Panic Away Review: Barry McDonagh Program

The Barry McDonagh Panic Away Program techniques are designed to allow your body to heal naturally.

This is achieved by pushing your mind out of the way and letting your parasympathetic nervous system activate.

Your troubled mind keeps this from occurring by continuously stimulating your stress response.

As a person who is into personal development, you’ve probably had your run-ins with anxiety.
I, too, have struggled with anxiety reactions and symptoms in my life.

Anxiety occurs in 2 ways.

  1. A concern about something that may happen in the future
  2. Your body is getting anxiety symptoms from something you consumed.
Panic Away Review

Here’s what you’re getting

  • Book
    After just one reading of the book, many people report that their anxiety is dramatically reduced or completely gone!

  • DVD
    You get the HD DVD to fast-track your recovery. You will learn the basics in just 48 minutes flat! This DVD makes the 21-7 Technique™ simple to learn and apply.

  • CDs. CDs are extremely useful for people who prefer to listen to lessons. You will learn to release deep-seated general anxiety, end driving anxiety, eliminate night panic, cease anxious thoughts, and stop fearing unusual bodily sensations.

  • Plus, two exclusive bonuses when you order today.

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Do you suffer from anxiety or panic attacks while shopping, driving, or working?

  • Take the ‘Rapid Relief’ audio wherever you get anxious, whether driving, flying, shopping, or working.
  • Learn how to overcome anxious feelings in seconds.
  • Feel immediate relief from anxiety and panic attacks.

Who Is Barry McDonagh?

Barry McDonagh is a best-selling author and creator of the DARE Response Program. He has helped over 200,000 people free themselves from anxiety and panic attacks through his work and training.

His first book, Panic Away (2001) sold 80, 000 copies. His second, DARE (2015), has sold more than 200,000 copies and remains the highest-rated book on Amazon and Good Reads for helping people overcome anxiety.

His work has been featured in Huff Post, Vice, and GQ, and he has appeared on numerous TV programs in the USA, Australia, and the UK, including the BBC documentary Anxiety and Me.

Barry McDonagh has a BA from University College Dublin and an HDip in Psychology from The Open University.

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Panic is an intense and sudden onset of fear or anxiety that often involves a range of physical and emotional symptoms. It is a natural response to a perceived threat, commonly referred to as the “fight or flight” response.

While mild levels can be adaptive, helping individuals respond to danger, excessive or uncontrollable panic can be debilitating.

It’s important to note that attacks are not always related to an external threat; they can occur unexpectedly or in response to triggers that may not be immediately apparent.

Additionally, recurring and unexpected attacks may be indicative of a disorder, a type of anxiety disorder characterized by recurrent and unexpected panic attacks.

They can be a distressing experience, and they may significantly impact an individual’s daily life and well-being.

If someone is experiencing frequent or severe attacks, it is advisable to seek the guidance of a mental health professional.

Treatment options, including therapy and, in some cases, medication, can be effective in managing and improving overall mental health.

Worry Scale

Panic Away Program

The New England Journal of Medicine recently published a study by Dr. Harold Kennedy. He found that healthy people with frequent irregular heartbeats appear no more prone to heart problems than the average person. 

Even the healthiest people experience palpitations, missed beats, or pounding in the chest. Panic Away will teach you how to respond correctly when you experience any of these sensations.

You can move past this fear very quickly with the proper guidance. Of course, any concern about your heart or health, in general, should always be checked out by your doctor.

Anxiety is a state of apprehension or fear resulting from anticipating a real or imagined threat, event, or situation.

It is one of the most common human emotions experienced by people at some point in their lives.

However, most people who have never experienced a panic attack, or anxiety, don’t know the terrifying nature of the experience: dizziness, blurred vision, foggy mind, tingling, and feelings of breathlessness.

When these feelings occur, people do not understand why they feel they have contracted an illness or a mental condition. The thought of losing control seems way too real and way too frightening.

Anxiety can often feel like a thick fog has surrounded your mind. Nothing seems enjoyable as you look at the world through this haze of anxious thoughts and feelings.

This fog takes the fun out of life and can make you feel isolated or cut off from the world.

The anxious thoughts act as a barrier to experiencing the world, and this sensation of separation then leads to feeling even more upset as you fear losing touch with yourself.

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Anxiety Is A Symptom 

While there are many reasons for experiencing stress, the number one cause is being vital. We like to believe that we are all Adonis, but we are very human and have limitations.

We live in a time when we are always on the go, still trying to meet a deadline or head off to an appointment somewhere.

This causes significant mental and body stress, resulting in out-of-control thoughts and feelings known as panic.

When you get thirsty, your body tells you that you have reached a “danger zone,” You must replenish your body now or suffer the consequences. The same goes for anxiety and especially panic.

Anxiety is the first sign that you need to tend to your physical health; once that threshold is crossed, panic sets in, and you have no choice but to lie down and take it easy for a while.

Besides taking care of your body, you must also care for your mind. The mind can create many bad scenarios for you, most of which are utter crap.

Anxiety and Panic are Genetic Traits

They can have a genetic component, meaning that there is evidence suggesting a hereditary link.

Individuals with a family history may be at a higher risk of developing these conditions themselves.

However, genetics is only one factor in the complex interplay of influences that contribute to anxiety and panic disorders.

What if I told you there was a technique called 21-7? This technique teaches how to flatly stop an attack in 21 seconds and reduce general anxiety in less than 7 minutes.

The 21-7 Technique, developed by Barry McDonagh, is a self-help method for managing anxiety, particularly panic attacks and general anxiousness.

