How To Psychically Channel Messages

Psychic Channeling of messages is the ability to withdraw the “filters” of your beliefs.

Channeling involves tapping into an intuitive or spiritual realm to access information beyond ordinary perception. While it may seem mysterious or even mystical, It is a skill many believe can be developed with practice and dedication.

The concept of psychic abilities has intrigued humanity for centuries. Among these abilities, psychic channeling stands out as a fascinating phenomenon.

This article will explore psychic channeling and offer some practical tips on beginning it yourself.

How To Channel Messages and Information

Channeled messages have been around for eons. They are received from the cosmos or another plane of existence (non-physical energy), usually by your higher self, and received from a human body or conduit, also known as a spiritual medium.

Channeled information is a direct telepathic understanding of a concept, usually in a state similar to daydreaming. Anyone can learn to be a conduit with patience and practice.

Some of the most popular channelers in our history are:

  1. Jane Roberts – The Seth Material
  2. Edgar Cayce – The Sleeping Prophet
  3. Esther Hicks – The Teachings of Abraham
  4. Barbara Marciniak – The Pleiadians
  5. Darryl Anka – Bashar
  6. Neale Donald Walsch – Conversations With God

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Understanding Psychic Channeling

Psychic channeling, mediumship, or intuitive communication involves allowing information to flow through one’s consciousness from a source beyond the physical realm.

This source could be interpreted as the collective unconscious, higher self, spirit guides, or even specific entities or energies.

The information received through channeling can vary widely, from insights about personal matters to guidance on spiritual growth and even predictions.

How to Psychically Channel Information:

  1. Clear Your Mind: Before attempting, it’s essential to quiet the mind’s chatter. Meditation, deep breathing exercises, or any practice that helps you relax and focus can be beneficial. Clearing your mind creates a receptive space for intuitive impressions to come through.

  2. Set Intentions: Intentions act as a roadmap. Clearly state your intention to connect with a specific guidance source or receive information for a particular purpose. Setting intentions helps direct your focus and energy towards the desired outcome.

  3. Practice Active Listening: Psychic channeling often involves receiving information through subtle impressions, feelings, images, or words. Practice active listening by paying attention to these subtle cues. Be open to receiving messages in various forms and trust your intuitive senses.

  4. Develop Trust and Confidence: Trusting in the process of is essential. Trust yourself and the information that comes through, even if it seems unfamiliar or unconventional. Building confidence in your abilities takes time and practice, so be patient with yourself as you develop your skills.

  5. Keep a Journal: Keeping a journal of your channeling experiences can be invaluable for tracking your progress and gaining insights into your abilities. Record any messages, impressions, or sensations you receive during sessions. Reflecting on these entries can help you identify patterns and refine your practice.

  6. Seek Guidance and Support: If you’re new or feel stuck in your practice, don’t hesitate to seek guidance from experienced practitioners or mentors. Joining a supportive community of like-minded individuals can also provide encouragement and validation for your experiences.

  7. Practice Regularly: Like any skill, psychic channeling improves with practice. Set aside time for exercises and make it a regular spiritual practice. Consistency is key to deepening your connection and honing your abilities.

What is an example of channeling?

An example of could involve a person acting as a conduit for communication from a spiritual entity, such as a spirit guide or higher self, to convey messages or insights to others. Here’s a hypothetical scenario to illustrate:

Imagine a group gathering for a spiritual workshop focused on personal growth and healing. One participant, let’s call her Sarah, has been practicing for some time and feels a strong connection to her spirit guides.

During the workshop, Sarah entered a meditative state and began channeling her guides’ messages and information. She feels a shift in her consciousness as she becomes a vessel for their communication. Sarah’s voice may change slightly, and she may speak with a sense of authority or wisdom not typical of her usual demeanor.

As Sarah channels, she relays messages of love, guidance, and encouragement to the group. Her words are filled with insights tailored to each present’s specific needs and concerns. Some participants may resonate deeply with the messages, feeling a sense of validation or clarity in their own lives.

Sarah’s channeling session may also include practical advice or suggestions for spiritual practices to support the group’s growth and healing. Throughout the session, Sarah remains grounded and centered, trusting in the information flowing through her and allowing it to be expressed with authenticity and integrity.

