What Is EFT Tapping? And How It Helps You Feel Better

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping, or tapping therapy, is a holistic approach to managing emotional distress.

This practice combines elements of traditional Chinese medicine with modern psychology.

It offers a unique method for individuals to address many emotional and psychological challenges.

This article uses EFT to explore the liberating journey of being free from negative emotions.

Tapping Into Emotional Mastery

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), or “tapping,” is a therapeutic approach combining traditional Chinese medicine elements with modern psychology.

The technique involves tapping specific meridian points on the body while focusing on and verbalizing thoughts and feelings related to emotional distress or negative experiences.

EFT is based on the premise that disruptions or imbalances in the body’s energy system contribute to emotional and physical issues.

By tapping on the designated acupressure points, practitioners aim to restore balance to the energy system, alleviating emotional distress and promoting well-being.

EFT Tapping Into Emotional Mastery

At the heart of EFT tapping is the belief that disruptions or imbalances in the body’s energy system contribute to emotional and physical issues.

The technique involves gently tapping specific acupressure points while focusing on and verbalizing thoughts and feelings related to emotional distress or negative experiences.

By stimulating these points, practitioners aim to restore balance to the body’s energy system and alleviate emotional discomfort.

While research on EFT tapping is ongoing, some studies suggest its efficacy in reducing symptoms of anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

The practice is gaining recognition in therapeutic settings as a complementary approach to traditional psychotherapy, with some mental health professionals incorporating tapping into their sessions.

Everyday Bliss Paul McKenna & Mindvalley

EFT tapping is a versatile tool that can address various emotional challenges.

Whether it’s managing stress, alleviating anxiety, overcoming phobias, or dealing with past trauma, the technique offers a structured yet customizable approach to emotional healing.

Users often report relief, relaxation, and increased emotional resilience after incorporating tapping into their routine.

One of the most common applications of EFT tapping is stress reduction. In the fast-paced modern world, stress has become a ubiquitous companion.

By tapping on specific points and verbalizing the stressors, individuals can release tension and create a pathway to a calmer state of mind.

The technique’s simplicity and accessibility make it a valuable tool for everyday stress management.

  1. Identification of the Issue: The individual identifies a specific problem, negative emotion, or traumatic memory they want to address.

  2. Setup: During this phase, the individual acknowledges the issue, accepts themselves despite the problem, and uses a specific phrase known as the “setup statement,” which includes both the issue and an affirmation of self-acceptance.

  3. Tapping Sequence: The individual then taps on a series of acupressure points while repeating short phrases related to the issue. The commonly tapped points include the top of the head, eyebrows, side of the eye, under the eye, under the nose, chin, collarbone, and under the arm.

  4. Reevaluation: After completing a round of tapping, the individual reassesses their emotional intensity related to the issue. The process is repeated until a sense of relief or resolution is achieved.

EFT is used for a variety of purposes, including stress reduction, anxiety management, phobia treatment, and addressing traumatic experiences.

While research on EFT is ongoing, some studies suggest that it may be effective in reducing symptoms of anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

As with any therapeutic approach, individual experiences with EFT may vary, and it’s essential to consult with qualified practitioners for guidance and support.

Jennifer Partridge Tapping Into Emotional Mastery

In the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as tapping, practitioners use their fingertips to tap on specific acupressure points on the body.

The tapping sequence typically includes the following points:

  1. Karate Chop Point (KC):
    • Location: The outer edge of the hand, between the base of the pinky finger and the wrist.
    • Tapping Phrase: “Even though [state the issue], I deeply and completely accept myself.”

  2. Top of the Head (TH):
    • Location: The crown or top of the head.
    • Tapping Phrase: Focus on the specific issue or feeling.

  3. Eyebrow (EB):
    • Location: The inner edges of the eyebrows.
    • Tapping Phrase: “I release and let go of [state the issue].”

  4. Side of the Eye (SE):
    • Location: On the bone at the outer corner of the eye.
    • Tapping Phrase: “I choose to release all tension related to [state the issue].”

  5. Under the Eye (UE):
    • Location: On the bone under the eye.
    • Tapping Phrase: “I am letting go of [state the issue], and I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”

  6. Under the Nose (UN):
    • Location: The area between the nose and the upper lip.
    • Tapping Phrase: “I release and let go of all tension in [state the issue].”

  7. Chin Point (CP):
    • Location: The point under the chin, just above the protruding bone.
    • Tapping Phrase: “Even though I have this [state the issue], I deeply and completely accept myself.”

  8. Collarbone Point (CB):
    • Location: On the collarbone, just below the knobby part.
    • Tapping Phrase: “I am releasing all negative energy around [state the issue].”

  9. Under the Arm (UA):
    • Location: On the side of the body, about four inches below the armpit.
    • Tapping Phrase: “I am letting go of all stress and tension related to [state the issue].”

  10. Wrists (WR):
    • Location: The inside of both wrists.
    • Tapping Phrase: “I release and let go of [state the issue].”

