Mindvalley Duality Review

(This Mindvalley Duality review contains affiliate links, which means we earn a commission if you sign up⁠ — at no extra cost.)

Duality by Jeffrey Allen is a 7-week online journey toward mastering your personal energy system.

Jeffrey Allen partnered with Mindvalley to craft a course exploring duality.

The Duality Course is designed to help participants explore the interplay between their physical and energetic selves.

The Mindvalley Duality Jeffrey Allen Course provides tools to harmonize these aspects and lead a more fulfilling life.

In the Mindvalley Duality Energy Program, acclaimed energy healer Jeffrey Allen guides you in discovering and connecting with your energy body.

If you’re like me, you enjoy learning something valuable that will enhance your life.

I learned so much about my energetic system (emotional body). Getting caught up in life is so easy that we forget to tend to our emotions.

Jeffrey Allen Mindvalley Duality Course.

In the Jeffrey Allen Mindvalley Program, you will become more aware of your emotional-energetic abilities, which include:

  • getting answers from your intuition
  • becoming more present
  • eliminating energy blocks
  • healing yourself and others
  • connecting with your guides
  • and strengthening your Chakras
Jeffrey Allen Mindvalley Duality Course.

An engineer by profession and an energy healer by passion, Jeffrey Allen has helped numerous individuals combine their intellect and intuition to enhance their confidence, improve their relationships, discover purpose and meaning in life, and manifest their desired future.

However, it was not always this way for Jeffrey. In 2005, he was a successful software engineer but felt unfulfilled and bored in his “successful” career.

His true interests lay in spirituality, energy healing, and intuition. Although Jeffrey had received extensive training in these areas for many years, he couldn’t imagine leaving his lucrative career for something far outside the norm.

Energy healing is a holistic practice that involves channeling healing energy into a person’s body to promote balance and well-being.

While various forms of energy healing exist, they generally share some common principles.

  1. Energy Flow and Balance:

    • Life Force Energy: Many energy healing traditions believe in the existence of a life force energy that flows through the body. Different names in various cultures, such as chi in traditional Chinese medicine, prana in Hindu philosophy, or ki in Japanese traditions, know this energy.

    • Balancing Energy: Energy healing aims to balance and enhance the flow of this life force energy throughout the body. It is believed that disruptions or imbalances in this energy can lead to physical, emotional, or mental health issues.

  2. Energy Centers:

    • Chakras: Some energy healing modalities, particularly those influenced by Eastern traditions, focus on chakras—energy centers located along the spine. Each chakra is associated with specific physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of well-being. Practitioners aim to balance and align these energy centers.

  3. Practitioner Techniques:

    • Hands-On or Hands-Off: Depending on the specific energy healing method, practitioners may use hands-on techniques, such as laying hands on or near the body, or hands-off techniques, where energy is directed without physical contact.

    • Visualization and Intention: Practitioners often use visualization and intention to direct healing energy. They may visualize light, colors, or other symbols to promote healing and balance.

  4. Modalities of Energy Healing:

    • Reiki: In Reiki, practitioners use their hands to channel energy to promote healing. The word “Reiki” is of Japanese origin and can be translated as “universal life energy.”

    • Qigong and Tai Chi: These Chinese practices involve movement, breath, and visualization to cultivate and balance the flow of qi (life force energy).

    • Pranic Healing: This modality, popularized by Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui, involves cleansing and energizing the body’s energy field.

  5. Integrative Approach:

    • Complementary to Conventional Medicine: Many people use energy healing as a complementary approach to conventional medical treatments. It’s important to note that energy healing should not be a substitute for professional medical care.
  • 49 Online Video Lessons

  • 25 hrs  57 min learning time

  • Handbook PDF Download: Use it for notes, affirmations, or insights.

  • 20 Jeffrey Allen Meditation Audios

  • 922, 879 students enrolled

The Mindvalley Duality Jeffrey Allen program is an 8-week online course aimed at helping you master your energetic system. Jeffrey will systematically guide you through exercises and a meditation curriculum to awaken your energetic abilities.

This includes learning to access your intuition, becoming more present, removing energy blocks, healing yourself and others, connecting with your guides, strengthening your chakras, and much more.

By the end of the course, you will have evolved into a competent energy worker capable of harnessing your energetic system to manifest clarity, healing, abundance, and love in your inner and outer world.

Jeffrey Allen is on my top 3 Mindvalley teachers list. I’m not going to tell you who the other two are. ?

Jeffrey Allen is precisely what you would imagine a spiritual healer to be like. He is calm, soft-spoken, knowledgeable, and very tall, too.

With the Course, you will not sit back and listen. There are tons of meditations and grounding exercises to do.

You must take this Jeffrey Allen Duality Course if you are serious about your spiritual growth.

