Wes Penre Papers: Our Metaphysical Multiverse, Dark Forces

4. The Dangers of Only Embracing Love and Light

In the Global Elite-controlled New Age Movement, the spiritual seeker is often told only to embrace what is ‘good’ and ignore what is ‘evil,’ or to put it another way: you embrace love and light and ignore the darkness.

The theory is that if you concentrate only on what is positive, the negative will diminish, and the person can ascend to a higher dimension or density.

I beg to differ.

We must acknowledge all sides of ourselves and reality, light or darkness, because it’s all of us. Why do you think they want us to embrace only the positive side of ourselves, others, and our environment? Because if we do, they can control it.

When we don’t look at what we call the negative side of things,

  • a) We become ignorant of this significant percentage of reality and
  • b) suppressing this side of ourselves; it’s like putting the lid on a barrel that is filling up. Eventually, the lid will explode,
  • c) The Global Elite and the interdimensional forces that control them can easily control the New Age Movement, which doesn’t know enough about the dark side.

The Controllers then come from the dark side and use the light side to manipulate the ‘positive thinkers,’ who are clueless that they are being manipulated through love & light channeling and different not-so-benevolent gurus. We must look inside and get to know ourselves; that’s the only right road to freedom.

Often, we need to look at the dark side before we can see the real light. And with dark, I don’t mean as in ‘dark space,’ but in negative emotions, thoughts, evil intentions, regrets, shame, guilt, etc.

You probably get the drift. We also need to understand that there is a conspiracy, how it is set up to control our lives, who they are, and what they are doing before we have the slightest chance to evolve without being deceived.

Even then, we are not immune, but seeing through the deceptions is getting easier and easier.

If I didn’t know much about the forces behind this reality, I would be trapped in some New Age Movement of Love & Light right now, listening to channeled material promising us salvation in ascending to the 4th and 5th Dimensions.

So, there are steps or levels of learning from when we are ignorant until we grasp a bigger picture and dive into the great unknown. Sometimes, the truth-seeker mixes spiritual research with the dark stuff, which is also a way to do it.

I want to add one little thing here when it comes to ‘conspiracies.’ We often talk about a New World Order that is about to be implemented and a cabal working hard to take over the world.

This part is false; I think it’s time we realize it. The idea of a ‘taking over the world’ by some dark cabal coming closer and closer is more alive now than it’s ever been amongst conspiracy researchers and truth seekers. The truth of the matter is that the world is already taken over.

We have been slaves under a global cabal since the beginning of humankind. Sometimes, there has been internal fighting between factions of this cabal, and countries and empires have changed owners (still within the same bloodlines, however), but they have always been in control on a global scale.

So those waiting for the cabal to take over the world are waiting in vain; they have always been in charge.

Grey Alien ET

5. Dr. Greer’s Disclosure Project in a New ‘Dark’

Some of the most naive and misleading information regarding the UFO and alien phenomena comes from Dr. Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project and Dr. Richard Boylan’s ideas regarding UFO disclosure.

They try to make you think very one-sidedly. They want us to embrace all ETs out there as our space brothers and that there are no ‘negative’ aliens in Earth Near Space.

Dr. Carol Rosin, Dr. Steven Greer’s right hand in the Disclosure Project, said in an interview (now on YouTube) that they would have invaded a long time ago if there were any hostile aliens here. When I heard that, I knew for a fact that she was either incredibly naive or she was misleading us on purpose.

After all, Dr. Rosin is an intelligent woman, but her statement is not.

Why doesn’t she consider that the ‘negative’ aliens have been here since Homo sapiens (or Homo sapiens sapiens, as Sitchin calls us) were created, and that’s why there is a Global Elite? Doesn’t it occur to her that they haven’t been interested in invading us because they already have us in their grip so far?

She doesn’t even mention this as a possibility. Red flag, red flag!

Yes, she is talking about fake alien invasions, such as ‘Project Blue Beam,’ where a holographic landing that is not real will take place to gather all humanity under one flag. That’s as far as it gets when it comes to negative ETs and invasions.

She then refers to the ex-Nazi scientist Werner von Braun, whom she worked with until he died.

