Wes Penre: Human Origins & The Living Library

5.1 Evidence of Giants on Earth

Some of the creator gods were indeed giants, up to 35-36 feet high  http://overmanwarrior.wordpress.com/2010/12/20/giants-in-ohio-the-hidden-history-of-the-human-race/], and when they used their DNA in experiments, their offspring became giants as well [Marciniak channeling the Pleiadians; lectures, Fall 2010, CD #8, tracks 4 & 6].

Archeologists have found Skeletons of giants worldwide, but these discoveries have mostly been laughed off as hoaxes.

Some of them are, of course, because as soon as the truth is published, someone who is paid for it comes out and discredits it, but many of these findings, discarded as hoaxes are not, are pretty interesting because they show how some of these beings looked like.

The researcher, Steve Quayle, has spent much time finding pictures of giant skeletons and posted them on his website [https://www.stevequayle.com/].

Some of these giants had six fingers, six toes, and a double set of teeth. This 9-foot giant was found in a grave in Utah. Still, this guy is considered a dwarf compared to real stature.

5.2 The Vegan/Lyran War

The spiritual traits of the Vegans became subject to jealousy from another humanoid race, the Lyrans. They looked very Caucasian and can, up to this day, only be separated from a typical white Caucasian person by their stature, and some of them have pointed ears, like Tolkien’s Elves.

They were less physically strong than the Vegans but had more aggressive genes.

They came to Earth to conquer. A war broke out between the Vegans and the Lyrans, which the Lyrans won. The Vegans had to leave Earth, Mars, and Maldek to the Lyrans and give up their real estate. So, they went to Sirius and Orion, where they colonized several planetary systems before settling down and returning to a more spiritual path.

According to Royal/Priest in “The Prism of Lyra,” much of the Vegan mysticism originates from many spiritual teachings on Earth, like those of the Tibetan culture before Buddhism and the Vedic culture in India before Hinduism.

Very few ancient texts from this highly influential period exist on Earth. Here, we must back up and introduce another species on stage: the infamous Drakons. They were of pure reptilian blood but related neither to the Lyrans nor the Vegans.

No one knows where they came from; some say they originate from another universe, while others say they came from this one but entered here from one of the many stargates or Einstein-Rosen Bridges. They had scales, horns, and a tail, but otherwise, one head, arms, legs, and torso. Their necks were shielded like on a Triceratops but had no horns growing from their foreheads.

According to Ashayana Deane in her book “Voyagers I,” the Drakons came to Earth during the Dinosaur Era, just like the Vegans, but not necessarily during the same period (the Dinosaur Era lasted for almost 200 million years).

Deane explains that the early dinosaurs were all vegetarians and quite docile in temperament until the Drakons started genetically tampering with them. This indicates they were here before the Vegans, who came at the end of the Dinosaur Era when meat-eaters and vegetarians were among the giant reptiles.

After they had tampered with the dinosaurs, they created Drakon/dinosaur hybrids with the intelligence of the Drakon species. They ended up with the prototype for the Draconian Reptiles, not of Vegan stock.

Some of these hybrids were left on Earth, fitting well into the climate and conditions of Earth at a time when it was much warmer. Through these Draco hybrids, the Drakons could monitor the human evolution on Earth while the Vegans created our first Vegan/human ancestors.

About one million years ago, the Drakons thought the human species on Earth had developed enough for them to be used in their genetic engineering projects. The Drakon ships arrived and started hovering over Earth.

They landed and abducted human females and impregnated them with Drakon seed during frequent visitations; some impregnations were painful.

However, the Drakon/human interbreeding and genetic tinkering didn’t work as planned. The offspring could not live very long in the Earth’s atmospheric conditions, and these hybrids were taken back to Thuban, their home planet in the Alpha Draconis star system. The Drakon/human hybrids became what we today call the Dracos.

The Drakons also interbred with the Lyran/Sirian/Pleiadian Anunnaki, which is why the Anunnaki were depicted as reptilians and humanoids during Sumerian times.

