C Wilson Meloncelli Breathing In Flow Review

This is my C Wilson Meloncelli’s Breathing in Flow Review.

I recently had the opportunity to explore the C Wilson Meloncelli Breathing In Flow program, and it has been a transformative journey into the world of mindful breathing and wellness.

Learn how breathing can increase your stamina, lower your recovery time, and make you feel supercharged.
C Wilson Meloncelli Breathing In Flow Program

C Wilson Meloncelli Breathing In Flow Review

Breathing in Flow – C Wilson Meloncelli Course Review

I learned something new the other day from C Wilson Meloncelli. Your breath controls your mind, and your mind can control your breath. For example, if you are excited, your breathing will be faster, possibly causing you to feel dizzy.

It’s a mental reaction to stimulation. However, to be calm, you can consciously slow down your breathing.

Controlling one’s breath to restore or enhance one’s health has been practiced for centuries in Eastern cultures.

For example, yogic breathing (pranayama) is a well-known ancient practice of controlled breathing, often performed with meditation or yoga, for its spiritual and perceived health-enhancing effects.

The average breathing rate is 6-8 breaths per minute. However, if you are resting and your breathing rate is higher, you must keep reading this article.

Breathing In Flow Training can be understood as a broad umbrella term encompassing various practices that link conscious breathwork with movement, awareness, and performance enhancement.

It aims to create a state of “flow” – a focused yet relaxed zone where one experiences optimal performance and enjoyment.

At its core, it utilizes specific breathing patterns and exercises with physical movement, meditation, or even creative activities.

Here are some common approaches:

  • Dynamic Breathwork: Rhythmic breathing combined with movement, like yoga or martial arts, to promote energy flow and coordination.

  • Breath Hold Training: Controlled breath-holding to improve oxygen efficiency and mental focus.

  • Pranayama: Traditional yogic breathing techniques for regulating energy and achieving specific mental states.

  • Guided Visualization: Combining specific breathing patterns with visualizations enhances focus and achieves specific goals.
  • Improved physical performance: Enhanced lung capacity, cardiovascular health, and endurance.

  • Reduced stress and anxiety: Promotes relaxation, emotional regulation, and mental clarity.

  • Increased mindfulness and focus: Enhances present-moment awareness and concentration.

  • Boosts creativity and problem-solving: Facilitates flow state with heightened cognitive abilities.

  • Improves sleep quality: Promotes relaxation and prepares the body for deep sleep.

While Breathing In Flow Training incorporates elements from various breathwork practices like Pranayama or mindfulness meditation, its focus on combining these techniques with movement and performance sets it apart.

It aims to cultivate a dynamic flow state beyond relaxation or stress reduction.

Remember, consistent practice is critical to unlocking the potential of Breathing In Flow Training. Start slowly, listen to your body, and enjoy the journey toward a more mindful, empowered, and flowing you.

Are you breathing correctly?

Do you snore? Do you breathe from the chest, or do you breathe from your mouth? C Wilson Meloncelli’s new program, Breathing in Flow, shows you how to breathe for better performance in all areas of life.

In-depth scientific studies go back to the forgotten ancient art of breathing.

It has catapulted elite athletes’ performance by 300%—500 % while boosting testosterone levels and brain function, improving recovery time, curing anxiety, fatigue, sleep problems, and respiratory conditions, and controlling weight gain.

This can be taught very quickly, and you only need to practice for 5 minutes a day to reap the rewards like:

  • 300% – 500% Boost in your skill, sport, or profession
  • Increased Testosterone
  • Cure Competition Anxiety
  • Remove Fatigue
  •  Dramatically Improved Sleep
  • Accelerate Recovery Time
  • Sharpen Brain Function
  • Solve Weight Gain Issues

Related: The Habit of Ferocity

C Wilson Meloncelli

C Wilson Meloncelli: Flow State Coach, Stunt Performer, Author,  and ex-British Champion in MMA. The core of Wilson’s method of hacking the flow state is to create flow experiences for the practitioner.

The more the student/practitioner practices being “in flow,” their ability to trigger flow on command increases. These flow experiences are created through physical and mental meditations and can be practiced by anyone.

The ability to be in Flow is in us all. There is nothing mystical or elusive about it.

The Flow State is experienced by writers, poets, artists, cleaners, business executives, gardeners, athletes, musicians, extreme sports athletes… Do you get the point?

We can all experience being in Flow. It all comes down to “purposely practicing” being in Flow. This training is designed through Wilson’s history.

