Donna Eden Energy Medicine Review – Mindvalley [Routine, PDF, Healing Exercises,]

Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine course on Mindvalley is a journey into the world of energy healing.

Donna dives into energy techniques, enhancing well-being with expertise and engaging teaching.

In this article, I’ll answer some common questions, review the course, and share some of my experiences with it.

Disclaimer: This program isn’t a replacement for medical diagnosis or treatment by qualified healthcare providers.

It provides participants with health information to collaborate with professionals for optimal well-being.

Energy work courses complement a healthy lifestyle, not a cure.

When I began energy work in the late 90s, I had no idea what I was in for. As I released stored energy, I felt many emotions I had suppressed for years.

(Note of caution: be careful when doing energy work because emotions are strong.)

Energy Medicine?

Energy Medicine recognizes energy as a vital, living, moving force that determines much about health and happiness.

Energies, both electromagnetic and more subtle energies, form the physical body’s dynamic infrastructure. The flow, balance, and harmony of these energies are reflected in the health of the body.

When the body is unhealthy, corresponding energy disturbances can be identified and treated.

In Energy Medicine, you heal the body by activating its natural healing energies and restoring energies that have become weak, disturbed, or out of balance.

Energy Medicine can complement medical care by addressing physical or emotional difficulties.

It can also be a complete system for self-care and self-help, promoting high-level wellness and peak performance.

Donna Eden Energy Medicine Course
Screenshot of The Donna Eden Energy Medicine Course.

Your body is designed to heal itself. The ability of a body to maintain its health and overcome illness is, in fact, among nature’s most remarkable feats.”

Donna Eden

Who Is Donna Eden? 

Donna Eden was born with a gift. That gift is the ability to see nine different bodily energy systems. However, Donna never used these gifts until her late 20s. At 27, She had Multiple Sclerosis and could not move her muscles.

Five medical experts told her that she was going to die.

This was when she started to take matters into her own hands and experiment with her body’s energies. She discovered that she could manipulate these energy systems and slowly heal herself.

The Eden Method incorporates various techniques and exercises to restore and balance the body’s energy for optimal physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

Key principles and components of the Eden Method include:

  1. Energy Medicine:
    • The foundation of the Eden Method is based on the concept of energy medicine, which acknowledges the existence of subtle energy flows in the body.

    • Energy medicine seeks to identify and correct imbalances in the body’s energy systems to promote healing.

  2. Meridian Energy System:
    • The Eden Method emphasizes the meridian system, a network of energy pathways in the body. These meridians are thought to correspond to various organs and systems.

    • Techniques such as tapping, massaging, or tracing the meridians balance the energy flow and address specific health concerns.

  3. Daily Energy Routine:
    • As mentioned earlier, Donna Eden’s Daily Energy Routine is a set of simple exercises designed to be performed daily to support overall energy balance and well-being.

  4. Neurolymphatic Reflex Points and Neurovascular Points:
    • Donna Eden teaches the use of specific reflex points on the body, such as neurolymphatic reflex points and neurovascular points, to stimulate the lymphatic system and balance energy.

  5. Chakra System:
    • The Eden Method incorporates the concept of chakras, which are energy centers in the body. Balancing and aligning the chakras are believed to contribute to overall health and vitality.

  6. Aura and Energy Field Work:
    • Donna Eden emphasizes working with the body’s energy field and aura. Techniques may include energy clearing, grounding, and strengthening the energy field.

  7. Energy Testing:
    • Muscle testing or other forms of energy testing are often used in the Eden Method to assess the energy balance in different parts of the body and to identify areas that may need attention.

It’s important to note that the Eden Method is considered an alternative or complementary approach to health and wellness.

  • 26 Online Video Lessons
  • 11 hrs 25 minutes of learning time
  • Weekly Chapter PDF Workbook Downloads
  • Meridian Flow Wheel PDF
  • Triple Warmer PDF
  • Meridian Flow Wheel PDF
  • Muscle Merdian PDF
  • Kidney Meridian PDF
  • Stomach Meridian PDF
  • Zone Tapping Chart PDF
  • Energy Medicine FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) PDF

The course covers various topics, from understanding the body’s energy systems to practical exercises for balancing and harmonizing energy.

Donna’s teachings are not only insightful but also accessible, making complex concepts easy to grasp for both beginners and those with some prior knowledge of energy work.

