Mindvalley 10x Fitness Program Review – Lorenzo Delano [Exercises, PDF, Workout]

Mindvalley is known for its life-enhancing courses catering to online education’s continuously evolving sphere.

The 10x Fitness program is a standout option among various offerings for people who want to transform their physical well-being.

In this review, we will dive into Mindvalley’s 10x Fitness program details.

We will evaluate the workout’s effectiveness, examine its core principles, and identify unique features that distinguish it from other fitness programs.

What is 10x Fitness?

The 10x exercise program, offered by Mindvalley online, is a comprehensive regimen focused on total body transformation through targeted exercises.

Lorenzo and Ronan led participants to dedicate just minutes a day to core exercises to activate adaptive response mechanisms, engage muscles, and permanently improve health and fitness.

With only 15 minutes of training twice weekly, remarkable results are achievable.

Accessible to individuals of all ages, genders, lifestyles, and fitness levels (although a moderate baseline of health and fitness is recommended), 10x is designed for home or gym use, eliminating the need for a gym membership.

The program is divided into three phases, each with a unique emphasis. It leverages the latest science in muscle stimulation to expedite body transformation.

Rather than spending hours in the gym, two short weekly workouts suffice for significant improvements in strength, fitness, flexibility, longevity, and overall health.

The program aims to impart a profound understanding of the body’s fitness mechanisms, enabling participants to maintain lifelong habits of optimized exercise, nutrition, and rest.

Moreover, it allows for targeted improvements in specific body areas, even beyond the initial 12-week period.

Contrary to common fitness practices that demand excessive time for minimal outcomes, 10x advocates for optimal health attainment in just a fraction of the usual workout duration.

By adopting proper exercise techniques, individuals can achieve the same fitness level while investing only 10% of their usual workout time. Reducing 5 hours to 30 minutes per week yields ten times the results.

The protocol’s central goal is to activate the adaptive response mechanism, a pivotal evolutionary function in the body.

This mechanism prompts swift enhancements in strength, fitness, speed, and resilience within a concise timeframe, maximizing workout efficiency.

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10X Fitness Mindvalley

Your 10x Fitness Trainers

Meet your Trainers:

  • Lorenzo Delano
  • Ronan Diego de Oliveira

Embark on your journey alongside Lorenzo Delano and Ronan Diego de Oliveira, spending mere minutes a day under their guidance.

Together, they’ll lead you through core exercises designed to activate adaptive response mechanisms, effectively engaging your muscles. Witness the transformative effects on your health and fitness with just 15 minutes of exercise twice a week.

While the program can be pursued at home, opting for a gym membership may offer added benefits due to the wider range of equipment available.

With each passing week, expect to receive a downloadable PDF workbook to complement your progress.

The Fitness program promises maximum results with minimal time commitment.

Developed by Lorenzo Delano and Ronan Diego de Oliveira, it aims to achieve fitness transformations in just two 15-minute weekly workouts, significantly less than traditional workout routines. Here’s a breakdown of the key points:

The 10x Philosophy:

  • Activate your adaptive response: The program focuses on triggering your body’s natural “fight or flight” response through high-intensity interval training (HIIT) exercises. They claim this optimizes muscle growth, fat burning, and overall fitness much faster than traditional workouts.

  • Science-backed methodology: The program is based on research on the human body’s adaptive response and its effectiveness in promoting fitness.

  • Accessibility: Designed for all fitness levels, ages, and lifestyles, even with minimal equipment.
  • Short and intense workouts: Two 15-minute weekly sessions using compound exercises targeting multiple muscle groups.

  • Hyper-optimization: Exercises are carefully chosen and structured to maximize efficiency and results within the limited time frame.

  • Progressive overload: Workouts gradually get more challenging as you progress to keep pushing your body’s limits safely.

  • Holistic approach: It offers guidance on nutrition, sleep, and lifestyle habits to complement the workout plan.
  • Increased muscle mass and strength

  • Reduced body fat and improved body composition

  • Enhanced cardiovascular health and endurance

  • Improved metabolic rate and fat-burning

  • Reduced risk of chronic diseases

  • Boosted energy levels and mood
  • The claims of 10x results 10% of the time are bold and haven’t been conclusively proven through large-scale scientific studies.

  • HIIT workouts can be demanding and may not be suitable for everyone, especially those with pre-existing conditions.

  • The program’s effectiveness heavily relies on proper form and execution of exercises, which might require guidance from a qualified professional.

