Dr. Steven Greer: Pioneering American Ufologist Leading the Quest for Disclosure

Dr. Steven Greer

In ufology, Dr. Steven Greer is a prominent figure.

He bridges the search for answers on unidentified flying objects and extraterrestrial life with scientific inquiry and public intrigue.

Renowned for his relentless pursuit of truth and disclosure, Dr. Greer has carved a distinct niche as a leading figure in the field.

He captivates audiences worldwide with his groundbreaking research and unwavering commitment to unraveling the enigma of UFOs.

Who Is Dr. Steven Greer?

Steven M. Greer, MD, founded The Disclosure Project, CSETI, The Orion Project, and Sirius Technology Advanced Research L.L.C.

His initiatives have advanced research in ufology and extraterrestrial studies significantly.

Born on June 28, 1955, in Charlotte, North Carolina, Steven Macon Greer showed an early interest in science and exploration.

Dr. Steven Greer Ufologist Leading the Quest for Extraterrestrial Disclosure

After earning his medical degree from the James H. Quillen College of Medicine at East Tennessee State University in 1987, Greer pursued a career in emergency medicine.

However, his profound curiosity about the mysteries of the cosmos ultimately led him down a different path.

The Disclosure Project

In 1990, Dr. Greer founded the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI), an organization dedicated to scientific research and education on extraterrestrial life. Through CSETI, Greer initiated one of his most influential endeavors: The Disclosure Project.

The Disclosure Project, launched in 1993, aimed to bring credible witnesses and evidence regarding UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence.

Through a series of press conferences and congressional briefings, Greer and his team assembled over 500 government, military, and intelligence community witnesses willing to testify about their firsthand experiences with UFOs and government cover-ups.

Greer’s efforts with The Disclosure Project garnered significant attention from the media and the public, sparking a renewed interest in the UFO phenomenon and pushing the issue of government transparency regarding UFOs into the spotlight.

CE-5 Initiative and Contact

Building upon the foundation laid by The Disclosure Project, Dr. Greer introduced the Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind (CE-5) initiative. CE-5 represents a proactive approach to engaging with extraterrestrial civilizations through peaceful communication and meditation techniques.

Central to the CE-5 protocol is initiating contact with extraterrestrial beings through conscious intent and coherent thought. Participants are encouraged to gather in groups, practice meditation, and utilize signaling techniques such as laser pointers to communicate with potential UFOs.

Greer claims to have facilitated numerous successful CE-5 encounters, with participants reporting sightings of anomalous aerial phenomena and inexplicable interactions.

Dr. Steven Greer – Criticism and Controversy

Despite his widespread acclaim within the ufology community, Dr. Steven Greer has not been without his critics. Skeptics have questioned the credibility of some of his claims, citing a lack of verifiable evidence and reliance on anecdotal testimony.

Greer’s willingness to entertain unconventional theories and outspoken views on government secrecy has occasionally drawn criticism from more mainstream scientific circles.

Furthermore, some have accused Greer of promoting pseudoscience and profiting from his endeavors through book sales, lectures, and workshops.

However, supporters argue that his work has played a crucial role in challenging the status quo and pushing the boundaries of scientific inquiry into the realm of UFOs and extraterrestrial phenomena.

E.T.s Would Never Attack Us: Dr. Steven Greer

Dr. Greer has also created a movie called Sirius and Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind.

Sirius is a feature-length documentary that follows Dr. Steven Greer, an Emergency Medicine doctor turned U.F.O./ New Energy researcher. He struggles to disclose top-secret information about classified energy & propulsion techniques.

Along the way, Dr. Greer investigates new technology and sheds light on criminal suppression.

He accumulates over 100 Government, Military, and Intelligence Community witnesses who testify on record about their first-hand experiences with U.F.O.s and the cover-up.

In his research, Dr. Greer is asked to look at an amazing find: a humanoid specimen, 6 inches long from the Atacama Desert.

Not until 2012 was he permitted to take bone samples and D.N.A. from the specimen. At that same time, a preeminent geneticist, hearing of this find, offered to do D.N.A. testing.

He enlisted an M.D. from the same world-renowned university for his work with skeletal anomalies to view the X-rays and C.T. scans. Their expertise and Dr. Greer’s expansive subject knowledge bring more questions than answers.

Where did this Atacama Humanoid come from? Are there others like it? What does it say about the origin of the human species?

While on this odyssey, the audience gains a new perspective on technology, human evolution, and clandestine organizations that have manipulated and controlled the public for centuries.

Related: Travis Walton Alien Abduction Story

Close Encounters Of The Fifth Kind

Close Encounters of The Fifth Kind is about how, as the U.F.O.s suddenly hit the covers of the Washington Post and N.Y. Times, in the age of “fake news” and conspiracy memes, how can we make sense of these revelations without losing our grip on reality?

“Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind” is a feature documentary presented by Dr. Steven Greer, the global authority on extraterrestrials who created the worldwide disclosure movement and routinely briefs presidents and heads of state on the E.T. phenomenon.