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  1. Energetic Frameworks: Jeffrey Allen introduces participants to various energetic frameworks that form the basis of the course. These frameworks offer a fresh perspective on the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, laying the foundation for a holistic approach to personal development.

  2. Mindfulness Practices: The course incorporates mindfulness practices aimed at enhancing self-awareness. Through guided meditations and exercises, participants learn to observe their thoughts, emotions, and energy, fostering a deeper understanding of the self.

  3. Energy Clearing Techniques: A significant aspect of the Course is the exploration of energy-clearing techniques. Jeffrey Allen provides practical tools to identify and release stagnant or negative energy, promoting a sense of lightness and clarity.

  4. Integration of Physical and Energetic Realms: The course emphasizes integrating the physical and energetic aspects of one’s being. Participants learn to navigate challenges by harmonizing these dimensions, leading to a more balanced and resilient state of being.

Jeffrey Allen Mindvalley Masterclass [FREE]

Embark on an enlightening odyssey with Jeffrey Allen as your guide, delving into the depths of your non-physical essence. Join forces with this esteemed energy healer to revolutionize any facet of your existence.

Unlock the potential of FOUR potent yet straightforward energy methodologies, empowering you to access your spiritual realm effortlessly. Harness these techniques to recalibrate your physical reality, cultivating enhanced health, prosperity, love, serenity, and lucidity.

>>>Jeffrey Allen Mindvalley Masterclass

The Duality Course offers participants transformative insights into their own lives. By understanding the dynamics, individuals gain a fresh perspective on challenges and opportunities, paving the way for personal growth and self-discovery.

Jeffrey Allen’s teachings on mindfulness and energy work contribute to enhanced self-awareness.

Participants report a heightened ability to observe their thoughts and emotions without attachment, fostering a sense of inner peace and resilience in the face of life’s ups and downs.

One of the strengths of the Duality Course is its practical application in daily life.

Jeffrey Allen provides tools that participants can easily integrate into their routines, ensuring that the course’s teachings are not confined to the learning environment but become a part of one’s ongoing personal development journey.

Mindvalley’s user-friendly online platform enhances the overall learning experience.

With video lessons, downloadable resources, and a supportive community, participants can engage with the course content at their own pace while connecting with like-minded individuals.

The Course fosters a sense of community among participants.

The interactive elements, including forums and live Q&A sessions with Jeffrey Allen, create an environment where individuals can share their experiences, ask questions, and support each other on their spiritual journey.

Mindvalley’s commitment to providing comprehensive learning resources is evident in the Jeffrey Allen Duality Program. From guided meditations to written materials and practical exercises, participants can access diverse resources catering to various learning styles.

Jeffrey Allen Mindvalley Duality Course.

While the flexibility of the online platform is an advantage, some participants may find the course content extensive, requiring a significant time commitment.

Individuals must assess their schedules and ensure they can dedicate sufficient time to engage with the material fully.

The effectiveness of the Duality Course may vary from person to person.

Some participants may resonate deeply with Jeffrey Allen’s teachings, while others may find certain concepts challenging to grasp.

A personalized approach to the material is recommended for maximum benefit.

Jeffrey Allen Mindvalley Masterclass Energy Healing.

The Jeffrey Allen Duality Course is an eight-week curriculum recorded from live energy coaching and clearing sessions, including 17 pre-recorded Q&A sessions. It combines guided exercises and meditations.

Mindvalley courses are designed to be absorbed over time, but you can also go at your own pace and finish an entire course in a day.

You’ll master skills such as getting answers from your intuition, becoming more present, eliminating energy blocks, self-healing, connecting with your guides, chakra work, improving relationships, attracting synchronicities, and more.

The Duality Mindvalley course teaches you how to heal yourself and others from energy blocks. This program guarantees to transform your life from struggle, stress, and frustration into a place of inner confidence, healing, prosperity, and joy.

The Jeffrey Course teaches you to use the energetic side of your dual body to function better in this world. It leads to excellent health, increased spiritual skills, higher levels of awareness, and the ability to perform more efficiently globally. It’s ‘spiritual fitness’ for the soul.

By learning to use your energy body, you’ll experience a feeling of living with both arms free, functioning as a whole person. Society has taught us to suppress our energy body, but with this course, you’ll learn to use it to its full potential.

While we focus on looking after our physical bodies, this course teaches us to care for our energy body, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and extraordinary life.

I enjoyed the grounding technique Jeffrey taught on day 2 for ridding myself of negativity. Jeffrey walks you through how to ground the negative energy into the earth, saying it won’t hurt it.

It worked. Before, my chest felt heavy due to all the responsibilities I had been dealing with. After, I felt lighter.

Jeffrey Allen Mindvalley Duality Course.

The Duality course comes with 20 meditations by Jeffrey Allen.

