Everyday Bliss Review – Paul McKenna Program

In the vast landscape of personal development, few names carry as much weight as Paul McKenna. hypnotherapy

His latest venture, Everyday Bliss on Mindvalley, promises a unique blend of techniques for profound well-being.

This comprehensive review will explore the intricacies of Paul Mckenna’s Everyday Bliss Program.

I’ll examine its components and participant experiences and address the question:

Is Everyday Bliss Hypnotherapy by Mindvalley worth the investment?

Related: Mind Valley Membership

What Is Paul McKenna’s Everyday Bliss Program?

Paul McKenna’s Everyday Bliss program on Mindvalley provides a comprehensive system with powerful tools from:

  • NLP
  • Hypnotherapy
  • EFT
  • Meditation

These techniques are meticulously crafted to liberate you from stress, fear, and anxiety, fostering freedom and empowerment.

Through the Everyday Bliss Quest, participants are guided through clinically proven methods to effectively manage and diminish stress and anxiety.

By immersing yourself in Paul McKenna’s teachings, you will gain invaluable insights and practical strategies for confronting and overcoming the challenges that once overwhelmed you.

Central to the program is the utilization of self-hypnosis/hypnotherapy and EFT techniques, which enable you to reprogram your mind and body’s responses to stressors. The overarching aim is to recalibrate your internal stress mechanism, fostering a healthier, more adaptive sensitivity to life’s demands.

Ultimately, the Everyday Bliss program empowers individuals to cultivate an unconditionally positive mindset, a relaxed physical state, and a more fulfilling and productive life.

Through dedicated practice and applying these transformative tools, participants experience a profound shift towards greater resilience, confidence, and emotional well-being.

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Paul McKenna Everyday Bliss Review
Everyday Bliss – Paul McKenna – Mindvalley Quest

The synergy between Paul McKenna and Mindvalley sets the stage for a formidable partnership. Mindvalley, a platform renowned for curating top-tier personal development courses, will contribute its expertise.

McKenna’s proven methods and innovative approaches promise a journey that transcends traditional self-help paradigms.

Mindvalley’s commitment to curating transformative content aligns seamlessly with McKenna’s multifaceted expertise.

As a hypnotist, McKenna has earned accolades for his work in behavioral therapy and personal development. Bliss becomes a symphony of knowledge every day, combining Mindvalley’s platform prowess with McKenna’s unique skill set.

The Fastest Way To Heal Stress, Anxiety, And Worry | Paul Mckenna| Mindvalley

Havening with Paul Mckenna

At the heart of Everyday Bliss lies the integration of Havening techniques. Originating from neuroscience and psychotherapy, Havening involves a gentle touch to produce delta waves in the brain, fostering a sense of safety and relaxation.

McKenna’s incorporation of Havening in the program adds a layer of innovation, aiming to equip participants with effective tools for stress reduction and emotional resilience.

Havening, in the context of Everyday Bliss, becomes a bridge between the conscious and subconscious mind. As participants engage with these techniques, they navigate the terrain of their emotions, laying the groundwork for lasting positive change.

The effectiveness of Havening has been lauded in various therapeutic settings, and its inclusion in Everyday Bliss underscores McKenna’s commitment to providing practical tools for personal growth.

Hypnotic Trance For Bliss & Relaxation

A cornerstone of McKenna’s methodology is his adept use of hypnotic trance for bliss and relaxation. Everyday Bliss sessions guide participants into states of deep relaxation, creating an environment conducive to transformative change.

Through carefully crafted hypnotic suggestions, McKenna aims to rewire patterns of thought and behavior, fostering a mindset primed for growth and well-being.

The hypnotic trance sessions within Everyday Bliss aren’t intended to induce a state of mindless compliance but instead to unlock the subconscious mind’s potential.

By accessing the subconscious, participants may discover and address underlying beliefs hindering personal development. The fusion of hypnotic trance and relaxation techniques aims to create a holistic approach to self-improvement.

Related: Jennifer Partridge: Tapping Into Emotional Mastery

Real Talk: The Verdict on Everyday Bliss

Potential participants often grapple with the pivotal question of whether Everyday Bliss is worth the investment. As with many personal development programs, the answer lies in the individual’s commitment to the journey.

The Commitment to Personal Growth

Everyday Bliss isn’t a magic pill that guarantees instant results. Instead, it is an invitation to embark on a transformative journey.

