Unlimited Abundance Review [Christie Marie Sheldon & Mindvalley]

(My Unlimited Abundance Review is sponsored, but this doesn’t affect the honesty of my review.)

Are you tired of constantly struggling to make ends meet?

Do you long for a life of abundance and prosperity but don’t know where to start?

If so, Unlimited Abundance is tailor-made for you.

Imagine waking up every morning feeling excited about the possibilities ahead, knowing that abundance is your birthright and you can manifest it in every area of your life.

That’s precisely what this program offers: a roadmap to unlock the unlimited abundance within you.

Unlimited Abundance by Christie Marie Sheldon on Mindvalley transforms wealth consciousness.

This review explores the Unlimited Abundance Course’s core principles and how it can help unlock your wealth mindset.

The Unlimited Abundance Program by Christie Marie Sheldon, you’ll learn to clear limiting beliefs holding you back.

This is my Unlimited Abundance review updated for 2024.

Learn More About The Unlimited Abundance Program

Unlimited Abundance Mindvalley Masterclass

Christie Marie Sheldon

Christie Marie Sheldon has earned recognition as a prominent intuitive life coach, speaker, and author.

Her acclaim stems from her profound ability to assist individuals in overcoming personal obstacles and elevating their energies to attain heightened success and fulfillment.

Sheldon specializes in energy healing and identifying and clearing subconscious beliefs that hinder individuals from realizing their utmost potential.

Through her work, she empowers people to break free from limitations and cultivate a life of abundance and purpose.

Unlimited Abundance With Christie Marie Sheldon| YouTube

Unlimited Abundance – Free Mindvalley Masterclass – Christie Marie Sheldon

To get a free experience with the program, I recommend the Masterclass hosted by Mindvalley.

Here’s why you should attend:

  1. Expert Guidance: Led by seasoned experts in abundance and manifestation, this masterclass gives you the knowledge and tools to transform your mindset and effortlessly attract abundance.
  2. Practical Techniques: This course does not contain vague theories or wishful thinking. Instead, it teaches practical, actionable techniques you can implement immediately to start seeing results.
  3. Community Support: Surround yourself with like-minded individuals on the journey to abundance. Share experiences and insights, and support each other as you grow together.
  4. It’s Free: Yes, you read that right. This masterclass is free, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by attending.
  5. Life-Changing Results: Countless people have already experienced profound transformations after applying the principles taught in this masterclass. Why not be the next success story?

Don’t let another day pass by, feeling stuck in scarcity. Register for the free Unlimited Abundance Masterclass today and take the first step towards a life of abundance. Your future self will thank you for it.

>>>Free Masterclass

Unlimited Abundance Review

The Unlimited Abundance course by Christie Sheldon is designed to reshape your relationship with wealth and abundance.

What sets this course apart is its emphasis on real-world application. The Mindvalley Course provides practical strategies that participants can integrate into their daily routines, fostering a sustainable wealth mindset.

The Unlimited course offers actionable steps for long-term success, from setting financial goals to cultivating gratitude.

Unlimited Abundance Mindvalley

The Unlimited Abundance Course is hosted on Mindvalley, an interactive and user-friendly learning platform.

This allows participants to engage with the course material at their own pace, fostering a supportive community of like-minded individuals committed to personal growth.

Through immersive audio recordings, Christie Marie Sheldon will synchronize with your energetic frequency, penetrate your subconscious mind, and release you from each of your Abundance Blocks.

The program delivers an equivalent transformation to what you’d encounter in individual energy-clearing sessions.

This program claims to help you “unblock” your abundance; there are 24 blocks that stop you from having the life you desire.

Christie Marie Sheldon Unlimited Abundance Review

I consider myself brave, but I found some disturbing information after taking the Diagnostic Quiz. This is what the results stated:

“FEAR is the area where you have the most abundance blocks.”

Yes, fear is my biggest block. And here are the clearing sessions I will work on first.

