Michael Beckwith Mindvalley Masterclass [Free]

Please join the free Michael Beckwith Manifestation Mindvalley Masterclass: True Manifesting From The Soul.

Discover How To Go Beyond Traditional Manifesting and Live Your Soul’s Purpose in this free Michael Beckwith – Mindvalley Masterclass.

Let Michael Beckwith Show You How To Break Free From Societal Imprinting, Tap Into What Your Soul Wants, And Start Living The Life You Were Meant To Live.

What do most people consider spiritual work to be about?

When you understand the underlying nature of your desire, you can gain more awareness of how to achieve it.

Ultimately, genuine spiritual practice is to free from the ego’s limitations, including worry, fear, doubt, lack, and other neurotic causes of human suffering.

To be alive is to desire, consciously or unconsciously, authentic freedom.

Imagine the relief of removing your carefully crafted masks fashioned by societal forms of conditioning and instead responding to what comes into your experience directly from your Authentic Self.

This is freedom. Understanding the unique driving force behind all this will help you be more receptive to what is already in you to see. Our life direction is informed by the questions we ask.

When we ask meaningful questions, the universe responds with meaningful answers. Something fresh emerges, and we see a way out of what appeared to be no way.

Michael Beckwith Mindvalley Masterclass
Michael Beckwith FREE Masterclass.

Michael Beckwith

Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith is a prominent spiritual teacher, author, and founder of the Agape International Spiritual Center in Los Angeles, California.

He’s known for his teachings on the law of attraction, meditation, and spiritual growth. Beckwith gained widespread recognition through his appearances in the documentary film “The Secret,” which popularized the concept of the law of attraction.

He has authored several books, including “Spiritual Liberation,” “Life Visioning,” and “The Answer Is You.” Beckwith’s teachings often focus on personal transformation, spiritual empowerment, and the interconnectedness of all beings.

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A Mindvalley Masterclass is an online workshop or seminar that focuses on a specific personal growth topic, typically one to one and a half hours long.

They’re hosted by world-renowned experts in their fields, like New York Times bestselling authors, Olympic athletes, and spiritual teachers.

Think of it as a crash course in self-improvement, where you can learn powerful new insights and practical tools to transform your life quickly.

Here are some key things to know about Mindvalley Masterclasses:

  • They’re free: That’s right, you can attend most Mindvalley Masterclasses without spending a dime. They’re designed to give you a taste of Mindvalley’s premium programs and introduce you to their world-class teachers.

  • They’re action-oriented: Masterclasses aren’t just about listening to lectures. They’re designed to be interactive, with exercises and activities that help you put what you’re learning into practice.

  • They cover many topics: Mindvalley Masterclasses on everything from relationships and finances to health and spirituality are available. So, no matter your personal growth goals, there’s sure to be a Masterclass that’s right for you.

  • They’re a great way to jumpstart your growth journey. If you want to make positive changes in your life, attending a Mindvalley Masterclass is a great way to get started. You’ll learn new things, be inspired by the experts, and get the necessary tools to take action.

Here are some examples of popular Mindvalley Masterclass topics:

Michael Beckwith Mindvalley Masterclass

Michael Beckwith has a Mindvalley Course called Life Visioning Mastery.

Use The Power Of Vision To Manifest in the Michael Beckwith Mindvalley Masterclass. Let Michael Beckwith Show You How To Break Free From Societal Imprinting, Tap Into What Your Soul Wants, And Start Living The Life You Were Meant To Live.

Besides being a personal growth enthusiast, I have read and studied psychology for over 20 years. Psychology is about how you think and what pictures you use to get you to act or not to act.

Psychology can be used effectively or ineffectively. Advertisers know this, so they often hire people who know and understand human behavior to get people to buy their products and services.

But what if I could introduce you to someone who came from a humble background and is now the foremost expert on creative visualization to create the life and experiences you want to experience? Would you be interested? Good, then read on.

Are you trying to manifest something into your life but can never make what you want a reality?

Or are you someone who successfully manifests an outcome you want, but the joy and fulfillment you hoped for never lived up to your expectations?

Whichever category you fall under, one thing is sure: How we’ve been taught to manifest the things we want in life is entirely outdated.

This is why you’re invited to a NEW Mindvalley Michael Beckwith Manifestation Mindvalley Masterclass with the spiritual teacher. He’ll show you how to live life from a state of pure inspiration…

So you can start manifesting only the outcomes that bring you lasting joy, fulfillment, and happiness that genuinely resonate with your Soul.