The efficacy of the program hinges on the participant’s openness to immersive experiences, readiness to embrace change, and willingness to apply the techniques presented by McKenna.

The Unique Blend of Techniques

For those intrigued by the unique blend of Havening, hypnotic trance, and relaxation techniques, Everyday Bliss offers a distinctive approach to personal development.

It’s a departure from traditional self-help methodologies, providing participants with a toolkit that extends beyond the duration of the program.

Diving into Participant Experiences

To provide a nuanced perspective on the program’s impact, we delved into Everyday Bliss reviews from participants. A tapestry of positive experiences emerges, with testimonials highlighting the practicality of McKenna’s techniques and the tangible benefits observed.

From heightened well-being and increased focus to a newfound sense of inner peace, participants commend Everyday Bliss for its ability to deliver transformative outcomes.

It’s essential to note that individual experiences may vary, and the program’s impact is contingent on factors such as commitment, consistency, and each participant’s specific goals.

Jane’s Journey to Serenity

Jane, a participant in the Everyday Bliss program, shares her journey toward serenity. “Before Everyday Bliss, I was caught in the relentless cycle of stress and anxiety. McKenna’s Havening techniques became my lifeline.

They offered a tangible way to navigate my emotions and create a sanctuary of calm. Everyday Bliss isn’t just a program; it’s a lifeline for those seeking peace amid life’s chaos.”

Mark’s Mental Resilience

Mark, another participant, emphasizes the program’s impact on mental resilience. “As a skeptic entering Everyday Bliss, I was pleasantly surprised.

The hypnotic trance sessions allowed me to access a level of relaxation I hadn’t thought possible. These techniques have profound real-world applications. I find myself more resilient in the face of challenges, with a newfound ability to navigate stress gracefully.”

Kath’s Ability To Enjoy Life Again

Having been diagnosed with several life-threatening health issues, I was highly anxious, which was affecting my daily living to the extreme.

Paul’s hypnosis gave me peace of mind and the ability to enjoy each day again. Removing the fear and anxiety I was experiencing and taking back control.

It was amazing to see the change in other members, too. 

Update: Paul McKenna has another Course. Total Self-Confidence

Paul McKenna Hypnosis

Paul McKenna is a well-known hypnotist, behavioral scientist, and author. He gained prominence through his work in hypnosis, self-help, and personal development.

McKenna has authored several best-selling books on weight loss, self-confidence, and personal transformation. He is also known for his television programs, where he demonstrates techniques related to hypnosis and self-improvement.

Over the years, he has garnered a significant following and has become a prominent figure in personal development and hypnotherapy.

Paul McKenna Everyday Bliss Review

Everyday Bliss Review

  • 21 online video lessons
  • 3 Hrs 31 minutes of course instruction
  • The Hypnotic Trance Bliss Audio
  • The Deep Relaxation Technique Audio
  • Head-to-Heart Exercise Audio
  • Systematic Relaxation Audio
  • TFT Tapping Exercise Audio
  • The Havening Therapy Audio
  • The Calm Anchor Audio
  • 3 PreRecorded Q&A Sessions About The Quest With Paul McKenna
  • The Story of Worry Audio
  • The Disassociation Exercise Audio
  • Exercise for Rewiring Unpleasant Memories Audio
  • The Endorphin Button Exercise Audio
  • Exercise for Instant Motivation Audio
  • Big Mind Audio
  • 43,461 students enrolled
Paul McKenna Everyday Bliss Review
Everyday Bliss Paul McKenna Lesson.

Paul McKenna Positivity Hypnosis

My favorite lesson was #16: Paul McKenna’s Positivity Hypnosis to Boost Your Endorphins for Everyday Bliss using the Endorphin Button Exercise.

  • Laughing for 15 – 20 min a day, even if for no reason, increases the level of endorphins in your body.
  • Humor is one of the most valuable resources for controlling stress. It allows you to see life from multiple perspectives.
  • The Endorphin Button exercise helps people relax and experience more happiness in their background.
  1. Listen to the Hypnotic Trance audio.
  2. Repeat the Endorphin Button exercise. Share happiness by teaching one person this exercise.
Everyday Bliss Review

Each time you do this exercise, you will find it easier to relax, let go, and laugh at many things that bothered you. By taking things more lightly, you will find better solutions when you need to and find it easier to let go when you don’t.