The curriculum includes a set of immersive video lessons and Q&As with Donna, plus 50+ exclusive energetic tools that Donna and her husband David only teach at their live workshops, all spread out over eight easy-to-follow chapters that take just minutes a day.

The variety of lessons keeps the course dynamic and engaging, ensuring participants stay motivated.

What sets this course apart is its emphasis on practical application. Donna Eden provides hands-on exercises and demonstrations that allow participants to directly experience energy medicine’s benefits.

Integrating these techniques into daily life is seamless, making it easy for participants to incorporate them into their self-care routines.

Mindvalley’s platform facilitates a supportive community where participants can connect, share experiences, and support each other’s journeys. The discussion forums and live Q&A sessions with Donna contribute to a collaborative learning environment.

Since starting this course, I have experienced a noticeable positive shift in my overall well-being.

The Donna Eden energy exercises have helped me manage stress, improve my focus, and enhance my vitality. Donna’s teachings go beyond the physical, touching on the profound connection between energy and holistic health.

Donna Eden Energy Medicine course Mindvalley
Donna Eden Energy Medicine Mindvalley Course.

Mindvalley Donna Eden Masterclass [FREE]

Explore a Masterclass with the Foremost Expert in Energy Medicine.

Unlock the Secrets of Energy Medicine and Learn Four Transformative Techniques for Daily Application. Understanding that everything embodies energy is one thing, but integrating it into your daily life is another.

Dive into this illuminating Mindvalley Masterclass to witness the profound influence of energy on our existence firsthand. Gain invaluable insights and acquire at least four distinct energy medicine practices to empower your everyday experiences.

>>>Mindvalley Donna Eden Masterclass

One of the key components of her approach is the “Daily Energy Routine,” a series of simple exercises designed to help people maintain their overall energy balance and well-being.

The routine is intended to be done daily and typically takes 5-10 minutes. It consists of the following steps:

  1. Three Thumps:
    • Using your fingertips, tap on the K27 points just below your collarbone and at the beginning of your chest.

    • This helps to stimulate and balance the energy flow in the meridians.

  2. Cross Crawl:
    • While standing or sitting, touch your opposite knee with your hand.

    • This exercise is believed to integrate both brain hemispheres and balance energy.

  3. Wayne Cook Posture:
    • Sit down and cross your ankles.

    • Clasp your hands together, interlocking fingers, and turn your hands so that the palms face away from your body.

    • Lift your arms above your head, inhale, and exhale as you bring your hands down before your chest.

    • This is thought to help organize your energy and enhance mental clarity.

  4. Connecting Heaven and Earth:
    • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

    • Inhale and raise one hand above your head while the other reaches toward the ground.

    • Exhale and switch the positions of your hands.

    • This exercise aims to balance the energy between the heavens and the earth.

  5. The Four Thumps:
    • Using your fingertips, tap on the Spleen Neurolymphatic Reflex Points (located on the sides of your ribcage under your armpits) and Liver Neurolymphatic Reflex Points (located on the lower ribs on the right side).

    • This is believed to stimulate the lymphatic system and support detoxification.

  6. Cross Crawl (again):
    • Repeat the cross crawl exercise to reinforce the integration of brain hemispheres and balance energy.

  7. Crown Pull:
    • Place your fingertips on your forehead, with your thumbs on your temples.

    • Gently pull your fingertips apart, moving them to the sides of your head.

    • Repeat, moving from the top of your forehead to the back of your head.

    • This is thought to balance and align the energy in the head.

Is there a time limit on doing the Daily Energy Routine? 

Generally speaking, the 5-minute Daily Energy Routine exercises are safe and cannot be overdone.

Sometimes, with long-standing patterns, the body will return to its imbalanced habit shortly after you do the exercise. If your body is asking for training, I will do it! Our bodies are brilliant.

They will ask for what they need.

Energy Medicine - Donna Eden Mindvalley
Energy Medicine – Donna Eden Mindvalley Course.
  • Energy medicine is a branch of alternative medicine based on the idea that humans have an energy field or “life force” that influences our physical and mental well-being. This energy field is often described as a network of chakras, meridians, or other pathways.