Werner von Braun was transported from Nazi Germany after World War II in ‘Project Paperclip’ (please google this if it is unfamiliar to you) to secretly work for the U.S. government, which transported a lot of Nazi scientists to the U.S. at that time; one of them the notorious Dr. Joseph Mengele, one of the evilest men this world has seen in modern times.

All of them were put on projects in their field of expertise to develop secret space programs, mind control programs, and even expand on the Nazi ability to build Flying Saucers. Dr. von Braun told his assistant, Carol Rosin, that the last card that would be pulled out from the sleeve of the Global Elite was the ‘alien card.’ With this, he meant a fake alien invasion.

I am sure von Braun was right; Project Blue Beam is one of many projects still on the table. However, we must remember that within the secret government, everything is told on a ‘need-to-know basis.’

If von Braun thought he knew it all, he was undoubtedly deceiving himself. How about if a malevolent ET race runs the secret government, and Project Blue Beam is a part of the whole scenario to bring the rest of their club to the table to ring in Bible Prophecies and other prophecies?

What if a holographic attack of an alien space armada is the front for something much more sinister? Who says that an invading alien force comes into spaceships? What I mean by this will be evident after you have finished all the papers in ‘Level II.’

Also, the 5,000 witnesses Dr. Greer put on the stand more than ten years ago all worked for the government or were ex-military or ex-government, often in high places.

I am not saying all these people were lying.

Still, for all we know, Dr. Greer could have handpicked whom he wanted on the stand (which has shown to be the case, according to a few whistle-blowers who have come forward and were not allowed to be among the witnesses, because they had a more sober view on their experiences with ET’s), and secondly, who knows they are EX-military and government?

The ET craft the witnesses saw was probably built on Earth or somewhere within the solar system, both by ETs and the Shadow Government, by people with much higher clearance than any witnesses.

The ETs that the witnesses saw were either mocking themselves up as such to be seen, or they put themselves in the head of the beholder and manipulated them to see something that never happened.

If people only knew what kind of technology these ET races have and what an Interdimensional ET is capable of even without technology.

To understand this, we have to think outside our 3-D reality. We will go into this much more soon, but I want to say that even these 5,000 witnesses did not necessarily see what they thought they saw.

They saw what the ETs (and, in some cases, the human government) wanted them to see. The bottom line is this: there is no benevolent ET race working with the U.S. government, or any government else that I know of, for that matter.


Moreover, many of the crafts these witnesses have seen are not alien but government craft.

Our technology is way ahead of what has been released to the public. And lastly (for now), there is a lot of mind control within the government and the military, including many test programs to prepare for the future.

Dr. Rosin speaks of Project Blue Beam, but it doesn’t dawn on her that the same technology used in such a project was also used on some of the 5,000 witnesses. The government is testing holographic technologies on its staff to see how they will react.

For example, how would a good-hearted employee react if he saw a seemingly friendly ET being shot by his superiors? That is behavior modification and behavior research. The ‘alien’ that was ‘killed’ could have been a hologram or perhaps someone not so alien after all.

We know they have superior technology that can fool anyone, which has been given to us in Technology Transfer Programs (TTP) between ETs and the world governments. We let them abduct humans in exchange for technology. This fact is well documented.

When I contacted Dr. Greer’s staff shortly after they released the Disclosure Interviews in 2001 and mentioned that there are ‘negative’ aliens and’ positive’ ones, I was met with antagonism and resentment. I found this response quite odd.

But remember that Greer gets much of his funding from a faction of the Rockefeller family.

This can be easily verified because Greer doesn’t make any secret of it. So again, by not acknowledging the dark side of the UFO phenomenon, we are doing humankind huge disfavor, and projects like Disclosure and Orion can be dangerous.

Of course, we have Dr. Richard Boylan at drboylan.com. He is even more fanatic about Space Brothers and Sisters and how we shall embrace them all, including the Tall Whites, the Grays, the Reptilians, and what have you.

People on his mailing list (I’ve heard they are close to one million) call him a ‘no-nonsense guy,’ Again, I beg to differ; I have hardly heard more nonsense in my life.

I have been in contact with a few knowledgeable and otherwise rational people from his mailing list who are very gung-ho about Dr. Boylan.

However, if someone dares to write about the hostile factions of alien societies, he puts these people on his ‘bad list’ and calls them government dis-info agents. He has probably not read my material yet because I was not on his list when I last checked.