After the channeling session concludes, participants may share their experiences and reflections, expressing gratitude for the guidance received. Some may feel inspired to explore their abilities to connect with spiritual guidance, while others may appreciate the opportunity to receive support and insight on their journey.

In this example, channeling is a powerful tool for facilitating spiritual connection and transformation. It demonstrates how individuals can access information beyond their conscious awareness and offer guidance and healing to others with compassion and authenticity.

What does it mean to channel energy?

To channel energy means directing or harnessing energy flow from a source, often for healing, spiritual, or metaphysical purposes.

This concept is rooted in spiritual and holistic practices recognizing energy as a fundamental force influencing physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Channeling energy involves tapping into this universal energy and directing it with an intention for specific purposes.

There are different ways in which individuals may channel energy, including:

  1. Healing Practices: In various forms of energy healing, practitioners channel universal life force energy (often called chi, prana, or qi) to facilitate healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. Techniques such as Reiki, Qigong, and Therapeutic Touch involve flowing energy through the hands to promote balance, relaxation, and vitality within the recipient.

  2. Meditation and Mindfulness: Meditation practices often involve channeling and directing mental and emotional energy to cultivate inner peace, clarity, and awareness. By focusing the mind and directing attention inward, individuals can tap into the innate energy of consciousness to enhance well-being and spiritual growth.

  3. Spiritual Connection: Some individuals channel energy to connect with spiritual guides, angels, or higher realms of consciousness. This form involves opening oneself as a conduit for divine energy or wisdom to flow through, providing guidance, insight, and inspiration.

  4. Creative Expression: Artists, musicians, writers, and other creatives may channel energy to fuel their creative process. By tapping into the creative energy of the universe, individuals can access inspiration, intuition, and flow states that enhance the quality and depth of their creative output.

  5. Manifestation and Intention Setting: Law of Attraction practitioners and proponents of manifestation techniques often speak of channeling energy to align with their desires and intentions. By focusing thoughts, emotions, and actions toward specific goals or outcomes, individuals can consciously direct energy to manifest desired results.

In essence, it involves recognizing and harnessing the innate energetic forces that permeate the universe.

Whether for healing, spiritual growth, creativity, or manifestation, channeling energy, messages, and information empowers individuals to connect with and utilize the universal energy field for positive transformation and alignment with their highest potential.

What’s another word for channeling?

Another word for channeling is “conduit.” A conduit refers to facilitating the flow of something, whether it’s information, energy, or a substance. Both terms imply acting as a medium or pathway for transmitting or directing something from one point to another.

In the context of psychic or spiritual practices, “mediumship” is also often used interchangeably with channeling and refers to the ability to communicate with spirits or other non-physical entities.

What Is The Higher Self?

Your higher self is the complete and whole, the real you and not the fictitious character you are playing in the world called planet Earth.

The higher self exists on many planes or dimensions. The higher self is the oversoul that can be anywhere and does not associate as an individual but knows that we are all connected to the source of energy we call God.

Silva Channel Information

What Is The Little Self?

The little self is the you that is experiencing the world with limitations. The little self is also described as the ego or the temporary you experiencing physical life.

The term little self is by no means meant to diminish the worthiness or value of the physical you.

I will use a metaphor here concerning the higher and lower self. The higher self is you that sends subtle messages to the little Self. If you were playing a video game, the player would be the higher self, and the character in the game would be the little Self.

Hey, don’t go that way to work or buy that house because a better one is right around the corner.

The higher self will communicate to the little Self through thoughts, images, words, and synchronicity that we label intuition.

Part of the deal of incarnating on planet Earth is the feeling or appearance of separation. This is an illusion; we are always connected to Source Energy.

What Is A Spiritual Medium?

From Medium James Van Praagh’s website:

A medium is a psychic who has fine-tuned their extrasensory perception and can interface with the spirits in other dimensions.

They can hear thoughts, voices, or mental impressions from the spirit world. A medium can become utterly receptive to the higher frequency or energies on which spirit people vibrate.

Mediumship itself can be broken down into two distinct categories. The first and most common type is mental mediumship, which is how I work with my abilities. Mediumship is much more involved than psychicism because a medium opens itself to discarnate energy.

I communicate with spirits while fully conscious. As the word mental denotes, this mediumship utilizes the intuitive mind, not the rational or logical part.

