The Prosperity Game [How To Play To Win]

The Prosperity Game, popularized by the teachings of Abraham Hicks is a fun way to increase your wealth and learn about the law of attraction at the same time.

This game isn’t about accumulating physical wealth through direct means, but rather about cultivating a mindset of abundance and allowing prosperity to flow into one’s life effortlessly.

Related: Achieving Financial Goals Using Hypnosis

The Prosperity Game.

How does the Prosperity Game work?

The premise is simple yet powerful. Participants engage in a daily practice of imagining and spending virtual money.

The prosperity game unfolds over a period of time, typically 30 days, during which players “receive” a certain amount of virtual money each day.

The amount starts small and gradually increases as the days progress. The key is to use this virtual money in ways that bring joy, excitement, and a sense of abundance.

Participants are encouraged to get creative and explore their desires without limitations. They can spend the virtual money on anything they wish, whether it’s a luxury vacation, a dream car, charitable donations, or investments in personal growth.

The focus is not on practicality or feasibility but on allowing oneself to dream big and feel the emotions associated with having abundance.

Through this process, individuals begin to shift their vibration from scarcity to abundance. As they immerse themselves in the experience of spending virtual money joyfully, they align themselves energetically with the frequency of prosperity.

This vibrational alignment is crucial in the law of attraction, as it magnetically draws more abundance into one’s life.

Moreover, the Prosperity Game serves as a powerful tool for reprogramming limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns surrounding money. By consistently engaging in thoughts and actions related to abundance, participants dissolve scarcity mindset and cultivate a mindset of abundance.

This shift in consciousness opens the door to new opportunities, increased wealth, and financial freedom.

The beauty of the Prosperity Game lies in its simplicity and accessibility. It doesn’t require any financial investment or special skills; all it demands is an open mind and willingness to play.

Whether one is struggling with debt, seeking to increase income, or simply wanting to elevate their financial reality, the Prosperity Game offers a transformative journey towards financial prosperity.

However, it’s important to understand that the Prosperity Game is not a get-rich-quick scheme or a substitute for practical financial planning.

While it can significantly impact one’s mindset and attract greater abundance, it’s essential to complement this spiritual practice with responsible financial management and action steps towards one’s goals.

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Getting Started With The Prosperity Game

  1. Set Your Intentions: Before diving in, take a moment to clarify your intentions for participating in the Prosperity Game. Ask yourself what you hope to achieve and why financial abundance is important to you. Setting clear intentions helps align your energy and focus towards manifesting your desires.

  2. Understand the Basics: Familiarize yourself with the fundamental principles of the Prosperity Game. Understand that it involves receiving a virtual sum of money each day and using it to simulate spending on anything you desire. The key is to focus on feelings of joy, excitement, and gratitude while engaging in the process.

  3. Choose Your Starting Amount: Decide on the starting amount of virtual money you’ll receive each day. It’s common to begin with a modest sum and gradually increase it over time as you progress through the game. Choose an amount that feels comfortable yet challenging enough to stretch your imagination.

  4. Create Your Virtual Spending Journal: Set up a dedicated space, whether it’s a physical journal or a digital document, to record your daily spending in the Prosperity Game. This journal serves as a reflection of your desires, intentions, and manifestations throughout the game.

  5. Dream Big and Get Creative: Embrace the opportunity to dream big and explore your deepest desires without limitations. Whether it’s traveling the world, buying your dream home, or supporting a cause close to your heart, allow yourself to envision and experience these desires as if they were already a reality.

  6. Practice Visualization: Use visualization techniques to immerse yourself fully in the experience of spending virtual money. Close your eyes, visualize the details of your desired purchases, and evoke the emotions associated with having abundance in your life. Visualization amplifies the manifestation process and accelerates the attraction of your desires.

  7. Stay Consistent: Commit to participating in the Prosperity Game daily, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Consistency is key to reprogramming your mindset and aligning your vibration with the frequency of abundance. Treat it as a sacred practice and prioritize it in your daily routine.

  8. Express Gratitude: Cultivate an attitude of gratitude throughout the Prosperity Game. Take time each day to express gratitude for the abundance already present in your life and for the manifestations you anticipate receiving. Gratitude amplifies the power of manifestation and opens the door for even greater blessings to flow into your life.

  9. Connect with a Community: Consider joining or forming a community of fellow Prosperity Game players. Sharing your experiences, insights, and manifestations with others not only provides support and encouragement but also amplifies the collective energy of abundance.

  10. Reflect and Adjust: Regularly reflect on your experiences and insights gained from participating in the Prosperity Game. Notice any shifts in your mindset, beliefs, or behavior regarding money and abundance. Be open to adjusting your approach as needed to optimize your results and continue expanding your capacity for prosperity.
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Sharing and Connecting with Players

Sharing and connecting with a community of players is a powerful aspect of the Prosperity Game, enriching the experience and amplifying its transformative potential.

