Sixth Sense Superpower Mindvalley Course – Sonia Choquette

Sixth Sense Superpower by Mindvalley and Sonia Choquette is a course for enhancing intuition

Awaken your intuitive intelligence through a signature process designed by Sonia Choquette and Mindvalley.

If your inner voice is nudging you towards a life-changing decision, could you trust it and take the plunge?

  • A thrilling but risky new career.
  • A shot at that fairytale romance.
  • A business deal bigger than anything you’ve ever pulled off—a chance at a fresh start.

Even when your rational mind and emotions scramble to make the best choice, your intuition always has the answer.

But how many of us know how to listen to (and trust) our inner voice?

Sonia Choquette, renowned as the world’s leading intuition teacher, suggests that modern society prioritizes intellectual thought over our innate sixth sense, leading to a collective shutdown.

This shutdown often underlies our deepest anxieties and insecurities, with those who transcend it being extraordinary individuals.

A groundbreaking 10-year study by John Mihalasky at the Newark College of Engineering revealed a clear link between intuitive intelligence and business success among CEOs. Similarly, throughout history, exceptional artists, inventors, and innovators have tapped into their inner voices to accomplish what seemed impossible.

As Steve Jobs said:

“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.’

Sixth Sense Superpower is a journey back to the intuitive intelligence you were born with.

With Sonia as your guide, you’ll discover how to harness your intuition to make your best, meaningful, and trim choices.

Infuse your work and life with limitless inspiration, creativity, and growth.

And to navigate every moment with clarity and confidence, knowing your inner voice is always moving you in the right direction.

Sixth Sense Superpower Mindvalley.

Sonia Choquette Mindvalley

Sonia Choquette, a renowned author and sought-after international speaker, is celebrated as a guiding force in the realm of intuition, inspiring countless individuals to awaken their innate sixth sense.

From humble beginnings marked by familial challenges, Sonia embarked on her intuitive journey at a tender age, providing insightful readings to adults by the age of 12. Under the tutelage of esteemed mentors in metaphysical arts and spiritual law, she honed her craft and embarked on a remarkable path of self-discovery.

For over four decades, Sonia has traversed the globe, gracing some of the world’s most prestigious stages and collaborating with esteemed spiritual luminaries and influential media platforms. Her mission has been to assist millions in rediscovering their inherent intuitive wisdom.

Sonia’s teaching methodology is truly distinctive. Rather than adhering rigidly to scientific or spiritual doctrines, she encourages her students to embrace their inner voices and cultivate a deep connection with their higher selves.

Through trust and reverence for this inner guidance, individuals embark on a journey of profound self-transformation.

Sixth Sense Superpower with Sonia Choquette | YouTube

Sixth Sense Superpower

  1. You’re guided inwards, where you’ll discover how to quiet your brain, communicate with yourself on a vibrational level, and find the ON switch for your intuition.

  2. You begin experiencing your intuition for yourself – not just with your mind, but holistically with your heart and soul through breathwork, meditation, and other sixth-sense modalities.

  3. You’re then given the tools and techniques to amplify and harness your intuition in decision-making, creative thinking, problem-solving, and other vital areas of your life and work.

  4. You’re trained to instinctively know the difference between emotional impulses that could lead you astray and authentic and accurate guidance from your intuitive intelligence.

  5. Finally, you design a new intuition-driven life where your inner voice guides you in every moment of every day toward your best choices, outcomes, and opportunities.

>>>Learn more about Sixth Sense Superpower

Mindvalley Sixth Sense Superpower

Sixth Sense Superpower is a 20-day online program by Sonia Choquette and Mindvalley with 21 Lessons for reclaiming, amplifying, and forging unconditional trust in your intuitive intelligence.

Each day, you’ll join Sonia Choquette for a 20-minute video lesson as she guides you through her signature tools and techniques for embodying your new intuition-driven life.

The key focus of this program is self-driven experience. Your most significant breakthroughs won’t be learned or intellectualized but instead felt through immersive encounters with your inner voice – and the instant clarity, courage, and creative energy you gain through them.

By the end of the 20 days, you’ll be fully prepared to embody your new intuition-driven life, where you are your most extraordinary guide, and the path to growth and fulfillment is always evident.

Developing intuition and the “sixth sense” involves honing your ability to listen to your inner feelings and instincts. Here are some general tips to help you develop your intuition:

  1. Trust Your Gut Feelings: Start paying attention to your gut reactions and instincts. Trust your initial feelings about a person, situation, or decision.

  2. Meditation and Mindfulness: Practices like meditation and mindfulness can help quiet your mind, allowing your intuition to surface more easily. Regular meditation can enhance your awareness and connection to your inner self.

  3. Journaling: Keep a journal to record your thoughts, feelings, and intuitions. Reflecting on past experiences can help you recognize patterns and understand your intuitive signals better.

