Breaking the Spell And The Full Magnitude of Who We Are – David Icke

In this YouTube video, David Icke discusses breaking free from restrictions and experiencing the changes and challenges that are coming at this time.

Breaking the Spell And The Full Magnitude of Who We Are

David Icke: We’re approaching a point where the irresistible force—the vibrational change—is confronting what thinks it’s the immovable object: the control system.

But it isn’t.

We’re starting to look each other in the eye, and we’re going to see more and more of this—the control system will be challenged, pressured, and questioned more and more as we move through this period.

The new energy and the latest information epoch increasingly impact human society, human perception, and our world.

The ocean of energy we live in and decode is changing; it’s a new flow that’s getting faster.

We have a choice of getting in the canoe or the air bed, lying back, and enjoying the adventure, where it will go, how the world will change, and how our perceptions will expand.

It’s going to be a fantastic world. Or we can try to maintain the status quo when the energy and information quo changes.

And if we do that, we will use more energy to stand still and hold on to life as we think it should be.

Eventually, the flow will become so symbolically quick and fast that people call it quickening. The quickening of the vibration will wash away the control system.

We will become aware of many other levels of ourselves, many different levels of reality where we can access insight, inspiration, and intuitive knowing.

And the world in our heads is changing due to all those people who are waking up.

Breaking the Spell & the Full Magnitude of Who We Are.

David Icke: Breaking The Spell

The control system – the Illuminati loves to use this phrase for their “new [world ] order” or a “new dawn.”

Well, there is a new dawn, and it’s not what they think it is, and it is a new order, a new start of human consciousness.

We have gone through this process where we once were connected to broader awareness; we’ve seen this control system moving, and now we will see the reverse.

As we awaken and return to the true nature of the human being, we move further into what we call the future. A human being that today’s human beings would not even begin to recognize.

When you expand consciousness from the five-sense body-mind level, and this control system is being dismantled vibrationally through information, it is going.

We’re now in this beautiful period where humanity is standing up more and more, stretching itself and breaking the chains that have held us in servitude all this time.

So, through this epoch of suppression that we’ve been through in control, we’ve had a level of consciousness that has created problems. Then, some other people came in with the same level of awareness, called “another political party” or “another religion” or whatever.

It’s still the same level of consciousness with a different name, and they have not solved the current problems; they’ve made them worse. Why? Because it’s still the same level of consciousness, we are now at a time when a new level of knowledge is emerging.

So, instead of saying every possible problem can’t be solved, no, they aren’t; most of them are manufactured problems, and the ignorance of reality causes the rest.

As we move into this expanded state of awareness, what we call “impossible problems to overcome” will disappear. And it’s not that we have to find enlightenment. We’re already enlightened, and all that has been and ever will be is gone.

We’ve allowed barriers of belief systems and preconceived ideas to keep us vibrationally from connecting with that infinity that we already are.

So that means breaking the spell on the human psyche because that’s what it is: a spell cast upon the human mind to keep us in a hypnotic trance so we forget who we are.

Related: The Awakening of Human Consciousness

David Icke: The Brain is Always Anxious

So, the first step to freedom is disconnecting ourselves from the perception- manipulation we’ve been undergoing.

We need to disconnect ourselves from this matrix of control and fundamentally detach ourselves from the massive influence of the reptilian brain on human behavior, perception, and reality.

What is the basis of the reptilian brain?

Its survival is based on fear; when we’re in states of anxiety, we go into the survival response reptilian brain. It gives us insecurity because the reptilian brain is always insecure. After all, it’s still looking around for the next danger.

So, when we enter the reptilian brain’s level of perception or “reality reading,” we enter states of insecurity because that is what the reptilian brain does. It’s always on alert for the next significant threat or danger.

Look at people’s anxiety; you can feel fear and not know why.

You can feel anxiety and think to yourself, “My life’s going fine, why I am I feeling anxious?”

Because this is always talking to us, the reptilian brain is always anxious; it’s still looking, and there’s always a problem to find, always a danger.

That’s its whole mechanism, its entire system. Therefore, when we enter the reptilian brain state of reality, we enter the control system of the collective mind. Still, it’s there to turn their mind into our consciousness.

Overriding the Reptilian Brain, the reptilian brain does not think, work things out, and react, and that’s what it does.

So when we fall into behavior responses where we are reacting to situations, please take a deep breath, think it through, and look at this calmly. That calm response disconnects us from the reptilian brain and its impact on our behavior response.

When you get angry, try counting to ten instead of reacting. Even better, count to twenty, which delays the over-reactive reptilian brain from panicking.

Take a deep breath, count to ten, observe what is happening or being said, and respond calmly. This is panic, the genetic version of fear, the reptilian brain.

So the more we calmly think things through and not react, not react with immediate emotional responses, the more we disconnect from that impact on our behavior.

That reptilian brain, the microchip through which the control system’s collective mind speaks to us, creates this monopoly, which is this society’s way of going round and round as we react to respond in incredibly predictable ways.

The reptilian brain responds just like a computer. You program the computer to do something, hit enter, and it does what it is programmed to do every time.

The same goes for your reptilian brain. Something happens, someone says or does something, and you hit the enter button on the reptilian brain, and you get an automatic response.

Belief’s and preconceived ideas are just like a computer program because it reacts the same in its reality.

This is why you can talk to someone with a preconceived idea or a firm belief, and they don’t hear your words.

I saw a television program about a man and a woman who had big relationship problems. They had preconceived ideas about each other, in other words, programmed perceptions of them.

Then, they got them to talk to each other while filming. Next, they took them away and asked what their partner said and in what tone they said it.

