Wes Penre: Human Origins & The Living Library

Wes Penre: Human Origins & The Living Library.

This is another long read from The Wes Penre Papers about the origins of humans on Earth. I have always been fascinated with research like Wes’s and other notable authors like Zecharia Sitchin, Michael Tellinger, Michael Tsarion, and Graham Hancock.

Even though there are differences in everyone’s research ( no one is 100% accurate on Everything), there are also many similarities. So sit back, get some popcorn and a soda, and enjoy.

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Wes Penre: Human Origins & The Living Library

1. Abstract

When researching the old Galactic wars and conflicts between species, we must figure out the source’s plan.

For example, if we would interview an American soldier who comes back from the Iraq War, proud of his efforts, and then interview an Iraqi resistance man who is against the U.S. invasion about the same event, we would get two entirely different stories.

If we then interview a “neutral” Norwegian reporter who was present in Iraq, we would get a third story.

We have the same problem when trying to sort out the different channeled material we have at our convenience, and somebody wrote even the old clay and stone tablets, and we don’t know how biased these “somebodies” were.

Sometimes, we can verify some of it by comparing it with other scriptures worldwide, which seem unrelated but still tell a similar story. Yet, our Galactic History is always a work in progress and may change as new information can be looked at and evaluated.

Another problem we face is that time is perceived differently depending on where in the Multiverse we are. Here on Earth, we count time, while others calculate it in other terms.

Sometimes, the channeled entities do their best to adjust to our way of thinking, but it’s not always accurate; thus, depending on whom we ask, we may get a different time frame when a particular event happens.

A metaphysical source that was notorious for this was the Ra Collective “The Ra Material,” “The Law of One“). They admitted that they had big problems translating our Earth time to their concept of ‘universal time.’

It becomes even more complicated if we add to these different timelines based on different realities. We can only do our best to work with and understand what we have.

Hence, it is always a work in progress, which is perfectly fine. To a large extent, I have used Lyssa Royal and Keith Priest as sources for this “lighter version” of Galactic History.

Their information ties neatly into what I will expand on in the “Second Level of Learning.”

Lyssa Royal is an internationally known channel and author. Germane considers himself a non-physical group consciousness associated with the Orion Light, a future integrated version of the galactic family we are a part of.

He chose “Germane” because of its English definition: “Coming from the same source, or significantly relevant to.” There is no connection to St. Germain.

A similar thing can be said about Jane Roberts‘- “The Seth Material.”

The channeled entity Seth has nothing to do with the “mythological” Seth. It seems like Germane may be a faction of the Grays, and therefore, many people have discarded Royal/Priest’s very informative work as disinformation.

Manuel Lamiroy, whom I also use to some degree, is the founder and on the Advisory Board of the Exopolitics Institute of South Africa. He is also a regression therapist and researcher in exopolitics and metaphysics.

Hence, we can use his case studies to determine what is more likely to have happened in our distant past. He also seems to agree with what Royal and Priest are saying.

A third source is Dr. A.R. Bordon because of his scientific perspective on metaphysical tantrums. Other sources than these three will be footnoted when they are used. A fourth source is the Pleiadians, channeled by Barbara Marciniak.

2. Creator Gods seed panspermia–Life in the Universe

We are going to start with Dr. Bordon. He suggests that instead of starting as a natural evolutionary process on a planet, cosmic beings seed life.

In his essay, he brings up this subject quite substantially. Still, he is certainly not the only modern scientist who has realized this. In his time, and some before him, Fred Hoyle already touched on this. In metaphysics, this is a broad and familiar subject.

Dr. Bordon suggests there is evidence that life in its higher forms is seeded from outside and that they depend on genetic programs that come from space.

He agrees with Brig Klyce: “It is a wholly scientific, testable theory for which evidence is accumulating.”

In the footnote to his “The LINK,” Dr. Bordon says: (the bold emphases are mine. Aside from that, the following excerpt is quoted directly from the original):

Panspermia is an idea with ancient roots, according to which life arrives, ready-made, on the surface of planets from space. It is often said that panspermia isn’t very interesting because it simply removes the problem of the origin of life from our planet to some other place.