Sounds like a cult to me. In addition, Dr. Boylan has made predictions several times, but they never happened.

He then explains his false prophecies by blaming the Global Elite for intentionally counteracting them to make him look fake. Then, he changes the dates of his prophecies. Oh yes, he claims psychic and prophetic abilities as well. And you know what?

People on his list still believe him! Enough said.

6. Channeled: The Dark Entities of Love and Light

I will paraphrase the Pleiadians again because their information is stunningly accurate.

They are telling us that many forces of extraterrestrials and physicals are behind the scenes, which often can leave you feeling “like if Tinker Bell just sprinkled you with a truck full of the best useful dust.

These non-physicals can call themselves anything and be as slick as possible, leaving you with this, ‘Ah, I’m blessed, I’m uplifted!’ […] This is the history of the planet. And if you enjoy that kind of thing, they begin to hook you in, and then after a while, they twist it.”

They continue by saying that we are in a time when we need to free ourselves from disruptive energies and claim our power to be autonomous and sovereign.

Many channeled entities are masters in making you feel good and giving you false hope of a future in a 4th or 5th Dimension.

Although such channeled entities (or soul complexes, as they call themselves) may bring much helpful information to our reality, their agenda may be far from benevolent.

Again, everybody wants a piece of the pie.

Anyone can assess this for themselves and reach their own conclusions; I’m not saying you should follow my advice blindly because I say so.

Make up your mind about this, but in general, use discernment. As a golden rule, if it is sugar-coated and sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Draconians, who show off as our best buddies on a specific forum.

They are very real—it’s certainly not a hoax—and they manage to seduce most forum members until a very few observant members see through the veil of deception and expose them for what they are.

You will see a stunning example of how the Dracos turn around and reveal their real selves! Their teachings include love and light, ascension, the Harvest, the 4th and 5th Dimension, and humans being Royalty.

They assure us they love humanity and would do anything for us until their authentic selves are exposed.

Many people will have a tough time seeing through such deceptive entities. Unfortunately, humans who can’t do that and follow what these entities say will be toast, even if they have the best intentions.

I am saying this so that the reader learns to be highly aware of what is out there and use extreme discernment before you buy into anything, even my material.

These deceptive entities may even be able to cure the ill and give eyesight back to the blind to convince you –and they have! — but don’t let that fool you!

If you feel you have gained a lot spiritually in the last few years and vibrate on a higher level now than you did, then I want you to think about something.

Do you feel you have or are heading toward a 4th or 5th Dimension? Or do you feel you are still anchored here in 3D but start tuning into other realities (dimensions) in your daily life while still living amongst the same people as before, even those not interested in spiritual stuff?

Don’t you instead feel like you are opening up to invisible realms? You get flashes of them now and then, and synchronicities are starting to happen, among many other things, like being more psychic and telepathic, perhaps?

Maybe you look at your watch or clock at 11:11, 2:22, 3:33, etc.

Related: What Does 1111 Mean Spiritually? [It’s A Wake Up Call]

I am convinced we are not moving towards any lofty higher dimension, whether on this planet or elsewhere. We will stay in our 3D bodies, already set up to expand the chakras into multidimensional realms.

Planet Earth is our home station where we can extend out into the Multiverse once we are willing and daring and have stopped agreeing to all the nonsense we’ve been taught by the controllers of this world and beyond.

We create our world, our local universe, with our thoughts and actions every second of the day.

What we think, decide, and make plans, as well as how well we execute them, determines our future. Do you live in a ‘nightmare’?

If so, it is time to change thought patterns.

Likeminded will attract to you, and you will attract to likeminded, and when, and if appropriate, you will probably feel the urge to be closer to those likeminded people.

Communities will be built independently of the controlled society, where the individual is essential and will be treated similarly to how you treat them like attracts like.

Eventually, your vibration and community will be so much higher than that of regular society in general that the latter will cease to exist in your reality. However, it still will exist in another version of Earth.

You, and others like you, will break the spell and shatter the holographic picture of reality that has been projected before all our eyes and see the cosmos and its forces in a new light.