During the tapping process, individuals repeat a setup statement (e.g., “Even though I have this [state the issue], I deeply and completely accept myself”) while tapping on the karate chop point.

Subsequent taps on the remaining points are accompanied by specific statements addressing the issue or emotion.

The sequence is repeated until a sense of relief is achieved.

The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), commonly known as tapping, is generally considered a safe and accessible self-help tool for managing stress, anxiety, and various emotional issues.

Many individuals find learning and applying EFT on their own beneficial to foster emotional well-being. However, it’s essential to keep certain considerations in mind.

For individuals with underlying health conditions, such as epilepsy or other seizure disorders, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare provider before attempting EFT.

The tapping process involves stimulating acupressure points, and while it is typically safe, it’s crucial to ensure it won’t trigger adverse reactions in individuals with specific health concerns.

EFT has been explored as a complementary approach for addressing trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

However, individuals with a history of severe trauma should exercise caution and consider working with a trained mental health professional.

EFT should be approached with sensitivity, and practitioners should be mindful of potential emotional triggers that may arise during the process.

Monitoring emotional intensity is an integral part of using EFT.

Individuals may experience a release of emotions during the tapping process. Practitioners need to be aware of their emotional state and, if necessary, seek support from a mental health professional, especially if strong emotions emerge.

Before incorporating EFT into their self-care routine, individuals with existing mental health conditions or those taking medication should inform their healthcare provider.

EFT is not a substitute for professional medical or psychological treatment and should be considered complementary.

Ultimately, personal comfort plays a significant role in the effectiveness of EFT.

Some individuals may find tapping or focusing on specific issues uncomfortable. It’s crucial to gauge one’s comfort level and choose techniques that align with personal preferences.

As with any self-help or complementary therapy, experiences with EFT can vary, and seeking guidance from qualified professionals is advisable, particularly when dealing with complex emotional issues.

The Side Effects of EFT

While Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is generally considered safe for most people when practiced appropriately, there are potential negative side effects or dangers to be aware of. These include:

  1. Emotional Intensity: EFT involves tapping on specific meridian points while focusing on emotional issues or traumas. This can sometimes lead to a sudden surge of intense emotions or memories, which may be overwhelming for some individuals, especially if they are unprepared or lack proper support.

  2. Re-traumatization: EFT has the potential to bring up past traumatic experiences or memories. While this can be a necessary part of the healing process, it can also lead to re-traumatization, where individuals experience distress or worsening symptoms as a result of revisiting traumatic events without adequate coping mechanisms or support.

  3. Dissociation: Intense focus on emotions or traumatic memories during EFT sessions can occasionally lead to dissociative experiences, where individuals feel disconnected from their thoughts, emotions, or surroundings. This can be distressing and may require intervention from a trained mental health professional.

  4. Physical Discomfort: Some individuals may experience physical discomfort or pain during tapping sessions, especially if they are tapping too aggressively or on sensitive areas of the body. This can include soreness, bruising, or even exacerbation of pre-existing physical conditions.

  5. False Memory Formation: In some cases, EFT may inadvertently lead to the formation of false memories or distortions of actual events. This can occur when individuals are highly suggestible or when tapping is conducted in a way that inadvertently reinforces inaccurate perceptions or beliefs.

  6. Dependency: There is a risk that individuals may become overly reliant on EFT as a coping mechanism and neglect other forms of therapy or support. While EFT can be a valuable tool for emotional healing, it is important for individuals to engage in a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses their needs holistically.

  7. Unsuitability for Certain Conditions: EFT may not be suitable for individuals with certain mental health conditions, such as psychosis or severe dissociative disorders. In such cases, EFT could potentially exacerbate symptoms or lead to further distress.

  8. Lack of Regulation: Unlike some other therapeutic modalities, EFT is not regulated by a governing body in the same way that licensed mental health professions are. This means that there may be variability in the quality of training and expertise among practitioners, which could potentially increase the risk of negative outcomes.

It’s important for individuals considering EFT to consult with a qualified practitioner and discuss any potential risks or concerns before beginning treatment. Additionally, individuals should be aware of their own limits and boundaries and seek support if they experience any adverse effects during or after tapping sessions.

Being free from negative emotions using EFT Tapping is a liberating and empowering journey that requires self-awareness, resilience, and mindfulness.

By understanding the nature of negative emotions, cultivating emotional resilience, and adopting positive habits, individuals can break free from the chains of negativity.

EFT tapping for negative emotions emerges as a promising and accessible tool.

Its combination of ancient wisdom and modern psychology offers a unique approach to addressing emotional challenges and promoting a balanced, resilient mind.

As more individuals embrace the power of EFT tapping, the journey to emotional freedom becomes attainable and a transformative experience in self-discovery and well-being.

Remember, the path to emotional freedom is a personal and ongoing journey. Still, with dedication and the right tools, it is a journey that leads to a more fulfilling and empowered life.