And yet, panspermia has gained the attention of our science.

There is now Pseudo-panspermia (the delivery of complex organic compounds from space to give the prebiotic soup some starter ingredients, a notion that has already become widely accepted), Basic Panspermia (which holds that microbial life is present in space or on bodies like comets or asteroids, and it can be safely delivered to planets and start a life there.

If the cells escape from a living planet in fragments after a meteor impact, the phenomenon is called litho-, ballistics, impact- or meteoritic panspermia).

And that’s not all. Svante Arrhenius proposed that naked cells might travel interstellar distances propelled by light pressure, a theory now called radio-panspermia.

Whereas a light coating of carbon could protect single cells from UV radiation, a couple of meters of water or rock are needed for protection from cosmic rays. Consequently, radio-panspermia is currently in disfavor.

The danger of radiation damage influenced Francis Crick and Leslie Orgel in 1973 to propose that life came to Earth by directed panspermia, the theory that intelligent life from elsewhere sent germs here in a spaceship.

Modern panspermia proposes comets as delivery vehicles. Comets can protect cells from UV and cosmic radiation damage, and comets can drop cells high in the atmosphere to float gently down. If bacterial spores can be immortal, as it appears, comets could spread life throughout a galaxy.

Hoyle and Wickramasinghe, starting in the 1970s, rekindled interest in panspermia. But they went further to include a new understanding of evolution.

While accepting that life on Earth evolved about four billion years ago, they say that the genetic programs for higher evolution cannot be explained by random mutation and recombination among genes for single-celled organisms, even in that long time: the programs must come from somewhere beyond Earth.

In a nutshell, their theory holds that all life comes from space. It incorporates the original panspermia in the same way that General Relativity incorporates Special Relativity. Their expanded theory can well be termed “strong” panspermia.

Their Cosmic Ancestry is a new theory about evolution and the origin of life on Earth. It holds that life on Earth was seeded from space and that life’s evolution to higher forms depends on genetic programs from space. It is a wholly scientific, testable theory for which evidence is accumulating.

The above is the basis for understanding how the life of higher intelligence starts on a planet.

Regarding Earth, the human ancestors, all the way to modern homo sapiens sapiens (the thinking man), were seeded by extraterrestrial beings “in their image.” Earth was created as a Living Library.

Almost, if not everything growing and living on this planet originates from elsewhere in the Universe and was brought here by different creator gods.

This was revealed by the Pleiadians already in 1988-89. Also, the species that developed here over time were genetically manipulated by the same creator gods for different reasons; many had their agendas.

There are even indicators that humankind was seeded more than once, something we will bring up in the “Second Level of Learning.”

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3. Wes Penre: The Creation of the Solar System

Many people may not know that the latest research says that the Milky Way Galaxy, of which the Sun and the solar system are parts, is nearly as old as the universe.

By today’s measure, our current cycle of the universe (yes, there have been previous ones) is 13.7 billion years old, and our galaxy was formed just shortly after that, around 13.6 billion years ago.

Our Sun and solar system were then created around 4.6 billion years ago.

This said, just to put creation in some perspective and to think about what we humans, as homo sapiens sapiens, have only existed for about 400,000 years, as we shall see in another paper, shows we are a pretty young species.

However, we existed before that, but with another genetic setup.

In the original solar system, there was no Earth. Instead, in orbit between Mars and Jupiter, there was a planet much bigger than Earth, orbiting the Sun. This planet goes under many names in mythology and literature, where Maldek, Marduk, and Tiamat are only three.

Zecharia Sitchin, the Russian linguist and author, translated the Sumerian tablets.

He wrote “The Earth Chronicles” series about the Anunnaki, an alien race who came down to Earth some 450,000 years ago and later on created the current homo sapiens sapiens (us), which we shall discuss at length in a few papers on this website, says that Tiamat was destroyed about 4.5 billion years ago, shortly after the solar system was created.

