5 Easy Ways You Can Invest In Yourself

Investing in yourself provides a tremendous return on investment in many ways. There’s a good reason you should spend the time and money investing in yourself: no one else will.

Investing in yourself is an intimidating prospect. It can feel time-consuming, high-risk, and free of expert guidance to tell you what is practical.

You feel accomplished when you see the results of your hard work. By making small, positive changes that help you invest in yourself, you will be improving your future in the long run.

What Does Investing In Yourself Mean?

Investing in yourself means directing resources like time, energy, and money into activities that make you go further in life. Self-investment is a commitment to yourself to achieve a positive return. You stop drifting through life hoping to achieve your goals and instead choose deliberate actions, beliefs, and resources to get you where you want to be.

Investing in yourself also means directing yourself in ways that produce a more prosperous, fulfilled, and optimistic version of yourself.

For example, If you wanted to be an actor, you would probably invest in acting lessons or hire an acting coach. This is a self-investment.

Self Investment Examples

  1. Daily exercise
  2. Having a solid morning routine
  3. Having a significant savings account for emergencies
  4. Save for retirement
  5. Reading personal development books
  6. Set SMART Goals
  7. Taking a course on money management
  8. Having health insurance
  9. Learn and try new things
  10. Eat and drink for health and wellness
  11. Pay off debts quickly
  12. Eliminating toxic habits, people, and thoughts
  13. Having a solid sleep routine
  14. Taking care of your emotional wellness
  15. Learn how to say NO politely
  16. Visit new places and cultures
  17. Be more open-minded
  18. Daily self-care

Benefits of Self Investment

  • Improved relationships
  • Better health & well-being
  • You will try and learn new things.
  • More likely to set and reach goals
  • You will increase your consciousness.
  • Improved self-esteem
  • A sense of direction, purpose, and meaning in life
  • Improved resilience
  • A heightened sense of motivation
  • Your financial situation will improve.
  • Better problem-solving skills.
Mindvalley Membership Invest In Yourself

You Can Invest In Yourself

The best way to invest in yourself is to start. Invest in yourself to invest in something with minimum risk and a guaranteed significant return.

We invest in ourselves in education, health and fitness, and Personal Growth.

I began reading hundreds of self-help books starting in the late ’90s up until now. The term is personal development/personal Growth – but the meaning is the same.

I want to focus primarily on the benefits of personal growth. Many people overlook the benefits of self-investment. It is a means of improving ourselves from who we are to who we want to be.

In 1997, I was sitting in my studio apartment that I had just started to rent. Several studio apartments were on a busy road inside this great big old house.

I had just moved out alone and doubted whether I could make it. I had accrued another monthly expense, and my income wasn’t much more than my bills. I was losing hope in my newfound independence.

Invest in Your Personal Growth

Investing in yourself can increase your well-being, knowledge, and skills. Taking time to improve your skills and what you can offer to the world can be one of the most profitable decisions ever.

Don’t ever stop learning. Never stop growing. Never stop improving yourself.

Personal Growth is when you improve yourself inside and out.

Learning to become more patient is personal Growth; learning computer coding is also personal growth. Anything that creates expansion and positive change from who you were to who you want to be is personal Growth.

I consciously began my growth journey in 1997. To invest in yourself is a sign of self-responsibility. It’s much easier to blame others for your failings than to do something about them, but when you do that, you stagnate your Growth because you are locked in a victim mentality.

I’ve read over 700 books and counting about personal Growth, health and nutrition, metaphysical studies, and business and money matters. In this day and age, you always have to improve at least one aspect of yourself.

Start with your health, move into handling your money, and learn a skill or two. The key is never to stop improving but always take breaks, rest, and recharge like your cell phone.

Personal Growth is crucial to the well-being of yourself and the planet. When you become more aware, healthier, thoughtful, open-minded, and balanced, you are no longer a burden to others or the Earth.

Investing in your personal growth is one of the most loving things you could do – so start now or keep at it if you have already begun your personal development journey.

When you heal yourself, improve yourself, and are comfortable in your skin, you help to heal everyone and everything on the planet.