Overall, 10x Fitness could be a promising option for people seeking a time-efficient approach to fitness if they are prepared to commit to the program’s intensity and follow the guidelines carefully.

However, it’s always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new workout program, especially if you have any health concerns.

Mindvalley, a prominent platform for personal growth and development, has curated the 10x Fitness course to empower individuals to achieve unprecedented levels of physical fitness.

The “10x” in the course title implies a tenfold improvement, hinting at the promise of extraordinary results beyond conventional fitness programs.

Do you ever wish there was a better way to get and stay fit?

You may not see the results you want from your usual exercise routine.

Maybe you are too tired or busy to spend countless hours in the gym, week after week.

Alternatively, maybe the recent disruptions to daily life have left you struggling to stay motivated and consistent with working out.

If any of this sounds like you, you are far from alone. Most people find exercise hard. And frustratingly time-consuming.

Throughout the program, You’ll also get a clear perspective on your current fitness level and how to safely and efficiently transition from where you are to where you want to be.

>>>10x Mindvalley.

10x Mindvalley

10x Fitness Mindvalley Program

  • 83 online video lessons
  • 17 hrs 59 min learning time
  • Weekly PDF workbook Downloads
  • Quest Tracking Sheet (Excel)
  • AMRAP Test Form (As Many Reps As Possible.)
  • 60 BPM Metronome. This is a sound that helps you count repetitions when doing an exercise.
  • Home & Gym Equipment Guide PDF Guide. Some of these can be bought, like dumbbells, and others require membership, like a leg press machine.
  • 41,398 students enrolled

Once you start the quest, you can take it with a group known as the “tribe” or go alone at your own pace.

The Tribe is the collective group of people working their way through their Quests to learn, grow, and connect. They are your superpower on this journey and a valuable resource for your success with this Quest.

To join the Tribe, go to your Quest home screen and click the “Community” button (on the right, below the quest banner). At any point during the quest, introduce yourself and share your ongoing breakthroughs, insights, and challenges with the Tribe.

I know from experience that overworking your body has dire consequences. I lift weights to work out one body part a day. The days of working out for an hour or more are over.

  1. Chest
  2. Biceps
  3. Triceps
  4. Shoulders
  5. Back
  6. Legs

This is my protocol. When I first started, I would do 20 sets for each muscle. This was too much for my joints, so I reduced it to 10. If I notice pain in any joint, I reduce it to 5 sets for each body part.

The secret is consistency. You will also be using other muscles when you work one muscle, like the biceps.

The secret to having your ideal body shape is your food choices. You can build muscles, but you will not see the perfect body you want if you have a layer of fat or water retention.

My best diet consists of eliminating processed carbs. When I cut out processed carbs like bread, pasta, cereals, rice, and so on, I carry less water and look more physically fit.

There is science stating that carbs raise insulin, which causes the kidneys to hang on to salt, which causes water retention.

The thing with carbs is that it works temporarily to reduce stress. That’s why people like comfort foods when they are under emotional stress.

The 10x Workout

At the heart of Mindvalley 10x Fitness is the revolutionary workout. Unlike conventional exercise routines, it is crafted to push boundaries and unlock hidden potential.

It combines elements of strength training, cardiovascular exercises, and flexibility drills, creating a well-rounded approach to fitness.

Participants are guided through dynamic workouts that challenge the body and engage the mind.

The emphasis on mindful movement and intentional exercises distinguishes the workout from generic fitness programs, fostering a deeper connection between the individual and their physicality.

10X Fitness

Integral to the Mindvalley 10x Fitness experience is the Masterclass, a cornerstone of the course that delves into the principles and science behind the program.

This masterclass serves as an orientation, giving participants insights into the mindset needed for transformation.

Led by expert instructors, the Masterclass goes beyond the mechanics of the workout, exploring the psychology of motivation, habit formation, and the art of sustaining long-term fitness goals.

This blend of physical and mental conditioning contributes to the holistic nature of the Mindvalley 10x Fitness program.

Would you like to learn why you don’t need to spend hours lifting weights and how to gain muscle and strength efficiently?

10x Fitness Mindvalley
After you complete a lesson, a screen like this will pop up.

Downloading the 10x Mindvalley Materials

Upon enrollment, participants can download essential course materials in PDF format, allowing them to tailor their learning experience to their individual preferences.

The downloadable content includes workout plans, nutritional guides, and mindfulness exercises, providing a comprehensive toolkit for participants to embark on their 10x fitness journey.