However, this is a highly complicated matter and will be discussed in the “Second Level of Learning” and is not necessary to learn now. At this First Level of Learning, I want to get a specific message through; therefore, it’s essential not to be too complicated, or we’ll get lost. The more complex issues are best to be discussed at a later time.

Reptilian Being

5.3 The Draconian &Orion Wars

The Drakons and their hybrids have been involved in most galactic wars worth their names. The Drakons were a ruthless warrior race and had one group imperative in mind over all the rest, summarized in three words–explore, conquer, and expand.

The most intense wars raged in the Orion sector, in and around the Ring Nebula.

To make a long and complicated story short, factions of the Vegans and Lyrans, when they encountered the Drakons and their hybrid warriors, came together in an alliance to defeat this powerful enemy.

Both empires, the Lyran/Vegan and the Drakons, the latter who had joined forces with other reptilian groups, had common interests in certain worlds they wanted to conquer, and this started an entire drawn-out war.

The battles originated in the Orion Ring Nebula. Still, almost simultaneously, from another flank, the Dracos made a full-force attack upon the home planets of the Lyrans, destroyed many of them, and killed millions of Lyrans in the process.

Fortunately for them, most of the Lyrans had already migrated to other worlds. The migrated Lyrans were devastated but broke out in rage and wanted revenge.

After the destruction of the Lyran planets, the war was concentrated on Orion. Lyrans, Vegans, and Reptilians mainly inhabited the Orion star systems; the Grays came into the picture later.

When the Lyrans heard about the destruction of their home planets, they retaliated by furiously attacking Drakon/Reptilian colonies in Orion and creating much devastation. However, the Draconian Reptilians were fast to respond.

Also, around that time, some humanoids (mainly Vegans) had started cooperating with the Drakon alliance simply because they had common interests in what they wanted to colonize and which part of space they wanted to explore.

The Drakon group aimed to colonize and conquer Sector 9 of the Milky Way Galaxy, which is the sector to which Earth belongs, and they were well on their way.

The alliance between the Reptilians and the humanoids is still known as the Orion Empire. It is much more recent than the Draconian Empire, after the time when Vegans started engaging themselves in space travel.

I understand that the Dracos and other reptilian races from Orion are still most of the Reptilians in that part of Sector 9. Still, no open wars exist, although tension exists between the races. They even trade these days, but small battles still occur.

Long before the Lyrans got involved in the war against the Dracos, the latter had conquered many worlds where the original inhabitants had to obey the Draconian Emperor.

There was much discontent amongst these populations, and many of them now saw their chance and hooked up with the Lyrans against their oppressors. This new alliance resulted in a Federation of Planets, and they all stood united against the Draconian Empire.

This Federation still exists and is one of the leading players in Sector 9. The members are civilizations from the Lyra Constellation, the Andromeda Constellation, the Pleiades, the Hyades open clusters, Iumma [Wolf 424], Procyon, Tau Ceti, Alpha Centauri, and Epsilon Eridani, all being of Lyran/Pleiadian heritage (more about the Pleiadian heritage soon).

Also, some non-physical massless hyperversal races were joining, some Sirian and Orion groups. Others were of various civilizations from parallel universes, such as the Koldasians and the Dal.

Eventually, they even got some company from renegade Reptilians, who wanted to free themselves from the tyranny of the Dracos.

As time went by, the nature of the wars changed. They started to expand their territory and explore new worlds, but it became more about ideologies after many years.

A few humanoid forces had joined the Federation of Planets because they were tired of being “victimized” by the Dracos.

Gradually, they started living under the Law of One, understanding that it is essential to support both oneself and others around you to expand, not only physically, by conquering other worlds, but also to expand spiritually.

Until then, all sides, with a few exceptions, had the philosophy that Service to Self (STS#) was okay because they were aware that we are all One, and if they were STS#, they helped others by helping themselves.

That would work as long as STS included others, but the wars showed that the philosophy had been warped on the way.

STS now meant Service to Self at the expense of others, which was entirely different. This was the cause of victimization and victimhood. With karma also included in the mix, things got pretty serious.

