Christie Marie Sheldon: Love or Above Review

Christie Marie Sheldon: Love or Above using the law of attraction through your vibrations.

What If The Only Thing Standing Between You And A Life-Changing Breakthrough is just one energetic shift to the Vibration of Love or above?

Many people think they need to make changes in the physical world to experience true happiness and freedom.

Christie explains it’s spiritual shifts where the real change happens.

With Love or Above, you’ll discover how your energetic frequency may prevent you from manifesting your desired life and how to change that.

Spiritual Frequency Vibrations Scale
Love or Above – Christie Marie Sheldon.

Christie Marie Sheldon is a self-help author, intuitive life coach, and energy healer known for her personal development and energy-clearing work.

She is widely recognized for her programs Love or Above and The Unlimited Abundance Program and her work on removing energy blocks to help people achieve success and abundance in various aspects of their lives.

One of Christie Marie Sheldon’s main teachings revolves around the concept that our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions carry energetic frequencies that either support or hinder our well-being and success.

According to her, clearing these energetic blocks and raising one’s vibrational frequency can lead to positive changes in various areas, including health, wealth, and relationships.

Christie Marie Sheldon’s approach often involves a combination of intuitive insights, energy-clearing techniques, and practical guidance.

She claims to access the Akashic Records, a supposed energetic database that contains information about every soul’s journey and life experiences. Through this access, she aims to identify and clear energy blocks that may hold individuals back.

Related: The 24 Abundance Blocks

Christie Marie Sheldon’s Love or Above program is a personal development course that focuses on raising one’s vibrational frequency to attract positive experiences and abundance in various areas of life.

The program is designed to help individuals clear energetic blocks, release limiting beliefs, and elevate their consciousness to a higher level.

  1. Vibrational Frequency: The program’s core concept is based on the idea that everything in the universe, including thoughts and emotions, vibrates at a certain frequency. According to Sheldon, raising one’s vibrational frequency can lead to positive transformations and greater well-being.

  2. Energy Clearing Techniques: The program offers various techniques to help individuals identify and release negative energy patterns, blockages, and limiting beliefs. These techniques create a more positive, supportive, and energetic environment.

  3. Accessing the Akashic Records: Christie Marie Sheldon claims to be able to access the Akashic Records, which she describes as an energetic database containing information about each person’s soul journey. Through this access, she aims to provide insights into an individual’s challenges and opportunities for growth.

  4. Guided Meditations: The program includes visualizations to promote relaxation, mindfulness, and positive energy. These practices are designed to support raising one’s consciousness and vibrational frequency.

  5. Practical Application: Love or Above encourages participants to apply the principles learned daily. This may involve setting intentions, adopting a positive mindset, and taking inspired actions to manifest desired outcomes.
Love or Above spiritual Frequency Chart
Love or Above Vibration Frequency Chart

Christie Marie Sheldon’s Love or Above is a course steeped in spirituality, energy frequencies, and the promise of attracting love and abundance.

If you’re curious about shifting your vibrational state and manifesting your desires, dive in, but prepare for a equally empowering and giggle-inducing ride.

  • A program designed to raise your “vibration” (energetic state) from lower frequencies like fear and anger to “Love or Above” (500 on Sheldon’s proprietary scale).

  • 12 modules featuring audio lessons, guided meditations, and journaling exercises.

  • Focus on clearing manifesting blocks, embracing gratitude, and attracting your desires through energetic alignment.
  • Powerful tools: The 12 energy tools (like forgiveness meditations and self-love rituals) are surprisingly effective. Even skeptics might find themselves drawn to their simplicity and the shift in perspective they offer.

  • Accessible framework: Sheldon’s “vibration scale” provides a tangible framework for understanding emotions and their impact on attracting desires. It can be a helpful tool for self-reflection and growth.

  • Motivational message: The core message of self-love, abundance, and living in the present is undeniably positive and inspiring. Sheldon’s enthusiasm is contagious, even if her bubbly delivery might not resonate with everyone.
  • Woo-woo factor: This course might not be for you if you’re uncomfortable with concepts like energy fields and manifesting through vibrations. Be prepared for a heavy dose of spirituality and “woo-woo” language.

  • Time commitment: 45 minutes daily for 12 weeks is a significant investment. Make sure you’re truly committed to personal growth before diving in.

  • Giggle overload: Sheldon’s frequent laughs and lightheartedness can sometimes feel unprofessional, especially when discussing serious topics. It might come across as inauthentic or distracting for some.

Love or Above is a mixed bag. If you’re open to its unique blend of spirituality, practical tools, and a generous dose of giggles, it could be a transformative experience.

But be prepared for the “woo-woo” factor and a significant time commitment. Ultimately, whether you become a vibrational master or simply develop some useful self-reflection tools, the question remains: are you truly living in “Love or Above”?

Only you can decide.

In the course, Christie explains how Dr. David Hawkins’s Power vs. Force changed her focus in life.

