The Marduk Issue & The Earth-Bound Anunnaki

As a tradition on Mazzastick, every October, I post only “Paranormal Topics.” Many readers enjoy them, while others don’t. If you want to read more topics like this, search my archives page for topics in October.

Wes Penre wrote this article and agreed to let me share it with you for “Spooky October Month.”

The Wes Penre papers are fascinating and thought-provoking. However, as my rule is and always will be. Don’t believe something is true until you’ve done further research.

From the Wes Penre Papers. Marduk and the Anunnaki.

This article explains the different factions controlling the earth and its people.

The Marduk Issue & the Earth-Bound Anunnaki

1. Abstract

I want to start the first PFC (Present and Future Challenges) Paper with a reflection on the far past that is hitting us in the present time. First, I need to make the reader aware that it’s best to read the “Anunnaki Papers” before reading this one, or you will probably be lost in the logic.

Some 4000+ years ago, most of the Anunnaki left Earth after nuking the Sinai Spaceport, Sodom, and Gomorrah. However, Ea’s eldest son, Marduk, stayed on Earth with some of his loyal Lords.

Marduk, in the past, married a human female (a crossbreed between Anunnaki and homo erectus) and was therefore forbidden to return to Nibiru; no human was allowed in “Heaven” (although some exceptions were made on occasion, such as Enoch, otherwise, they were only short visits).

So, Marduk had to either keep his hybrid wife and give up his royal status on Nibiru or abandon his wife and keep his status. Marduk, who already was angry with his own King Anu and his Council due to them putting Nammur’s bloodline before his own, more or less said, “screw it!” and kept his wife.

However, he never forgot or forgave his relatives, whom he thought had betrayed him, and he declared war against the Enlilites (the RAM clan). Marduk wanted to be the Ruler of Earth. At least, he thought that was better than being no king.

So he fought a raging war against Inanna, the female Enlilite, which involved using humans as soldiers, dying in the thousands for the cause of two power-hungry Anunnaki.

When the Anunnaki left the planet, Marduk’s human wife was long dead (she did not enjoy the gods’ longevity), but King Anu and the Council did not want Marduk back on Nibiru due to his rebellious nature.

Instead, they left him here on Earth to do whatever he wanted. If he wanted to be the King of Earth, he could “be their guest.” But first, the gods nuked the Sinai Spaceport to prevent Marduk access from it due to his threats to take it over.

Since then, Marduk has been in charge of this planet, or at least most of it. He is the force behind quite a substantial faction of what we call “The Global Elite,” “The Illuminati,” or the “Powers That Be.”

It must be pointed out that he is not the only one in charge. There are other inter-dimensional and dimensional forces steering parts of the Global Elite in other directions, so the situation is complex (we will go into this in more detail soon).

Left on our planet since the gods abandoned it are both Enkiites (Serpent Clan) and Enlilites (RAM Clan) and some of them are still loyal to the Kingdom (the Nibiru Kingdom), while Marduk is not.

So, the war between the two Nibiruan bloodlines is still going on here on Earth, and as usual, we humans are soldiers.

It is not a very uplifting reading for the young, courageous soldiers who go to Iraq and other places to fight for freedom when they fight the War of the Gods, as has almost always been the case. This paper will cover the current Anunnaki situation on Earth as we know it.

Marduk Anunnaki.

2. The Anunnaki & Their Human Hybrids = The Global Elite

The reader who has followed me this far may wonder if Marduk and his Anunnaki stayed here on Earth and Marduk is still, after thousands of years, King of Earth (in that sense, could perhaps be seen as the Biblical Satan), left here to rule for another 3,600 years by “God” (Anu/Enlil) after been cast him down from “Heaven,” why all those wars?

Humans, also called Lulus, breed uncontrollably and are soon reaching the 7 billion mark. That’s a lot of people to control, especially if you want to do it in secret.

The decision to have 7 billion people on the planet simultaneously is divine and nothing Marduk could do much about. On the other hand, what he does with the 7 billion is another thing.

We may feel small, insignificant, and helpless when we look upon Planet Earth’s power structure today as average humans. Even if we don’t like how we live, we may feel “stuck within the system” with no power to change it.

Still, the Anunnaki on Earth does not exceed the number of 300+ individuals, compared with almost seven billion humans.