Those who felt they were victims started looking at those who had conquered them as evil and themselves as good. Thus, polarization has now become a very unbalanced factor in these wars.

This is self-explanatory for somebody who doesn’t believe war is the answer to anything, as war is always STS to the extreme. However, this was looked upon differently in the philosophy of many ancient races.

These warrior species still had to learn how karma works in a free-will universe, which at the time was relatively young.

In summary, on one side, we had the Federation of Planets, whose members increasingly started thinking about Service to Others (STO#), understanding that supporting and helping self and others is essential, as both are parts of the same Whole.

On the other side, we had the Draconian Empire, which now merged with the Orion Empire because they felt they had common interests, which led to joined forces.

5.4 The Pleiadians–Immigrants From a Previous Universe

Today, one of Earth’s most popular channeled entities is the Pleiadians, channeled by Barbara Marciniak. This renegade group of different beings from different star systems has come from our future to meet us here during the nano-second (1987-2012) and beyond.

They tell us that they are here to change their present (our future) by changing the events on their timeline. In other words, by changing their present, they are here to be able to change their past so that they can heal along the lines of time and take care of their karma.

They say they live in a very brutal and oppressive time in the future Pleiades, with heavy-duty machine technology and a tight control system.

A few renegade Pleiadians in our future, a resistance group of sorts, figured out that they are in this nightmare environment because of decisions that we humans made during the nano-second, all following their linear timeline.

They could see this was the collective karma they now had to face and handle. They figure that the way to do this is to contact us in the nano-second and inform us about our choices and that we don’t need to live in the future.

Eventually, they are now experiencing if we make more conscious choices than we did on their timeline, which goes back to old Atlantis and beyond.

If we look around us today, we are quickly heading towards the Machine Kingdom, with tons of electronic devices that absorb our children’s lives (and adults, too, for that matter), and everything is becoming computerized.

Cloning, artificial intelligence, and nano-technology are getting massive funding from the Powers That Be. We are caught up in stress, multi-tasking, financial meltdowns, heart attacks, and other illnesses.

The medical field is getting sponsored to develop techniques to implant new organs safely in failing bodies, and technologies are getting developed (this is partly alien technology) to insert machine parts instead of real organs, which work the real ones.

Soon, we will be half human and half machine, and digital and biological implants will also be inserted into humans for us to buy and sell. These implants will help the Powers That Be (PTB#) to control our thoughts and behavior.

This is precisely the path the Pleiadians chose in the past, which led up to the reality they now have to live in. So a few of these renegades left their bodies in our future and met in a safe place from where they contacted Barbara Marciniak, mind-to-mind, in 1988, and she agreed to be their vehicle for channeling.

This future Pleiadian group wants to alert us that we have a chance in 26,000 years (more about this later) to tune into the galactic boost of energy occurring now in our nano-second.

Suppose enough humans on this planet manage to activate our dormant DNA by receiving encoded information carried on gamma rays from the Sun and the Galactic Center. In that case, we will transform into a new Earth and thus bypass the Machine Kingdom planned by the PTB#.

Most of the population will not be able to consciously tune into this energy and thus not raise their vibration enough to transform into a higher frequency.

Still, as long as at least a certain number of people increase their frequency, a new world, based on these new common morals and ethics codes, will be transformed by our new mass consciousness. Our planet will metaphysically split into two Earths.

The Pleiadians hope we will achieve this because if we do, that will change their timeline; they can tune into this new one (hopefully, they say), which will change their present.

The worst thing that can happen is that they and their reality will be erased if we succeed, but if that happens, they accept it; they will still live on as spiritual beings, and it’s better to be free spirits than trapped in machine technology that’s gone overboard.

However, they quickly add that there is nothing wrong with technology itself; it’s how it’s used. So this is their agenda, and they are open to it.

There is much more to this, which I will go into later, but this is the short version. If we succeed (and they say we probably will), in one way or another, it will gain both them and us, so it’s a win-win situation.