You will feel the free flow of energy, the fluidity of the Multiverse, and the heavenly realm available to us once we have rubbed our eyes and washed away the illusions and delusions.

The point is there will not be any ‘positive and negative harvest’ in the sense that the non-physicals promote.

We can stay here and create our new reality on Earth based on our dreams and visions that we make come true in these times of accelerated energies, or we will have the choice to leave the planet altogether and find our luck somewhere else in the cosmos, bringing an expanded consciousness with us.

But what, then, is this talk about the Harvest?

As I see it, it’s promoted for a couple of reasons or a mix of them all:

1) When the Harvest doesn’t happen, people become disillusioned and depressed, and their faith in spiritual paths diminishes, meaning the Powers That Be (PTB) can pull the sheep back into the fold and close the gate again.

2) A form of Harvest will occur, just like a Rapture (some people will confuse the two). Still, those willing to follow these ‘benevolent’ forces towards a 4th and 5th Dimension may be very surprised when they realize that they have been deceived and the place they are taken to is not that of ‘Love & Light.’.

There will be a natural ‘Harvest,’ where Earth splits into different probabilities.

Some will gladly jump into a Machine World of high tech and total enslavement (without any conscious understanding that this is what it will lead to). In contrast, others will choose a more spiritual path, closer to nature and Mother Earth, following the ‘Old Ways’ of the Mother Goddess.

Anyone can believe whatever they want, but I wish to put this information out there for people to consider. I will not jump on a spaceship where I’m told it would bring me to a better place, and I will not sell my soul to non-physicals who tell me that after body death, I will go to a higher dimension.

Instead, I will expand my Innernet (my Inner, Higher Self), stay put, and develop my multidimensional abilities.

After all, this is a Living Library where plants, animals, and humans are seeded and brought here from all parts of the Universe to create this extraordinary and extremely rare library as an experiment. Can you imagine a more beautiful planet than our Earth?

In the future, there will inevitably be a ‘splitting of worlds,’ where people will live in frequencies so different from each other that they will live on various versions of Earth, where those of the lower vibrations can’t perceive those of the higher.

But it will be a slow, gradual process that has already started and is happening right now, and you are contributing by changing your thought process and intentions.

We can’t accomplish anything great for ourselves if we don’t know what’s happening around us. Information is the key!

Then, after that, the change will occur. When people realize they live as slaves to a clique of super-rich people run by invisible, interdimensional forces, they can start changing their patterns and dream up new realities.

Remember, as explained earlier, you create your reality by making the ‘right’ choices and then acting upon them.

Still, all those humans who stay here will live on what we consider Mother Earth. Doesn’t this make much more sense?

Isn’t this more of what you see happening around and within yourself? No one will save you; you are your savior, which is good because you can create your desired future.

But first, to be able to do so, you need to look at all aspects of reality: dark, gray, and light, or you won’t have the knowledge required to keep disruptive forces and thoughts away. And if you can’t, your energy field will not be clear enough to pull your ideas through.

  • Have you felt lately that you wish with all your might that you didn’t need to participate in any of that happening in society today?

  • Does your work not make sense anymore?

  • Are the executive decisions at work right out insane?

  • Have you noticed lately that it is becoming even more apparent that you are just a slave to some diffuse forces you can’t quite identify?

  • Do you feel the world’s gone so insane lately that you no longer want to have any part of it?

  • Have you seen people you used to like suddenly change, become selfish to the extreme (especially at work), and maybe even start attacking you?

  • Do you find all the new technology constantly bombarding the market as one of the worst things that has happened to humanity, and you feel alienated?

  • Have you ever been concerned when you see a group of young children who are supposed to mingle, talk, and have fun instead of walking down the street together while texting on the phones instead of talking to each other?

  • Have you experienced any or all of the above and felt extremely tired?

Then, you are already heading towards a new reality.

The splitting of worlds is accurate, and more people than we think are slowly but surely breaking away from the insanity around them. I can’t even imagine living in a future with any or all of the above.

The first thing that happens is that we mentally start breaking out from the insanity, and eventually, action will follow, and most of the time, it will come naturally.

This is the last of three metaphysical papers. Now we will look closer at who the star races are manipulating us in the scenes, working hard to create the Machine World, and why.

⇒Read Next: Mechanics Around Entrapment Of Souls