This is known as the 100th Monkey Effect. I hear so many oriented people wondering what their purpose is.

This is it. It’s about investing in your personal growth, healing old wounds, letting go of toxic behaviors and addictions, exercising your body, and eating nutritious foods.

Too many get caught up in thinking they can fix the world “out there.” The real work, the fixing, is within every one of you. Happiness is an inside job.

You have to go deep within your being, within your mind, with a bright light of awareness, and see what limiting beliefs and habits you have about yourself and replace them with positive ones.

You are here on Earth to heal personal, familial, and collective negative traits like anger, fear, greed, ego, and the belief that you’re not enough, contributing to a more evolved and united humanity.

5 Ways to Invest In Yourself

When you invest in yourself, you feel better. When you feel better, you perform at a higher level and treat yourself and others more carefully.

1. Educate Yourself

I’m not talking about college or University. I’m discussing real education by reading books, watching videos, and attending seminars and lectures. Immerse yourself in the area that you want to grow in. Yes, you can get a degree in a specific career path for a better job.

Being educated on all fronts, street smarts, and book smarts will help you see opportunities you otherwise would overlook.

2. Health & Vitality

Invest in your health and vitality by eating nutritious healing foods, drinking clean water, and exercising daily. The most significant wealth is your health. Your age, race, income, and religion do not affect your ability to be healthy. Educating yourself and making the right food and drink choices will determine your health.

I would consider a healthy diet of at least 85% whole foods instead of processed foods. Whole foods retain their natural makeup, whereas processed foods are sliced, diced, and added with preservatives and fillers.

A quick and easy way to drop 10 to 20 pounds of body weight is to eliminate refined sugar, excess salt, and gluten from your diet. Sugar and salt cause the body to retain water and fat, and no amount of exercise will help lose that weight.

Sugar from fruits is okay, but don’t overdo it. Fruits have many nutrients and are great for cleaning and restoring the insides of your body.

3. Mental Wellness

Learn to calm your nervous system so you can calm your mind. It’s normal these days to have racing thoughts trying to keep up with the demands of your life. Slow down daily and be. You have to invest in your happiness, or all the goals achieving will seem pointless.

The World Health Organization defines mental wellness: as “A state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her abilities can cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively and fruitfully, and contribute to his or her community.”

The number one cause of psychological stress in people’s lives is caused by living an inauthentic life. What does being inauthentic mean, you may be asking? It means you are not living from the highest ideals about who you are.

Many people live desperate lives of struggle because they live someone else’s version of how they should live. Inside every one of us is an authentic version of who we are; we must begin to show that version of us to the world without fear.

Ways to improve mental wellness are:

  1. Connect with other people
  2. Giving
  3. Daily exercise
  4. Quality, consistent sleep
  5. Mindfulness/presence in the moment/meditation
  6. Trying and learning new things

4. Networking

Networking is the action or process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts. Networking is exchanging information and ideas among people with a common profession or particular interest, usually in an informal social setting.

Networking often begins with a single point of common ground.

You have to have resources when difficult situations arise. Do you have people who can help you reach your goals? If not, find people with that you can build mutually beneficial relationships.

5. Hire A Coach or Specialist

Life coaching is a process of helping individuals reach their goals and desires.

You want to invest in yourself, so why not hire someone already there? You can hire a coach or specialist to help you overcome fears like public speaking, asking someone out on a date, or feeling more confident and self-assured.

Investing in yourself is the best investment you can make.

A life coach can help you gain clarity & purpose, are a point of guidance, set achievable goals, create a sense of accountability, and improve productivity.

Conclusion About Investing In Yourself

Investing in yourself means putting time, money, and fuel into improving your current and future life. For example, if you want to improve the shape of your body, you could invest in a home gym or get a gym membership. Investing in working out now will also have future benefits.

Depending on your personality, you are either open to growing or closed to the idea. When investing in yourself, you’ll have to do and try things you’ve never had before.

Work on lessening your internal resistance to change through meditation, quiet time, and other body-calming techniques. Learning to invest in yourself may be your most profitable investment ever.

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