Exploring the Rare and Unique INFJ Personality Traits And Signs

This article discusses INFJ Traits and Characteristics and what an INFJ person is like.

As with all introverts, INFJs’ first order of business is an internal one.

We are at our most comfortable and best selves when we go within and ponder thoughts, ideas, and visions about what is possible.

When we spend too much time on the external world, we can become unbalanced.

Daily, quiet alone time is crucial to keeping us positive and enjoying our lives.

Infjs have a powerful presence that is difficult to miss.

  1. They are naturally inclined to help others.

  2. INFJs have a powerful presence.

  3. They have a weirdness about them, which makes them unique.

  4. They are natural diplomats because of their ability to see both sides.

  5. Egalitarianism and karma are attractive ideas for INFJs.

  6. INFJs find it easy to make connections with others.

  7. They usually have a good vibe about them.

  8. INFJs need time alone to decompress and recharge.

  9. We can be a social butterfly at times but prefer not to.

  10. They are really rare and unusual.

  11. He has to be mindful of emotional overload.

  12. They are usually successful, but not as much as they could be.

  13. We can’t stop reading people even if we try.

  14. You may never know if an INFJ likes you.

  15. They rarely, if ever, cheat; it doesn’t mean they don’t want to.

  16. They are champions for the oppressed and downtrodden.

  17. Many have commitment issues because they value their energetic freedom.

  18. Often, they neglect to take care of themselves – putting others first.

  19. They are prone to exhaustion due to the passion of their convictions. Daily use of vitamins and nutritional supplements would greatly benefit them.

  20. They are gentle, caring, sophisticated, and highly intuitive.

  21. Self-expression comes more naturally on paper than face-to-face.

  22. They can be selfish = lousy trait.

  23. They are artistic and creative.

  24. They are very similar to Indigo Children and Adults.

  25. Their nervous system is overly sensitized.

  26. Sometimes, they struggle to express themselves adequately.

  27. Has a deep need to help people “sort out their stuff.”

  28. INFJs are inclined to create order and practical systems in their outer world.

  29. INFJs operate within themselves on an intuitive basis.

  30. He knows things intuitively without knowing how.

  31. INFJs are easily affected by other people’s emotions.

  32. Have uncanny insight into people and situations.

  33. We prefer deep conversations to surface topics.

  34. They are protective of their inner selves.

  35. They are geared to improve themselves through personal growth.

  36. They are rarely at complete peace with themselves.

  37. They will have many ‘romantic crushes’ in their lifetimes.

  38. Generally has little to no real friends but many acquaintances.

  39. They can be mean, but only when simple communication fails.

  40. They have “little use” for social norms and routines.

  41. Generalized anxiety occurs daily.

  42. They would be an excellent resource for lawyers.

  43. They are continuously improving themselves and their surroundings.

  44. We are constantly testing people to see if we can talk about things that matter (usually can’t).

  45. They can hold grudges for long periods.

  46. We are information addicts and obsessed with personal growth and are the most well-read of all the personality types.

  47. We often rebel but also want to be accepted.

  48. Losing/ Ending relationships is extremely painful.

  49. The whole INFJ existence is bound up in hiding and concealing our true nature.

  50. They have very high expectations for themselves.

  51. A tendency to take care of others’ needs while neglecting our own.

  52. Most likely, of all personality types, to cope with stress by seeing a therapist or self-help.

  53. They are naturally nurturing, patient, devoted, and protective.

  54. We prefer to be financially abundant.

  55. Hyper-aware of their surroundings.

  56. Are the least able of all the personality types to be contented in a long-term relationship.

  57. If the person we are talking to is too active, they will take a passive role; if the person we are talking to is too passive, we will take an active part.

  58. They have a mysterious nature.

  59. INFJs know we are unique, and we revel in our rarity.

  60. Their self-worth tends to bounce around.

  61. They are highly reserved, quiet, thoughtful, and, above all else – introspective.

  62. They make loving parents and usually have strong bonds with their children.

  63. They prefer careers where they can be creative and somewhat independent.

  64. They are tough on themselves, which adds to their life competence.

  65. They get along best with people who allow them to be naturally themselves.

  66. It’s common for INFJs to assess their vicinity and modify their behavior accordingly intuitively.
  1. To get us to open up, you must have some depth about yourself and show that your view of things differs from yours.

