11/11 Gateway Activations And Portal

Humanity is entering an energy gateway. It is one of several 11/11 gateways you will experience in the coming times.

People across the planet are waking up. As this awakening occurs, light shines on things previously in the dark.

What do these 11/11 gateways mean, and how can you prepare?

This is a natural process; you are integral as a divine changemaker.

Specific dates hold profound significance in spirituality and metaphysics as gateways to heightened consciousness and spiritual awakening.

Among these, the 11th of November, is particularly revered as the “Gateway Portal.”

Believers and seekers worldwide anticipate this day as an auspicious time for spiritual growth, manifestation, and profound energetic shifts.

Gateway Portal and delve into this sacred date’s various interpretations and practices.

Related: What Does 1111 Mean Spiritually?

There are BIG Opportunities this week for accessing Divine Clarity and Divine guidance so you can vibe up and align with the highest Divine Possibilities for your life!

The number sequence is an awakening code representing higher access to the higher realms of spirit and your highest divine truth. The underlying reality is that this connection is always available, yet the code and the gateway are not available.

One of how this gateway works is that there are four pillars of archangelic energy representing the Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Uriel, each arc, angelic being each arch, angelic pillar or current representing one of the ones in the pillar.

Another way of looking at the 1111 gateway is that this can be a timeline shift where you now shift into synchronicity and harmony with the highest divine timeline for your Ascension, embodiment, fulfillment, and life.

⇒Related Reading: The Ascension Process

11/11 Ascension

by Kara Schallock

We have been building up to it, and as I have said, each portal, gateway, and eclipse is more intense than before. This Gateway is further empowered by incredible solar activity with today’s significant flare.

Remember that our sun receives communication (Light) from our Galactic Sun, so each time there is a solar flare, we receive Soul Codes of Light from the Galactic Sun and all higher dimensional energies.

As we welcome the energies of this Gateway to weave through our chakras and our bodies (mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual), we are asked to stand in our Power and speak our Truth, and when (if) you are challenged by others who want you to return to being small and back to your old role, stand firm.

You are being asked to step further into your dream rather than wait for some magical moment that may never come. You are invited to move through your fear, remembering that fear is an illusion created by a separate ego.

When you recognize it, walk through it anyway, and in this way, the fear dissolves (as all illusion does), and you tap into your Power as a Spiritual Sovereign Being.

As long as you stop at the precipice of your fear, you will not evolve.

This Gateway offers you the support to walk through the fear and more into New Life. As you do, you merge more with your Soul and true identity, gain strength, and make changes leading to your next step of evolution/ascension.

Know that your thoughts; thoughts, whether positive or negative, are compelling and creative. Ask yourself what it is you want to create.

Do you want to create more of the same duality, or do you want to empower a life of Unity and Divinity?

Know that many will be gathered tomorrow to unify One Voice and One Heart. You needn’t be in a group to make a difference, for by focusing on your highest aspiration for yourself and the planet, you are joining that One Voice and One Heart, for indeed, we are One.

If you have found yourself in the Void, where it appears that you are at a standstill, know first that you are not standing still. The Void is a powerful place to release and energize your ideal life.

In Forgiveness and Love, much of the past has risen for a final let-go. Many secrets have been revealed, especially in families, and we see that family members who do not understand what is happening may pass, get sick, or act out of fear.

Observe and Be Love and Compassion. You needn’t “try” to get them to understand, for each has a chosen path.

Realize that all portals opened this year and in previous years are open worldwide, receiving Light. They are all connected through the leylines of the New Earth Grid, and it is like a cosmic pinball machine. And we’re a part of it.

⇒Related Article: The Awakening Of Human Consciousness

11/11 Gateway Portal Ascension

When this Gateway opens, Earth portals, including our own, become more powerful and aligned with the Soul.

Keeping your Vortex or Merkabah active and open is beneficial, and set on the “receive button.” Perhaps you can visualize having an on-and-off switch.

Switch it on and keep it there all day and beyond. Intend that the flow of Light coming into you is gentle yet thorough. 11/11 is for Ceremony. Allow yourself to be guided in this.

The more details you add, the more you empower your connection to the Gateway. Remember that we are joined by our Guides, Angels, and Ascended Masters, for elevens are the numbers when the Angels are present.

Some suggestions for the Ceremony (it’s best to follow your Guidance): Bathe your favorite and guided crystals in the sun tomorrow before Noon. Then, arrange a crystal grid (you’ll be guided in this).

Light a candle (or several), clear your space with some sage, bless the area with sacred water like Rosewater or Crystalline water (I have some crystals in pure water on my Altar, and this creates Crystalline Water), and set your intention as to what you are creating.

Go into a meditation where you see yourself standing before the 11/11 Gateway.

