What You Focus On You Get More Of (The Bigger It Gets)

Have you ever noticed, the more you focus on something, the bigger it gets?

The law of concentration states that whatever you dwell upon grows.

The more you think about something, the more it becomes part of your reality.

Just like anything practiced or done repeatedly, whatever we continue to focus on will become stronger in our minds. Energy flows where attention goes.

The more you focus on something, the bigger it gets.

What You Focus On You Get More Of

The more you focus on something, the bigger it gets, and what you focus on, you get more of.

If your attention is filtered by trauma, reality will give you the ongoing feedback that reality is traumatic.

Trauma will inform your beliefs, your beliefs will crystallize into character traits, and those character traits will become your very personality.

If you place your attention on feeling awe and appreciation for the divine, that’s how reality will show up for you- as something worthy of wonder and gratitude.

What You Focus on, You Get More of, and what you focus on expands.

There is a saying: where your attention goes, your energy goes. What you give your attention to becomes your reality. You are your energy, and what you focus on, you get more of it.

So, what would be an intelligent thing to do with your attention?

What You Focus On You Get More Of (The Bigger It Gets)

The power of attention is a timeless principle emphasized by philosophers, self-help gurus, and successful individuals throughout history.

The idea that what you focus on expands and becomes more prominent in your life is a concept that transcends cultural and temporal boundaries.

This principle suggests that our thoughts and attention play a significant role in shaping our experiences and outcomes. The more attention we give to a particular aspect of our lives, the more it grows and influences our reality.

At its core, the principle of “What You Focus On, You Get More Of” underscores the influence of our thoughts and intentions on our daily experiences.

The human mind is a powerful instrument that can shape our perceptions and reactions to the world around us.

When we give our attention on positive aspects of our lives, we tend to attract more positivity. Conversely, dwelling on negativity can attract more of the same.

Whatever You Focus on, You Attract

What you focus on is what you get.

Focus on things you like. Pay attention to things that feel good, and everything else will take care of itself. Focus can only happen when we focus on one thing and ignore everything else.

This is because what you give attention to grows. Make feeling good about yourself your number one priority. As you feel better, what you choose to focus on will change.

There are a billion and one things on this planet to give your attention to. Where you choose to is entirely up to you.

Imagine living your ideal life. What kind of clothes would you wear, and what car would you drive? Where would you live? How will you spend your time? What kind of person will you be?

What You give Your Attention to Becomes Your Reality

What you give your attention to, you get more of, what you look at expands, and what you focus on, you attract, and what you focus on becomes your reality, so be sure to give your power to what it is you want to allow into your life.

I can tell you without absolute certainty that whatever you pay attention to will only grow larger. So why not change what you focus on?

This world is full of people who like to point out the shortcomings of others while at the same time believing their stuff doesn’t stink.

Your stuff stinks, so does mine, and so does everyone else’s.

Our job on this planet is not to focus on other people but on who we want to be and what we want to create.

Trust me when I tell you this. When you reach the end of your life, you will not say, “You know, I wished I would have spent more time complaining about other people’s behavior.”

This is even worse if another person’s behavior offending you is not also directed at you. Man, get a life already.

Life is imperfect; humanity is imperfect, so let “those people” be as they are. Trust me; karma will eventually catch up to them if they keep acting as they do.

Let karma do its job.

Let the concept of what you put out be what you get back to do its job.

Becoming Focused Nir Eyal

The Reticular Activating System (RAS)

I learned about the Reticular Activating System in 1997 in the – Tony Robbins Personal Power 2 Program. – Amazon Link.

The RAS is why you notice things that your brain previously filtered out. If you buy a new pair of shoes, everyone is wearing them. When you get that car that nobody seemed to be driving before, you see it everywhere.

This is not true, and it’s just that your brain filters things out it deems unnecessary.

The RAS filters the world through the parameters you set for it. And those parameters are shaped by your past experiences and beliefs.

So, when you experienced something in the past that led you to believe that you’re not good enough, the RAS will filter every experience through that lens, and it’ll seek out information that proves you’re inadequate (even though that may not be the case at all).

Your RAS can create your desired reality; you must clean, replace, and repair the filters. Work with your belief filters to feel more positive and expect positive outcomes if you feel pessimistic.

The best way to do this is to get in touch with your limiting beliefs and change them using your subconscious mind.

How about giving your attention to things that you are grateful for? Wouldn’t you like to make that a more significant part of your experience? Remember this again and again.

Train your mind to look at your wants and use your feelings to receive them. I’m sure you have manifested stuff into your life once you ‘felt’ that you had to have them.

