Unlocking Transcendence By Jeffrey Allen [Mindvalley Course Review]

Unlocking Transcendence by energy healer Jeffrey Allen is a course designed to elevate your spiritual fitness.

It enables you to achieve feats once deemed impossible by expanding your consciousness and unlocking your inner potential.

This comprehensive program will unlock your potential and propel you toward unprecedented personal growth and enlightenment.

Jeffrey Allen’s Unlocking Transcendence introduces a transformative six-step Micro-learning Methodology designed to enhance six aspects of spiritual fitness.

This methodology empowers individuals to surpass the confines of their physical reality and cultivate an extraordinary life.

The journey begins with recognizing that everything originates as energy, whether an idea, inspiration or thought.

However, to manifest this energy in the physical realm, one must first anchor oneself in the present moment within one’s physical body.

The body serves as the conduit for this transfer of energy. Without being fully present within one’s body, the impact on the external world remains limited despite the vitality of one’s thoughts and ideas.

The essence of achieving more with less effort lies in cultivating presence.

By embracing a state of heightened presence, individuals can experience a sense of calm, clarity, and focus, enabling them to efficiently convert their ideas into tangible results.

Unlocking Transcendence offers a plethora of tools, techniques, and exercises curated by Jeffrey Allen to fortify spiritual resilience, nurture the soul, and facilitate the transcendence of physical limitations.

Through dedicated practice and exploration of these resources, individuals can unlock their full potential and embark on a journey toward a more fulfilling existence.

Unlocking Transcendence

Unlocking Transcendence Course by Jeffrey Allen and Mindvalley

Unlocking Transcendence Course by Jeffrey Allen and Mindvalley is a training program for your “spiritual fitness” by increasing your awareness by doing energy work.

This is my review of the course.

The most common reason people don’t sense energy easily is that they are distracted by their internal noise. For many of us, this noise is ever-present, like an unconscious backdrop of thoughts, feelings & opinions.

Listening to your noise helps you understand your bias and how it influences your relationships, moods, and decisions. Turning down your noise allows you to hear the subtle energy signals that may have previously eluded you.

This is the beginning of your energy awareness—turning down the noise so you can hear the proper signals in your body, relationships, and life. You’ll be surprised how easily you can listen to your inner calls after finding your inner peace in Unlocking Transcendence.

What is Unlocking Transcendence Quest?

To help you with this challenge, Mindvalley brings back an energy healer with an all-new program: Unlocking Transcendence by Jeffrey Allen. 

Unlocking Transcendence is all about improving your awareness in these areas:

  1. Self-Awareness
  2. Physical Body Awareness
  3. Physical Energy Body Awareness
  4. Mental Inner Mind Awareness
  5. Mental Outer Mind Awareness
  6. Spirit Perception (Intuition)
  7. Spirit Connection Awareness
  8. Emotional Feeling Awareness
  9. Emotional Empathic Awareness
  10. Personal Impact Awareness
  11. Community Impact Awareness

You may have been on the spiritual path for a while now. And you know that you don’t feel your best unless you can connect with your inner voice, access your intuition, and make time for transcendent practices.

You want to create your ideal world!

The key here is to connect with yourself and harmonize with yourself.  Most people are either stuck in their heads or have an out-of-body existence. You can’t get to where you want to be if you are NOT connected to your whole body.

Most people don’t want to be in their bodies because their emotional state is often negative and uncomfortable. This course will teach you to love, heal, and embrace your energy body.

Unlocking Transcendence is for you if you answer yes to most of these questions:

  • Do you feel stuck in your spiritual journey, where every step seems to take you two steps back?

  • You need help getting spiritually aligned while pursuing your life goals.

  • Do you want to include transcendent practices as a daily habit?

  • You want to inject the perfect dose of spirituality into your busy life to make space for more important things that impact humanity.

  • Are you looking for a powerful approach to level up your spirituality in all dimensions of your life?

Unlocking Transcendence Mindvalley

Everything starts as energy – as an idea, inspiration, or thought. To transfer this energy into the physical world, you first need to be present in the physical world.

Mindvalley Masterclass

Your body is your personal “here and now.” If you’re not present in your body, your impact on the world is weak—even if your mind and ideas are vital.

You can do less and get more tangible results. If you feel perpetually behind, not fully effective, or impatient with your life, being more present is the answer. As you become more present, you’ll feel calm and relaxed, clear and focused, and with plenty of time and energy to make your ideas a reality.

This is the fastest way to be more powerful and effective globally!

When you’ve got a demanding schedule and a whole universe of people who need you, it’s impossible for you to progress spiritually. You can go from feeling like a Buddha in one moment to feeling like you don’t want to exist in the next.

Self-transcendence is the process of becoming aware of one’s and humanity’s potential. It is the process of becoming aware of the ultimate truth and the unity of all things.