His preceding works, Sirius and Unacknowledged, broke crowdfunding records and sparked a grassroots movement.

In this film, Dr. Steven Greer presents the most dangerous information that the architects of secrecy do not want you to know: how forgotten spiritual knowledge holds the key to humans initiating highly advanced E.T. civilizations.

This film features many groundbreaking videos, photographic evidence, and supporting interviews from prominent figures such as legendary civil rights attorney Daniel Sheehan, Adam Curry of Princeton’s PEAR Lab, and Dr.Russel Targ, who headed the CIA’s top-secret remote viewing program. Their Message: For several thousands of people, contact has begun.

This is their story.

YouTube Video/ Dr. Steven Greer

I had a man on the planning committee in 1974 for the intelligence community and the corporate aerospace world who came to the briefings we put together for Congress in 1997.

This man sat on the committee where they had put together everything to hoax an invasion of Earth 100% controlled by humans, made 100% to look like Aliens.

Every single world leader will be deceived by it. That was fully operational by 1974, which he knew of and I have learned before.

This is why we have to be extremely careful not to buy into xenophobia and fear because I can tell you right now the only thing we have concerns about is our fellow humans.

The extraterrestrial civilizations we’ve had contact with are peaceful, understand cosmic awareness and are trans-dimensional. Let’s face it: it would be over if they wanted to make trouble for us.

I want to discuss this because everyone looks at too much science fiction and too many U.F.O. Videos and books.

If you can travel faster than the speed of light through interstellar space, do you think they would have waited till now if they were hostile to take the Earth?

And by the way, what is on this planet that they need?

Related: My Extraterrestrial Encounter

Dr. Steven Greer on Zecharia Sitchin

Suppose you can go faster than the speed of light and materialize an entire spacecraft vedically from emf-ultrasound. In that case, they’re not here, Zecharia Sitchin – I’m sorry to tell you to have monkeys pull gold out of the ground.

They don’t need my sperm and your eggs. I have good news for you, honey, don’t flatter yourself; your junk is not that good. You know my daughter has a Ph.D. in genetics and neuroscience.

You know you can take an Epithelial Cell, and all your genes are in there, and with the technology they have, they could clone you, you, and you if they wanted to.

They don’t need to drag you aboard their spacecraft and extract your eggs and sperm, which is being done as part of the parallel Government paradigm of fear.

None of it makes any sense if you know the scintilla about science.

The Guardians Of Earth

So, the actual extraterrestrials here are universally peaceful, and there is a hierarchy. They are here under a coordinated system with the “Guardians of Earth,” of the “God Consciousness Civilizations,” the progenitors of life on Earth.

There are those concerned about what we’re doing to the Earth because it’s precious and sacred. They’re worried about what we might do if we escape the biosphere and end up out in their solar system, creating havoc that we built on Earth.

But the fact that they’re concerned about our hostility does not make them hostile.

UFO - Dr. Steven Greer

Greer is known for his work promoting the idea that governments worldwide are covering up the existence of extraterrestrial life and advanced technologies.

Some key points and claims made by Dr. Steven Greer regarding extraterrestrials include:

  1. Existence of Extraterrestrial Life: Greer asserts that extraterrestrial civilizations have been visiting Earth for a long time and that there is evidence to support this claim. He believes some unidentified flying objects (UFOs) are advanced spacecraft from other planets.

  2. Government Cover-Up: Greer claims that governments, particularly the United States government, are aware of the existence of extraterrestrial life but have been actively suppressing this information. He suggests that a powerful and secretive group within the government is hiding the truth from the public.

  3. Advanced Technologies: According to Greer, extraterrestrial civilizations possess advanced technologies, including free energy sources, that could revolutionize life on Earth. He advocates for releasing these technologies to the public for the betterment of humanity.

  4. Contact and Communication: Greer has claimed to have initiated contact with extraterrestrial beings through meditation and communication protocols. He has organized events where participants attempt to contact UFOs through consciousness and remote viewing.

It’s important to note that while Dr. Steven Greer has a dedicated following; his claims and methods have been met with skepticism from the scientific and ufology communities. Critics argue that some of his assertions lack credible evidence and that his approach to UFO research may not adhere to rigorous scientific standards.

The field of ufology is diverse, and opinions on these matters vary widely. As with any topic related to extraterrestrial life, it’s essential to approach the information critically and consider multiple perspectives.

Regardless of the controversies surrounding him, there is no denying Dr. Steven Greer’s profound impact on the field of ufology.

Through tireless advocacy and relentless pursuit of truth, he has inspired countless individuals to reexamine their perceptions of reality and contemplate humanity’s place in the cosmos.

Whether one views him as a visionary pioneer or a controversial figure, Dr. Greer’s contributions to studying UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence have undeniably left an indelible mark on the cultural zeitgeist.

As the quest for extraterrestrial disclosure unfolds, his legacy as an American ufologist will undoubtedly endure, shaping the conversation for future generations.

Dr. Steven Greer: E.T.s Would NEVER Attack Us Video!