We know these Anunnaki beings are brilliant and advanced (at least technologically and intellectually). They use a few thousand human hybrids (the Global Elite) as CEOs over Marduk’s global Empire.

They are still a significant minority, so they must control us in a clever master plan. This is how the Anunnaki keep themselves hidden and pull strings behind the scenes.

The Ša.A.M.i. have always ruled from within councils, and the Council of 12 was the superior council, while the Anunnaki were on Earth in larger quantities thousands of years ago.

The original Council of 12 is no longer, according to a Ša.A.M.i. informant during LINK meetings, the ruling council on Earth. However, in old Nibiruan tradition, Marduk, here on Earth, has set up his own Council of 12, which is now his own Royal Council.

They use the purest hybrids on Earth, some direct descendants of the old Anunnaki Lords in the ancient past. The purer your bloodline, the more power you are delegated.

These hybrids are in charge of politics, business, education, media, entertainment, banking, and think tanks, to name a few. In other words, they are positioned where they can control most people.

 With their money scam (the banking system), they can keep whole nations under their thumbs and make people dependent on money for survival.


They use their ancient method of “divide and conquer” by something we call “Problem-Reaction-Solution.”

When the Global Elite, through their alien masters, want a change in their structure, whether it’s local or global, and they know people, in general, wouldn’t agree to the changes, they create a problem big and traumatic enough for the population, in general, to cry for a solution (this is the “reaction,”).

Then, the same people who created the problem in the first place now present the solution they wanted all the time.

People are now willing to accept the solution they wouldn’t consider out of fear and terror.

This is happening on an almost daily basis. They use fear as a weapon; unfortunately, we humans fall for it almost every time. Of the 300+ Anunnaki who stayed on Earth, most (around 200) are loyal to Marduk, and some remain loyal to the Kingdom (Nibiru).

So right there, we have the same conflict again between the Enlilites–the RAM Clan (the Kingdom) and a faction of the Enkiites–the Serpent Clan (Marduk’s loyal Lords). So, they still use human soldiers as cannon fodder in petty wars against each other to win power over their side.

Both sides are using the Global Elite members as their puppets.

Wars are also a great way to keep the population from increasing in numbers too much and human-made fatal diseases, viruses, vaccinations, prescription drugs, food, and sweets that are poisonous to your body system, to name a few.

The whole power structure on Earth is built like a pyramid.

The Council on the top; the Global Elite, purer hybrid power bloodlines right underneath; less pure hybrids under them; and them, hand-picked humans with the brains to be able to do the job and be manipulated quickly enough by promises of power and wealth.

Most of the latter have no idea whom they are working for; everything is on a need-to-know basis to keep the truth away from people. With those “regular” people or those of watered-down bloodlines put in essential positions, blackmail is often common to keep them loyal to the cause.

Hence, there are many suicides in high places and high-level officials with their crimes being exposed in the media.

The situation is further complicated because factions of the Global Elite have signed contracts with other alien species, like the Grays/Reptilians and the Verdants (more about these later), creating more civil unrest, conflicts, and wars, making this whole planet a giant war zone, with the great majority of people having no idea what is going on.

Most of these bonds were made through TTPs (Technological Transfer Programs), where we got the technology in exchange for what they wanted from us. The Rockefeller and the Rothschild banking families are in charge of the Global Human Elite (the human hybrid parts of it).

They have been visible rulers for millennia but under different names.

11 other ruling Elite families also returned to the Anunnaki.

They are, according to researcher and writer Fritz Springmeier:

13 Elite Ruling Families

1. Astor

2. Bundy

3. Collins

4. DuPont

5. Freeman

6. Kennedy

7. Li (Chinese)

8. Onassis

9. Rockefeller

10. Rothschild

11. Russell

12. van Duyn

13. Merovingian (European Royal Families)

The following families are also interconnected with those above:

1. Reynolds

2. Disney

3. Krupp

4. McDonald

So what is the difference between “regular people” and those of the Ruling Elite or connected to them by blood? Many of them are descendants of the old Hebrews and are, therefore, the Enlil’s (YHVH’s/YeHoVaH,s) chosen people in the Bible.

They have been put near the top of the pyramid to rule over the rest of humanity. According to Sitchin’s translations, they were not meant to rule us with an iron fist as they have over the last millennia and kill us off and treat us like slaves and cannon fodder.