As the channeling through Marciniak continued with success, more and more renegades, not only from the Pleiadian star systems but from elsewhere, too, joined in. The group rapidly grew in numbers during the 1990s up to this date.

It is today a mix of the original small group (probably humanoid) and Reptilian renegades, perhaps from Orion. When I listen to their CDs, I believe I can distinguish between the Reptilian and humanoid channelers by their voices, energies, and temperaments.

So let us see how these Pleiadians fit into our past ancestry because they say they, in specific terms, are us in the future. Marciniak’s excellent book, “Bringers of the Dawn,” is channeled; the Pleiadians say they came to this universe from a previous universe, which had completed its cycle.

Their old universe was completed once the life force within it, in unison, realized that they were all ONE with Source and were all creator gods.

They had the choice to go back and merge with Source or continue exploring reality in a new universe. They chose the latter. In the book, they tell us that not only do they come from our future, but they are also us in the future.

But they are also our ancestors, some of Earth’s “Original Planners,” meaning the original creator gods who seeded humans on Earth.

Over the years, the Pleiadians have mainly depicted themselves how they looked in their ancient past: tall, Caucasian looking.

They also hinted at the “blue beings” and the Nordics. In other words, they looked pretty much like Caucasian Scandinavians today but taller.

This compares very well with the Lyrans. Especially, as we shall see when our story unfolds, there was a “Scandinavian” faction of the Lyrans, according to Royal/Priest, who later migrated to the Pleiades.

The original Pleiadian group we hear from today is mostly from Electra and Maia.

So, the Pleiadians are simply a faction of the original Lyrans, who were the prototype that the Founders used to populate this Universe sector.

As time went by, the Vegans first, the Lyrans later, came to Earth and started building what was to become the Living Library, a planet that could hold the DNA and the knowledge of the entire galaxy, not only in pure thought form but also as a manifestation in 4-space/time.

Therefore, humanity is an experiment and, as such, closely monitored by many different off-planetary beings.

The intention was good, and the project started, as we shall see, but it was interrupted by forces that seemed to have other unnoble intentions, and the project came to a halt. But more about this later.

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5.5 The Vegan Entrapment

Going back to our story, when the Lyrans had defeated the Vegans, the Vegans migrated to Orion, became more and more associated with this star group, and began to call themselves the Orions, more or less forgetting about their Vegan heritage.

They became notorious and feared Orions in conjunction with the Reptilian Orion Queens.

The Vegans even created a frequency net that trapped everybody who lived in Orion and was of Vegan humanoid descent in a frequency prison. Also, after death, they were trapped in the Orion Matrix and had no choice but to reincarnate into the Orion system.

This was the ultimate control system, and those in charge gained a lot of power because they knew they had the Orion souls trapped. Beings from outside, who were ignorant about what the frequency net did, with a little smart, could enter the Orion system from outside, but once inside, they couldn’t get out.

So, it was a closed system.

Thus, the Reptilians and other races were aware of this frequency fence and tended to avoid the Vegan Orions; even the Drakons did.

As always, when significant oppression exists within a civilization, there is resistance, and so also here. 

They were called the “Black League” (black as in “hidden”), and it took them many lifetimes of resistance, living in caves underground, often on hot desert planets, away from civilization, to get this oppression resolved.

However, like so many before, they thought they could meet violence with violence, so they started civil wars against their vast government. This was a war that could not be won, and eventually, the resistance had to flee, fragmented, and defeated.

The few who survived had to go into hiding; it took long before the Black League could re-organize again. According to Royal/Priest, some priests figured out how to raise their vibrations and escape the frequency field.

When spiritually trained to do this, they looked for a target to escape to Earth, the planet that had once been so dear to the Vegans.

The priests escaped and appeared here on Earth, mainly during the Lemurian and Atlantis Eras.

Two critical periods in the history of Earth (which we will not discuss in any deeper detail until the “Second Level of Learning” because the subject of the Atlantis/Lemurian cultures is rather complicated if we want to cover it to any extent, and I need to organize my research material and do some complimentary research as well on this before I can post anything substantial.

