20 Ways to Develop a Positive Mental Attitude [Napoleon Hill]

Napoleon Hill, a self-help pioneer, left a lasting legacy with his teachings on success and wealth.

A positive mental attitude is central to his philosophy and a key driver for realizing goals and aspirations.

This article explores Napoleon Hill’s views on cultivating a positive mental attitude for achieving success.

What Is A Positive Mental Attitude?

A Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) refers to a mindset or outlook that focuses on constructive and optimistic thoughts.

It involves maintaining a positive perspective, even in challenging situations, and adopting a hopeful and solution-oriented approach to life.

A positive mental attitude means approaching every situation and challenge in life with optimism.

Positive thinking is an emotional and mental attitude that focuses on the good and expects results to benefit you.

I am not suggesting you bury your head in the sand about your life’s challenges. I am saying that you need to approach your current reality with a positive mindset.

People don’t exert the discipline required to cultivate a positive mindset because it’s easier and, ironically, more comfortable to remain stuck in negativity.

Take time every day to separate yourself from the day’s stresses, whether it’s yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, or whatever works for you. It’s essential to take breaks and not worry all the time.

“Don’t let anybody just dump anything they want to into your mental factory, because you’ve got to live with the result.”

Jim Rohn
Positive Mental Attitude
Positive Mental Attitude

Who Inspired Napoleon Hill?

One of his primary inspirations was Andrew Carnegie, the Scottish-American industrialist and philanthropist. Hill had the opportunity to interview Carnegie, who imparted his philosophy of success and personal achievement.

Carnegie believed in the power of the human mind and encouraged Hill to study successful individuals to uncover the principles of success.

This encounter laid the foundation for Hill’s lifelong work in personal development and success literature.

Additionally, Hill was influenced by prominent figures such as Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and William Wrigley Jr., whose stories and insights contributed to his understanding of success principles.

Components of a Positive Mental Attitude 

A Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) refers to a mindset or outlook that focuses on constructive and optimistic thoughts.

It involves maintaining a positive perspective, even in challenging situations, and adopting a hopeful and solution-oriented approach to life.

  1. Optimism: Positive mental attitude involves having a hopeful outlook on life. Instead of dwelling on negative aspects, individuals with a PMA tend to focus on the potential for positive outcomes.

  2. Gratitude: Practicing gratitude is a fundamental aspect of a positive mental attitude. It involves appreciating and acknowledging the positive aspects of one’s life, even during difficult times.

  3. Resilience: A positive mental attitude contributes to resilience—the ability to bounce back from setbacks and adapt to challenges. Instead of viewing failures as insurmountable, individuals with a PMA see them as opportunities for growth.

  4. Solution-Oriented Thinking: Positive thinkers approach problems with a mindset geared toward finding solutions. Rather than dwelling on obstacles or difficulties, they focus on what can be done.

  5. Self-Belief: Individuals with a positive mental attitude have confidence in their abilities and believe in their capacity to overcome challenges. This self-belief is a driving force behind their optimism and resilience.

  6. Mindfulness: Being present and mindful of the current moment is a part of maintaining a positive mental attitude. It involves letting go of worries about the past or future and appreciating the present.

  7. Positive Self-Talk: A positive mental attitude involves cultivating positive self-talk. This means replacing negative and self-critical thoughts with affirmations and encouraging statements.

  8. Adaptability: A positive mental attitude includes being adaptable and open to change. Instead of fearing change, individuals with a PMA see it as an opportunity for growth and learning.

  9. Empathy and Compassion: Maintaining positive relationships with others is important for a positive mental attitude. Practicing empathy and compassion toward oneself and others fosters a supportive and positive social environment.

  10. Focus on Strengths: Positive thinkers often focus on their strengths rather than dwelling on weaknesses. They recognize and utilize their abilities to achieve their goals.

Cultivating a positive mental attitude is a continuous process that involves intentional efforts to shift one’s mindset toward positivity.

It can have wide-ranging benefits for mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

However, it’s important to acknowledge that everyone may face challenges, and maintaining a positive mental attitude does not mean ignoring or denying difficulties but facing them with a constructive mindset.

Napoleon Hill: Develop a Positive Mental Attitude

I have gotten myself into more challenging situations than I care to talk about, but maintaining a positive mindset got me through them.

The mind is a head game; it can be altered, changed, stretched, and grown. Keep a positive mindset, no matter how “bad” your life gets.

How to be positive when things look bad.

In his book Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill tells a story about a wealthy family whose house burns down. Everything is destroyed—well, almost everything.

This couple had a fireproof safe to keep their “valuables.” When the fire was out, what do you think the first thing they looked for was the fireproof safe? You guessed it.

Even though they lost “everything,” their mind focused on the one thing they knew would survive the fire: the safe. They eventually found the safe that held all their gold, diamonds, money, and other items they valued.

The moral of the story is to find the diamonds and valuable lessons in every perceived bad situation in your life.

Ask yourself these questions to have a positive mindset:

  1. What can I be grateful for right now?
  2. How can I show love right now?
  3. What can I learn right now?
  4. How can I make this moment better?
  5. What’s one thing I am good at?
  6. What’s one thing I like about myself?

“Every adversity has the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit.”

Napoleon Hill.
Positive Mental Attitude - Napoleon Hill
Positive Mental Attitude – Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill’s Keys to Positive Thinking

Here are 10 key concepts from his teachings:

  1. Definite Chief Aim: Hill emphasized the importance of a clear goal or purpose in life. Knowing what you want and focusing on it helps maintain a positive attitude.

  2. Positive Mental Attitude (PMA): Hill believed maintaining a positive attitude is crucial for success. Cultivating optimism, resilience, and constructive thinking can help overcome challenges.