Mindvalley recognizes that each individual is unique, and their fitness journey should reflect this diversity.

The 10x Fitness course accommodates different fitness levels and preferences, allowing participants to tailor the program to their specific needs.

The downloadable materials and the flexible nature of the workout routines empower individuals to create a personalized 10x experience.

Below is the Mindvalley Quest Workout schedule Protocol.

Part 1. The Warm-Up (Week 1)

Part 2. Phase 1: Your Transformation Begins (Week 2 – 4)

Part 3. Phase 2: Sculpting Your Dream Body (Weeks 5 – 9)

Part 4. Phase 3: Living Your 10x Lifestyle (Weeks 10 – 12)

I started lifting weights full-time in High School. I have experience with weight lifting and cardio, and one thing that always bothered me was the time constraints.

I’m an Aries; I like to get things done as quickly as possible, so I don’t want to cut corners when keeping myself in shape.

With 10x, I’ve found a way to stick to my physical appearance goals without spending hours working out.

Back to the question. Are two 15-minute workouts a week enough?

In the past, such a feat would have been deemed implausible, primarily due to the limited understanding of the human body’s adaptive response mechanism within the realm of fitness science.

This mechanism was not fully grasped, essential for the body’s rapid enhancement of strength, fitness, longevity, and flexibility in response to perceived threats.

However, 10x’s meticulously designed exercise routines efficiently simulate these perceived threats, making profound body transformations achievable for individuals of any fitness level.

10x enables a remarkable journey towards improved health and fitness in just a fraction of the typical time required.

What Are The 6 – 10x Exercises?

Central to the effectiveness of the 10x Fitness program are the six core exercises strategically designed to maximize results.

While the specifics may vary, the fundamental principles include high-intensity interval training (HIIT), strength conditioning, and mobility exercises.

The 10x exercises are carefully selected to target multiple muscle groups, ensuring a holistic and efficient approach to fitness.

  1. Squat/Lunge
  2. Pull
  3. Push
  4. Hinge
  5. Row
  6. Press

Big 6 Routine

  1. Split Squat with Dumbbell
  2. Lat Pulldown
  3. Banded Push-ups
  4. Hip Hinge with Dumbbell
  5. Cable Row
  6. Elevated Pike Push-ups

10x Fitness Taking Key Measurements

Key measurements you will use to track your progress throughout the program. It’s okay if you can’t do all the essential measures.

  1. Progress Picture
  2. Body Weight
  3. Body Composition/Fat %/Waistline/Dexa Scan
  4. Resting Heart Rate
  5. Blood Test: Sugar and Lipids
  6. Blood Pressure

There is a link on the lesson page to upload your pictures and other health stats.

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But what surprised me the most was when they showed me this picture of one of their 10X ‘test subjects.’

Meet Mary, a 40-year-old woman serving in the US Army.

10x Fitness Before and After

Just observing the changes in her body shape was impressive enough.

(And yes, she only exercised for 15 minutes twice a week for six months to achieve these extraordinary results.)

But it blew my mind when they shared her DEXA scan results over those six months.

10X Fitness Dexa Scan

This Masterclass was a game-changer for many people and challenged what we thought we knew about fitness.

While the Mindvalley 10x Fitness program offers a holistic and transformative experience, it’s essential to acknowledge that individual results may vary.

Commitment, consistency, and adherence to the program are crucial in realizing the promised transformation.

As with any fitness journey, dedication and patience are key ingredients for success.

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In conclusion, Mindvalley’s 10x Fitness course is a beacon for those seeking a transformative approach to physical well-being.

Fusing innovative workout routines, mindfulness practices, and expert guidance creates a unique and holistic fitness experience.

The downloadable materials, coupled with the personalized nature of the program, empower individuals to embark on a journey toward a 10x transformation.

While the computer-based analogy suggests an exponential improvement, the true essence of the Mindvalley Fitness program lies in its ability to unlock the latent potential within each participant.

Beyond the physical transformations, the course fosters a deeper connection between mind and body, contributing to a holistic and sustainable approach to health and fitness.

Mindvalley’s 10x Fitness offers a compelling and comprehensive pathway to extraordinary results for those ready to embrace a paradigm shift in their fitness journey.

Thanks for reading my Mindvalley 10x Fitness Review!!! Now get the course and get into phenomenal shape, or at least watch the Free Masterclass.

Join The 10x Masterclass

⇒Join The 10X Fitness Mindvalley Program Today!

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