The intention was apparently to govern us until we could manage ourselves as a human species. We know that this never happened; they were immediately, under Marduk’s command, drunk by power and wealth and became the Ruling Elite we see today.

They have no intention of setting us free.

But as I mentioned before, I don’t think the intention ever was to let us rule the planet. The Hebrews, who were the Enlil’s chosen people, were taken advantage of by Marduk and bribed. So they changed sides.

This is my belief. I find it notable that King Anu and the Enlil got these strange epiphanies from Galzu, the mysterious person, and right there, they realized that we are all ONE and humans need to get Earth to rule over themselves.

So why did they leave Marduk here, too rebellious to return to Nibiru, knowing he would make a mess down on Earth?

2000+ years had passed since they last were here and nuked the Sinai Spaceport, Sodom, and Gomorrah before they left.

This means they left between two Nibiru crossings, which is essential because they could return before 2060-2095 if they did.

Their return doesn’t have to coincide with Nibiru exactly. They know interstellar travel and can come through stargates and Einstein-Rosen Bridges as they please.

Still, it’s probably in their interest to come after the cataclysm that will follow around the crossing time. However, one may think they could have come a long way if they had 2,000 years to evolve.

But keep in mind that 2,000 years, ~ 2/3 šar, which is 2/3 of a year in their terms.

They don’t count time as we do. We may argue that they are also inter-dimensional and multi-dimensional, which would speed up their progress, but if we look back on their history, they haven’t developed in the last 500,000 years.

They have always been the same warrior race with bloodlines fighting against bloodlines (as above, so below). It’s hard to believe that they suddenly, in no time at all (in their terms), have developed so amazingly fast, relatively speaking, that they are now mature enough to govern us peacefully.

Dr. A.R. Bordon tells us they use nanotechnology to develop their biominds until they almost reach Oneness. This is hypothetically possible, I assume.

It is reported by members who have attended the conferences that they are near the completion of their cycle on oneness, wherein all knowledge and mind resources are used in service to the common.

This, it was said, can only be possible when the diversity of biominds of each member remains an individuality while simultaneously being interconnected to the Ša.A.Mi. all one by low-powered, low-energetic means that utilize the planet’s life belt energetics – something akin to what Earth enjoys in the form of Schumann Resonance.

There is yet much we don’t quite understand about their oneness system, as technologies are used to enhance the common biomind beyond our level of technology at this time [emphasis not in original].

However, we now possess a theoretical understanding of how it all works. Here, he says there is much we still don’t understand, but should we accept that we don’t understand and take the Ša.A.M.i. suggestions to heart?

How can we trust them?

Let’s pretend that you and I were a team and traveled around the world ten years ago, killing people left and right and playing silly but vicious power games that we thought appropriate, plundered and dedicated ourselves to the worst criminal acts, and then disappeared for ten years.

Suddenly, we come back and tell people that what happened ten years ago was in the past, and we are “clean” now! Would anyone believe us? Would they have a reason to? No.

They would need so much more proof than our words. The ETS can tell us anything they want us to believe.

A.R. Bordon told me their science group has developed “BS detectors” over the last 20 years and that the ETs could maybe fool one or two of them but not the whole group. I’d say: “Why not?”

It’s easy to be arrogant about our brilliance and think we can compare even our most brilliant minds with those of the more developed ETs.

I believe that if they want to, these ETs can pass any BS detector we may be able to develop at this time with ease of thought (and perhaps a laugh).

I also have reason to believe that the other alien species at the LINK meetings are from the same confederation, just pretending they are not working together. Don’t you think aliens can be that sophisticated? We can, so of course, they can.

NLP Hero Phobia Cure

3. ET Disclosure Projects and Their Two Major Advocates

The situation may seem hopeless, but believe it or not, there is still hope, and not all aliens are here to conquer and destroy. Most ETs in near space are not hostile to humans; many are here to help us somehow.

They are not here to interfere with the armed forces or put themselves in charge; most work in the background and observe.

Sometimes, I get emails from people saying that these peaceful ETs do not help if they sit up in spaceships without doing anything.

First, that’s not true; they are doing something, and we’re getting into that soon, but most importantly, it’s not for them to interfere or intervene. Most species are accustomed to following the “Law of One,” which includes “non-interference policies.”

We live in a Free Will Zone, and it’s up to us as a biokind/biomind to solve our problems. It’s a part of learning to go from adolescence to adulthood as a species, and we can’t have things given to us on silver plates.