So, at a spiritual level, self-awareness is self-transcendence. The more we stretch our awareness across all dimensions of our being, the more self-transcendent we are. This action is the ultimate definition of ‘Spiritual Fitness.’

You want to feel good so the outside world reflects that back to you.

Unlocking Transcendence Course

Unlocking Transcendence 

  • 61 Online Video Lessons
  • 15 hours and 6 minutes of learning time
  • Applications of Higher Awareness PDF Download
  • Ask Jeffrey: Q&A for Impact Awareness Video
  • 61,211 Enrolled

Unlocking Transcendence contains tools, techniques, and exercises to strengthen your spiritual “muscles,” nourish your soul, and help you transcend your physical reality.

After joining the Unlocking Transcendence Quest, you can go at your own pace or join a group.

Unlocking Transcendence with Jeffrey Allen | Mindvalley Trailer| YouTube

Join the Unlocking Transcendence Tribe

The Tribe is a group working through Quests to learn, grow, and connect. Please click the “Go to Community” button, introduce yourself, and feel welcome to share your ongoing breakthroughs, insights, and challenges with the Tribe at any point during the Quest.

Unlocking Transcendence contains tools, techniques, and exercises to strengthen your spiritual “muscles,” nourish your soul, and help you transcend your physical reality.

Unlocking Transcendence Quest runs for 60 consecutive days.

You’ll also receive daily suggestions for applying your new awareness in your everyday life. The Quest is divided into six parts, each developing two types of awareness that are most impactful for that area.

Top 10 Hurdles to Spiritual Fitness

We all have good and bad days. These are days when we are focused and fully present and days when we are not. Below are some of the common challenges you may face.

  1. Can’t Find Time – Practice first thing in the morning. Starting your day with meditation will save you time!

  2. Low Motivation – Remember your end goal! You can get there! Trust the program to take you there one easy step at a time.

  3. Stress or Impatience—Don’t overtrain or try to do everything perfectly. Graceful growth has more profound, more lasting benefits. Listen to each day once, then relax and enjoy your day.

  4. Frustration “It’s too easy/hard/slow/fast/long” – Smile. This is your internal resistance to change. Focus on finishing one day at a time, and you’ll soon reach your end goal.

  5. Can’t see anything (Visualization Insecurity Syndrome)? Relax, let go of your expectations, and stop comparing yourself to others. Imagination does not have to be visual. Enjoy the program in your unique way.

  6. Falling Asleep (Sleepitation) means moving through unconscious energy to greater awareness. This is a good sign. Keep going (even if it takes 60 days), and you will feel amazing when your unconscious energy clears. You do not need to repeat the days you slept through.

  7. Can’t Focus on Meditation Instructions (Joy Riding): Expanding your awareness quickly triggers your memories and imagination. Let yourself drift, but keep one ear listening to Jeffrey’s voice. You’ll naturally return to the meditation instructions when you’re ready. Just enjoy, and don’t feel guilty.

  8. It feels like I’m failing (Perfect Pictures) – That’s great! We often pass through a fear of failure or imperfection right before our awareness leaps to the next level. Share your experiences with the group, and let everyone encourage you. You’re doing great!

  9. I Got Behind—no problem. The program has six 10-day sections, so you are automatically caught up on Day 1 of each section. Don’t worry about what you’ve missed. Focus on getting started again.

  10. Having an open mind and doing something differently is a great way to gain a new perspective. There is no “right way” to meditate or visualize. Feel free to mix in your practice, but don’t try to reconcile differences from your previous practices.
Unlocking Transcendence Mindvalley Course

Key Points in The Unlocking Transcendence Course

Below are some of my notes.


Daily Practice Ideas

Additional practice:

  • Ask yourself, “Where am I?” in different situations today – when you are happy, frustrated, or stuck. Notice how the answer changes depending on your situation.

Location Applications & Time Awareness Intro

  • Notice your past and future thoughts and how they affect your personality.

Unlocking Transcendence Course: Easy Applications

  • Feeling spacey? Breathe with your eyes closed, and stretch into your body.
  • Maintain your awareness behind your eyes for increased focus and productivity.
  • Stretch your awareness into your body upon waking — like slipping into a big sleeping bag.
  • Feeling weakness or pain? Stretch into that area.
  • Self-diagnose by moving your awareness to your body’s pain.
  • Feeling stressed? Take a mini-vacation to the edge of the solar system.
  • Need perspective? Ask the same question from various locations — above your body, on the moon, and at the solar system’s edge.

Advanced Applications

  • Stretch your awareness outside your body.
  • Visit places you have not been to before.
  • Try different sizes of “you” – person, planet, cell…
  • Hold your awareness in more than one place at once.