Here are the sections that fall under the area of “Fear,” which you should start clearing first:

2. Clearing Doubt and Fear

3. Clearing the Fear of Change

7. Clearing Fear of Rejection

8. Clearing Fear of Numbers

23. Clearing Fear of Scarcity

Unlimited Abundance Review

Unlimited Abundance Meaning

According to Merriam-Webster, it means:

1: an ample quantity : an abundant amount : PROFUSION

a city that has an abundance of fine restaurants


a life of abundance

3: relative degree of plentifulness

low abundances of uranium and thorium —H. C. Urey

Unlimited abundance refers to having more than enough of whatever one desires or requires, whether it be wealth, resources, opportunities, love, happiness, or any other aspect of life. It suggests a mindset of plenty, with no limitations on what can be achieved or acquired.

This concept often goes beyond material wealth and encompasses a sense of fulfillment, satisfaction, and prosperity in all areas of life. It’s about living in a state of abundance rather than scarcity, with an inherent belief in the possibility of limitless opportunities and resources.

Unlimited abundance is often associated with positive thinking, gratitude, abundance mindset, and manifestation, where individuals focus on attracting and creating abundance. It encourages a shift from a lack or scarcity mindset towards abundance and prosperity.

  1. Unlimited means Not limited or restricted in terms of number, quantity, or extent.

  2. Abundance means a substantial quantity of something.

It means you can experience and attract anything in any quantity you desire.

Participants learn to identify and release the negative energy patterns hindering financial success.

The course delves into practical exercises and techniques to cleanse the mind and spirit, paving the way for a prosperous future.

Use this statement to get you into the feeling place of having your desires: What would it take to have _________?

Ex. What would it take for me to have more prosperity?
For example, what would it take to live my dream life easily?
Ex. What vibrational energy can I become to have Abundant?

The Unlimited Abundance Program

Feelings like stress and worry are asking the Universe to give you more things to stress and worry about. Being happy, calm, and peaceful will tell the Universe to provide you with more comfortable, quiet, and gentle things.

Positive abundance will respond to a positive you because the outer world mirrors your inner world.

I know we live in an action-oriented world, yet if you’ve noticed, the more we try to do it, the more negative our life becomes.

Most of ‘The doing’ you do probably involves struggling with “what is happening now.” To allow what you want to have – the struggle within you has to stop and is known as “letting go.

Too much “doing” and insufficient “being/feeling good” causes backward momentum.

The secret here is to focus on what you want to be (more abundant) instead of having your focus on what you’re doing.

You can’t split attention/focus here. Focus on what you’re being, and I promise you that your life will reflect that “beingness” to you. Am I telling you to sit on the couch all day and do nothing? No.

But I suggest you tend to how you feel to allow more of what you want to come into your life. The action comes after you get yourself free from internal resistance.

Once you get into a “state of flow,” you take the action that appears to you as the next logical step toward what you desire. Your intention (aim/plan) makes things happen, not acting alone. (When you get good at this, you can remain in a “being state” while “doing.“)

The truth is that more people unconsciously block their prosperity via their limiting beliefs than they consciously allow prosperity into their lives. How do you let it in? Simple: Stop resisting.

Removing your Blocks is not something you can do alone. Because even if you know exactly what they are, you must consciously decide to break free from them.

Your existing energetic frequency and subconscious thought patterns will always pull you back to them. 

This is where you can train yourself to allow wealth to flow into your life!

Have you ever noticed that when you try something new, unwanted or bad experiences pop up, leaving you wondering why this happened?

If and when unwanted stuff comes up, use the clearing statement: “Delete it across all time, dimensions, space, reality, uncreate it all.”

  • Delete
  • Uncreate
  • De-Story all this now!
Unlimited Abundance Review

The program helps you realize the unlimited part of yourself. Generally speaking, humans limit themselves in many ways, money being one example.

The program teaches you how to raise your frequency to allow a more expanded version of yourself.

