Becoming Focused and Indistractable Review Nir Eyal Course [Masterclass, PDF, Download]

A Dive Deep into Focus with Nir Eyal: A Review of Becoming Focused and Indistractable.

Nir Eyal, synonymous with “Hooked,” unveils his latest offering, Becoming Focused and Indistractable. This online program aims to equip you with the tools and mindset to conquer distractions and reclaim your time.

But does it deliver?

This review dissects the course, exploring its strengths and weaknesses and whether it’s worth your investment.

  • Distraction isn’t a moral failing but a natural response to triggers: Learn to identify the triggers that pull you away from your goals and understand their underlying motivations.

  • Focus is a skill, not a talent: You can train your brain to focus better through consistent practice and habit formation.

  • Mastering your time doesn’t mean eliminating pleasure: Enjoyment and leisure are vital, but learn to plan them consciously and avoid using them as escape mechanisms.
Becoming Focused and Indistractable
  • The Hooked Model for Distraction: Understand the 5 stages of the distraction cycle – trigger, internal state, action, reward, and investment – and develop strategies to break free at each stage.

  • Timeboxing and Batching: Plan your day in focused blocks dedicated to specific tasks, minimizing context switching and distractions.

  • “Distraction Audits”: Identify your biggest time-wasters and implement specific rules to limit or eliminate them.

  • Technology Management: Adjust your phone and device settings to minimize notifications and temptations, creating “distraction-free zones” for deep work.

  • The “Distraction Contract”: Set clear goals and consequences for yourself to stay accountable and maintain progress.
  • Daily live coaching sessions and Q&A forums: Gain practical guidance and connect with other individuals on their journey to focus.

  • Shared challenges and experiences: Learn from others’ successes and challenges, create a sense of accountability, and foster a supportive learning environment.

Remember: These are just the highlights. The course delves deeper into each of these aspects, offering specific exercises, tips, and tools to tailor the strategies to your individual needs and challenges.

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Nir Eyal Mindvalley Masterclass

Unlock the secrets to unwavering focus and mastery over distractions with our exclusive Masterclass featuring Vishen Lakhiani and Nir Eyal, two trailblazers in habit formation and concentration techniques.

In this transformative session, learn how to transcend overwhelm and cultivate laser-like focus to optimize your performance. Gain invaluable insights into reclaiming control of your time and attention, enabling you to achieve peak productivity regardless of external or internal challenges.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to revolutionize your approach to productivity and unlock your full potential. Join us for free and embark on a journey towards unparalleled focus and success.

>>>Nir Eyal Mindvalley Masterclass

You’re wasting your precious time being distracted. You have things you must do to achieve your goals and live the life you want, but distractions are getting in the way.

What do distractions cost you?

When we’re interrupted, we lose time from the task at hand. A study found that interruptions cause us to speed up the job to compensate for lost time, increasing our stress levels and frustration.

Our collective attention has become fractured due to the rise of social media, surveillance capitalism, and other digital distractions.

According to a study on the effects of social media on students, those who spent more time on Facebook had a significantly harder time focusing on their academic work.

Distractions also weaken one of the most critical areas of our lives – our relationships.

Have you ever been with someone who stares more at their phones than engages with you? I have, and I know how frustrating it can feel.

You’ll learn how to become Indistractable and the Tools to focus, timeboxing, build better habits, and Increase Your Productivity and Overall Happiness.

⇒Becoming Focused and Indistractable by Nir Eyal and Mindvalley is an online course that elevates you toward superhuman focus, clarity, and productivity.

The Becoming Indistractable online course will show you how to become more organized, focused, and less distracted so you can get things done!

Does it feel like ‘overwhelmed’ is your default state? 83% of Americans now feel overwhelmed daily.

The Becoming Focused and Indistractable Online Course is for you if:

If you answer yes to these questions:

  • Do you constantly feel pulled in a thousand different directions?
  • Is your to-do list growing by the day?
  • Are your habits – like getting easily distracted, procrastinating, or spending too much time on your phone or computer holding you back from your most crucial tasks?

So what is the key to surviving – and thriving – in a world that barely even gives you space to breathe?

Nir Eyal harnesses the power of neuroscience and psychology in his Becoming Focused and Indistractable Course. Nir guides you to regain the reins of your inner programming and your capacity for your best work, performance, and productivity.

Over the years, I’ve learned many hacks, strategies, tips, and tricks, all designed to improve or uplevel my life in one way or another. I’m sure you’ve heard about a few of them:

  • Start a morning routine!
  • Delete Facebook!
  • Drink yak milk while standing on one foot!