  2. Always looking for something new, rarely satisfied with the mundane or routine.

  3. Not good at dealing with minutia or very detailed tasks in careers.

  4. They are highly cerebral and reflective.

  5. She wants to be alone about 85% of the time.

  6. They are very sexual in private but respectful and dignified in public.

  7. We are quiet around you if they don’t trust you or are NOT entirely comfortable with you.

  8. She has a natural affinity for art and may excel in the sciences using their intuition.

  9. They are complex characters with a range of talents and abilities.

  10. He has a limited amount of social energy.

  11. They have to learn how to deal with stress better.

  12. We are often mistaken for extroverts.

  13. They would rather spend time with their creations than with people.

  14. He keeps the majority of people in their lives at arm’s length.

  15. They can flirt and love to do it.

  16. Because of the high demands of people close to them, we frequently withdraw into ourselves, shutting out the world for a few days to find ourselves.

  17. She is loyal to those she trusts.

  18. They can get crazy when triggered, even though this rarely happens.

  19. Often wonders why most people are idiots.

  20. They do not take kindly to being ignored or interrupted.

  21. We are natural activists for causes but not for political gain or power.

  22. She suffers from emotional overload because of her inherent nature to be a giver.

  23. They have clear insights into the motivations of others, for good and evil.

  24. He is highly empathic; he feels and senses what others are feeling.

  25. They are natural counselors and healers.

  26. She hates liars and manipulators.

  27. INFJs are the Archetypal “Loner” by choice.

  28. They are moved to champion causes and activities that serve the greater good.

  29. He has a strong sense of personal integrity.

  30. They are natural healers.

  31. They are private and selective about sharing intimate thoughts and feelings.

  32. INFJs are far less serious inwardly than they appear outwardly.

  33. We like to have things orderly and systematic.

  34. She has a strong 6th sense – intuition.
INFJ Personality Traits

What Is An INFJ?

INFJ means Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, and Judging. The letter I is for Introversion, the N is the letter n in Intuition, the letter F is for feeling, and the J is for Judging. =INFJ

  • Introversion
  • Intuition
  • Feeling
  • Judging

INFJ (Introversion, iNtuition, Feeling, Judging) – Cognitive Functions

INFJ Powerful presence

INFJ is the smallest of Carl Jung & MBTI’s 16 personality types ( allegedly just 1-2% of the population are INFJs) and stands for a preference for (I)ntroversion over extroversion, principles, and perspectives (i{N}tuition) over experiences (sensing), meaning (Feeling) over logic (thinking), and taking action (Judging) over contemplating options (perceiving).

INFJs are dominantly introverted intuits (Ni), auxiliary extroverted feelers (Fe), tertiary introverted thinkers (Ti), and inferior extroverted sensors (Se).

  1. Jungian functional preference ordering for INFJs:                        
  2. Dominant (Most influential): Introverted Intuition
  3. Auxiliary (Providing additional support): Extraverted Feeling
  4. Tertiary (Third in order): Introverted Thinking
  5. Inferior (Last in rank): Extraverted Sensing

I – Gets their mental energy from being alone.

N – Takes information via patterns, impressions, and possibilities.

F – Makes decisions based on how they feel.

J – Prefers to have control and plans.

According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), the INFJ personality type is considered one of the rarest among the 16 personality types. INFJ stands for Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging. Several factors contribute to the perceived rarity of the personality:

  1. Introversion (I): Introverts prefer spending time alone or in small groups rather than in large social gatherings. This trait can make them less noticeable in social settings, contributing to the perception of their rarity.

  2. Intuition (N): They rely on intuition more than sensing. They are imaginative and future-oriented, often focusing on possibilities and potential rather than concrete details. This cognitive preference may set them apart from others more grounded in the present.

  3. Feeling (F): They are feeling types, which means they make decisions based on personal values and emotions. This can sometimes make them seem different from the more logic-oriented or analytical majority.

  4. Judging (J): They prefer a structured and organized lifestyle. They like planning and making decisions, which can set them apart from the more spontaneous and adaptable Perceiving types.

  5. Depth of Thought: They are known for their depth of thought, introspection, and focus on personal growth. Their reflective nature might lead them to spend more time reflecting on their thoughts and feelings rather than actively participating in more visible social activities.