It claims to help individuals calm down quickly and effectively, with the “21” referring to stopping an attack in 21 seconds and the “7” signifying reducing general anxiety in under 7 minutes.

Here’s a breakdown of the technique:

  1. Recognize the Panic: The first step is to acknowledge that you’re experiencing an attack. This might seem obvious, but in the midst of heightened anxiety, it’s easy to get caught up in the physical sensations and lose sight of what’s happening.

  2. Stop and Breathe: Instead of panicking further, consciously stop what you’re doing and focus on your breath. Take slow, deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth, counting to four on each inhale and six on each exhale. Repeat this for 21 seconds.

  3. Focus on Your Senses: Engage your senses to ground yourself in the present moment. Look around and name five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste. This simple exercise helps shift your attention away and towards the external world.

  4. Relax Your Body: Progressively tense and relax different muscle groups. Start with your toes and work your way up, tensing each muscle group for a few seconds before releasing it completely. This can help release physical tension associated with anxiety.

  5. Positive Self-Talk: Challenge negative thoughts that might be fueling your panic. Remember that you’ve been through this before and are strong enough to handle it. Repeat positive affirmations like “This is just an attack. It will pass” or “I am in control.”
  1. Identify Triggers: Figure out what situations or thoughts typically trigger your anxiety. Once you know your triggers, you can develop strategies for avoiding or managing them.

  2. Challenge Negative Thoughts: When you are caught up in anxious thoughts, challenge their validity. Ask yourself if the thought is realistic or helpful. Reframe negative thoughts into more positive and realistic ones.

  3. Practice Relaxation Techniques: Regularly practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation. These techniques can help calm your mind and body, making you less susceptible to anxiety.

  4. Mindfulness: Incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine. Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings without judgment, allowing them to come and go without getting caught up in them.

  5. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle: Sleep well, eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and avoid alcohol and drugs. These lifestyle choices can significantly impact your overall mental and physical well-being, making you more resilient to anxiety.

Remember, the 21-7 Technique is a self-help tool and may not work for everyone. If you’re struggling with severe anxiety or panic disorder, it’s important to seek professional help from a therapist or counselor.

Meditation Free Download For Panic and Anxiety.

How Does the Panic Away Program Work?

Dr. Viktor Frankl and Dr. Clarie Weekes were two doctors who made what many regard as the most significant contribution to treating anxiety.

They did not see anxiety as a mental illness but rather an over-sensitized nervous system problem that could be easily corrected with the right approach.

Their pioneering work should have become the mainstream approach for treating anxiety but was unfortunately pushed aside in the early 1960s with the rush to prescribe anti-anxiety medications.

All the techniques in Panic Away are designed to allow your body to heal naturally. This is achieved by pushing your mind out of the way and letting your parasympathetic nervous system activated.

Your troubled mind keeps this from occurring by continuously stimulating your stress response.

In essence, it teaches you to trick your anxious mind into moving out of the way so your body and mind can begin to relax again. 

Once your worried mind no longer stimulates the stress response, you quickly feel more like your old self again.

In addition, you learn how to stop panic attacks from occurring by short-circuiting the loop and ending the fear of fear. To end an anxiety problem, you must take decisive action.

It would help if you went after an anxiety-free life; it will not find you.

Enough wasting your precious time on panic and fear, and take your life back! Some resist taking the first step because they feel guilty about investing time or money in themselves.

They fail to see that investing in a proven solution helps You and benefits ALL the people around you.

How can you be there for friends and family if you are not feeling right?

Related: Escape The Cycle Of Fear And Worry

When confronted with danger, the brain signals the automatic nervous system. This system is responsible for gearing the body up for action, calming the body down, and restoring equilibrium.

To carry out these two vital functions, the autonomic nervous system has two subsections: the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system.

Robert Sapolsky of Stanford University describes this dual role of the nervous system as a car’s brake and accelerator pedals.

You can only do a single action, accelerate or brake anytime. The sympathetic nervous system is the acceleration pedal that we tend to know all too much about.

The parasympathetic nervous system is the brake. It speeds us up by priming our body for action and readies us for the fight/flight response.

It serves as our restoration system, which returns the body to a calm state.

Remember that only reading a book or watching a video will end the panic. These tools are being given to you, but you have to use them.

Changing ourselves is a process, and when we commit ourselves to change without any internal resistance, the process goes much more efficiently, allowing for real and lasting change.

I have seen and experienced what panic and anxiety can do to someone’s life, and I wouldn’t want anyone to live another day feeling that way.

Please look at the Panic Away program by Barry McDonagh and take the first step to control yourself and your life.

Panic Away Testimonial

Finally, a clear and concise explanation of panic in it’s many forms, with practical advise and exercises for symptom reduction and elimination.

If you suffer with panic of any type, it’s well worth the investment to get this compassionate, jargon-free program.

– Dr. Glenn Livingston

Click the link below to get your Free Panic & Anxiety Audio Download. If you want to buy the course instead, click “No, thanks, I’ll pass on this opportunity. Take me to the site now.”

⇒Visit The Panic Away Website to teach you how to end panic attacks and general anxiety fast at this link.

When you buy the Panic Away program, you will receive:

  • Access to the Members Area
  • The Video
  • Audios
  • PDF eBook Version of the Panic Away Program
  • Bonus Videos

Thanks for reading my Panic Away Review.

FYI: Before investing in any self-help program, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or mental health provider.

They can offer personalized advice based on your specific needs and circumstances.

⇒Read Next: Paul McKenna Course