Then, they played the original talk back to both of them, and they were shocked at how they received what the other one said, and they said it was often nothing like what was said.

How often have we told someone, “I never said that?”

Related: Please Don’t Riot, [It’s Just What ‘They’ Want]

Once you believe something, you are in a box.

As long as you can believe rigidly in something, you have immediately reduced your ability to expand consciousness and read reality in an expanded way.

Religion is the mind; that’s what it is.

If you can tell me what you believe, you are in prison because of belief when you give them names and take on identities.

When you say you are a Christian, then okay, that means you must believe this, or you’re not a Christian. Or if you say you are a Muslim, you must believe this, or you are not a Muslim.

So once you say, “Here’s the name of what I believe,” the walls start appearing, and the rules and regulations appear, and people say you can’t know that, or you’re not a Christian, or you’re not a Muslim.

We’re the infinite possibility, we’re infinite consciousness, and once we go into “the box” of belief, we cease to be anything because we are disconnecting with ‘The All That Is’ an aspect of us, and we become fragments of the mind.

A group at a hypnotist show had been hypnotized to believe that they were all evangelical Christians even though they were not. It’s a mind game; you can make people do this, and they’ll read reality like that and, therefore, not be all possibilities.

David Icke: Worshiping People, Places, & Things

I am all that is, has been, and ever will be, and I am praying and looking up to something as if it is bigger and better than me. We are all the same, one consciousness.

And that one’s consciousness must look itself in the eye, not out there. We can respect people, but by giving our power away to them, we worship them. Once we enter that mode, we say, “I’m little me, and they’re up there.”

We’re all one infinite consciousness, bar none.

These are prisons of the mind, prisons of consciousness that keep us away from knowledge. We call them religion, politics, and race, and the biggest one is self-identity, which holds us into servitude: “to little me.”

When we see life through the tunnel vision of preconceived ideas and firm beliefs, we’re never going to:

  1. Express our true magnificence.
  2. We’ll never understand what we’re part of or doing here.

Scientific experiments have shown that when you have a rigid belief system, whatever it is, the neurons in the brain fire off in a specific pattern, and in doing so, they read reality to fit the belief.

Therefore, if we think in any belief system or perception system concerning limitation and “little me,” what we create are the prison walls that put us in positions where we live lives of “little me.”

We are not because we are but because we believe we are. “What can I do? I am just little me.” What are you going to do with your life? Nothing! Why? Because you don’t believe that that’s possible.

I’m infinite consciousness- all that it has been ever will be.

Now, I can come from that level instead of “little me,” and I can do things that the “little me” mentality would never do, not because I’m better than “little me” but because I don’t believe I’m “little me.”

So if we open our minds and let the demons out, the beasts of programming, I mean, and get this blank sheet of paper going. I won’t read reality on what I’ve thought and will let the information guide me.

If it is at odds with my religious, political, or cultural belief systems, that’s fine, but I will go with the information. And when we do that, it makes an incredible difference in our lives in what we can do, achieve, and make happen.

The Head or The Heart

It’s time to choose whether we will be dominated by the head, particularly the left brain. It’s a perception of reality with its limitations, structure, and everything apart from everything else. You can’t do this, and that’s not possible, and that’s impossible.

Or will we open the heart vortex that connects us with the intuitive knowing of the infinite consciousness? Open the right brain and let its ability to see things related to our understanding of reality and who we are.

The process was well described in the first Matrix movie. The first thing is to realize our situation. It is what it is. You are a slave, Neo. Get out of the denial of this pseudo-freedom that we think we have.

And then, having realized the situation we’re in, to choose freedom over continued slavery, whether it be blatant slavery or subtle slavery.

When we choose to be free and are prepared to accept what life brings us because of that decision, a transformation starts.

Our state of being, mental-emotional state, and “self-sense” of perception are constantly broadcast as a vibrational pattern. And that vibrational pattern draws energy fields that “sync” with what we’re putting out.

We call these energy fields- people, places, ways of life, jobs, and locations. And so, we create a life experience based on what we’re putting out and drawing in, which I call vibrational magnetism.

When we go through this transformation, I’m talking about where we say I can see my situation; I choose freedom.

Then, there is a change, often dramatic, not constant, in our vibrational broadcast state because we have changed our attitude and sense of perception.

What happens then is what we were pulling in before changes because we are no longer “syncing” with that.

In these transformational periods, people can leave your life because you’re no longer connecting with them vibrationally, locations can change, jobs can change, what you do can change, and lifestyles can change.

Everything can change once you change because we create that reality by drawing it in.

This is why the control system wants us to believe I am “little me” and “I have no power” because when we think that, we are putting out a vibrational pattern that says, “I’m little me, and I have no power.”

What do we draw into our lives? Manifestations of “little me,” and I have no power. So that’s why they are trying to program us with that: they know we will create that in the holographic reality.

We need to change our perception from “little me, I’m just a human” to infinitely having experience as a human. NO MORE LITTLE ME- no more control system because one depends on the other for their existence.

This is the fork in the road at the start of the day. Are we going to be conscious, or will we become the mind? Will we be all there is, or will we be “little me?” And if we choose all there is or anything like it, then the control system is over.

Conclusion: Escaping the Box

First, stop lying to ourselves because that is how we escape the box.

There’s this thing that they call cognitive dissonance. That means you have a belief system and encounter an experience or information that challenges that belief system.

You go into an agitated emotional state because there is a difference between your belief system and the information or experiences you had. They call this uneasy state in psychology cognitive dissonance.

This is good if it causes us to light up new information or experiences.

Breaking The Spell & The Full Magnitude of Who We Are Video

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