Beings of Divine Light and Love flank the Gateway. When ready, walk through the Gateway to the New Earth, and one Divine Partner may walk through with you. Afterward, write down your experience, for writing anchors the energy.

Related: Mercury Retrograde Meaning?

Do know that the Truth is we are in the New.

Our job is to continue to release anything that is not Love within ourselves and to see that all is in Divine Order for your highest evolution. And with each cosmic event, we integrate this Truth into our being. So, creating the New has taken us further into it one step at a time.

While many have experienced this time’s intensity, it has been relatively gentle from a higher perspective. What if we didn’t choose and were in the old world one day and found ourselves in the New World the next day?

Do you think we would survive that? And how we experience our Shift to the degree that we can let go and not resist the changes and guidance to change. Resistance creates pain, which is not the intention of the higher dimensions.

This 11/11 Gateway will greatly expand your awareness and consciousness, especially if you align with it. You might wonder how much more Awareness and mindfulness you can have!

You’re unlimited in this. As Awareness and consciousness expand, you see what still needs to be released and upgraded; thus, your life is more congruent with your Soul-life. Many are still clinging to the old ways of being. And believe only what they see is of the past.

There is an expansion into something we’re unfamiliar with within the New.

Many feel lost and cling to the old fervently to give themselves some illusory balance, which holds them back in the past and duality.

To be in the New takes excellent Trust. Those high-dimensional beings remind us there is much beyond our Earthly experience.

We are led to our highest evolution as we think, rather than think, our way through this shift.

This is why it is important not to attach to what it looks like but to go beyond it and feel the truth behind the surface event or words. In this way, we tap into the actual energy of that event or those words.

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And this, Dear Ones, is how this 11/11 Gateway can help you.

It is a powerful surge forward. With this Gateway, we are lifted into new spaces and will burst through the clouds of illusion and into the New more powerfully, and then we have a rest as the energies integrate.

How far you go is up to you.

Those who are just beginning or not yet awake are helped by those who hold to your Light.

Again, we cannot tell another how to do it by shining our Light and encouraging them, if asked, to go within and find their Light is indeed the way of the Ascension Wayshower.

May we all be profoundly blessed and gently guided in this most powerful time of the 11/11 Gateway Activations and Ascension Portal.

The Symbolism of 11/11

The date is unique due to the repeated occurrence of the number 1, amplifying its energetic significance. In numerology, 1 represents new beginnings, leadership, and manifestation.

When doubled, its potency is believed to intensify, creating a powerful portal for spiritual transformation and awakening.

The 11/11 Gateway is often seen as a cosmic alignment, when the universe opens a portal, allowing heightened spiritual energies to flow into our earthly realm.

This alignment is thought to enhance our connection with higher consciousness, facilitating a deeper understanding of our life’s purpose and the nature of reality.

Spiritual Practices on 11/11

As the Gateway approaches, spiritual practitioners engage in various rituals and practices to harness the heightened energy.

Meditation is an everyday activity during this time, with individuals focusing on self-reflection, setting intentions, and connecting with their higher selves.

The collective energy generated by millions of people meditating on the same day is believed to contribute to a global shift in consciousness.

Many also engage in visualization exercises, imagining their goals and desires with increased clarity and intent. This is seen as a way to align one’s energy with the potent vibrations of the universe, thus enhancing the likelihood of manifesting positive outcomes.

Numerology enthusiasts often analyze the specific date and time, exploring the significance of the numbers in their lives. Personalized readings and interpretations are sought to gain insights into the individual’s spiritual path and purpose.

The Role of Synchronicity

The 11/11 Gateway is closely associated with synchronicities – meaningful coincidences that defy logical explanation. Individuals often report experiencing serendipitous events, chance encounters, or repeating number patterns during this time.

These occurrences are seen as signs from the universe, guiding individuals along their spiritual journey and affirming that they are on the right path.

Embracing the Energy Shift

While beliefs surrounding the Gateway may vary, one common thread is acknowledging an energetic shift during this time.

Whether viewed as a symbolic moment, a cosmic alignment, or a portal to higher realms, the Gateway invites individuals to open their hearts and minds to new possibilities. It encourages self-discovery, spiritual growth, and the manifestation of positive change.

Hypnosis Live Free stress, goals, gratitude, LOA, Purpose, Positive Thinking, Success.

As the 11/11 Gateway approaches each year, it serves as a reminder to tap into the profound energies available to us.

Whether through meditation, visualization, or other spiritual practices, individuals can harness this unique moment to deepen their connection with the universe and unlock the mysteries of their existence.

The 11/11 Gateway is an invitation to embrace the transformative power of the present moment and step into a new chapter of spiritual evolution.

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