My favorite Jeffrey Allen meditation is Day 4/Lesson 4: Guided Journey 1: Center of the Earth. It’s a little over 7 minutes long, and Jeffrey explains the importance of being fully grounded and present in life and techniques to use to ground yourself.

  • You’ll have a small impact on your environment and the world.
  • Focus and attention difficulties
  • Low productivity
  • Impatience
  • Low awareness of your body.
  • Sleep difficulties (falling asleep or waking up.)
  • Startle easily or reactionary to your environment.
  • Boredom – if you’re not present, life is not attractive. You’re not bored; you’re boring.

Jeffrey Allen is very chill and relaxed, so I naturally feel the same when learning from him in his Duality Course.

After the meditation, I felt a sense of calmness come over my entire being. For me, this course is just for the grounding exercises. Jeffrey mentions you can also ground people and objects wherever you are.

Being grounded ensures that we operate at our highest frequency, fully awake and alert.

This is so important to be grounded throughout the day.

When our thoughts and emotions are at the forefront, we won’t feel in control of ourselves and be happy. When our present conscious self is in charge, we will feel more joy and happiness because we will be in charge.

I have to admit that meditation is difficult for me. However, I am much better at it now since most Mindvalley courses I have taken have meditations. Each instructor teaches meditation differently, so I have found a way that works for me.

• Energy is the motivating force that drives everything
• Physical World – see, hear, smell, touch, taste & change
• Energy World – not as obvious to sense & change
• Consciousness is energy too
• Your job is to transfer non-physical energy (thoughts, ideas, consciousness) into the physical world.

We are all holding some…
• Pain from previous experiences – We all have some…
• Confusion about how the world works
• We can’t help expressing that pain & confusion
• We spread it to others, even if we don’t want to

Jeffrey Allen Mindvalley Duality Course.

• Engaged! Feel present, focused, interested, and safe
• Effective! Being caught up and relaxed, feel an abundance of time
• Get more done with less effort and time
• Conscious! Action instead of reaction
• Aware! Better able to sense energy
• Powerful! Like that speaker, athlete, or performer

  • Practice grounding, stretching, and fully getting into your body every morning.

  • Throughout the day, notice how grounded and present you are in your body. Notice what causes you to be less present. Science has shown that grounding is accurate, and it works.

  • Blood sugar? Lack of interest? Certain people or places? Other distractions?

  • Watch other people, too. Notice how effectiveness and personal presence relate to being grounded and present in your body.

  • Bonus: Try being very present while someone is talking to you: ground yourself, look out from behind your eyes, and smile. See what happens.
  • Stand facing a partner, put your hands on their shoulders, and give them a slight push (tell them before you push).

  • Have them imagine a tree trunk grounding them into the Earth. Please give them a push again. Do they feel different?

  • Have them imagine a waterfall grounding, a beam of light grounding, or no grounding. How does each visualization change its body when you push them?

  • Switch roles with your partner and try again.

  • Bonus: Try picking someone up when they are grounded and then when they are ungrounded.
  • Notice the effects of grounding at work. After grounding yourself, try grounding the room or building by visualizing a grounding cord attached to the center of the space. Visualize a grounding cord in each room’s four corners for deeper grounding.

  • To ground a project, visualize something representing the project, such as a logo, sign, or name, or just a bubble of energy. It’s your intention that matters, not the specific practice.

Related Program: Hypnotherapy For Abundance

Duality Mindvalley Course Curriculum

  1. Week 1: Personal Presence & Energy Awareness

  2. Week 2: Mental & Intuitive Clarity — Cultivating a Balanced Mind

  3. Week 3: Healing Your Body — Healing Your Body & Channeling Energy

  4. Week 4: Energetic Boundaries — Understanding Empathy & Healthy Personal Boundaries

  5. Week 5: Chakra Healing for Communication & Manifestation

  6. Week 6: Changing Your Beliefs — Clearing Your Filters, Reputation & Hot Buttons

  7. Week 7: Using Your Intuition — Flowing with Synchronicity & Abundance

  8. Week 8: Expanding Your Awareness — Connecting with Your Spirit Guides & Higher Self


Jeffrey Allen’s Mindvalley Course offers a transformative journey into energy, mindfulness, and personal growth.

With its emphasis on the interconnectedness of physical and energetic dimensions, the course provides participants with valuable tools to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and clarity.

While the time commitment and personal resonance with the material may vary, the Course is a beacon for those seeking a holistic spiritual and personal development approach.

Jeffrey is a chill dude, and you’ll love how he teaches.

Thanks for reading my Jeffrey Allen Duality Program Review. Now go and sign up for a free masterclass and experience energy healing with one of the best teachers!

⇒Sign up for the FREE Mindvalley Duality Masterclass. Go directly to Mindvalley and sign up to watch the free Masterclass.


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