Martial Arts instructor in Jeet Kune Do, Filipino Martial Arts, Silat, Muay Thai, Grappling, and Brazilian Jujitsu Black Belt. Master Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming Hypnotherapy and Ireca Energy Practitioner.

Check out C Wilson Meloncelli on YouTube.

Free Meditation For Flow State

How Breath Control Can Change Your Life

C Wilson Meloncelli Breathing In Flow

Breathing In Flow Review

PROBLEM: Carbon dioxide deficiency (CO2 deficiency)

CAUSE: Over-breathing

SOLUTION: Breathing In Flow by C Wilson Meloncelli

Train your breathing rate to be between 3 and 7 breaths per minute (at rest, day to day).

Use a timer on your computer or cell phone to determine how many times you breathe in a minute. Anything above shows poor recovery, poor performance, illness, and potential chronic illnesses.

I have about seven breaths per minute.

Shutting your mouth and only breathing through your nose promotes more nitric oxide (which produces testosterone). Nitric oxide is a potent vasodilator (opening of blood vessels).

Practice breath-hold exercises on the exhalation. This has been shown to significantly increase oxygen uptake and EPO levels and lengthen the time before the onset of lactic acid.

During an activity in peak performance, aka the zone or, as millions of others and I now call it, the flow state, your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems (branches of your autonomic nervous system) are coherent.

Both are working or pushing and pulling at the same time. With the correct breathing found inside the Breathing In Flow Program, you can use your breathing to access your peak performance—accessing the flow state on command.

C Wilson Meloncelli Breathing In Flow: THE RESULTS:

  • 24% increase in EPO. (Erythropoietin stimulates the maturation of red blood cells in the bone marrow, increasing oxygen delivery to muscles and thereby enhancing sports performance.)

  • 79% increase in VO2 max (the measurement of the maximum amount of oxygen an individual can utilize during intense or maximal exercise.)

  • 1% increase in hemoglobin (the red protein responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood.)

  • 200% boost in creativity (flow state results.)

  • 490% improvement in learning speed (flow state results.)

  • 500% increase in productivity (flow state results.)


C Wilson Meloncelli Breathing In Flow

This approach is derived from Buteyko breathing. Buteyko Breathing Technique is a complementary or alternative physical therapy that proposes breathing exercises primarily to treat asthma and other respiratory conditions.

Patrick McKeown, author of the book The Oxygen Advantage and the founder of the Oxygen Advantage, adapted the teaching of Buteyko into the sporting world with excellent results.  His work was a catalyst for breathing in flow focused on breathing training to access the flow state.

Relaxation MP3 for flow


C Wilson Meloncelli Breathing In Flow

Hypocapnia (from the Greek words υπό meaning below every day and καπνός kapnós meaning smoke), also known as hypocarbia, sometimes incorrectly called acapnia, is a state of reduced carbon dioxide in the blood. Hypocapnia usually results from deep or rapid breathing, known as hyperventilation.

Hypocapnia constricts your blood vessels, decreasing blood flow to all vital organs.

Hypocapnia = CO2 deficiency. And this happens through OVER-BREATHING.

CO2 deficiency causes:

  • Low testosterone
  • Restricted blood vessel
  • Fatigue
  • Performance anxiety
  • Fear
  • Sleep problems
  • Depression
  • Poor oxygen saturation
  • Respiratory problems
  • Chronic diseases
  • Muscular weakness
  • Poor endurance
  • And way more

How Does Flow Feel and What Happens In The Flow State?

The events during the flow state begin with the release of norepinephrine and dopamine. These raise your heart rate, tighten your focus, and improve pattern recognition.

Your brain waves move from beta towards alpha, allowing you to link ideas without internal obstructions and filters blocking your flow.

At this point, your prefrontal cortex begins to shut down, giving you the sense of time distorting, effortlessness, and self-dissolving into the task.

You are in transient hypofrontality, where your inner critic has shut up, opening you to your full potential. Your brain then releases endorphins and anandamide, giving you the ability to dissolve away distress and pain.

Simultaneously, anandamide boosts your lateral thinking, allowing you to solve problems indirectly and creatively.

As you flow deeper in, theta brainwaves enhance relaxation and intuition.

Concluding the experience you have, oxytocin and serotonin give you the “afterglow” feeling of trust, peace, sociability, and well-being as you begin to digest the experience you have just experienced.

The C Wilson Meloncelli Breathing In Flow program offers a refreshing perspective on wellness through breathwork.

Its comprehensive approach, clear instructions, and emphasis on the mind-body connection make it valuable to anyone’s wellness journey.

While there are minor areas for improvement, the overall experience is positive and contributes to a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.

⇒Breathing in Flow