  1. Remember when you had a release of endorphins (I.e., making love, laughing, or another moment of euphoria when your body tingled with pleasure)?
  2. Vividly return to that time like you are back there again now, see what you saw, hear what you heard, and feel how good you felt.
  3. As you recall this memory, make the colors in the memory brighter and the sounds louder.
  4. Now squeeze the thumb and index finger together five times in a row on your right hand as you recall the memory.
  5. You will know that you successfully created an endorphin button when you all have to squeeze your thumb and index finger and recall the memory, and your nervous system will flood with endorphins.

Before you start your quest, there are three intro videos. These help you get acquainted. Below is what you will see after watching the first intro video.

Welcome to your Everyday Bliss Quest.

The Everyday Bliss Quest by Paul McKenna is delivered quickly, so feel free to pause the video anytime you need more time for notes or self-reflection.

In part 3 of the intro, you will try the Hypnotic Trance Audio. (I loved this one.)

The Big Mind process is possibly one of the world’s best Paul McKenna meditation methods. This process gives a depth of inner peace in minutes that may take seasoned meditators decades of practice to reach.

At the heart of this Quest is a powerful hypnotic trance that will help you achieve deep bliss and relaxation, have more energy, and be more effective in your everyday life.

I recommend using it daily for this Quest to give yourself a rock-solid foundation for your ongoing sense of calm, relaxation, and well-being. You can listen to it before sleep or in any stressful situation.

Listen to this audio-only when you can relax completely. For the best Stereo Sound experience, I recommend listening to it using headphones.

Each time you enter a trance, the effect becomes stronger, and you reinforce all the positive changes you are making at the unconscious level.

I’ve listened to the Hypnotic Trance audio several times. It’s 23 minutes long, which I thought would be too long. However, the time went quickly.

I found it’s best to wear earbuds or headphones before bed or when no one is in the house.

Paul has you count back from 300 down to 0. This distracts your conscious mind from the thinking part of the mind, giving you a mental break.

I noticed the benefits of feeling calm long after.

  • Psychologists call the cumulative effects of adapting to more uncomfortable circumstances “Background Stress.”

  • Symptoms of “Background Stress” include a bad mood, loss of a sense of humor, headaches, and many others.

  • One of the main goals of this Quest is resetting your internal stress mechanism to a healthy, practical, and appropriate level of sensitivity.

Now that you understand how your body reacts to stress, you will learn about your heart’s role in relaxation. Dive into the concept called “The Heart-Brain,” which will help interrupt the stress response, even amid the chaos of daily life.

  • Become aware that you are experiencing a stressful feeling in your body or your mind is racing.

  • Put your hand on your heart and focus your energy on this area. Take at least three slow and gentle breaths into your heart, focusing on the feeling of your hand in the center of your chest.

  • Remember when you felt good – love, joy, or genuine happiness!

  • Return to that memory as if you are back there again right now. See what you saw, hear what you heard, and feel how good you felt.

  • Imagine your heart could speak to you as you feel this good feeling in your body. Ask your heart how you could take better care of yourself in this moment and this situation.

  • Listen to what your heart says in answer to your question and act on it as soon as possible.

Today’s lesson centers on the idea that life is not a marathon but a series of sprints. This mindset is an antidote to “busyholism,” which is an addiction to “busyness” and stress.


  • Busyholism is a lifestyle of being addicted to busyness and stress. It makes us feel uncomfortable doing anything.

  • To be a peak performer in any area of your life, you must find ways to renew your energy.
  • You can become engaged with life by alternating between periods of intense activity and periods of gentle activity and rest.

  • Take advantage of the “Ultradian Rest Phase” – a cycle that occurs approximately every ninety minutes. The body stops externally oriented behavior and takes about fifteen minutes to relax and replenish its energy.
Paul McKenna Systematic Relaxation for Bliss.
Paul McKenna Systematic Relaxation Exercise

Use your most comfortable, tired, drowsy voice as if telling yourself a bedtime story. Say each of the following to yourself as you follow your instructions:

  • Now I relax my eyes
  • Now I relax my jaw
  • Now I relax my tongue
  • Now I relax my shoulders
  • Now I relax my arms
  • Now I relax my hands
  • Now I relax my chest
  • Now I relax my stomach
  • Now I relax my thighs
  • Now I relax my calves
  • Now I relax my feet
  • Now I relax my mind.

Pause briefly to notice the feelings and repeat them if you wish. Stay with this feeling as long as you want to. You can return to full waking consciousness, refreshed and alert, as soon as you are ready.