There’s much more to it than most people realize).

In the meantime, while the Orion Vegans fought their internal battle, galactic wars of significant proportion continued to rage in Sector 9.

Related: What Happened to Atlantis?

5.6 The Continuing Story of the Living Library & Major Genetic Engineering on Earth

In Darwinism, we are taught that life develops in sequence in a long evolutionary line; one thing leads to another, and the strongest species and their members survive, and the rest get extinct, to put it very simply, but there are lots of holes in Darwin’s theories which we don’t have time to go into here.

However, for those interested, please read the first two chapters of Dr. Arthur David Horn & Lynette Anne Mallory-Horn, 1997: “Humanity’s Extraterrestrial Origins: ET Influences on Humankind’s Biological and Cultural Evolution,” and it will be pretty straightforward.

Dr. Horn was himself a Darwinist and anthropologist before realizing that Darwin’s theories don’t hold water. Instead, he began to research the ET involvement in the evolution of Planet Earth, as this was the only thing that made sense, he concluded.

I agree with Dr. Horn in this respect and with the evidence available regarding the weaknesses in Darwinism. We will stick with Planet Earth’s much more plausible history, which involves beings from outer space.

Horn and Mallory-Horn bring up another interesting point in their book. They say that what they call “the Cambrian explosion,” where marine life with hard skeletal parts suddenly appeared 570 million years ago, would seem to be a clear example of genetic manipulation by some ET Inception Group. They continue:

…not only did animals with hard body parts appear suddenly at the beginning of the Cambrian period, but also all of the basic body planes, or phyla, of all the types of animals that have existed on Earth, appeared simultaneously at this time.

Based on the fossil record, the Mesopotamian historical records of ET genetic manipulation of an Earth life form (humans), the Dogon oral history of ET visitation, plus the esoteric information provided in The Prism of Lyra, the ET (Lyran) Inception Group must have laid the foundation of the development and evolution of all animal life on Earth during the “Cambrian explosion”, and 100 million years before that.

This scenario would explain why no new phyla, or basic body plans, have appeared since the Cambrian period. [Dr. Arthur David Horn & Lynette Anne Mallory-Horn, 1997: “Humanity’s Extraterrestrial Origins: ET Influences on Humankind’s Biological and Cultural Evolution”, pp. 72].

This is true and directly contradicts Darwin’s theory on the evolution of the species. It looks like the early creator gods were busy here during the Mesozoic Era, which was the era of the dinosaurs (254 – 66.4 million years ago).

During this period, small mammals were also seeded. According to the Pleiadians, the dinosaurs acted as guardians of the planet. The Experiment with the Living Library could continue without interruption when the creator gods were not here.

They also mention a time (I assume by the end of the dinosaur era) when human-like creatures walked the Earth with the dinosaurs. This corresponds with the Vegan/Lyran visitations, as discussed above.

Then, a big mystery hit the Earth; the dinosaurs became extinct! This has puzzled scientists since the time they found the first skeletons. What killed them? Was it a drastic climate change? Did a huge comet hit Earth?

Why did the reptiles die out, and the mammals lived on and started flourishing after that? According to a Pleiadian lecture, the giant reptiles were intentionally removed because they were no longer needed.

They also were too dangerous to have around if the gods wanted to continue the seeding of Earth. Exactly how they were extinct is still something I can’t answer with certainty, but it sounds like the gods “took care of it.”

Another theory, which fits more with mainstream scientific theories, is that Earth was hit by a giant comet, which created a climate change and perhaps a pole shift, and that took care of the extinction. This vast “comet” may have passed through to Nibiru through our solar system.

A piece of one of its many moons may have struck the Earth and created a catastrophe.

Let us now go back to the story of when the Lyran took over from the Vegans and started spreading out on the planets of our solar system. It was still at the end of the Dinosaur Era, so we talked 65-70 million years ago. The Lyrans started their genetic manipulation program big time, which eventually ended with the end of the dinosaurs and the creation of primates on Earth.

