>>>Join The Creative Visualization Lisa Nichols Quest Today!

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