The Marduk Issue & The Earth-Bound Anunnaki

9. Marduk’s Challenges

Although Marduk uses ancient techniques to control us via networks of secret societies, businesses, religion, banking, etc., his problem has always been numbers.

The latest Intel on him and his pure Anunnaki followers tells us that they are about 330 in number, and every once in a while, they have been the target of snipers.

That and other reasons have reduced the numbers of the ”Fallen” and the Nephilim.

Hence, they have been said to have been forced to do two things:

  1. Fine-tuning their networks to have them work more efficiently
  2. Reduce the number of Lulu’s (we humans).

The second is supposedly done, among other things, by creating wars, famine, disease, poisoning our food, etc. The latter is doubtful.

I know that it has been in circulation amongst researchers for perhaps 20 years now (I was one of them) that the Global Elite wants to reduce the population to perhaps 500,000,000 people.

That’s a huge reduction! If they’d wanted to do that with the available technologies, they would have done so by now.

Instead, the population has increased to 7 billion. I think the PTB (Powers That Be) is just waiting out the natural catastrophes ahead, and they can help the disaster by adding their weapon of mass destruction to the soup.

The human-made disasters and weather changes they have already orchestrated fill other purposes, like inducing fear in the population, biological warfare, and making duller people easier to manipulate.

On the other hand, wars are just the old never-ending wars between the gods. That’s where the “fine-tuning” comes in.

Marduk knows about the increase of energies from the Galactic Center and our own Sun, which brings information on gamma rays to us here on Earth.

It’s happened before; the last time we were lined up with the Galactic Center (the “Womb of the Mother,” as the Pleiadians call it) was about 26,000 ago, and to a lesser degree 13,500 years ago when our solar system was lining up with the Central Sun the last time.

This time around, during the nano-second between 1987 and 2012, many people are prepared and ready to “download” the information from the Galactic Center, our own Sun, and the Universe. This is a big thing where numbers count again.

Marduk knows he can’t do much about the mass awakening unless he kills off an incredible number of people, and the question is if he would succeed anyway.

He can reduce the population in many ways (mentioned above), but the question is if he will succeed. Some may think the Global Elite is united, but they are far from it.

There are serious conflicts and disagreements on higher levels, which may be fortunate for us, as it delays any significant actions against us and gives us more time to get the job done.

The significant challenges I see Marduk facing today are:

Disagreements within his circle of people. The ancient conflict between the RAM Clan and his own Serpent Clan.

There are still those loyal to the Kingdom residing here on Earth, making life harder for Marduk. We may ask if we should line up with them to fight Marduk and his cohorts, but I would say no.

We don’t want to be involved in more massive wars that no one can win. And “violence always feeds violence,” “if you kill with the sword, you shall die by the sword,” etc. Basic karma is what it is.

The mass awakening of the Lulus. He may or may not know how to deal with this significant factor successfully. However, as mentioned above, that part may take care of itself, similar to when the Enlil let the lulus die in the Deluge. Marduk is not worse than the Enlil (YHVH) in my book.

The Incoming Nibiru.

He soon has to face his nemesis, King Nannar, who reportedly is here to destroy Marduk and his network. Marduk may still think he can beat them in all his pride, which will probably be his Achilles’ heel.

If we are to believe Bible prophecies, Marduk/Satan will not succeed, but there will be a big Armageddon battle, where many people will die in the so-called “final”(?!) War of the Gods. Of course, humans will once again be used as foot soldiers…

Marduk has taken advantage of time speeding up during the nano-second. He is forcing humans to work harder and multi-task so that we can no longer think because we don’t have time.

The Pleiadians call this “functional insanity,” which is an excellent description of the situation.

However, the result is that many people get so caught up in the fast pace of life, which is intentionally created, that we don’t have time to think about deeper issues that would help solve our problems.

The immediate resolution is to slow down!

We must stay calm, meditate, and calm down the frantic energies, or we’ll succumb. This trap is cleverly set up, and on the surface, it seems like pure insanity, but if we look at it from Marduk’s point of view, it’s ingenious.

There are many challenges ahead of us, and the Anunnaki problem is only one of many, as we shall see. Humankind needs to be prepared, or we stand no chance of survival. Of course, as always, humanity will survive as a species, but our numbers will be significantly reduced!

Still, we can do things and have help behind the scenes, both from here and “above,” so to speak. And I’m not talking only about ETs, but our own Higher Selves/Oversouls/Sovereign Integral, whatever we want to call it. We have a lot to go through in the “Solution Papers.”

I have another diagram I want to show you, which is included in Bordon’s “Journal of End-Time Studies Vol 1: January-June 2007: “Between the Devil and the Incoming Rock,” which is another pyramid power structure, looked at from a slightly different angle.