Basic Practice

  • Feeling depressed or anxious? Balance your past, present, and future awareness to be calm, happy, & hopeful again.
  • Forget something? View or travel there & see new information or memories
  • Travel into the “present-time future” for basic predictions or see trends
  • Use your Time Awareness to connect to future students or clients (we’ll practice this later)
  • Heal your body by connecting with your past & future self.

Advanced Practice

  • Be in 2 different times while talking with someone – be present in the conversation while also reliving the first time you met.
  • Use a timeline to see the best timing for a new project or action.

Physical Body Awareness: Unlocking Transcendence Course

Easy Applications

  • Health – Listen to your body & heal it
  • Excel in your sport – Pour yourself into your body first
  • Feel Inadequate? Being more present brings out the best in you
  • “What will they think?” Release judgments.
  • Build Dating Confidence – Less judgment of self means others like you more too.
  • Not Productive? Pour Yourself into your body More Advanced Applications
  • Public speaking – don’t leave your body as you walk on stage 🙂
  • Learn a new sport through awareness – rehearse in your awareness.

Physical Energy Body Awareness: Unlocking Transcendence

Body Applications

  • Notice if you need a break before you need a break – don’t abuse & overwork your body.
  • Your body gets much more energetic when you’re not wasting energy competing with it.
  • Move your energy arms – a great way to take a virtual break. Keeping them in sync is also great for your health.
  • Self-diagnosing your body – before symptoms arise.
  • Having pain? Synchronize the energy body & physical body

Relationship Applications

  • Practice healing with another person – explore their body, notice & release judgments, and send love into those areas.
  • Great for smiling! Smile with your energy body & physical body together – you’ll be brilliant!
  • Better hugging with your energy body.
  • Better loving – let your energy body lead your physical body.

Mental Inner-Mind Awareness: Unlocking Transcendence

Daily Applications

  • Great for Organizing your day. Open or enter each room as needed.
  • Noticing your needs before a crisis. Go to the center of your headroom each morning. See which room needs your attention. Spend a little time there & take care of things proactively.
  • Use the blue light energy ball to see what’s invisible to you – lost objects, missed perspectives, something just beyond your thoughts.

Body Applications

  • Relaxation, getting in the zone.
  • Perspective. Hang out in the center of your head and find peace of mind.

Relationship Applications

  • Be present! The biggest relationship complaint is that a partner isn’t listening or present.
  • Turning off work so that you can be present in a relationship. Amazing skill!

Work Applications

  • Letting projects continue while you do something else
  • Put distractions aside to focus on work

Unlocking Transcendence Course: Mental Outer Mind Awareness 

Easy Applications

  • Listening immensely improves all relationships.
  • More aware of your environment – fewer mistakes & missed opportunities
  • Use your Mind Awareness to help you get along with the world instead of fighting with it

Advanced Applications

  • Focus on people rather than their stories – and you can always find something positive to admire. You’ll understand them more deeply; it feels much better than simply hating their story.
  • Try telling a story that you disagree with – sharing an opposing opinion. It can be pretty fun & enlightening.
  • Explore contradictory positions; you’ll often find a 3rd inclusive position.

Applications for Turning off your filter

  • Thinking outside the box (your opinions)
  • Understanding yourself – less reaction, more empathy
  • Fewer arguments – a good way out of a dispute. Find out what’s bugging you and clear that instead of continuing to fight.

Advanced Relationship Practice

  • Multiple awareness. Listen to a conversation with your ears, listen with your mind, listen with your heart. Very powerful. (In Spirit Awareness section)

More Advanced Practice

  • Simply follow the flow – fit it into a larger plan. Scary, but it accelerates life.

Advanced Work Practice

  • It’s great for meetings where different sides are arguing. Zoom out from the stories, find the common motivation, and appeal to the bigger picture.
jeffrey allen mindvalley masterclass

Every single day was a new step forward in “self-discovery,” a new experience, a new technique for life.”

This Quest [Unlocking Transcendence] was an awesome journey of discovery and exploration beyond the limits we humans thought having.

Every single day was a new step forward in “self-discovery,” a new experience, a new technique for life; all delivered in such a smooth method.

With Jeffrey, it’s “You are there before you know it.” It’s a friend guiding you, a caring teacher pending of your progress, a pleasant guide to follow, and a fun instructor you so want to learn from.

I also loved this Quest method of learning. What is taught becomes part of you effortlessly. For me, this Quest was a total success. Thank you, Jeffrey.”

Claudys Kantara

Unlocking Transcendence

My favorite section in the course was learning how to control my emotional state. Nothing feels worse than when my emotions overpower my rational mind.

This course helped me to get into my body and stay present in the moment in a calm, relaxed manner.

Emotions are powerful tools that can either amplify your light or the darkness. Learning to manage these tools for balance and benefit is key to harmony.

Get Unlocking Transcendence

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