Dr. Hawkins was able to test human’ consciousness. He uses a scale of 0 to 1000. 1000 would be like Jesus, Buddha, or Krishna, for example.

A level of shame would be 20, guilt 30, apathy 50, fear 100, and so on. You need to clear out your lower vibrations to raise your vibration, and Christie will teach you how to do this.

The average level of consciousness on the planet is 207. The average consciousness in the U.S. is 421. China is 300, India is 355, and the Middle East is 170. Dr. Hawkins performed this test using muscle testing.

There is currently no one vibrating at 1000.

Many people want to make a change in the world. Raising your vibration will positively impact everyone around you for the better.

Love or Above – Christie Marie Sheldon – Mindvalley

The Love or Above Christie Marie Sheldon Mindvalley Course: Discover how your energetic frequency may prevent you from manifesting your desired life.

Explore 12 powerful energy tools you can apply instantly to raise your vibrations for a better law of attraction experience.

Why do you want to raise your vibrations? The higher your vibes, the better your life gets. Don’t unwanted things often arise when you are tired and don’t feel like dealing with them?

Life is easier to manage when your vibrations are high. Christie will show you how to release the baggage keeping you down so you can rise to your natural place, Love, or Above.

Living From Love or Above

Is your life moving in the direction you want it to? If not, your energetic frequency is set to low by default. I’m sure you’ve experienced being at the level of joy, happiness, and contentment, only to fall to fear, shame, and guilt.

Learn how to raise your energetic thermostat so nothing in life will keep you down.

You can buy the online digital course for a mere $129. That’s a small investment for your health, happiness, and well-being. Remember, this is your life, so why not experience a life worth remembering?

Love or Above Course

Is it true that you can instantly align your thoughts and energy to abundance?

You have probably gone through a lot of courses and personal development talks.

Do you know the importance of aligning your energy and thoughts with the abundance you seek?

But that understanding is just the first step. How do you do it? Do it fast today or tomorrow.

In The Love or Above Course—Energy Clearing, Coach Christie Marie Sheldon reveals the hidden forces blocking your manifestation efforts and guides you through an immersive group meditation exercise to raise your vibrations.

She shares her simple energy-clearing techniques with you that have helped over 20,000 people raise their energy vibrations OVERNIGHT.

Hypnosis Bootcamp Law of Attraction Free Download

Christie Marie Sheldon Love or Above

Christie Sheldon is a gifted, intuitive life coach and author. She is Mindvalley’s #1 bestselling and most viral author, celebrated for her uncanny ability to access people’s energy fields, erase their inner blocks, and raise their vibrations toward their fullest potential.

Over the past 15 years, Christie has spoken on radio shows and seminars and conducted over 30,000 private consultations for clients and some renowned political and business leaders.

Christie’s deepest desire is to empower people to live in abundant flow, free from the stress of lack and negativity. She is the creator of the acclaimed Love or Above.

You can check out Christie Marie Sheldon on YouTube.

Love or Above Mindvalley
Love or Above Course – Christie Marie Sheldon – Mindvalley

Love or Above Techniques to Raise Your Vibration

First, Christie will train you to sense your energetic vibrations. Next, she will give you techniques to raise them to attract more of what you want and less of what you don’t want.

Humans experience different emotions throughout their daily lives. It’s okay to experience negative emotions, but you don’t want to stay there. Lester Levenson, the creator of the Sedona Method, has a chart of human emotions.

The place you want to be vibrating is courageousness, acceptance, and peace. However, too many of us endure apathy, grief, and fear. We cannot manifest/create/experience the life we desire at these low levels of awareness.

But how do we get to those higher levels of consciousness?

Love or Above Mindvalley

I have watched and listened to dozens of videos of Christie, and I highly recommend her work. She is fun, light-hearted, sincere, and excellent at her work.

So, I can attest to her value as a teacher and a healer.

The online event will feature some special new exercises and content, but the group meditation session is the highlight. The event’s group meditation segment is where Christie guides you into a deep and relaxed mind.

She’ll then draw on your intention and that of thousands of other participants, use it to break through your energetic blocks, and raise your vibrations for manifesting.

Just imagine what happens when thousands of people worldwide get together for a date with the universe focused on one intention: To raise your positive vibrations by leaps and bounds.

Christie Marie Sheldon

⇒Love or Above Mindvalley

01. Muscle Testing: Make The Right Decisions At All Times

Imagine having a reliable tool that answers essential questions like, “Should I take this job?” and “Is this a good investment?” Muscle testing is based on our bodies tapping into a higher intelligence.

High energy causes a different response in our muscles than lower energy. By learning to distinguish these responses, you can ask yourself a question and intuitively determine the best answer for you.

02. How To Ask Life-Changing Questions: Learn The Simple Questions That Can Open Up A World of Possibility

Do you know what’s so unique about children? They’re always asking questions and growing! But as we get older, society boxes us into levels of thinking that range from the absurd to the harmful – limiting our true potential.