Shows the information flow going in two directions; downward and upward, where the latter is meant to be a “clear flow,” where all information goes from down to the top, while the downward flow is restricted and on a “need to know basis.”

This also has to do with more off-world policies, and this structure is being implemented if the interpretation of the situation is correct. As usual, when a picture is unclear, click on it to enlarge it.

The ultimate challenge for Marduk and his human and not-so-human underdogs will be the incoming planet, Nibiru.

The arrival is still a few generations in the future. Still, if we are to believe what old prophecy says (and we should), the Ša.A.M.i. from the home planet will defeat Marduk and his Global Elite and then rule us for another 3,600 years in something that can be described as Paradise on Earth, or “Heaven of Earth.”

But who gave us these prophecies? Who gave the information to John the Divine and Daniel? It should be pretty apparent to the reader by now. If we study the chain of events here, we can easily see who is who.

Marduk being Satan, Nannar and his people from the Home Planet being our Savior(s) (“Second Coming” of Nibiru). Nammur, the Enlil, is the primary YHVH (Jehovah). However, YHVH/YHWH is a composite of different Anunnaki, and Ea (Ankur/the Enki) is Lucifer, who gave Adam and Eve wisdom in the Garden of Eden (Edin).

According to the Bible, the prophecies written therein are of divine origin, and if we look at the information I shared here a few sentences ago, we can see who the “Divine” (“God”) is.

I have always been fascinated by the early WingMakers material and its accuracy after some 13-odd years of scrutiny. James, the writer and interpreter of the material, writes regarding the Anunnaki and the Ša.A.M.i.:

The genetic library that thrives upon earth is a form of currency that has no price tag. All I can say is that its value far exceeds anything that human thought could imagine.

And with this incredible value, our planet attracts interest from a wide-range of extraterrestrial races, and this is as true today as it was a thousand years ago or a hundred thousand years ago.

“Objects of inestimable value and rarity, such as earth, attract beings from outside our planetary system that desire to control them, which makes earth an extraordinary object of attraction. It’s precisely this attraction that has brought the concepts of evil to our psyche.

LPG-C has discussed this matter with those from the Home Planet, so what does this species offer? LPG-C, on behalf of humankind, came up with the following suggestion:

What we are suggesting, instead, is the development of a network of canton-like like-minded and like-disposed peoples who accept, realize, choose to, and develop means to open themselves to possibilities.

We know the Kingdom is coming back, and the Kingdom and humankind are bound to each other by genetic makeup and past, some of which must be unlearned and undone in the present so that a peaceful future could be possible for both; them and us.

Dr. Bordon of LPG-C ends his essay with the following:

What we are suggesting is not a war or even resistance to Marduk or those who carry out his plans and objectives. This would be, indeed, futile (to borrow a phrase from Roddenberry and his Star Trek Next Generation paradigm).

Then there is the matter of the dedicated human said to be returning with them, who is to assume the combined offices of EN.KI. and EN.LIL. as First Lord of Earth – or something like that – in some kind of direct democracy.

It would be nice to know what his sixty epithet names will be; this will tell us a great deal of what to expect from what he is to offer to the remnant humankind left after the forecast defeat and imprisonment of Marduk, following some final confrontation of forces prophesied in biblical sources.

All of the preceding would require of us that we change our views of what is to come and face them, not in religious or doctrinal ways, but rather in well-informed and thoughtful exopolitical and scriptural ways.

Why scriptural as well? We also need to know what is required of us in the dedicated human’s program for a post-Marduk Earth.

We contend it is not an accident that much of what written patrimony left to us has been altered and in some cases changed completely to suit doctrinal and institutional hegemonies and power.

We are also not suggesting a naive, Pollyanna-like worldview of what is to come; quite the contrary, we suggest we must become informed not just about Marduk and his program, but also about the Kingdom and the dedicated human’s paradigm of an Earth seemingly patterned after what NI.BI.RU. sees 25 working for them.

Will it also work for us?

We are not suggesting it will not. We are asking that we begin a dialogue on these two seemingly diametrically opposed options, and learn what we may already know deep within us all that is best for us.

Is prophecy set in stone?

Is it pre-determined? Of course not. Is it likely to happen? Yes, some, if not most, of it because it’s planned that way.

By getting people hooked on world religions and their offspring and cults and sects via priests, religious leaders, mass media, etc., we are constantly bombarded with religious propaganda, making it easier for the prophecies to stick.

In our favor is the mass awakening going on as I write this. Prophecy, however, is always slippery because humans are very unpredictable.