  6. Idealism: They are often described as idealistic and visionary. They may have a strong sense of purpose and are drawn to positively impacting the world. This sense of purpose can make them stand out in their pursuits.

It’s essential to note that their rarity is a statistical observation based on the MBTI framework. Some critics argue that the MBTI lacks scientific rigor, and personality is more fluid and complex than the model suggests.

Additionally, cultural and environmental factors can influence the distribution of personality types in different populations.

In summary, the combination of introversion, intuition, feeling, and judging preferences, along with certain cognitive and behavioral traits, contributes to the perception that INFJs are relatively rare compared to other personality types.

INFJ Characteristics

We may seem quiet at times, but this is due to our ability to internally process much information about people, circumstances, and their environment. We can tell when someone is lying when someone’s character or integrity is questionable and incredibly disingenuous.

We make excellent managers. We bring to the workplace the unique combination of our ability to get things done and create a fulfilling environment for our staff.

We cannot tolerate working in a noisy, disorganized work environment and are even less patient with co-workers and management’s lack of follow-through and poor performance.

Our inner world is playful, imaginative, vibrant, mischievous, and bold. We love having fun with ideas, viewpoints, concepts, images, symbols, and metaphors.

We can become extremely sensitive when someone challenges our principles or values.

A robust internal alarm goes off when this happens.  They are highly vulnerable to criticism and conflict; questioning their motives is the quickest way to get on their wrong side.

One of their rare traits is the ability to use both sides of the brain equally. We are intuitive, analytical, spiritual, scientific, artistic, logical, creative, and responsible.

We get stressed when dealing with too many unexpected events, especially when we must be extroverted for too long.

We love to genuinely connect with people on a soul level but generally find this hard to accomplish in this ego-driven world.

This often leaves us feeling alone and isolated on a planet of 7 billion people. To alleviate the stress of aloneness, they have a rich inner world where their imagination and creativity are paralleled by none.

Besides using our vision, we can often be found in nature, where life is quiet, less hurried, less pretentious, and more natural.

Are INFJs Strong or Weak?

We are strong individuals with a powerful presence but have difficulty with self-containment, a form of boundary-setting. Since we are naturally empathic and helpful, we tend to get burned out.

The Empathic INFJ is a natural giver, and as a result, they attract takers.

This makes them believe they are weak when they are strong but feel weak because of their weak personal boundaries.

They would be well advised to learn and set firm boundaries in their relationships.

Their biggest weakness is being tuned in to the world and people instead of being tuned in to themselves.

  1. Introversion (I): They are typically reserved and prefer spending time alone or in small groups rather than in large social settings. They are energized by alone time and may need it to recharge.

  2. Intuition (N): They are intuitive and focused on the future. They are imaginative, creative, and often enjoy contemplating possibilities and potential outcomes.

  3. Feeling (F): They make decisions based on their values and feelings. They are empathetic and considerate of others’ emotions. They prioritize harmony in relationships.

  4. Judging (J): They prefer structure and organization. They like planning and often clearly understand how things should be. They are decisive and prefer closure.

  5. Empathy: They are known for their deep empathy and understanding of others. They can often sense and respond to the emotions of those around them.

  6. Idealism: They tend to be idealistic and have a strong sense of purpose. They may be driven by a desire to impact the world positively.

  7. Insightful: They are often insightful and wise. They can see patterns and connections that others may overlook.

  8. Creative: Many have a creative and imaginative side. They may enjoy expressing themselves through art, writing, or other creative pursuits.

  9. Dedicated to Personal Growth: INFJs are committed to personal development and growth. They may seek self-improvement and strive to understand themselves better.

  10. Reserved: While they can be warm and caring, they may also be reserved and private. They may not easily share their inner thoughts and feelings with everyone.

Places to Find INFJs:

  1. Bookstores
  2. Museums
  3. Historic Sites
  4. Coffee shops
  5. Fall Festivals
  6. At home or in the backyard
  7. Yard sales
  8. Flea markets
  9. Nature Centers
  10. Consignment shops
  11. Visiting small towns
  12. Hiking in the woods
  13. Being around water at the beach, a bay, a river, or even a stream will do.

Prefers Quiet Places

Because of our unique traits, we are highly sensitive. We do not like loud, high-energy, crowded places, period, and it’s just too overwhelming for the complex perceptions and senses that we exude.