They thought these beings could eventually be compatible with their consciousness. These settlers of Lyran humanoids, once a dreaded warrior race, now becoming their creator gods, changed their mindsets quite a bit, and they had a leap in their consciousness and awareness.

With time, both they and the Vegans (Lyrans faster than the Vegans) tended to forget their origins the more time they spent in this physical universe of Free Will, and therefore, they also forgot who they were before they came into this universe from a previous one, and what their real goal was.

With time, some of these memories came back to them. They realized that the goal of this universe is to experience how it is to live in a reality where everything goes and then take this experience back to the source, after which they again can decide whether they want to stay with Source or continue for yet another cycle.

By realizing this, everything changed. They no longer wanted to conquer space violently, invade other species, and claim their real estate (planetary body).

Instead, they now wanted to concentrate on building this Living Library with their own “Divine” DNA mixed with a genetically manipulated version of themselves, containing all the memories of this universe from beginning to end, all encoded into the DNA of this new species.

The memory could be efficiently encoded using their multidimensional 12-strand DNA as a base. The idea was then to have species from elsewhere in the universe donate their DNA to the experiment to have a broader range of experiences connected to the human body.

They were well aware that DNA is not just a physical thing, but if you add DNA from another species to your own, you have an instant connection with the donator from thereon, no matter where the original donor roams.

This way, you would have a biological being whose body works as a Living Library. This species would have its “nerve endings” expand all over the cosmos by fully activating its DNA.

People could visit Earth from all around and learn from this human species, similar to when you visit a physical library here on Earth.

Not only that, but the Lyrans also wanted to import plants and animals from all over the universe, have their DNA set up in a certain way, and enhance the Living Library so that it spans through all dimensions and densities.

They also started similar experiments on a few other planets in this galaxy and beyond, but Earth is still relatively rare and unique, and its beauty, as we all know, is stunning. Few places in the universe have such diversity.

If you step back and look at it with new eyes, it may dawn on you how different animals and plants are from each other. There is an almost endless variety of flora and fauna. Did this all happen by chance?

No, almost all of it has been imported from all over the cosmos. Many worlds have sparse animal and plant life, and many planets are desert-like. There is just enough to have the ecological system going. Most aliens don’t eat meat (it’s very gross to them), and neither do the animals.

It’s mostly on strictly 3rd-density worlds, especially those operating within a very narrow frequency, that life forms eat each other. Therefore, a wide variety is not necessarily needed. Also, on more planets than we can imagine, life forms that live inside the planet, not on the surface.

So, why all this variety here on Earth? Although beauty is related to it, it’s just part of the reason. Plants, herbs, and vegetables are our natural pharmacy.

In the middle ages (and indeed in ancient times), people knew how to use the Living Library to boost their immune systems, cure diseases, and expand their reality (marijuana [hemp] and hashish are just two examples on the mild end) and they are all there to be used; in moderation, I should add.

Over time, this knowledge has been suppressed by the PTB# big time to keep the population in line and the sheep in the fold. Even more so in the last 100 years, when Big Pharma started making money on people’s illnesses.

They couldn’t allow competition from the Living Library, so they either outlawed certain plants, like marijuana or suppressed the knowledge by ridiculing it.

The Pleiadians, on the CD sets they release shortly after each equinox, have said there is much more to the Living Library than they can go into for security reasons. Humans have security codes embedded in our DNA, which were put there by the original creator gods in case someone would come and tamper with us in the future.

This way, the intruders could not access the deepest secrets of the Living Library. As the Pleiadians put it on a recent CD, we humans are the “library cards,” The intention was that when other beings came visiting from other parts of the universe to study the Living Library, they first had to come through us humans to “sign up.”

The Living Library is like a “School of Learning” with different layers. One can only access the layers that vibrate on one’s frequency and match one’s consciousness and awareness level.

If someone is looking for something that isn’t, they won’t be given access to it for several reasons. Two main reasons are they wouldn’t understand and appreciate it, or they may misuse or abuse it. As we can see, the Lyrans put a lot of thought, work, and effort into this huge project.