This type of mental mediumship falls into several distinct types, which are described as:

  • Clairsentience – (clear feeling) Perceives information through strong, emphatic senses and emotions from the spirit.

  • Clairvoyant – (clear vision) See objects, colors, symbols, people, spirits, or scenes with the mind’s eye. These pictures are not visible to the naked eye and usually flash into the medium’s mind.

  • Clairaudient – (clear hearing) Perceive sounds or words from sources broadcasting from a spiritual realm.

  • Clairempathy – (evident emotion) Sense or “feel” within oneself the attitude or emotions of another person.

  • Clairgustance – (clear tasting”) Discern the essence of a substance through taste from spirit.

  • Clairscent – (clear smelling). Smell a fragrance or odor coming from the spirit.

  • Clairtangency – (explicit touching) This ability is commonly known as Psychometry. By holding an object or touching an area, you perceive information about the article, its owner, or its history through your hands.

Why Would You Want To Be A Psychic Medium?

We channel information all the time, whether we realize it or not. Have you ever gone somewhere, and someone you meet says something to you that you had contemplated.? They were temporarily channeling a message to you from your higher self.

Most people learn how to channel themselves to help themselves grow into the person they want to be. Others know how to help others help themselves, such as Edgar Cayce, who would flow information from the Akashic Records to help his clients with their health issues.

Being in the “Flow State” is another form. Whether you are creating art, writing a story, or doing whatever you do effortlessly and quickly, you are in what is known as the “channeling state.”

As you release resistance to the energy around and within you, channeling becomes an easy art to use to your advantage.

How To Become A  Conscious Channel Of Information

First off, there are two types of channelers.

  • vocal
  • nonvocal

Abraham is vocally channeled through Esther Hicks. Neale Donald Walsch would be considered a nonvocal in writing his Conversations With God books.

The channeling chakra is located at the back of the neck. You must match your vibration (frequency) with what you want to be a medium for. Changing your vibration is similar to using a tuning fork to tune an instrument.

Many channelers complain that they get neck pain when they first begin. This is entirely normal and will eventually dissolve when you learn to allow the flow of energy.

A critical point to discuss here is that the body may resist letting this new energy through when you begin.

The body tends to become constrictive in these moments because it may be uncertain whether it can handle this new energy or is unsure about it. Physical ailments and possibly disease may result from the body not allowing the energy to come through.

This should only be temporary if you continue channeling as you trust that these are symptoms of allowing yourself to stretch and grow. We often refer to this experience as “growing pains.”

Remember that mediumship involves aligning your vibration (frequency) with your desired channel. It can last as long or as short as you are comfortable with.

Try Channeling Information From Your Higher Self

  1. Tune in your vibration with that which you want to channel.
  2. Open up like a conduit, allowing the energy and information to flow.
  3. Get your mind into the Alpha through self-hypnosis: Take a deep breath. While breathing out, see the number 3 in your head and repeat it thrice. Next, while breathing out, see the number 2 in your head and repeat it thrice. Next, while breathing out, see the number 1 in your head and repeat it thrice.
  4. Express the energy through writing, dancing, singing, speaking, etc.

This channeling meditation will work for you. Just try for fifteen minutes a day, every day for a week.

Also, you may find out that you are communicating with your spirit guides/guardian angels and your higher self. With practice, you will begin to notice the difference.

A Word Of Caution About Channeling

You connect with non-physical energy when you become a psychic medium. That said, knowing what you are connecting with would be wise.

Ensuring you are in good physical and mental shape would be good. Make sure you are adequately hydrated as well. Also, make sure to strengthen your aura.

Imagine your aura is made of gold, and keep it close to your body. Imagine a big rope wrapped around your waist with a giant quartz crystal attached. Drop that rope into the core of the earth. This is for grounding purposes.

Also, make an agreement that only positive energy will flow through you. If you are new, I recommend taking professional online courses or speaking directly with a reputable psychic medium like Dr. Gwen MacGregor.

All energy should feel neutral to good. If you are a conduit for messages and information and become ill or feel extreme negativity, disconnect yourself and stop doing it. Either way, let your feelings be your guide.

I Have a Masterclass you can try for free to tune into and Master “altered states.” You can sign up here.