So, how do you regain that childlike sense of curiosity and limitlessness? This essential guide shows you how to ask the right questions and answers and excellent new opportunities.

03. The Wisdom Meditation: Connecting To Your Infinite Self

Are you feeling stuck? Is there a problem you don’t know how to solve at work? Or maybe you need a little inspiration or a pick-me-up?

This 30-minute guided meditation connects you to your Infinite Self and empowers you to realize that all the answers and inspiration you seek are already inside you. Use it often to harness the superpowers you never knew you had.

04. Connecting To Your Guides Meditation: Getting Support From A Higher Power

This tool is a favorite of many! When you open your awareness and connect to your Guides, you’ll get access to answers and guidance previously closed to you.

You also start to find elegant synchronicities in your life: unexpected phone calls, chance encounters, and opportunities falling into your lap.

Your guides will know exactly what unique spiritual gift you need at any point in your life.

05. The Energy Detox: Cleaning Up Negative Residual Energy From Your Being

Whether in the subway or at home, we constantly absorb energy from the people and environments around us. That’s why, just like taking a shower, it’s meaningful to routinely use transparent energy.

This exercise clears your energy field of emotional scars and negative energy that you picked up along the way, clearing low vibrations and maintaining your energy levels in good areas. You’ll feel more positive energy and clarity as you go about your day.

06. Energy Radar: Becoming Immune To The Negative Energies Of Those Around You

Clearing yourself of negative energy is good – but with this technique, you can also deflect negative energy from certain people or environments from ever coming to you. Instead, you can release it and return it with blessings and love.

The Energy Radar is beneficial for becoming immune to recurring sources of negativity, such as in the workplace or from a specific friend or family member.

07. The Cord Cutting Meditation: Removing Old, Unresolved Energy Patterns That No Longer Serve You

Energy cords are old energy patterns from family, long-term friends, and ex-lovers. We form energy cords with anyone we’ve had an intense encounter with, whether sexual or angry.

Some cords are good, but many are negative and keep you tied energetically to people you may want to let go of. This 30-minute meditation cuts the old, unresolved energy that your body is begging you to release.

08. Vision Board Energizer: The Next Level In The Vision Board Exercise

Vision boards are practical tools – but in some cases, an unresolved energetic or emotional block could prevent you from manifesting everything on yours.

For instance, you might desire a perfect relationship – but self-esteem issues are holding you back. This power-boosting exercise will quickly align higher frequencies with your vision board so that you can create your greatest reality.

09. Key To Self-Mastery: How To Manifest Your Desires Faster And More Often

Sometimes, the ‘movies’ playing on a loop in your head stop you from manifesting what you want. This simple exercise helps you uncouple from the stories, memories, and scenarios holding you back from creating the ones you genuinely wish to.

Ultimately, you’ll develop an instinct for the goals you desire in life – and enter a state of allowing that empowers you to achieve anything you can perceive.

10. Getting Into Your Heart Space: Creating A Calm, Cool Confidence To Stride Toward Your Dreams

When things get stressful, people rely on you to make quick decisions, or perhaps when you’re overwhelmed, it’s time to connect to your heart space.

The heart center is the point of awareness where feelings and energy are. This tool helps you tap into your heart space, re-center yourself, and connect to the source of your attention in its purest form.

11. Blessing Ball Of Light: Learning The Art Of Giving “Blessings.”

Imagine holding a ball of light containing the purest essence of all the goodness around you. This glowing ball of light will grow with each blessing, from happiness to joy, forgiveness to productivity, and anything else your heart can imagine.

And then —whoosh!— you can project this radiant energy vibration into your heart or even into the hearts of your loved ones. This powerful tool helps you do just that.

12. Spiritual First-Aid For Families: Creating More Loving Bonds Within Your Family

Energy cords between family members are the strongest, and the level of your family consciousness will significantly affect you and vice versa. This tool helps you heal relationship wounds, create stronger bonds, and raise not only your own – but your family’s vibrations to a level of Love or Above.

In conclusion, Love or Above offers a holistic approach to personal growth, combining spiritual insights with practical applications.

Suppose you’re open to exploring the energetic aspects of personal development and are willing to commit to the program. In that case, it has the potential to be a powerful catalyst for positive change.

It’s important to note that the Love or Above program is part of the broader genre of self-help and personal development, and its effectiveness is subjective and varies from person to person.

While some individuals may find value and positive changes through the program, others may not resonate with its teachings.

As with any personal development program, individuals considering Love or Above should approach it with an open mind, research, and consider their personal beliefs and preferences before deciding if it’s the right fit for them.

The Love or Above Program is only available with a Mindvalley Membership.

Thanks for reading my Christie Marie Sheldon Love or Above Review!

>>>Join Love or Above – You’ll be redirected to Mindvalley, where you can access this program.