While these tips can be helpful (well, except for that last one), there is one universally powerful truth at the root of achieving our most significant goals: living the life we want requires not only doing the right things but also necessitates not doing the things that take us off-track.

Imagine the feeling of actually following through on your intentions.

Distractions cost us time, and like all actions, they are spurred by the desire to escape discomfort.

Becoming Focused and Indistractable Review.
Becoming Focused and Indistractable Nir Eyal Mindvalley Course.

Who Is Nir Eyal?

Nir Eyal is an international bestselling author, lecturer, and one of the world’s leading focus and habit formation experts.

He is the author of Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products and Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life.

His journey into habit formation began at a low point when he was clinically obese and struggling to focus on his goals.

What started as a personal mission evolved into a series of bestselling books and a remarkable body of pioneering research in human behavior, backed by peer-reviewed studies in dozens of academic journals.

Nir Eyals’ work has been covered extensively in publications like Time, The Harvard Business Review, Inc., Psychology Today, and many more.

He has also been called “The Prophet of Habit-Forming Technology” by The M.I.T. Technology Review in honor of his co-founding various companies in this sector and his prolific work helping companies build habit-forming products.

Based on his bestselling book Becoming Focused and Indistractable, Nir’s first collaboration with Mindvalley aims to equip humanity with the tools and mind shifts for thriving in an increasingly distracted, chaotic world.

  • Nir Eyal’s Expertise: Eyal’s deep understanding of habit formation and the psychology of distraction shines through. He unpacks the intricate dance between internal triggers and external cues, equipping you to identify and dismantle the root causes of your scattered attention.

  • Actionable Framework: The course isn’t a theoretical ramble; it’s a practical guide. Eyal introduces the “Hooked Model for Distraction,” offering a clear framework to diagnose your distraction patterns and develop personalized strategies to combat them.

  • Daily Micro-Challenges: Bite-sized daily tasks ensure consistent progress and application of the concepts. These challenges are cleverly designed to push you outside your comfort zone, cultivating new habits and building momentum.

  • Community and Support: The Mindvalley platform fosters a supportive and engaging community. Daily live coaching sessions with Nir himself, Q&A forums, and peer interaction create a vibrant space for accountability and shared learning.
  • Price Point: The course isn’t cheap, and the premium options can feel hefty for budget-conscious individuals. Consider exploring the free Nir Eyal masterclass and introductory materials before committing to the full program.

  • Time Commitment: Daily lessons, challenges, and community engagement require dedication. While flexible, expect to carve out at least 30 minutes daily to reap the full benefits.

  • Reliance on Technology: The program heavily utilizes the Mindvalley app, which might feel overwhelming for tech-wary individuals. Be prepared to embrace the digital approach to maximize your experience.
Nir Eyal Mindvalley Masterclass

What Does Indistractable Mean?

Coined by Nir Eyal, Being indistractable means striving to do what you say you will do. For years, you’ve been conditioned to expect instant gratification. The antidote to impulsiveness is forethought, and planning ensures you will follow through.

Nowadays, if you are not equipped to manage distraction, time-wasting diversions will manipulate your brain.

In the future, there will be two kinds of people:

  1. Those who let their attention and lives be controlled and coerced by others.
  2. Those who proudly call themselves ‘indistractable.

What Is Becoming Focused and Indistractable About?

  • 27 Becoming Indistractable Online Course Lessons
  • 3 hours and 45 minutes of learning time
  • Becoming Focused and Indistractable Workbook PDF Download
  • 7 Deeply Indistractable Guided Meditation Audios
  • Over 19,000 students enrolled

Becoming Focused and Indistractable is the skill of the century.

The distraction crisis is the root cause of our feeling overwhelmed. It’s also why, even though you may work to exhaustion every day, it can still feel impossible to focus and make meaningful progress toward the desired outcomes.

This has to do with Allostatic load management.

Allostatic load refers to the cumulative burden of chronic stress and life events. It involves the interaction of different physiological systems at varying degrees of activity.

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  1. We are “present biased.”
  2. We are marginal thinkers.
  3. We are creatures of habit.

When the brain learns a pattern, it drives an impulse to repeat that behavior – this is how habits are formed.

Do you know where 90% of your distractions come from? Your no. 1 source of distractions isn’t your smartphone, chatty co-workers, or even your kids. Instead, it’s something much, much closer to home.

Nir Eyal does a great job of explaining how our brain works and how it can work against us.

Becoming Indistractable Key Lessons: Nir Eyal Course

becoming focused and indistractable review

Below, I’ll share some of my notes from the Mindvalley Indistractable Course. You get a PDF workbook that you can download and keep.