In the Ra Material, however, where Tiamat is called Maldek, it states that this planet was inhabited by intelligent beings who even had built an Atlantis-like civilization before it was destroyed about 500,000 years ago.

This corresponds with the Hopi/Apache Indian Robert Morning Sky’s research, which resulted in “The Terra Papers.”

What Morning Sky, Sitchin, and Ra have in common is that Tiamat/Maldek was the planet between Mars and Jupiter, which was destroyed.

According to Sitchin, it was destroyed because an outer celestial body hit it and split it in half, while Ra and Morning Sky say it was destroyed by warfare. The Pleiadians tend to agree with Ra in this matter.

The fact that the Ra Collective and Morning Sky say Maldek was inhabited directly contradicts Sitchin’s translations. There may be a reason for this, given more credit to the Ra Material, as Sitchin’s translations, albeit entirely accurate, are based on a rewrite of history done by the same Anunnaki the tablets describe.

That this has occurred is known, but not to what extent. It could, however, explain the discrepancies between the two sources. For our purpose, it doesn’t matter who is correct on this level of learning, as it would inflict minimally, if at all, on what I intend to cover in this paper.

3.1 A Violent Visit From Sirius

Sirius is a trinary system that consists of 3 stars in orbit around each other. Our scientists call them Sirius A, B, and C. This system is located about 8.6 light-years from Earth, and Sirius A, its brightest component, also called the Pole Star, can be seen from Earth with the naked eye, being the brightest star in the night sky.

The Sirius system is inhabited by many different races who migrated there from other parts of our galactic sector; some have been genetically engineered or had their DNA altered by creator gods. A planet once orbited Sirius C by its inhabitants called Ša.A.Me. (pronounced shaamae), a body approximately six times bigger than Earth.

In the Sumerian scriptures, the planet is called Nibiru, or NI.BI.RU.

Less than 1 billion years ago, Sirius C became a nova, exploded, and became a white dwarf star. However, 3.5 billion years before that, due to the instabilities of the original star, Nibiru was thrown out of its orbit and catapulted out into deep space, unmoored from its former orbit around Sirius C.

The inhabitants had to leave the planet’s surface and live underground, and because Nibiru had (and still has) a lot of heat from inside the planet, life can exist on it even today, and it does. These days, they also have a city on the only remaining continent on the planet’s surface.

After traveling through space for a long time, Nibiru was allegedly drawn into our solar system by the gravity of our outer planets and came retrograde. On its eccentric orbit and journey through our young solar system, one of its many moons, according to Sitchin, hit Tiamat and split the planet in half.

After this violent visit, Nibiru left the inner solar system and continued its journey into deep space again.

However, due to the gravity of our solar system, Nibiru was once and for all caught up by it and became a part of it. It started revolving around our Sun in a vast, elliptic orbit, which takes around 3,600 years, give or take.

Its inhabitants call one orbit around our Sun a Šar (pronounced shaar).

So, one Šar later, the story goes, Nibiru returned, and one of the two halves of Tiamat was hit again and became what we know today as the asteroid belt. The second half, again struck by one of Nibiru’s moons, was thrown out of orbit and became Earth.

Another thing covered by the old Sumerians is that our Moon was one of Nibiru’s moons, which they dropped during one of its crossings. This is probably why researchers like David Icke say Reptilian beings inhabit the Moon. In contrast, others say we were interrupted in our Apollo Program because whoever claimed ownership of the Moon didn’t want us there.

What happened to the rest of the solar system when Nibiru entered the first couple of times is extensively covered in the Sumerian Creation Epic, “Enuma Elish,” and nicely summarized by Dr. Lessin in his “Enki Speaks” papers.

4. Wes Penre: The First Creator Gods

We understand from studying different metaphysical materials that universes are created with specific goals in mind. When the goals are achieved, they stop expanding and return to the First Source, the Prime Creator.

When this happens, the souls inhabiting the particular universe can choose whether to remerge with Source, from where we all stem, or go for another ride through a new universe, recycled from the old one and now with a new goal in mind.

Some say this universe is on its fourth cycle. The first Source can also be described as the “Void.”

