Ken Wilber Mindvalley Course: Integral Life Review [PDF, Shadow Work, Masterclass]

Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory integrates multiple disciplines to understand human existence comprehensively.

The Integral Life course offers an accessible path to explore this complex theory comprehensively.

Ken Wilber’s Mindvalley course helps integrate the shadow self and pursue spiritual awakening, self-mastery, and higher consciousness.

Remember that the shadow is elusive; it hides behind us.

Our defense mechanisms are designed to keep our shadows repressed and out of view.

Integral is an approach to human beings and their world from the most comprehensive number of perspectives possible.

We all have a native perspective, which is our tendency from where we relate to the world; getting to know these perspectives helps us understand each other more and be more aware of our blind spots.

Few paths are as rewarding as the quest to understand one’s consciousness and the systems that shape reality.

Ken Wilber Course: Integral Life

Who Is Ken Wilber?

Ken Wilber is a prominent American philosopher, writer, and integral theorist. Born on January 31, 1949, he is best known for his work in integral theory and transpersonal psychology.

Wilber’s writings cover a wide range of topics, including philosophy, psychology, spirituality, mysticism, ecology, and sociology.

His integral theory, developed over several decades, seeks to integrate and synthesize various perspectives from different disciplines into a comprehensive framework for understanding human consciousness and the universe.

Wilber’s approach emphasizes the importance of incorporating multiple levels of reality, including the physical, psychological, cultural, and spiritual dimensions, to gain a more holistic understanding of existence.

Some of his notable works include “The Spectrum of Consciousness” (1977), “A Brief History of Everything” (1996), “Integral Spirituality” (2006), and “The Religion of Tomorrow” (2017).

Wilber’s ideas have significantly influenced fields such as psychology, spirituality, and personal development, and he remains a highly respected figure in contemporary philosophical discourse.

Rewrite History Heal Pain & Trauma
  • Wilber’s Teaching: Wilber is a captivating speaker. His enthusiasm and humor make even the most complex concepts engaging. He masterfully breaks down complex ideas into digestible chunks, using metaphors and analogies to illustrate his points.

  • The Practical Focus: The course is not just about theory; it provides practical tools and exercises you can incorporate into your daily life to experience the benefits of Integral Theory firsthand.

  • The Community: Mindvalley fosters a vibrant community of learners around the course. This community provides valuable support and encouragement, enriching the learning journey.
  • The Price: The course is expensive, which might be a barrier for some potential students. However, Mindvalley offers scholarships and payment plans to make it more accessible.

  • The Depth: While the course provides a good overview of Integral Theory, it can only scratch the surface of such a vast framework. Those who want to delve deeper might need to supplement the course with Wilber’s books or other resources.

The Integral Life is an excellent course for anyone interested in expanding their consciousness and understanding the world holistically.

Whether you’re a seasoned spiritual seeker or simply curious about Integral Theory, Wilber’s insights and the practical tools offered in the course can be life-changing.

Highly recommended for anyone seeking personal growth, a deeper understanding of consciousness, and a more holistic perspective on life.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

I hope this review helps you decide if The Integral Life course suits you. If you’re ready to embark on a transformative journey with Ken Wilber, I encourage you to try it!

Ken Wilber On Shadow Work Integration

This excerpt is taken from chapter 13 in the Integral Life Course.

The “shadow” refers to aspects of ourselves that have become disowned, broken off, or pushed into the unconscious.

One of the most important goals of healthy integral living is to recognize and reclaim these broken pieces of ourselves and reintegrate them into our total self-system so that we can become less reactive, more responsive, and more fulfilled.

In other words, we do shadow work to become whole again, become more of ourselves, and re-own and reintegrate all those splintered pieces that we may have unconsciously pushed away throughout our lives.

Remember that the shadow is elusive; it hides behind us. Our defense mechanisms are designed to keep our shadows repressed and out of view.

All the things we hate in life—the things that we loathe, repulse, infuriate, and genuinely hate—are items that we first found and hated in ourselves.

If you label anyone bad in the world, you will attach your “shadow hooks” to them. You won’t hate them unless you hate them in yourself first. Not everyone thinks they’re bad; why do you?

The same goes for people we adore.

Two things to remember from shadow work.

  1. Judgments that inform us are likely true. = Good

  2. Judgments that unhinge us are almost always shadows. = Bad, And these judgments collectively can have horrid results.

So much of the conflict we see in our culture results from standing in each other’s shadows. Everyone has a unique perception of what the collective shadow is.

If we’re not careful, the purpose can become its source of fresh shadow material for us to work with because, in the end, it is tough to tell where your personal shadow ends and the collective shadow begins.

When we think we are confronting a “collective shadow,” we often project our own shadow onto the world around us — our fear, bias, powerlessness, and need for certainty.

One dog barks at a shadow, and 100 dogs think it’s real.

You don’t need many clinical tests to tell you what your unconscious is like. Look around yourself and the world for those you deeply hate and obsessively adore. Nine times out of ten, you’re looking at your shadow.

Don’t think you have no shadows just because you’ve grown and evolved a lot. In many cases, the brighter the light, the sharper the shadow.

Locate your shadow elements, positive or negative, talk to them in actual dialog, then be them and re-own them. Assume responsibility for them, and move that closer to your real, authentic self.