According to Dr. Beckwith, most people fall into the trap of manifesting what they think they want. Our parents, culture, society, religion, etc., project things and experiences onto us.

But ask yourself: are the things I’m trying to bring into the world what my soul wants for me?

This is the crux of Dr. Beckwith’s brand-new True Manifesting from the Soul Masterclass.

Visit this page to register for free: True Manifesting from the Soul Masterclass.

You must provide your name and best email and select the time and date that works best for you. You can even choose to watch it immediately.

⇒Further Reading: Ways to Raise Your Vibration

Michael Beckwith Life Visioning Mastery Course

Manifesting from the soul is a multifaceted concept, carrying different interpretations depending on your worldview and spiritual beliefs.

Here are some key perspectives:

  • This view emphasizes connecting with your deepest desires, calling, and values – your “soul’s song.” It’s about understanding what truly fulfills you and using that as a guiding light for manifesting goals and experiences.

  • This doesn’t necessarily mean material goals but instead aligning your life with your soul’s purpose, which could involve creative pursuits, helping others, personal growth, or something unique.
  • Some believe our souls emit a unique energetic frequency. Aligning your thoughts, feelings, and actions with your soul’s purpose creates a harmonious vibration that attracts the people, opportunities, and experiences that resonate with your deeper desires.

  • This involves self-reflection, mindfulness, and positive affirmations to clear negativity and align yourself with your soul’s frequency.
  • This perspective sees manifestation as a co-creative process between our desires and the universe’s flow. While we set intentions and take action, we also surrender to the universe’s timing and wisdom, trusting that what needs to manifest will come at the right time.

  • This can involve practices like gratitude, prayer, and letting go of attachment to specific outcomes.
  • While some traditions focus on manifesting material things, others see it as a tool for inner growth and transformation. Manifesting from the soul means healing past wounds, developing compassion, or aligning with your higher self.

“The teachings of Michael Bernard Beckwith are very inspiring”

The teachings of Michael Bernard Beckwith are very inspiring.  I Livestream on a regular basis and find it comforting and healing. He’s the real deal and has uplifted my life.

-Van Morrison Musician, Singer-songwriter

Four Stages of The Life Visioning Course:

  1. Stage One: Victim Consciousness. We believe life is happening to us as external forces dictate our circumstances. 

  2. Stage Two: Manifestor Consciousness. We believe life happens by us as we learn to use the laws of the universe to alter our perceptions and experiences.

  3.  Stage Three: Channeler Consciousness. We learn to yield and surrender to a life emerging through us.

  4.  Stage Four: Being Consciousness. We are in a state of total awareness of our connection to all life, able to create life as us.

Michael Beckwith 8 Life Structures

There are eight life structures that we live from. To fulfill our life’s purpose, these structures have to become stabilized.
The Eight Structures are as follows:

  1. Spiritual
  2. Ego
  3. Livelihood
  4. Relationship
  5. Body Temple
  6. Financial
  7. Beliefs
  8. Community

People often think about being free of the limitations that society has placed upon them. But freedom is our birthright. Four pillars support the prerequisites for embodying the aspects of freedom: 

  1. Self-Discipline: When self-disciplined, we tend to make more wisdom-guided choices. 
  2. Self-Responsibility: Responsibility broken down properly means the ability to respond. Please do not mistake it for an obligation. 
  3. Self-Awareness: You can observe yourself without judging yourself. 
  4. Self-Remembrance: Wisdom is a form of self-remembrance. When we discipline ourselves to pause and turn within before we act, the Self reminds us to act in ways that anchor us in freedom.

Mindvalley Michael Beckwith Manifestation Masterclass

What You’ll Learn

  1. Why can’t you manifest the things you want? Discover why ‘visualizing’ for something too much pushes you further away from your desires.

  2. There is a difference between Manifesting and True Manifesting. Understanding the difference will explain why achieving what you want never results in deep, fulfilling happiness.

  3. The 4 Stages of Spiritual Development: Why expose, and how can you use it as a roadmap to reach your next profound awakening even faster?

  4. How can you surrender to your Soul’s grander vision? You can step into a new life with opportunities you could never have imagined.

  5. How to overcome your most significant challenges and pains. Instead of directly fixing the problem, learn to take a spiritual shortcut and transcend it altogether.

  6. Spiritual Shapeshifting is a beautiful two-step practice that elevates areas of struggle and transmutes the energy from another area of life that’s working well.

  7. The 8 Life Structures: Use this simple framework to diagnose which parts of your life to focus on to live a balanced and blissful life.

⇒Watch The Free Michael Beckwith Masterclass