  4. Connect with Nature: Spending time in nature can help you attune to your surroundings and tap into your intuitive senses. Nature has a way of grounding and calming the mind.

  5. Pay Attention to Dreams: Dreams can sometimes provide insights and messages from your subconscious. Keep a dream journal and analyze recurring themes or symbols.

  6. Practice Visualization: Visualization exercises can help you tap into your intuitive side. Imagine positive outcomes and visualize scenarios to enhance your intuitive abilities.

  7. Listen to Your Body: Your body often gives signals about certain situations. Pay attention to how your body reacts – tension, a feeling of lightness, or other sensations.

  8. Develop Emotional Intelligence: Understanding and managing your emotions can enhance your intuitive abilities. The better you know yourself, the more attuned you’ll be to your intuitive signals.

  9. Practice, Patience, and Reflection: Developing intuition is a gradual process. Be patient and consistently practice listening to your inner guidance. Reflect on your experiences to refine and strengthen your intuitive abilities over time.

  10. Learn from Others: Seek guidance from individuals who have developed their intuitive abilities. Books, workshops, or courses on intuition can provide insights and techniques for enhancing your skills.

Yes, it is possible to train and develop your intuition. While some people may naturally have a strong intuitive sense, others can enhance and refine their intuitive abilities through practice and awareness.

Here are some ways to train your intuition:

  1. Mindfulness and Meditation: Engage in mindfulness practices and meditation to quiet your mind. This allows you to become more aware of your thoughts, feelings, and intuitive signals.

  2. Trust Your Gut Feelings: Start by paying attention to your gut reactions and initial feelings about situations. Trust and act upon these feelings, and over time, you may find your intuition becoming more accurate.

  3. Journaling: Keep a journal to record your intuitive thoughts and feelings. Documenting your experiences can help you recognize patterns and gain insights into your intuitive process.

  4. Practice Visualization: Incorporate visualization exercises into your routine. Imagine scenarios and pay attention to the intuitive impressions during these visualizations.

  5. Symbol Interpretation: Work on interpreting symbols and images that appear in your dreams or during moments of reflection. Symbols can often carry intuitive messages.

  6. Developing Emotional Intelligence: Understand and manage your emotions. Being emotionally aware can enhance your ability to read and interpret the emotions of others, contributing to your overall intuitive skills.

  7. Connect with Nature: Spend time in nature to attune yourself to the natural world. Nature has a way of enhancing intuition and promoting a sense of groundedness.

  8. Ask Intuitive Questions: When faced with decisions or uncertainties, ask yourself intuitive questions. Pay attention to the immediate responses that come to mind.

  9. Learn from Experience: Reflect on past experiences where your intuition played a role. Consider how accurate your intuitive feelings were and learn from these instances.

  10. Seek Feedback: Share your intuitive impressions with others and seek feedback. This can help you gain perspective on the accuracy of your intuitive insights.

Key Points In The Sixth Sense Superpower Mindvalley Course

  • Intuition is the language of energy.

  • If we don’t talk about our intuition, we’re not validating it.
    1. Be open to your intuition.
    2. Expect your intuition to guide you.
    3. Intuition is communicated by vibration.
    4. When you give a language to your intuition and name it, you can claim this superpower as part of your life.
    5. You need to take four important decisions to make your intuition work. The first two are:
  • When you listen more to your authentic self, you reclaim more of your sovereignty, autonomy, and power to direct your life. Today, you’ll learn how to clear distractions and increase your listening power — not just from your head but your entire body. Listen to Sonia with interest and intention. Have fun waking up and stretching your capacity to listen.
    • Proper listening can give you information your brain and five senses cannot.
    • When you learn to be whole and expand your ability to receive energy, your capacity to clear away distractions and listen with interest begins.
    • Your entire body can receive, hear, and take in energy.

    How to Quiet Your Brain

    • Look around. Notice what’s new and different.

    • Breathe in consciously.

    • Exhale, pulling your belly to your spine. (Blow out like you’re blowing out a candle.)
    • At the end of your breath, your brain is quiet.

      1. Creating an energy container sets boundaries that allow you to quiet your mind.

      2. With a clear field, your intuition can be fully present and notice what is
        happening in the ‘now.’

        Instant Meditation Steps: Sixth Sense Superpower Mindvalley

        1. Breathe.

        2. Look around, notice, and exhale.

        3. Look within, notice, and exhale.

        4. Breathe up from the bottom of your feet to your heart space.

        5. Open the ears, click.

        6. Exhale with the “ahhh” sound.

        7. Slide home and go down to your power center.

        8. Breathe in the light and push everything out.

    • The ego, or “barking dog, ” is the part that is always defensive and leads you far from your highest self.

    • However, the ego is not your enemy. It is your ally and supports your life’s leader, “your spirit.”