This project took millions of years, but the early creator gods (Lyrans and Vegans) had very long life spans.

From our point of view, they seemed to live forever, and they didn’t age noticeably. and as the science-fiction writer David Brin said, galactic beings think ‘long thoughts.‘ Plans that span thousands of years were not uncommon and not a problem for our ancestors.

Initially, the Lyrans primarily lived on Mars and Maldek in the constructs the Vegans had built before them, but they didn’t like the climate. The atmosphere there, as well as the Vegans, did, so they decided to move down to Earth and do whatever they could to make it comfortable for them, as the Earth’s atmosphere was at least a little less uncomfortable for them than that of the two other planets.

One group moved up to the area now Scandinavia, although the landmasses of today do not correspond with the ones of ancient times. These Lyrans were the ones who felt the strongest connection with Earth and began to feel a great affinity for the planet they had settled on.

They connected with nature and all the elements and developed a spiritual mindset. At first, they still contributed their DNA to the mix when they settled down, but soon enough, they became less interested in participating. Instead, they focused on making Earth their new home.

The primary genetic experimentation they were involved in was taking some Earth genetics and incorporating them into themselves. They still had problems adapting to the Earth’s atmosphere regarding oxygen content, gravitation field, etc.

It became hard for them to reach their full potential, so they incorporated some primate DNA into their successive generations. This way, they eventually adapted to life on Earth fully.

As time went by, their mentality began to change even more. They felt like they had become more at home here on Earth than on their home planet in the Lyra star system, and they started calling themselves Earth-Lyrans, putting “Earth” in front of “Lyra.”

In our terms, we occasionally make giant jumps in time because all of this happened over a long period. While the Earth-Lyrans adapted to their new home on Earth, the galactic wars were still raging over their heads, and they found themselves no longer being the only species on Earth.

Other ETs, some Lyrans, Sirians, and Orions, were simultaneously here as the Earth-Lyrans. One of these alien races was the one who inhabited Nibiru, the 10th planet (12th Planet in Sitchin’s translations), which used to orbit Sirius C but now was a member of our solar system.

Although Nibiru once orbited this particular star in the Sirius system, the Nibiruans, or the Ša.A.M.i. as they called themselves in their language, some say were part Lyrans (humanoid) and part Reptilian (Draco hybrids).

However, other groups and subgroups here also worked simultaneously in different parts of the world. The Ša.A.M.i. started in Sumer (modern Iraq) and the southern parts of Africa, where they also dug for gold and precious metals, some of it to enhance their declining Nibiruan atmosphere, but also for other reasons we may go into later.

They became interested in creating a slave race for themselves rather than creating the Living Library. They eventually got into significant conflict with the original Lyrans, who were busy building the Library.

The Lyrans successfully built the Library, and many different energies were brought into existence. Among others, significantly evolved civilizations emerged from their efforts. The dominant Lyran-human hybrid they had created was androgynous, multidimensional, and had the Lyran 12-strand DNA activated.

From our perspective, this civilization existed for a long time and peaked around 500,000 years ago.

We are not talking about Atlantis or Lemuria, which are more “modern” than this civilization. If we want to look for remnants of them today, we have to look under the ice caps of Antarctica’s far southern continent; some can also be found in modern North Russia.

Suddenly, a war broke out in space between the Ša.A.M.i. (later in the Sumerian scriptures called the Anunnaki) and Lyrans. The Anunnaki creator gods raided the Earth around 300,000 years ago while the human civilization in Antarctica and Russia was still at its fullest.

This period is considered the beginning of human civilization. Still, it was only the beginning of something new and the death of something older, much more benevolent, and evolved.

Eventually, after long and bitter battles over Real Estate Earth, the Original Planners lost the war. Darkness had defeated Light, and Earth became the territory of the Anunnaki.

Some of these battles extended to Earth herself, developing into atomic wars. The Lyrans, defeated, were forced to leave the solar system.