Much of Bible Prophecy and other ancient prophecies are more likely to stick because humankind is secretly steered into fulfilling these old predictions (there are those behind the scenes who work furiously to make these prophecies come true).

Still, they are also determined by off-planet beings’ plans, over whom we have little control.

I can empathize with Dr. Bordon’s statements above, seeing them from his and LPG-C’s perspective. However, as they mention in so many places in their different essays, the Ša.A.M.i. and the Anunnaki are just a tiny faction of ETs in near-Earth space that have their imperatives.

We know the history of the Ša.A.M.i. and their mindset; this is evidence we can’t discard. If someone says, “They have changed now,” I wouldn’t take that at face value. Anybody can say that or that “they’re working on unity.” The 60 epithets of Nannar would indeed be lovely to see.

First, there is another way to eliminate Marduk and his followers. That is, if we educate ourselves (reading material like this), make it our own, and work on our spiritual wholeness (spirit/mind/body), our fear will diminish considerably. It has worked for me, astoundingly so.

Knowing what I know and working on myself has left me with little fear. This is the stage we want to reach. This is the 100th monkey syndrome we want to achieve.

Remember, even Marduk and any other hostile visitors, in our terms, are here because they perceive our fear.

Those who have read “Hidden Hand” know precisely what I’m talking about.

All the challenges we are meeting now and in the future have a purpose. They are mirrors of our fears and weaknesses as individuals and as a species, and they come into our existence to teach us a lesson so we can grow; they are catalysts. How well will you and I survive?

It depends on how well we master fear and care for our karma. The timelines are opening up, and we are becoming more multi-dimensional. This means we also need to face our fears and overcome them.

We must forgive ourselves and others, create a positive environment in our local universe, always have good thoughts about ourselves and the environment, and feel unconditional love toward everybody and everything.

Unconditional love and service to others are the big keys. Listen to your heart; it’s always telling you something important.

Then, can you connect with your Higher Self and become an island in a stormy ocean? The waves may whip against your shores but won’t penetrate the island.

You can watch them, see the beauty in them, and do nothing else but that; then the waves will stop right there and conform to what you want them to be: a manifestation of beauty, not of fear.

Do you think this sounds too simplistic and too naive? Think again. If a solution is not simple, it’s not the best of solutions. Everything is simple at its core; we are the ones who complicate things with our “logical” minds.

The Multiverse isn’t just “logical;” it’s fluid and ever-changing. And who is changing it? We are!

This doesn’t mean it’s easy to change old patterns, beliefs, and paradigms that no longer work in our favor; we need to work on this one by one, face our limitations and fears, see them for what they are, and overcome them.

Not by fighting them but by understanding them, accepting them, and letting the negativity and fear connected to them go. That’s how we grow because our positive energies are contagious and spread like wildfire.

Be a positive example, and others will follow; they have no choice because you show them who they are. When Marduk and his Global Elite have no reason to be catalysts for us anymore, their terror doesn’t bite, and their difficult job is finished.

The real, so(u)lution is not “out there,” but “in here,” “inside.”

When we look at things, we must understand that whatever they are, they always have more layers to them! Make it a rule to always look at things from the highest possible level, and you will have a much greater understanding of things happening around you.

Instead of being frustrated or afraid, think: “How can this serve me? What is the learning lesson in all this?” Only then will you become more enlightened. I can’t emphasize enough how much this thinking has helped me!

Similarly, we need to look at Marduk, the Global Elite, and others who do not have our best interests in mind, at least not from our 3rd Density level perspective.

They are doing a job you and I didn’t want to do. Deep inside themselves, there is a tremendous love for us humans and everything else living within their energetic hearts. They manifest this by being our “opposites” (catalysts).

Would you like to play the role of the “evil guys”? Not if you know what karma that would bring onto you. On the highest level, they are here to help us grow. They may have forgotten that on a conscious level (some of them have not), but they are still playing out their role.

It’s up to us to recognize this and overcome our worst enemy – FEAR! And the “evil ones” feed on it. When there is no fear, there is no longer any place for them. It may be a rude awakening, but this is how it is. It’s up to us!

The exciting thing is that the earlier creator gods, like the Pleiadians and the Vegans, who, being the original creator gods of humankind, have better reasons to govern us, instead want to teach us to govern ourselves without much help from outside forces (including themselves, except for giving practical advice when asked for).

We need to think about if maybe this is what would be preferred. Unfortunately, the scientific community, even the rouge ones, has difficulty accepting the metaphysical beings here to guide us in these times.

Yes, the best scientists acknowledge them and may even say that the metaphysical entities may have their ducks in a row but don’t understand the dynamics. I would say maybe they do. Maybe they do, at least the most advanced of them.

⇒Read Next: The Return Of The Gods