You now have a few techniques that reduce stress and anxiety and make you feel instantly good.

The TFT Tapping Technique can reset how your brain interprets and responds to stress, altering your brain’s chemistry landscape.

A Series of taps in specific places on the body can reduce the intensity of an emotion or feeling of unhappiness and establish calm relaxation.

Think of something that makes you feel stressed, unhappy, or overwhelmed. Rate your unhappiness on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being the lowest and 10 the highest.

Take two fingers of one hand and tap about ten times on the following points on your body while you continue to concentrate on the unhappy feeling:

  • Tap the side of your hand.
  • Tap on the tip of your index finger.
  • Tap under your nose.
  • Tap on your chin.
  • Tap on the side of your (index) finger.
  • Tap the side of your (other) hand.

Now repeat the following cycle four times

  • Tap under your eye.
  • Tap your collarbone.
  • Tap under your eye.
  • Tap your collarbone.
  • Tap on the back of your hand.
  • Close your eyes and open them.
  • Keep your head still, tap on the back of your hand, and look down to the right, then down to the left.
  • Keep tapping and rotating your eyes around 360 degrees clockwise and now 360 degrees anti-clockwise.
  • Keep tapping on the back of your hand and hum the first few lines of a tune (i.e., Happy Birthday) out loud.
  • Count out loud from 1 to 5.
  • Once again, while still tapping, hum the first few lines of a tune aloud.

Stop and check – on a scale from 1 to 10, what number is the unhappy feeling now? If there’s hardly anything there, congratulations. If it has not reduced enough yet, repeat the tapping sequence until it does.

Today, I learned about a psychosensory technique called the Havening Therapy Technique. Dr. Ronald Ruden is the creator of The Havening Techniques. In his second book – ‘When the Past is Always Present‘ (2010), he offers The Havening Techniques.

These methods use sensory input (touch) to eliminate the consequences of stressful or traumatic events.

Scientific studies have shown that this effective technique can reduce unhappiness and sadness and relieve anxiety, trauma, and pain in just a few minutes.

Through Havening Technique Therapy, we can de-link a thought from a feeling.

The patterns of repeated touch to parts of the body combined with specific eye movements and visualizations produce massive amounts of Delta brainwaves, reducing stress and producing relaxation.

The touch patterns used in Havening enable a mother to comfort her baby, and they are hard-wired into every infant.

Think of something that makes you feel stressed, unhappy, or overwhelmed. Rate your unhappiness on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being the lowest and 10 the highest.

  • Clear your mind, or think about something nice.

  • Cross your arms, place your hands on your shoulders, and close your eyes.

  • Stroke your hands down the sides of your arms from your shoulders to your elbows, down and up, again and again.

  • As you carry on stroking the sides of your arms, imagine walking on a beach, with each footstep in the sand counting out loud from 1 to 20.

  • Now, still stroking the sides of your arms, imagine walking in a beautiful garden, with each footstep counting out loud from 1 to 20 with each step you take.

  • Keep stroking the sides of your arms and open your eyes. Move your eyes laterally to the right and the left.

  • Now close your eyes again and stroke the sides of your arms while you imagine walking down a flight of stairs. Count out loud from 1 to 20 with each footstep.

  • Keep stroking the sides of your arms and open your eyes. Move your eyes laterally to the right and the left.

Now open your eyes and check, on a scale from 1 to 10, what number of unhappy feelings you are having now? If it has not been reduced enough yet, repeat the sequence until it does.

In conclusion, Everyday Bliss by Paul McKenna on Mindvalley is a compelling exploration of personal transformation. McKenna’s collaboration with Mindvalley births a dynamic space for growth where traditional boundaries of self-help are transcended.

The fusion of Havening, hypnotic trance, and relaxation techniques creates a unique synergy, offering participants a comprehensive toolkit for navigating the complexities of the mind.

The program demands commitment, inviting participants to engage with the material and apply the techniques daily.

Embarking on this transformative adventure with Everyday Bliss isn’t just an investment in a program; it’s a commitment to one’s well-being.

The program is a guide, and the depth of its impact is proportionate to the effort invested by the participant.

As you explore the realms of relaxation through hypnosis, Havening, and hypnotic trance with Paul McKenna, may you unlock the dormant potential within and discover the bliss that awaits when you dare to transform your everyday existence.

Get Your Copy of the Paul McKenna Everyday Bliss Program