    • Your spirit is that part of you that transcends your ego and tunes into the truth that is whole, complete, and connected to the quantum field.

    • Your spirit can give you accurate direction at any moment.
      • Your intuition and spirit are the guiding light placed in your heart.

      • When you’re honest, the truth will give you the foundation to attract the experiences you want.

      • There are four decisions you take to activate your intuition:
      1. Be open to intuitive guidance.
      2. Expect your intuition to guide you.
      3. Trust what you intuitively feel and sense.
      4. Act on your intuition.

    • Understand how intuition helps you make better decisions and how literally ‘dancing with intuition’ breaks resistance, so you live life from your spontaneous nature.

      • Intuition is a great disruptor that helps us make better decisions.

      • Trusting your spontaneous nature and surrendering the need to know are critical elements to having an intuitive life.

        • Intuition speaks energetically, but it also loves to speak to you with signs, symbols, metaphors, and many other surprising ways to get your attention.

        • Some of the critical steps that help you create moments of quiet and notice the signs of intuition are:

        • Slow down and pay attention to what’s around you.

        • Use the “cube visualization,” breathe, go down the slide with the “ahhh” sound, and smile.

        • Dance in the heat of resistance and surrender the need to know.

        • The signs of intuition won’t be enough to make better decisions. You have to take them as necessary information.
          1. Intuition serves your heart and your authentic self. It helps you stay creative and aligned with your spirit’s purpose.
          2. When you leave your ego and instead focus on what you love, you change your vibration, and your intuition helps you attract what your authentic self loves.
          3. You leave the “dirty window” by changing your negative talk for the things you love.

          Techniques to Calm Your Brain: Sixth Sense Superpower Mindvalley

          • Notice what’s around you.

          • Slow down your breath by breathing from your feet.

          • Breathe, slide with an “ahhh” sound, and smile.

          • Create your container and clear the field with white light.

          • Clear the field by putting your tongue on the roof of your mouth and exhaling like you’re blowing out candles.

          • Follow along with your evening and morning meditations.

          • Your intuition is the key essential sense that makes your life make sense.

          • When you expect guidance, it connects you to the loving Universe and helps you find a vibration that matches your spirit.

          • It’s better to expect guidance from a calm, clear, and nondramatic space.

          • There are practical ways to escape velocity and protect your clear space:
            • Don’t ask people’s opinions.
            • Don’t listen to your barking dog.
            • Observe, don’t absorb.

            How to Stop Your Barking Dog

            1. Turn your music on as loud as you can and dance.

            2. Take a shower.

            3. Breathe out loud through your mouth for three minutes and move your body. Note: Every time you do it, do it with a movement you’ve never done before.

            4. Sing out loud.
            • Acting on your intuition can be fun, so here’s a list of six ways you can do so:
            1. Start talking to your divine and guiding self.
            2. Empty the garbage.
            3. Keep naming what you love.
            4. Name what you love going forward as if it were the present.
            5. Fish for ideas, inspiration, and the answer.
            6. Write down or say out loud 19 solutions.
            • Having people who mirror you and lift you up keeps you positive, builds up your confidence, and puts you closer to manifesting your dreams.
            • The first step to surrounding yourself with positive people is to become a positive spirit who believes in and encourages others.

            Your Actions for Today: Sixth Sense Superpower Mindvalley

            1. Write down all the things that your spiritual values.

            2. Identify the people who mirror you and build your confidence.

            • Ask yourself:
              • Do they lift you and bring you out?
              • Do they support your spiritual values?
              • Do they give you the courage and confidence to trust your inner guidance? 
              • Or do they trip you up?

            3. Be the “believing eyes” today. Encourage all the people around you and spread your positive vibes.

          • Decide to listen to your intuition. It will always lead you in the right direction, even if it seems like a detour.

          • The more you model and choose to go with your vibes, the more you become part of the world’s solutions.

          • Listening to your intuition also means you don’t have to figure everything out. Partner with the quantum field; trust and surrender to what the universe has for you.

          • Intuition is your inner GPS. It can feel like a gentle nudge, a pit in your stomach, or a subtle nod of confidence to help you along your path in life.

          • You can tap into this inner GPS to attract positive people, opportunities, and answers you seek.

          • It takes a little practice, of course. But when intuition takes the lead in your life, it puts that “extra” in extraordinary.

          • When you start celebrating yourself, you begin to remember that the truth is you are so great. This brings you back to your integrity, wholeness, and brilliance.

          • Living congruence with your spirit, the world, the universe, and your joy and intuition brings you many blessings. Even the ones you think you lost come back to you.

Sixth Sense Superpower Conclusion

If you’re like me, you want every advantage you can get in life. Understanding the power of your intuition, and how to use it to your advantage is a must these days.

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