Here’s why community engagement is essential and how it enhances the journey:

  1. Support and Encouragement: Participating in the Prosperity Game can sometimes feel like a solitary endeavor, especially when facing challenges or doubts. Engaging with a community of players provides a supportive environment where individuals can share their experiences, offer encouragement, and receive valuable insights from others who are on a similar path. Knowing that you’re not alone in your journey can boost morale and foster a sense of camaraderie.

  2. Accountability: Sharing your progress and intentions with a community creates a sense of accountability that motivates you to stay committed to the game. Knowing that others are rooting for your success encourages you to show up consistently, stay focused on your goals, and push through obstacles. Additionally, witnessing the progress of fellow players can inspire and motivate you to continue striving towards your own aspirations.

  3. Exchange of Ideas and Strategies: Each participant in the Prosperity Game brings their unique perspectives, experiences, and strategies to the table. Engaging with a community allows for the exchange of ideas, techniques, and success stories, enriching everyone’s understanding of the game and its principles. Whether it’s sharing visualization techniques, manifestation practices, or creative ways of spending virtual money, the collective wisdom of the community fuels growth and innovation.

  4. Amplification of Energy: When individuals come together with a shared intention, the collective energy becomes exponentially more potent. Sharing and celebrating manifestations, no matter how big or small, generates a ripple effect of positivity and abundance within the community. The combined focus and intentionality of the group magnify the manifestation process, accelerating the realization of desires for all members.

  5. Sense of Belonging: Being part of a community of like-minded individuals who are dedicated to personal growth and abundance cultivates a sense of belonging and connection. It provides a safe space where participants can express themselves authentically, share their dreams and challenges, and celebrate their victories without fear of judgment. This sense of belonging fosters a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment as individuals journey towards their financial goals together.

  6. Opportunities for Collaboration: Engaging with a community of players opens doors to collaborative opportunities and synergistic partnerships. Whether it’s co-creating projects, pooling resources for mutual benefit, or supporting each other’s ventures, the connections forged within the community can lead to new avenues of prosperity and expansion that may not have been possible alone.

>>>Abraham Hicks Workbook: The Prosperity Game – 30 Days of Abundance: Abraham Hicks Law of Attraction Journal | Transform Your Mindset and Attract … Game | Abundance Mindset | Manifesting Amazon Link.

Beyond the Prosperity Game: Applying Lessons in Life

Here’s how the principles and practices cultivated in the game can extend far beyond its virtual boundaries:

Firstly, the Prosperity Game instills a mindset of abundance that transcends monetary concerns and permeates various aspects of life. Participants learn to approach challenges with a sense of possibility and creativity, recognizing that abundance is not limited to financial wealth but encompasses opportunities, relationships, and experiences.

Moreover, the game teaches valuable lessons about the power of intentionality and visualization. By setting clear intentions and vividly visualizing desired outcomes, individuals develop a proactive approach to manifesting their dreams and goals.

This practice extends beyond financial aspirations to encompass personal and professional aspirations, empowering individuals to shape their reality in alignment with their deepest desires.

Additionally, the Prosperity Game fosters gratitude as a foundational practice for attracting abundance. Participants learn to cultivate gratitude for the blessings already present in their lives, thereby shifting their focus from scarcity to abundance.

This attitude of gratitude becomes a daily habit that permeates all aspects of life, fostering a sense of contentment and fulfillment regardless of external circumstances.

Furthermore, the game encourages individuals to confront and overcome limiting beliefs and fears surrounding money and success. By challenging these beliefs within the safe confines of the game, participants develop the resilience and self-awareness necessary to navigate similar challenges in real life.

They learn to recognize and reframe negative thought patterns, paving the way for greater confidence and self-efficacy in pursuing their goals.

Beyond personal growth, the lessons learned in the Prosperity Game have ripple effects that extend to the broader community.

As individuals experience transformations in their own lives, they become beacons of inspiration and empowerment for others. By sharing their stories and insights, they uplift and motivate those around them to embrace abundance and pursue their dreams with confidence and conviction.


In conclusion, the Prosperity Game by Abraham Hicks is a powerful tool for cultivating a mindset of abundance and attracting financial prosperity.

Through daily practice and imaginative play, participants elevate their vibration, dissolve limiting beliefs, and open themselves to greater wealth and abundance.

As they embrace the principles of the law of attraction, they embark on a journey towards financial freedom and fulfillment. So, dare to dream big, play the Prosperity Game, and watch as your financial reality transforms before your eyes.

Here a link to the Prosperity Game on YouTube.