  • Practitioners believe that imbalances or blockages in this energy field can lead to illness and disease, while restoring balance can promote healing and well-being.
  • There are many different energy medicine techniques, each with its unique approach. Some famous examples include:

    • Reiki: A Japanese technique that involves channeling healing energy through the hands.

    • Acupuncture: An ancient Chinese practice that uses thin needles inserted at specific points on the body to stimulate energy flow.

    • Tai Chi and Qigong: Gentle movements and breathing exercises designed to cultivate and balance energy.

    • Meditation and visualization: Practices that can be used to focus and direct the flow of energy.

    • Crystal therapy: Using the purported healing properties of crystals to balance energy fields.


  • The scientific evidence for the effectiveness of energy medicine is limited and mixed. Some studies have shown positive results for specific conditions, while others have found no significant effects. 

  • It’s important to note that most research on energy medicine is preliminary, and further study is needed.
  • Energy medicine is often criticized for its lack of scientific grounding and reliance on unproven concepts. Some critics also argue that it can be a form of pseudoscience.
  • Energy medicine is a diverse field with a long history of use in various cultures. While the scientific evidence for its effectiveness is still developing, many people find it helpful and complementary to health and well-being.

Related: Unlocking Transcendence

Donna Eden Course

Energy Medicine Training Course with Donna Eden and Mindvalley is a transformational journey towards awakening your body’s natural healing ability.

You’ll receive training on clearing and manipulating your body’s chakras to speed up recovery, improve longevity, and tune into your natural healing energies.

Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine Course will help you work with your body’s fight, flight and freeze response, allowing you better control.

This is one of several of Mindvalley’s energy healing courses. Donna Eden has another Mindvalley Course, The Energies of Love, which teaches you how to control your body and nervous system to stay in control of yourself.

Mindvalley Energy Medicine Masterclass

Mindvalley Energy Medicine Masterclass
Mindvalley Energy Medicine Masterclass.

Donna Eden Energy Medicine 

The Donna Eden Course helps you heal quicker, live longer, and have a better state of mind and emotions.

We all have been through traumatic events, divorce, losing a job or loved one, or even illness. Mentally, we get over our problems, but the experience often gets stuck in our bodies.

We need a way to release these trapped emotions in the chakras and heal energetically, and Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine Training program can help.

The fantastic thing about energetic healing is that you feel like you did before all the hurt, pain, and trauma.

Suppose you are affected by your environment.

The people around you also affect your energy. It would be best to have solid and energetic boundaries so toxic people do not contaminate your energy field.

Our bodies and psyches are constantly challenged by unnatural environmental energies, food additives, and other people’s negativity. All these things throw our energies off, making us more susceptible to illness, depression, and confused thinking.

Clearing, centering, and grounding our energies regularly can prevent or reduce negative impacts on our minds, bodies, and spirits.

Through storytelling and live demonstrations, Donna and David are teaching us how to:

  • Practice centering and calming yourself energetically, reinforcing vitality, mental clarity, and emotional balance.

  • Clear pathways enable your body to take in nurturing energies and connect its energies to the Earth’s magnetic field.

  • Accessing and connecting the energies of Heaven and Earth in your body fuels inspiration and personal potential.

Donna Eden: 9 Energy Systems

  1. Meridians – Your body’s energy pathways

  2. Chakras – Spinning pools of energy that bathe organs and store memories

  3. Aura – Energies that surround and shield you as they attract energies you need

  4. The 5 Elements – The rhythms of your energy system

  5. Basic Grid – The foundation of your energy system

  6. The Electrics – The spark in your energy system

  7. Celtic Weave – The ‘connective tissue’ of your energy systems

  8. Triple Warmer – Energies that protect you

  9. Radiant Circuits – Energies of harmony and joy

One of my favorite parts is Donna Eden’s daughter, Titanya, who looks like Donna and presents her energy medicine dance in lesson 3. The session is about 11 minutes long.

I always feel better after doing Eden Energy work because the energy routines help the lymphatic system cleanse itself. Most feelings of sluggishness are due to a sluggish lymphatic system.

Related: The Secret of a Master Practioner

Donna Eden Energy Medicine FAQs

What is the best exercise for stuck energy in joints? Connecting Heaven and Earth is one of the best energy medicine exercises for this.

Does water affect the energy process? Can we do our energy routine in the shower, pool, or lake? Water is a great conductor of energy, so doing any part of the routine in water is excellent.