As mentioned at the beginning of this paper, our Milky Way Galaxy is ancient, estimated to have been created around 13.6 billion years ago.

Lyssa Royal and Keith Priest, in their “The Prism of Lyra: An Exploration of Human Galactic Heritage,” suggest that this whole universe was created within the time/space fabric of the Lyrans constellation in the form of a “white hole,” which they liken to a prism.

Dr. Arthur David Horn and his wife, Lynette Anne Mallory-Horn, paraphrase Royal and Priest in their book, “Humanity’s Extraterrestrial Origins: ET Influences on Humankind’s Biological and Cultural Evolution” (Silberschnur 1994, 1996, 1997):

As a portion of the Whole passed through this “prism,” several “frequencies” were created. Consciousness fragmented away from other segmented consciousness.

The purpose of this experience is to first experience aspects of separateness, then bring back what is learned and experienced, and then re-integrate into the Whole.

In addition to consciousness, the three-dimensional (third-density) universe was created: the planets, stars, gases, and atoms that comprise the physical universe.

This third density reality represents only a tiny part of the energy frequencies that emerged from the Whole segmentation. Another thing they tell us, which correlates with my findings, is their mentioning of the Founders.

These correspond neatly with what the Lyricus Teaching Order (part of the WingMakers Material) tells us about the Tribes of Light and the Central Race.

Royal/Priest lets us know that the Founders were created around the same time as the universe itself to initially seed it and ensure things were developing as intended by Source.

Supposedly, the Founders are always there at the beginning of a universe cycle to work directly with First Source. Royal/Priest calls them “the supervisors of the creation of this galaxy,” with full memory of the “blueprints” of the creation from the Whole.

They “segmented” themselves to create apparent individualized consciousness, which could “go out and create,” as the Pleiadians put it in Marciniak’s channeled book, “Bringers of the Dawn.”

Royal/Priest (as well as the Pleiadians) depict at least some of the Founders as 10-60 feet tall Praying Mantises when they are in their physical (not to be confused with the not-so-tall praying mantises whom abductees report they have seen working together with the Grays and the Reptilians during traumatic abductions).

We have previously discussed that planets, stars, and galaxies are sentient beings and collective “oversouls” in an ascending hierarchy.

I find this to be very plausible, and Royal/Priest goes so far as to say that these oversouls are all Founders, and fragments thereof, who have segmented themselves into stars and planets, and perhaps also the souls of human beings living in the 3rd Density Earth.

They did so to have the whole experience in this Universe.

If you look up in the night sky next time and see all the myriads of stars, don’t be surprised if you see one expression of the Founders. You can communicate directly with them by sending your energy up there or even direct it to a particular star or star system, and they will know who you are.

Another theory, which is just as widespread, is that when a star race, such as us, evolves, we eventually become creator gods and evolve to become stars, overseeing our planet systems. From there, we become a galactic consciousness, and so on. Where evolution ends, we can’t even guess.

The purpose of our particular galaxy was set already from the start, or between the collapse of the earlier version of the universe and our current one, all of it. We may assume First Source Itself orchestrated it on a higher level.

According to the Pleiadians in the same book, as mentioned in the previous section, the purpose of the Milky Way Galaxy is for its inhabitants to have “free will,” where anything goes, as a great experiment to see what happens.

It appears that each galaxy in a particular universe has its own goals to achieve, and they don’t necessarily correspond with the goals of the Milky Way.

The Pleiadians and the Orions go so far as to say that the Universe and God in “Itself” are feminine and not neutral or masculine, as most of us have learned.

They claim that the Divine Feminine was turned into the Divine Masculine by the Patriarchal Regime hundreds of thousands of years ago when the Anunnaki landed on Earth, took over the old Living Library in progress, and destroyed it.

The “gender change” was vital for them to suppress the truth and insert their false religion on humankind.

I may touch on this subject in more detail in the “Second Level of Learning.” This level will take on Sitchin’s research and how that correlates with that of LPG-C, but I have already found a lot of discrepancies in Sitchin’s books, most of which will not be addressed until the next level of learning.