Ken Wilber: Integral Life Course

Ken Wilber – Integral Life Course With Mindvalley

  • 35 Online Video Lessons With Ken Wilber

  • 8 hrs 46 minutes of learning time

  • 84-Page PDF Workbook Download: This Integral Life workbook is designed to be used alongside your daily lesson videos. You will find daily exercise instructions and extra notes in your workbooks. You may type directly in the PDF and save or print it

Once you start the Ken Wilber Course, you can go at your own pace alone or take the Quest with a group.

Join Free Masterclass

1. Set an intention for who you want to be at the end of this Quest.

2. Download the Workbook on the first day and read through the Preparation Guide.

  1. To join the Integral Life tribe, please go to your Integral Life quest home screen and click the “Community” button (on the right, below the quest banner).

  2. Read through the Tribe guidelines.

  3. Introduce yourself and share your ongoing breakthroughs, insights, and struggles with the Tribe at any point during the Quest.

My favorite Lessons in the Quest are 12 & 13. Understand your negative traits and confront them.

These two lessons are about dealing with your shadow, the parts of you that you disown. Shadow work is critical for anyone serious about personal growth.

Integral is an approach to human beings and their world from the most comprehensive number of perspectives possible.

We all have a native perspective, which is our tendency from where we relate to the world; getting to know these perspectives helps us understand each other more and be more aware of our blind spots.

But what if you could also apply this framework to other areas of life? Like your mind, body, spirit, relationships, and work? Ken’s new program, The Integral Life, looks to answer these questions.

Rather than being yet another set of personal tools or techniques to add to your repertoire, The Integral Life Course gives you something far more valuable:

This is an ‘operating manual’ for thinking, growing, and being the most whole and fully realized version of yourself.

Over 35 days, Ken Wilber will personally guide you through applying an integrated approach to five crucial dimensions of life. By the program’s end, you’ll gain a transformative perspective on yourself, reality, and your role in the Universe.

Ken Wilber: The 3 Principles of Integral Living

  1. Non Exclusion

  2. Enfoldment

  3. Enactment

“Everyone is right.”

Non Exclusion means that we can accept the valid truth claims (i.e., the truth claims that pass the validity tests for their paradigms in their fields, whether in hermeneutics, spirituality, science, etc.) insofar as they make statements about the existence of their own enacted and disclosed phenomena, but not when they make statements about the existence of phenomena enacted by other paradigms.

One paradigm can competently pass judgments within its own world space but not on those spaces enacted (and only seen) by other paradigms.

“Some are more right than others.”

Everybody can be right because some views are more suitable than others. None are wrong; some are more inclusive, encompassing, holistic, integrative, deep, transcending, and endless.

But the fact that molecules are more inclusive than atoms does not mean that we can get rid of atoms, that atoms can be scrapped, or that atoms have no absolute truths to offer just as they are. To be a partial truth is still to be a truth.

The non-exclusion principle goes a long way in helping us to integrate a plurality or multiplicity of paradigms (and thus develop a metatheory that is true to the phenomena enacted by the social practices of an integral methodological pluralism).

But even within non-exclusion, numerous conflicts arise, and integrating those becomes a pressing issue. This is where the second integrative principle of unfoldment can be of help.

“If you want to know this, do that.”

Most “paradigm clashes” are deemed “incommensurable,” meaning the two paradigms cannot fit together. This is because people focus on the phenomena, not the practices.

But suppose we realize that practices enact, bring forth, and disclose phenomena. In that case, we know that what appeared to be “conflicting phenomena” or experiences are simply different (and fully compatible) experiences brought forth by other methods.

Adopt the different practices, and you will see the same phenomena that the adherents of the supposedly “incommensurable” paradigm are seeing. Hence, “incommensurability” is not impossible or a significant barrier to any integral embrace.

Mindvalley Ken Wilber Integral Life Course.
Integral Life Ken Wilber Course.

If you’re yearning for a deeper understanding of yourself, the universe, and your place within it, The Integral Life isn’t just a course; it’s an invitation to an intellectual and spiritual adventure.

Wilber’s tapestry of knowledge is unlike anything you’ve encountered before, and Mindvalley provides the perfect launching pad to explore its vast potential.

Hesitant about the price?

The free masterclass on the four stages of consciousness is a potent appetizer. It will leave you wanting more and hungry for the deeper dives offered in the full course.

Take a small step toward enlightenment, dip your toes into the integral waters, and you might just find yourself swimming in a sea of transformative possibilities.

Remember, your consciousness is the canvas. With The Integral Life, you hold the brush. Are you ready to paint a masterpiece?

So, sign up for the free masterclass today. Let Ken Wilber ignite the spark of curiosity within you. And if it catches fire, embrace the flame.

Enroll in the course, step onto the integral path, and witness the magnificent unfolding of your limitless potential.

Don’t just read about transformation; experience it. Dive into the integral journey with “The Integral Life.” Your future self will thank you. Thanks for reading my Integral Life Course Review by Ken Wilber and Mindvalley!

Now, it’s your turn. Are you ready to live an Integral Life? Then get the course, or at least try a free Masterclass.

Free Integral Life Ken Wilber Masterclass

>>>Join The Ken Wilber Mindvalley Course Today!

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