What energy techniques are suitable for those with anxiety? Techniques like grounding, Hook-Ups, and Zip-Ups are beneficial for anxiety.

Can the spooning technique be done on the feet, oversocks,/stockings?
Please note that it needs to be a stainless steel spoon, as the small amount of iron clears the stagnant energies.

What is spooning for? Where can it be done on the body?
We spoon the feet to correct the polarity in the feet and ground us to the earth. Spooning the feet is incredibly simple, helpful, and corrective.

There is a chemical interplay between metal alloys and the skin/capillaries.

A fully metal spoon will conduct better, as stainless steel is crucial. Spooning the hands has a significant effect, as well. Some people like to use it on the spine.

Experiment and see what feels good to you.

What are the best times of the day for energy exercises?
Most people’s habit is to do the Daily Energy Routine in the morning. It is an excellent way to set your body in the right direction for the day.

With the Zip-Up, which is the correct way to do it, side or back/front?

Both ways are correct. The Zip-Up helps connect the Central meridian, which runs up the front side of the body, and Governing meridian, which runs up the back.

Sometimes, in the Daily Energy Routine, we zip up the front side, as it tends to be the most vulnerable, but we often include the back.

What does it mean if I am experiencing no change after tracing the meridian forward/backward?

Energy Medicine practitioners call this “Frozen Energy,” It usually means that the energy in that meridian is not flowing freely.

One of the simplest and most basic ways to get that energy moving freely is to run it back and forth several times, six forward and six backward, and then re-test to see if there is an indicator change.

What is happening is the running of the meridian backward and forward creates a stir in the meridian, and because our bodies are hardwired to move freely and begin to flow in the direction that supports us,

It is like unplugging and plugging your computer in when it gets “stuck.”

Since starting the Daily Energy Routine, I’ve been experiencing flu-like, low energy, and detox-like symptoms. Is this normal when doing the Daily Energy Routine for the first few times? 

You are likely changing patterns in the body, and it is not uncommon for the body to adjust when we make changes, even from unhealthy to healthy. Try being gentle with yourself, maybe slowing down the exercises until your body acclimatizes to the change.

I’ve been experiencing bad dreams after beginning these energy exercises; why?

While Energy Medicine can help a lot with easing bad dreams, things can get stirred up when you move energy. The good news is that you are positively impacting your energy.

If it is uncomfortable and keeping you from sleeping well, maybe do a little less at night and gently let your body/energies adjust to the new patterns.

“It’s amazing how Donna and her course changed my life!”

For 30 years I had a problem: I was always freezing. But after taking this course everything has changed. Even one year ago in winter, I was using warm sleeping socks and 5 blankets and in summer at +30 C I was using a ski jacket.

I haven’t expected to have such an effect from this course. It’s amazing how Donna and her course changed my life! I am normal again!

Akane, Japan

“This program was absolutely amazing”

In the past 6-7 years I’ve been on a journey of naturally healing from migraine headaches. I was looking for a tool that would help with the spiritual part of my healing. Before this quest, I wasn’t much aware of how the energy field impacts our health and our lives.

Through this program, I’ve learned how to utilize various techniques to release stress, energize and be more productive throughout the day.

Now I have the tools to release stress, pain and have a more joyful life. This program was absolutely amazing.

Catalina Birza Geophysicist, Equinor, Katy, United States

“I love that I can boost my energy at any time with these tools”

As a holistic nutritionist, I know how much the body as a whole effect our overall health and just eating healthy doesn’t necessarily mean you will have any health issues.

The mind, body and soul are truly connected and I’m so happy to be able to incorporate these energy medicine tools into my daily routine now. 

I love that I can boost my energy at any time with these tools. It’s truly a gift to be able to heal your own pain and others.

I am looking forward to incorporating energy medicine with my clients and loved ones. Thank you for this beautiful journey, Donna is such a ray of light and I loved every minute of it.

Eri Holistic Nutritionist Kobe, Japan

Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine course on Mindvalley is a gem for anyone interested in exploring the transformative power of energy healing. It educates and empowers participants to take an active role in their well-being.

Whether a novice or an experienced practitioner, this course offers valuable insights and practical tools to change your life positively.

Sign up for the free Mindvalley Donna Eden Master Class.

⇒Join The Mindvalley Donna Eden Energy Medicine Quest Today!

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