We are the ones who need to consciously unite on a subquantum level (thought level) and find out what it is that we want as humanity.

This can’t be done in institutions like the United Nations or others presently existing on Earth because these organizations are already controlled by those not working in our best interests.

I want to emphasize people’s dangerous mindsets, like Dr. Steven Greer (and his team) and Dr. Richard Boylan. The latter is more dangerous than the former.

Both embrace all ETs in Earth near space and tell us there are no “bad” ETs; they are all star brothers and star-sisters and should immediately be integrated with us, or we with them.

They say the Government knows about the aliens (which is true), and now it’s time for disclosure, meaning that the Government should disclose the ET issue to the people.

Of course, there are no “bad” or “good” ETs, only different imperatives. What’s a good imperative for one race may not suit us. However, imperatives can be combined often and worked out to the best for two species.

As Dr. Boylan says, this doesn’t mean we should turn on our flashlights, metaphorically pointing them to the sky, and shout: “Welcome all-star visitors. Here we are!”

Dr. Boylan, in particular, is inviting both the Zeta Reticulian Grays, the Verdant, the Tall Whites, and the Anunnaki, respectively, without exceptions, calling them all-star visitors and “good-hearted.”

Greer’s team and Boylan agree that all the negative ETs have left near-Earth space, and only positive ETs are left!

This is incredibly naive, but not only that — it’s dangerous and a liability for the rest of humanity. As we shall see, not all ETs have our best interests in mind, but Dr. Boylan and Dr. Greer don’t seem to care and are aggressively making their point.

Suppose someone brings up that there are ETs with clashing imperatives with us. In that case, we are immediately put on Dr. Boylan’s blacklist as government agents, disinformation agents, or worse.

Boylan and Greer are opening up a can of worms if they don’t become more selective; it’s like a channeler, allowing any entities to enter their body.

Dr. Greer is not any less aggressive than Dr. Boylan; when I suggested there may be those who don’t have our best interest in mind, he (or his staff, instead) became very hostile and refused to discuss the matter and told me it is self-evident that all ETs are good and advised me to watch “The Disclosure Project” video again (from 2001).

Greer is even calling one of his projects “The Orion Project.” One may wonder why. Orion doesn’t have an excellent reputation here on Earth. Also, he has sponsors in “high places,” like within the Rockefeller family, and he’s open to it.

He justifies it by saying that branches of the banking/oil family are now ready for disclosure and support the North Carolina Emergency doctor on his quest.

Greer and Boylan have many almost cultish followers, which is dangerous. I have been in contact with people who are otherwise very intelligent and spiritually aware, but like one of them said: “When Dr. Boylan speaks, I’m all ears.”

We have to be more selective and mindful than that if we are going to make it.

About a week ago, from this point in early September 2011, when I was editing this paper, Dr. Richard Boylan did a reading and had support from his “star visitors,” saying that a series of Earthquakes would hit North Carolina and Virginia.

He gave us the exact dates and times of the day and said many people would die at this juncture. He allegedly has about 1 million people on his list, so I’m sure a few are from these areas mentioned.

I read it and shook my head in wonder. Can man do this? Does he realize how much fear and terror he is creating? Did anyone leave their home or sell it? Did they leave the target areas? Not for a moment did I think he would be correct.

When, predictably enough, the first earthquake didn’t happen, Dr. Boylan wrote a new email to the list, saying that the Cabal had changed their minds (this was supposed to be a humanmade earthquake) and decided to hold that one earthquake back and let the Virginia earthquake hit first to make him and the star visitors look stupid.

He said that now it had been changed to so and so time. I shook my head again in wonder. I asked myself, are people listening to this guy?

However, none of the two earthquakes happened (of course). Boylan then came back on the list, saying that the Cabal had held both quakes back to build them up to 8.4 on the Richter scale or something of the sort to make them more potent.

Still, they would happen on a date at so and so time. Nothing happened. Silence.

Then Dr. Boylan came online again after people had held their breaths in wait for this miracle man to come with his new predictions.

This time, he responded to a reader, who said they should pray on the earthquakes. Boylan said no because then the Cabal would accuse them of creating earthquakes.

Then, silence again. No earthquakes.

Then someone on the list said that the earthquakes would happen, but not at this time, and Dr. Boylan responded with something unintelligible, and that was it.