Let’s dive into the neuroscience of unwanted behavior and uncover the truth about our distractions.

Our behavior is driven by the desire to relieve bad feelings, according to Mindvalley’s Indistractable Course.

  1. Want: prompts us to do something.
  2. Like: involves positive emotions in doing something.

The discomfort of wanting drives our behavior.

  • Boredom

  • Negativity Bias: a phenomenon in which adverse events are more noticeable or essential and demand attention more powerfully than neutral or positive events.

  • Rumination: The tendency to keep thinking about bad situations.

  • Hedonic Adaptation: The tendency to return to a baseline level of satisfaction, no matter what happens. Winning the lottery, moving into your dream home, getting married, getting a job, having the kids, etc. It’s all transitory – not lasting.
  1. The drive to relieve discomfort is the root cause of our behavior.

  2. We invite discomfort into our lives to experience the pleasurable effects of relieving it.

  3. We need to focus on and address the root causes of our distractions.

By reflecting on what went wrong and how to rectify it, people may discover alternative strategies for their behavior.

  1. Performance depends on our thinking process.

  2. Changing our mindset about our temperament is the key to becoming indistractible.

  3. People who are more self-compassionate experience a greater sense of well-being.

Becoming Focused and Indistractable- Internal Triggers Drive Distraction

  1. Ironic Process Theory – When we deliberately suppress specific thoughts, they are more likely to surface.

  2. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy – a method for stepping back, noticing, observing, and letting the desire disappear naturally.
  1. Distraction is any action that moves you away from what you want.

  2. Traction is any action that moves you toward what you want.

  3. Planning is the only way to know the difference between traction and distraction.

  4. Decide what you want to do with your time and align it with your values.

  5. Plan your time by dividing your life into three domains: ‘You,’ ‘Relationships,’ and ‘Work.’
  1. Our innate drive compels us to escape from pain and resist the homeostatic response, seeking to maintain stability in our internal state.

  2. ‘Proximate causes’ deflect responsibility for our distraction to someone else while understanding root causes helps overcome self-helplessness and self-victimization.

  3. Understanding ‘root causes’ can help to overcome self-helplessness and self-victimization.

Nir Eyal Indistractable: Time Boxing or Time Blocking

  1. You
  2. Relationships
  3. Work

Nir Eyal explains that timeboxing is scheduling your day first to ensure you get the things you need to be done, like a to-do list. Nir will provide you with a sample of what his Timeboxing schedule maker looks like.

Note: You may refer to and use the free schedule maker created by Nir Eyal. A link will take you to Nir Eyal’s website in the Quest. You can get a free schedule maker from 6:30 a.m. to 5:30 a.m. to create your own timeboxed weekly calendar.

(It’s a Google Docs spreadsheet to create your own timeboxed weekly calendar. After you open it, click the blue “Use Template” button to create your copy—it will appear in your Google account at

External Triggers Serving You, or Are You Serving Them

  1. External triggers are environmental cues that tell us what to do next.

  2. Removing external triggers that don’t serve us is the first step in managing distractions.

  3. We must ask ourselves: Is this trigger serving me, or am I serving it? You can only hack back the external stimuli that don’t help you.

Nir Eyal: How to be an Indistractable Lover

  1. Establish a bedtime in your schedules and hold each other accountable.

  2. Find ways to cope with internal triggers driving our unwanted behavior. For example, establish a 10-minute rule.

  3. Remove external triggers that don’t serve your relationship.

  4. Leverage precommitment and use pacts to create indistractable relationships.

Becoming Focused and Indistractable is a powerful tool for reclaiming your attention and mastering your time. However, it’s not a magic bullet. It requires dedicated effort and a willingness to confront your own distraction triggers.

If you’re serious about achieving laser focus and unlocking your peak productivity, Nir Eyal’s program offers a comprehensive and proven path forward. Just be prepared to invest the time, energy, and, potentially, the financial resources to make it your own.

Recommendation: This course is worth serious consideration for anyone struggling with chronic distraction and yearning for deeper focus. Start with the free resources and assess your commitment before diving into the full program.

If you’re ready to roll up your sleeves and embark on a transformative journey, Eyal’s guidance might just be the key to unlocking your indistractable self.

Remember: Your mileage may vary. This review is based on my own experience and might not resonate with everyone. Do your research, explore the free materials, and see if Becoming Focused and Indistractable aligns with your needs and expectations.

I hope this review helps you make an informed decision about whether Nir Eyal’s program is the right fit for you. Good luck on your journey towards focus and productivity!

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