Free Online Marie Diamond Feng Shui Fest

Mindvalley Feng Shui with Marie Diamond

β€œIn its highest and purest form, good Feng Shui signifies perfect alignment between inner and outer worlds.” ― Lada Ray

Marie Diamond Feng Shui Fest

Is the energy in your home working for you or against you?

Take advantage of the first-ever Diamond Feng Shui Fest! Hosted by Marie Diamond, Feng Shui Master, and featured educator in the hit movie, The Secret. The Diamond Feng Shui Fest is your chance to Feng-Shui your house based on the teachings of this accomplished expert.

You will learn precisely what you have to do to draw in positive energy, treat negative energy, create a commanding presence, and reside in the flow of universal energy. Feng Shui is based on the Chinese art of creating harmonious surroundings that enhance the balance of yin and yang.

For example, arranging household furniture or even deciding the direction a house will face while being built. I started reading and understanding Feng Shui in the early 2000s and implemented the ideas in my own home.

The free flow of energy (removing blocks) is one of the main principles taught in Feng Shui.

For example, having a ton of things in your home that never gets used that creates clutter would be an example of negative Feng Shui. So by merely gathering all the unused items in your home, placing them in a box, and selling or giving them away would be an ideal way to improve the energy in your home.

You will see how to address life’s most nagging problems and help your most significant opportunities. You will get precise and straightforward methods to take advantage of the intense energy affecting your life day in and day out.

Feng Shui

Chinese emperors had access to sacred knowledge about how surroundings affect energy — for better and for worse. They knew how to attract positive energy and how to deflect negative energy. For thousands of years, they used it for long life for themselves, to control their empire, and to build supreme wealth.

They called this knowledge Feng Shui, which means “wind” and “water.” The ancient Feng Shui masters told the emperors that the wind and water carried an energy that could bring them a fortune as well as misfortune.

Feng Shui addresses the flow (or mis-flow) of energy in your space.

Feng Shui Results

In a company shake-up, Cheryl Reecher of Arnold, Maryland anticipated losing her job. She moved her bed according to the principles of Diamond Feng Shui. Within months she was promoted to Senior Vice President with a 25% increase in pay.

She was given a senior account and immediately grew it from the company’s third-largest to the largest.

Cheryl’s husband David, used the “water dragon technique” and saw an immediate improvement in his own company and personal finances. His business skyrocketed from selling two or three houses a month to ten!

Using the system, he determined the best direction (such as north, northeast, east, southeast). In that direction of his house, he had a beautiful framed print of a sinking ship. According to Diamond Feng Shui principles, the “energetic field” of that print harmed his success. “I always felt I was going three steps forward, but 1-1/2 steps back,” he said.

He removed the print and immediately saw a substantial improvement. His business grew 500%. It was no longer sinking. Might there be something in your home or office sinking your finances? Is there something you can do to create a dramatic increase?

If you are not living the life of your dreams, you have bad Feng Shui

“Your fortune and happiness come from three very different sources,” says Feng Shui Master Marie Diamond.

Heaven Luck:
One-third comes at birth from destiny. Some call it karma, and this is the hardest to change. This involves your religious beliefs (whatever belief you have) and your spiritual practice (going to church, meditating, studying with spiritual leaders, and even meditative practices such as Spring Forest Qigong).

Human Luck:
One-third comes from our own human experience and day-to-day living. It is easiest to influence this aspect of your life when using our personal learning courses such as PhotoReading, Natural Brilliance, and Abundance for Life.

Earth Luck:
One-third comes from Feng Shui — the influence of the environment. And this, by far, is the simplest to change. Marie says, “If you open the flow of energy in your personal space, you will get better results in everything you attempt.”

Marie is very clear. People who are still stuck after doing years of spiritual exercises and years of working on their inner programs definitely have a problem on the Feng Shui level.

She says, “Many changes on this level can be made in minutes, and you can feel the results after 9 minutes, 9 hours, 9 days, or 9 weeks.”

If you’ve already strengthened your energy through Spring Forest Qigong or if you have already changed your behavior through our other courses and Paraliminals, Feng Shui will create very fast results.

Diamond Feng Shui Fest

Your host, Marie Diamond, possesses an alluring background. Such as how she started out learning with spiritual masters when she was just seven years old and with Feng Shui Grandmasters in her teens.

However, what intrigues me the most is that she can see the energy flow. She did not merely learn from textbooks or other gurus. She knows just how the energy works because she observes it. This capability makes what she says, infinitely more reliable and valuable.

About the Free Course

During each day of the Diamond Feng Shui Fest, you will receive step-by-step instructions to use Diamond Feng Shui in your home. Through Marie’s captivating lessons, you will learn:

When sitting at your desk, sitting in a meeting, or talking on the phone, the direction you should face magnetically attracts success. How to get the quickest results from using Feng Shui.

  • How to create a commanding presence for yourself so that people notice you; pay attention to you, and give you respect.
  • How bad Feng Shui distracts you from seeing opportunities that are right in front of you.
  • What kind of artwork can devastate your relationship?
  • The direction to point your head during sleep when you need to improve your health.
  • Where to place a bubbling fountain that can shift the energy when everyone in your home or workplace gets sick.
  • One 4-minute task that attracts new people, experiences, and opportunities.
  • A color to wear that makes you more desirable to any potential romantic partner.
  • How to use Feng Shui to sell your home at a significant profit.
  • Why you might feel great in some rooms in your home, and what you can do to feel great in all your rooms.

Everything is energy vibrating or pulsating at a specific frequency range. When you create blocked energy, you create a backup of flow. This has been proven when we have kidney stones as an example. Kidney stones create a blockage which creates pain.

Feng Shui is similar to this. Go through your home and feel where the energy is not flowing. Move some furniture around if you have to and then feel if the energy is working in your favor. Flow is essential to your well-being within and without.

One of the best things you can do is become a master and detect and correct energy.

Feng Shui Quotes

Unused rooms are such bad feng shui, really bad energy.” – Alexandra Stoddard

“I’ve read that the ancient Chinese art of feng shui can bring a sense of peace, well-being, and positive energy to a home – same as beer.” – W. Bruce Cameron

As with many other folk beliefs, ‘feng-shui’ undoubtedly incorporates some scientifically correct observation or received wisdom based on direct experience of natural phenomena; but it needs to be dealt with skeptically as a credible system of thought. Some feng-shui prescriptions can certainly lead to desirable results.” – Martin Filler

“My mother believed in curses, karma, good luck, bad luck, feng shui. Her amorphous set of beliefs showed me you could pick and choose the qualities of your philosophy, based on what works for you.” – Amy Tan

Feng shui isn’t open to interpretation.” – Rob Lowe

Update: This program is no longer being offered. However, I have another Marie Diamond Feng Shui Course below from my friends at Mindvalley.

>>Marie Diamond Feng Shui For Life