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5. The Galactic Wars, Our Human Ancestry, & Genetic Engineering

Billions of years ago, the Founders started creating bodies sufficient for intelligent life in the Third Dimension for the segmented parts of themselves (souls/Information Clouds) to inhabit.

This is how the first life forms were created, and among them, humanoids were made out of a predetermined template (two arms, two legs, a torso, and a head).

Most come in “two” to symbolize the duality/polarity of this physical universe. These first humanoids were created, evolved in the Lyran system, and spread throughout the galaxy.

However, other kinds of beings crossed over from the previous universe cycle(s), which are not humanoid. The Dracos appear to be one of these species, and some hyperversals may also be.

The first humanoid species the Founders created started in the constellation of Lyra. They were very human-like but much taller. They eventually developed into a space-faring race to explore the universe and conquer new worlds.

In the meantime, the Founders created other humanoid species elsewhere, and with time, many of these came upon each other as they started visiting and conquering each other’s star systems.

Wars and conflicts were indeed not unusual. It was part of experiencing the Free Will Universe, where everything goes, but where karma helps you grow.

The Founders were OK with the fact that the early humanoids conquered space and had their wars; they understood that this was a phase they had to go through before they learned.

Another species from the Lyran star system was the Vegans, originating from a previous density version of the star Vega, quite close to Earth. Not much is left of this race in its original form today, but they played a significant role in seeding and building genetics and DNA on Earth.

They were the pioneers. Where the Founders left off, other creator gods took their place and started seeding planets across the Milky Way, using their human template as a base, mixing their DNA with other species that were already created in the first seeding by the Founders.

These already existing species were often of the lower-density animal and plant kingdoms.

Each planet in the Milky Way, inhabited by intelligent mammals, has its version of humanoids, slightly different in height, color, and features in general; some are giants, some are short, some are sturdy, while others are thin, etc. Still, intelligent 3-D life forms are all based on the human template.

However, there is some modification to that fact. Due to that, some beings (like the Dracos) transferred over from a previous cycle and seeded our galaxy; hence, there are other life forms. Reptilian beings, to a certain extent, surprisingly enough, seem to have originated on Earth, though, when the Vegans mixed their DNA with that of the dinosaurs.

The Vegans continued their genetic experiments by working directly with the dinosaurs to create an intelligent race consisting of mainly reptilian beings. They succeeded, although they were technically still mammals, appearing reptilian-like (Royal/Priest [2011]: “The Prism of Lyra” p. 89).

Much of this genetic tinkering was not done on Earth, however. The Vegans often landed here in what they must have considered quite a hostile environment with all those giant dinosaurs roaming around.

Instead, they colonized Mars and Maldek, where they did much genetic engineering. At that point, Mars had an atmosphere with forests, oceans, lakes, rivers, etc., just like Earth, and the Vegan was an oxygen breather.

So now we have three main intelligent species;

(I believe some of the reptilians and other species we have encountered, which do not fit the Milky Way template, came from other galaxies. This is also what LPG-C# indicates, and there are others as well).

Most Reptilians created by the Vegans took off to other parts of the galaxy, more precisely, Orion and Lyra. They didn’t stay long in the Earth’s vicinity, but I believe a few did. They became what we now call the Reptoids, living inside Earth and sometimes spotted by people close to caverns and mountains.

As told by those who have encountered them, this species is quite friendly but considers Earth theirs because they were here before humans.

The Vegans were a dark-skinned race with dark, often brownish hair and were very tall. They were pretty telepathic and had great physical strength but were generally friendly and spiritual.

However, they underwent different phases like all other species and were individuals with different personalities.

We can compare them, if only vaguely, with today’s Native American, Asian, and Aboriginal people.

Royal and Priest compare them to the Vulcans in the Star Trek Series. Their primary purpose was to explore how to use DNA to create different species, and they were cautious not to act as violent or abusive.

When they first landed on Earth during the dinosaur era, they claimed Earth as their real estate, as the customs often are in the Free Will Universe.