How Channeling Works – Wes Penre

I would say that most channeled material is a confusing mixed bag of truths, half-truths, and lies. However, entities are doing their best to assist us to the best of their abilities. Still, they are as limited as we are in predicting what will happen.

The way channeling works, in general, is that the entities who temporarily possess a human body (often called a “vehicle”) read the consciousness of that vehicle and, at the same time, tune into the mass consciousness of the entire population of the whole planet; they “hook up” to the planetary matrix, i.e., everything on the planet itself as a semi-conscious being.

They also have access to the Akashic Records of the whole human race, and they have their mass consciousness and that of the Multiverse to draw information and knowledge.

Some of them are also from our future and past, so they may have quite a lot of information from their memories to draw from. With their multi-dimensional perspective, these entities can answer our questions with a high accuracy rate. Still, the cons are that things become slippery when they look into the future.

Any beings on the planet, although to some degree predictable, make decisions every second of their lives, and these decisions create an outcome. If we combine the decisions of nearly 7 billion people, the mutual result for the human race and everything we affect is quite unpredictable.

Thus, it’s tough for these entities to predict the future of mass consciousness. It’s always easier to understand what will happen in a day or a week (because fewer thoughts and decisions are made within this short period) than it would be to predict what will happen in a year or longer.

We then need to include all the timelines involved.

All these entities can do is read the present consciousness of the planetary timeline at which they have entered, predict how the human consciousness will react and act in the future, still based on the time in which they operate, and get a probable picture of the future.

However, any worthwhile channeled entity will tell you that this is a very slippery business, and it’s preferable not to predict things too precisely.

When participating in channeled material, we must consider the agenda of the entity or group consciousness. They can tell us things they want us to know and, at the same time, exclude what they don’t want you to know.

Also, different entities have different levels of awareness, just like humans; some may be truthful, while others lie to push their agenda forward.

We will discuss this problem in other papers as well. It is always a struggle to lay a multi-dimensional puzzle. We must accept that we are just at the beginning of learning things; whatever conclusions we come to today will be subject to future editing.

What holds today may be the “old paradigm” tomorrow in the fluid and ever-changing Multiverse. Another thing that is very important to consider is whether the entities are giving your power away. It is worth your time if the information is uplifting and can bring you to a new experience level.

And if they tell you to give your power to someone other than yourself (Ascended Masters or whomever), the same thing: close the book, turn off the CD, and start looking elsewhere for valuable material.

A typical example of quality channeling, which falls into many of the categories above, is, in my opinion, the – Pleiadians, channeled by Barbara Marciniak.

In this case, their agenda is known and openly discussed by the entities, and they have been consistently assisting humanity for 23 years as of this writing, without contradicting themselves.

Their information is uplifting and educating; when it’s more severe, it always leads to a solution on the other end. Being open about that they do have a personal agenda and what it is, is a positive thing in itself.

Now we know what they want and how they want it, and it’s up to us to agree. We can choose to be part of their agenda and see how it can benefit us, or we can opt out and choose another direction.

According to the Pleiadians, they are us in the future and our ancestors. They were part of the genetic engineering of humankind in the ancient past and are now “stuck” in a future timeline, which is not very pleasant to live in.

They are directly connected to the events happening here on Earth in this nano-second (see section 1.3 below), and they want us to make more conscious decisions than they did when they were here at this particular time (on their timeline).

They chose a machine world before a more simplistic, conscious reality closer to nature, and their “agenda” is to change their timeline so that the nightmare they are living in now (our future) can also vary.

They are refugees from different star systems who have come together as a collective to contact us and educate us on what is ahead.

They say we have free will to do whatever we want, but they hope that by teaching us, we will make more conscious decisions than they did in their past. If their agenda is successful, it could mean they cease to exist in their reality while we will thrive in ours, but they are willing to take that chance of creating their extinction.

The alternative, they say, is that if we choose the same route as they did, there’s a good chance we will end up where they are.


Psychic channeling offers a gateway to accessing information beyond the confines of ordinary perception. By cultivating an open mind, setting intentions, and practicing active listening, anyone can begin to tap into their intuitive abilities.

Remember that psychic channeling is a personal journey, and experiences may vary from one individual to another. Approach the practice with curiosity, patience, and an open heart, and you may find yourself unlocking profound insights and guidance from the unseen realms.