When you raise your vibrations (how you feel), it allows you to open yourself and tune in to a more preferred vibrational frequency of reality where flow is your natural state of being instead of experiencing money blocks.

The human brain is a receiver-transmitter and can allow or disallow things into your life based on your beliefs.

How you feel about yourself and what you believe to be your ultimate truths will determine your reality. Haven’t you had days when you felt unstoppable, and everything flowed to you effortlessly and smoothly?

Haven’t you had days when almost everything went wrong? This happens mainly because of how your brain works.

So when you learn how to reprogram it with beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that support you, your reality will reflect that change. If you keep thinking the world is horrible, that will be your reality because you’re tuned into those beliefs.

We picked up most of our childhood beliefs from our parents, family members, television, etc. This is fine if your beliefs support you in positive ways.

If you can change your ideas to something like money and all forms of abundance flowing to me effortlessly and efficiently, your life will reflect that.

But if they don’t, you need to find those negative beliefs and thought patterns within you and replace them with views that support you.

One of the standout features of the Christie Marie Sheldon Mindvalley course is its focus on raising your frequency. Through guided meditations and exercises, participants learn to align their energy with the frequency of abundance, attracting wealth and opportunities into their lives.

In the Unlimited Abundance Program, you’ll eliminate the beliefs and patterns of thought that are keeping you from achieving the wealth you want.

Your doubts about yourself and what is possible are holding you back. You probably bounce back and forth between getting what you want and being in limbo because of doubts.

Doubt is a mental state in which your mind remains suspended between two or more contradictory propositions, unable to be sure of any of them. Doubt on an emotional level is indecision between belief and disbelief.

The great thing about being abundant is that you help so many other people in the process.

  • You help them by showing it’s possible to be abundant.

  • You create jobs and opportunities for people that weren’t there before.

  • You can be more of yourself because you are not a limited version of yourself, eventually allowing others to do the same.

Unlimited Abundance Review: What’s In It?

  • 24 energy block-clearing sessions are available in audio and pdf formats.

  • A bonus session.

  • Tools for building wealth in your life.

  • Light Absorption: Learn how to connect yourself to the light. This exercise will help you open up your energetic fields, allowing the energy to flow powerfully through your system during the clearing process.

  • Autopilot Breakdown – identify the ‘lies’ you have learned about money to start breaking down the subconscious patterns towards wealth holding you back.
Unlimited Abundance Review
After you complete a lesson, a screen like this will appear.

What I Didn’t Like About The Program

In this review, I’ll tell you the good and the not-so-good. The program is long and covers many abundance blocks, 24. I’m an Aries, so I prefer the shortest path to the result. Each audio session lasts 45 minutes, or as long as 85 minutes.

I also found its approach relatively simple and somewhat redundant in some parts.

And yes, Christie giggles a lot throughout each session for some reason, as one other reviewer pointed out. (I also noticed giggles in Eckhart Tolle’s seminars.) 🙂

Another complicated process is releasing your baggage. It’s an energetic workout.

Sometimes, it feels like you are about to explode when old, negative baggage from the past comes to be felt and released. Also, each session comes with a PDF document to assist you in clearing your energy blocks.

Having completed dozens of personal growth programs, I would say the best way to approach this program is to focus on one weekly session for better absorption. Yes, you can go through the whole program as fast as you like, but you may not get the full benefit from it.

In this review, I advise you to slow down and take your time with each session unless you have previous energy-clearing experience. And don’t force yourself when you’re not ready, either.

The first lesson, Clearing Resistance, is 1 hour and 22 minutes long. The entire session is not about clearing resistance, though.

Each lesson has two audios:

  1. The Complete Lesson

  2. The Clearing Session Part

This makes it easier to go back and clear a block later on without listening to the entire session.

Manifesting Live: Money Blocks Quiz

Yes, the course costs money, but consider this: Imagine buying this program and receiving the full benefit of clearing your resistance to prosperity and earning a wealth of funds for the rest of your life. The program will pay for itself in a short amount of time.