This would be similar to what happens to your computer when you press all the keys simultaneously – It either freezes up, shuts down, or breaks.

This doesn’t mean we will always avoid these places, but we don’t like them as far as preferences go. I am very independent and rarely ask for help from others. If I do, and you help me, I am forever grateful and do not take it lightly.

Also, I rarely seek advice; sometimes, when I ” vent” to others, I use them as a sounding board instead of a source of advice.

When I vent, I allow my internal thoughts and feelings to bounce off another and return to me, granting a more realistic viewpoint to my situation that I need to accept or change.

My favorite people are those I can vent to that do not offer me advice back, nor do they share my venting with anyone else because we are private by nature.

I can tell you we generally despise unnecessary social interactions unless we are bored or lonely.

I often retreat inside my head when the social stuff starts boring me to tears.

Things like parties, weddings, hanging at a bar, and any other activities where there is nothing to do but talk to other people not only bore us after the first hour but also leave us feeling drained, in need of fresh air and a shower and about a day or week to recharge.

⇒Related: The Lone Wolf

What’s It Like Being an INFJ?

INFJs are the true definition of a paradox. We hate attention but need attention 24/7; we like to keep personal space from people, but we need physical contact, yet we prefer to be alone.

Yet, we need social interaction to survive and want to make people feel happy and comfortable. This desire stresses us greatly.

Being one, I can feel like two different people at once, so we often have difficulty balancing these different personas’ wants, needs, and desires.

No, we do not have multiple personalities, just one person, which is very complicated.

INFJs Make Great Leaders

We have many traits that make us ideal candidates for leadership roles.

We do not like the ego game of the current state of leadership. Too many people in positions of power make themselves feel like they are more than they are. Egoic and incompetent leadership always end in massive failure.

They make outstanding leaders because they are highly competent at what they do.

They don’t want to be in charge of people or experience a ‘power trip’ by ‘lording’ over others.

Because of our sensitive feelings, strong intuitive abilities, and love for organization and order, people and institutions benefit greatly when we are in charge.

We struggle the most with others’ feelings and how to respond to them. Yet we can feel their emotions, empathize with them, and offer the best solution to deal with them.

We tend to get overwhelmed easily; many immature INFJs may react negatively when experiencing emotional overload. This can appear as a toxic trait.

The best thing to do is give us our space and let us be because we will punish ourselves later for our lousy behavior anyway.

We make excellent counselors to those in need of help. We can see through your problems and direct you to the best possible solution.

This isn’t to say that we have our lives together everywhere; it’s just that we are much better than most at looking externally at a person or situation and seeing and fixing the problem.

They have a unique tendency to externalize their faces, thoughts, and mental functions they are carrying on within.

From the outside, it appears they have gone mad. The “Chucky from Child’s Play facial expressions” show how strongly they are connected with their inner world, responding and reacting as if it were real.

INFJ Door Slam


Where they once had patience, they will now be blatantly intolerant.” INFJ Door Slam

The INFJ door slam trait is an often used tactic for us to cut ties with toxic people who will not change to preserve the relationship.

The Door Slam happens when we get burned out by unresolved emotions, so we resolve the issue by deciding that the relationship is over. We are tolerant, understanding, and patient with those close to us but also very sensitive.

The door slam is not meant to hurt the other person; instead, it is an act of self-preservation. Ending a relationship is hugely upsetting. We will do everything in our power to repair a relationship, even going as far as to help the person who is abusing or misusing us.

When all attempts fail, we mentally and sometimes physically detach from the relationship. Once we’ve gone through this process, the next step is abruptly slamming the relationship’s door.

We can have a relationship with this person again, possibly way down the road, but only if they have taken steps to work on their personal growth, change, and become more mature. It is crucial to “air our grievances” when others have crossed a boundary.

Most, but not all, people will adjust their approach when dealing with us. The ones who refuse to acknowledge their lack of limits will eventually get the door slammed on them.

Understanding INFJ traits goes beyond a mere classification – it offers insight into a rich tapestry of qualities that make this personality type truly exceptional.

By embracing their strengths and acknowledging the challenges, INFJs can harness their unique attributes to impact themselves and the world around them positively.

Thanks for reading my article about INFJ traits!