This happened to me well over a decade ago. I bought my second home in 2008 and donated most of the things from my last house I did not want, including my dining table.

I bought a new home with a small dining table that the prior owners left. It worked fine for my family; however, when my grandparents and aunt visited my home, the dining table was too small to accommodate us.

Fast forward a few weeks. My friend needed help moving furniture from someone’s home to a consignment shop. I was embarrassed about my dining table situation and realized I needed a bigger table.

My friend was going to pay me to help him transport the table. So, we arrived at the home where the furniture was to be removed. And guess what? Yes, she had two dining tables going to consignment.

Both were gently used, and the retail price on these tables was at least $1000. I asked her how much she wanted for the Mahogany-colored table, and she said $250. The Mahogany table was big enough to accommodate eight people and came with a leaf insert.

I decided to buy the table for $250 minus the $100 I received for helping move it. So I bought an almost brand-new dining table for $150, and the Law of Attraction worked well for me.

Later on, I attracted and bought four brand new, still-in-plastic dining chairs that matched the table for $15 apiece at a yard sale.

You can use this tool for non-physical desires, like losing weight.

Are you overweight, and do you continuously focus on the fact that you are overweight? Or perhaps you will follow my advice and focus on what you want to create?

Can you visualize yourself with a fit and tight body? Could you start today by doing twenty push-ups and twenty sit-ups each day for the next five days?

Trust me; you want to keep your attention and energy on what you want to create and who you want to become. This is the secret to success in any endeavor.

You can focus on others’ “bad” behavior and let that attention bring your down. Or, perhaps you could merely observe others’ “bad” behavior and use it to remind you who you are not. It’s your choice.

During a TV interview, H.L. Hunt, a man who rose from a bankrupt cotton farmer in the 1930s to a multi-billionaire when he died in 1974, was once asked what advice he could give to others who wanted to be financially successful.

He said only two things are required.

  1. You must decide precisely what you want to accomplish, and most people never do that in their entire lives.

  2. You must determine what price you’ll have to pay to get it and then resolve to pay it.

You Get More Of What You Focus On

Everything is energy, and like attracts like. Daily meditation was one of the best things I’ve ever done to keep my subconscious mind on what I wanted. Meditation brings your awareness back to the present moment.

Our brains are on all the time, even when we sleep. You can’t stop this. However, you can train your conscious awareness to stop associating with your thinking brain and instead be present and at peace in the moment.

There are many ways to meditate. Some lie on the floor; others sit in a chair; some even meditate while walking.

You can also use meditation to focus on something you want to get more of. If you want to receive more money, use your awareness to only focus on acquiring more money and keep your attention on having more money.

Do this several times a day until you get the hang of it.

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  1. Personal Development: Focusing on personal growth and development can lead to an expanded skill set, improved self-awareness, and increased confidence. Investing time and energy in cultivating positive habits and skills creates a momentum that propels you toward further growth and success.

  2. Relationships: Applying the principle of focus to relationships can enhance the quality of your connections with others. You can foster stronger and more meaningful relationships by concentrating on understanding, empathy, and effective communication. Conversely, dwelling on conflicts or negative aspects can lead to strained connections.

  3. Career and Success: In the professional realm, focusing on your goals, skills, and opportunities can lead to career advancement and success. Concentrating on your strengths and continuously improving your skills will attract more opportunities for advancement and achievement.

  4. Health and Well-being: The principle is also applicable to health and well-being. Focusing on a healthy lifestyle, positive habits, and self-care can improve physical and mental well-being. Conversely, obsessing over health concerns or negative thoughts may harm overall health.

The principle of focusing on what you want to attract is closely related to the popular concept known as the Law of Attraction.

This law posits that like attracts like, and the energy you emit through your thoughts and feelings will attract similar energy from the universe.

By directing your focus toward positive outcomes, you align yourself with the positive forces of the universe, thus increasing the likelihood of positive experiences.

The principle of “What You Focus On, You Get More Of” is a powerful reminder of the impact of our thoughts and intentions on our lives.

By consciously directing our attention toward positive aspects and constructive goals, we can shape a reality that aligns with our desires and aspirations.

This principle invites individuals to take responsibility for their thoughts and actions, empowering them to create a fulfilling, purposeful, and harmonious life with their deepest intentions.

As you navigate life’s journey, remember that the more you focus on the positive, the bigger and more vibrant those aspects become in the tapestry of your existence.

Thanks for reading my article about, the more you focus on something the bigger it gets!

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