I heard nothing from Dr. Boylan since this was a few days ago. After all this clowning around, people on his list still support him and thank him for his actions. That’s mind control when it’s effective.

Where were the benevolent star visitors when he needed them? Out to lunch?

I would be happy to be on his “bad list.” If he put me on his “good list,” I would have to go through my material with a toothcomb because then I must be doing something wrong.

This isn’t comforting. Dr. Boylan is either highly gullible and easily manipulated or working for the Cabal. He is so fast to blame for every mistake he makes.

Oh, I almost forgot, Dr. Boylan thinks that Obama is a star visitor, too, and will be so kind to help Dr. Boylan out and disclose to the world that these wonderful star visitors are here!

Doesn’t all this create chills down your spine? It does mine.

President Obama recently told people they could ask him questions online, and Dr. Boylan advised his followers to do so if it would make any difference. I am stunned.

But the most disturbing part is not Dr. Boylan but those following him despite these catastrophic errors and contradictions. And his whole “star visitor” agenda is breathtaking.

You see drawings of all these star visitors we know about, holding hands in friendship with cute smiles on their faces. Well, the thought is good, but don’t tell us that all aliens out there, without discrimination, are saint-like, and we are ready to embrace them all.

And don’t put people who disagree with ONE word you’re saying, Dr. Boylan, on some government disinformation blacklist. This is very counter-productive and outright dangerous. It also delays our mission.

Don’t get me wrong; most species are friendly towards us and have our best interests in mind, but they have not yet revealed themselves to us en masse for a purpose. And why is that? Because we have to overcome our greatest weaknesses first.

We can’t just chaotically stumble into the galactic community while fighting each other and being overly egotistical and ignorant, thus bringing our problems to their vicinity. We must grow up first; some patiently watch us do just that.

They would only interfere if we destroy our planet. This is the Living Library; some would never let us go so far that we destroy their creation.

They also monitor our nuclear activities and how we handle negative energy (more about that later).

These are very concerning matters for them. More than once, the ETs have stopped nuclear missiles from going off, which has baffled military forces and has even been mentioned in the Media.

We have Anunnaki/Nephilim genes, and homo sapiens sapiens was created by Ea (the Biblical Lucifer), and this means we have a warrior stroke inside of us that we must overcome and grow out of.

The nano-second (1987-2012), when time is speeding up, and the information is hitting us via gamma rays from the Sun and the Galactic Center, is strengthening our DNA and connecting the so-called “junk DNA’ to our double helix to create a wiser, more peaceful Homo Futurus.

I am not overly convinced that disclosure is the medicine right now. On the other hand, it’s a matter of what we mean by disclosure.

There are so many good, intelligent people out there who are working hard on disclosure projects of different kinds. Still, we must understand that the Government is run by evil beings who don’t have our best interest in mind, no matter what they say.

The Disclosure supporters say that the Government has come to a point where they have no choice but, to tell the truth about the alien visitors and that many people in the Military would be relieved if everything were disclosed.

Still, if the government discloses the ET issue, it will be on their terms and will be inaccurate.

Disclosure will happen, but more on an individual basis at first. The benevolent ETs will not expose themselves to the Government, whom they certainly do not trust.

The only “Disclosure” I would find valuable is to get more information from groups like LPG-C and others who sit on info regarding different ET races; who they are, where they come from, their imperatives, and who are working together with whom.

We need to categorize them and find out whom to trust and stay away from. Anyone can show off as a saint, but they are very dark beings behind the veil.

Dr. Bordon, just like me, is interested in intelligence gathering on different ET species to learn more about their relationship with each other, but he refuses to reveal what he knows about the group he belongs to.

This is very unfortunate, in my opinion, because withholding this information could be potentially dangerous in the long run. Ed Komarek, a known UFO researcher, commented on why the LINK group is so secretive if they have nothing to hide.

Carol Rosin, Greer’s right hand, said in an interview recently that she is confident there are no ETs with malevolent intents left in Earth near space; they have all left, including the Grays (The Guardians said, before this statement, that if anyone tells you the Grays are no longer here, watch out).

Her rationale is that if they were here, they had already taken over or destroyed us, and obviously, we (meaning we humans) are still here. With all the information she is discarding, this is quite naive at best.

Related: Who Were The Watchers In The Bible?