So, you invested your money, time, and energy to complete the program. However, simultaneously, you release your blocks and money, and other forms pour into your life.

I would say the risk would be worth the reward. Many people wonder why this program isn’t free. I get it. I, too, thought that spiritual people should not charge for their products and services.

Then I got real. People generally don’t value what they get for free, which brings me to a story I read in a book several years ago.

We live in a world where we use money to buy things we want or need. The last I checked, you can’t just walk into a grocery store, fill up your bag, and walk out without paying for it. We live in a world where value is traded for value, and that’s how it is now.

(For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.)

How Much Unlimited Abundance Will You Receive?

If you mean, will you win the mega millions jackpot after finishing the program? It all depends on your beliefs and what you will allow yourself to receive.

  • Can you handle that much money?
  • Are you prepared for that much money?
  • Have you released the belief that you are not worth that much money?
  • Is money the only form there is?
  • Finding money on the ground almost everywhere I went, I found $40 in a parking lot.
  • I found a solid gold bracelet on the ground.
  • Receiving checks, money, and even a gift card in the mail.
  • Affiliate sales on my blog increased.
  • Job opportunities came my way.
  • Someone donated $10 to me through my blog. (Thanks).
  • People are loving, kind, and generous to me wherever I go.

So, as you can see, abundance is all relative to what you allow yourself to receive. This program will work for you if you stick with it consistently, and you can’t use it haphazardly and expect positive results.

It’s like working out with weights to build muscle; you must do it consistently to get the desired results. With this program, you will want to go through it again after a few months or weeks to ensure you are energetically clear of your blocks.

You could also pick specific sessions after you went through the entire course.

Is The Christie Marie Sheldon Program A Scam? 

It depends on your definition of a scam. I don’t believe it is, and here is why. Beyond the physical body, we are energetic beings and vibrating energy fields that create our reality individually and collectively.

Clearing blockages are more of a science than some “woo woo” New Age belief. Clearing your blockages when it comes to abundance is about rewiring the neurons in your brain.

Maybe you have bad or loose connections and need to reconnect them so they work for you. Thoughts are what create your reality.

Yes, there is a “lag time” in our 3-dimensional reality; however, you have eventually solidified each thought into beliefs. Beliefs are what you will experience in your reality.

Beliefs are self-perpetuating and reinforcing mechanisms; unless you change them, you will never experience the reality you prefer.

So basically, beliefs are thoughts you keep having, and you know as well as I do that we live according to our expectations. If you don’t change your beliefs – your life will never change. So why not have expectations that support you and what you want?

  • Money flows to me effortlessly and efficiently every day.
  • Life is working out for me.
  • I am a money magnet.
  • Life is so fun and easy.
  • I love having money and other forms of abundance.
  • I am always safe and protected.
  • Money is always attracted to me.
  • I have all the resources I need at any time.
  • God’s delays are not God’s denials.

I understand the skepticism, though. Luckily, I have always been open to trying new methods for personal growth.

This program is not a quick fix unless you have experience removing limiting beliefs and energy work.

If you are new to this, expect some “growing pains” along the way. However, they will ultimately be to your benefit.

Christie Marie Sheldon’s Unlimited Abundance Course is a beacon for those seeking to overcome limiting beliefs about wealth and change their mentality about abundance.

Participants can embark on a journey toward financial wealth by exploring the course’s principles of energy clearing, raising money vibration, and practical applications.

The effectiveness of any personal development course lies in the experiences of its participants.

The Unlimited Abundance program boasts a plethora of success stories and positive testimonials from individuals who have witnessed remarkable transformations in their financial lives after completing the program.

Suppose you’re ready to transform your relationship with wealth. In that case, Mindvalley and Christie Marie Sheldon’s Unlimited Abundance Course may be the catalyst you need to unlock prosperity in every aspect of your life.

Thanks for reading my Unlimited Abundance Review!

Join Unlimited Abundance Today!