  3. Personal Initiative: A key principle is taking action and being proactive in pursuing one’s goals. Hill encouraged individuals to take the initiative and not wait for opportunities to come to them.

  4. Faith: Hill’s concept of faith goes beyond religious beliefs. It involves having unwavering confidence and belief in one’s abilities and achieving goals, even in the face of challenges.

  5. Autosuggestion: This involves using affirmations and visualizations to influence the subconscious mind positively. Individuals can shape their thoughts and actions by repeatedly affirming goals and visualizing success.

  6. Mastermind Alliance: Hill emphasized the power of collaboration and surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals. A mastermind alliance involves forming a group of people with shared goals who support and inspire each other.

  7. Applied Faith: Putting faith into action is essential. It involves taking steps toward your goals, even when uncertain or challenging. Applied faith is about acting as if success is inevitable.

  8. Enthusiasm: Hill believed enthusiasm is a powerful force that fuels motivation and attracts positive outcomes. Being passionate and excited about your goals can inspire others and enhance your efforts.

  9. Personal Discipline: Developing self-discipline is crucial for success. Hill emphasized the importance of controlling one’s thoughts, emotions, and actions to focus on the path to achievement.

  10. Learn from Adversity and Defeat: Hill recognized that setbacks and failures are part of the journey. Instead of viewing them negatively, he encouraged individuals to extract lessons and opportunities for growth from challenges.

It’s important to note that Napoleon Hill’s teachings are rooted in the philosophy of personal development and success.

While his principles have resonated with many, opinions on their efficacy may vary. Additionally, Hill’s work has influenced the self-help genre, and various motivational speakers and authors have widely discussed and adapted his ideas.

What Are Positive Attitude Characteristics?

Positive mental attitude characteristics are traits and behaviors associated with a constructive and optimistic outlook. Individuals with a positive attitude typically exhibit the following characteristics:

Optimism: Positive individuals tend to have a hopeful and positive outlook. They focus on the potential for positive outcomes even in challenging situations.

Gratitude: Being grateful for what one has is a key characteristic of a positive attitude. This involves appreciating and acknowledging the positive aspects of life, even during difficult times.

Resilience: Positive individuals are often resilient in the face of setbacks. They bounce back from challenges, view failures as opportunities for growth, and do not let obstacles deter them.

Solution-Oriented Thinking: Maintaining a positive attitude involves approaching problems with a mindset geared toward finding solutions. Positive thinkers focus on what can be done rather than dwelling on obstacles.

Self-Belief: Individuals with a positive attitude have confidence in their abilities and believe in their capacity to overcome challenges. This self-belief serves as a motivating factor in pursuing goals.

Adaptability: Positive individuals are adaptable and open to change. Instead of fearing or resisting change, they see it as an opportunity for growth and learning.

Mindfulness: Being present and mindful of the current moment is a characteristic of positive individuals. They focus on the present rather than dwelling on past regrets or worrying about the future.

Positive Self-Talk: Maintaining positive self-talk involves replacing negative and self-critical thoughts with affirmations and encouraging statements. Positive self-talk contributes to a more optimistic mindset.

Empathy and Compassion: Positive individuals often exhibit empathy and compassion toward others. They foster positive relationships by understanding and supporting those around them.

Focus on Strengths: Instead of dwelling on weaknesses, positive thinkers focus on their strengths. They recognize and utilize their abilities to achieve their goals.

Enthusiasm: Positive individuals often approach tasks and challenges with enthusiasm and energy. Their passion for what they do can inspire and motivate others.

Proactive Approach: A positive attitude involves a proactive approach to life. Positive individuals actively pursue their goals, take initiative, and do not wait for opportunities to come to them.

Graciousness: Being gracious involves showing kindness, appreciation, and humility. Positive individuals often express gratitude and acknowledge the contributions of others.

Humor: A sense of humor and the ability to find joy in everyday situations are characteristics of a positive attitude. Positive individuals often use humor as a coping mechanism to create a positive atmosphere.

These characteristics collectively contribute to a positive mindset, which can benefit mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

It’s important to note that cultivating a positive attitude is a continuous process that involves conscious efforts and a willingness to adopt a constructive perspective.

Positive Mental Attitude For Success

In the early 2000s, I bought a CD program from Nightingale Conant titled The Science of Personal Achievement: The 17 Universal Principles of Success.

It’s a CD program with all of Napoleon Hill’s recordings that he had done in the 30s. The things that he was saying back then still apply now. He was ahead of his time in the Personal Development field.

Positive Mental Attitude: 20 Ways Examples

1. Learn to adjust to other people’s state of mind and difficulties getting along peacefully with them, and refrain from taking notice of trivial circumstances in your relations with others by refusing to allow them to become controversial incidents.

Great people always avoid minor incidents of controversy when possible.

2. Establish a fixed system of conditioning your mind at the beginning of each day so you will keep it positive under all circumstances.

3. Learn to sell yourself to others by indirection, such as asking leading questions, which will bring out the reactions you desire from others. Do not permit yourself to be drawn into arguments over unimportant subjects.

4. Adopt the habit of having a good hearty laugh every time you become irritated or angry, and it will help you if you begin each day with one minute of hearty laughter.

This will change the chemistry of your brain and start you out with a positive mental attitude.

5. Start each day with gratitude and appreciation for all the adversities, defeats, and failures you have experienced in the past, and search for the seed of an equivalent benefit these have yielded you with time. Then, give thanks for the blessings you expect to receive during the day.

6. Learn to concentrate on the can-do portion of your problems and desires, and start action where you stand in carrying out this portion. No matter your problem or your desire, there is always something you can do right now that will help you. Find out what this something is and do it.

7. Learn to transmute all unpleasant circumstances into immediate action that requires a positive mental attitude, making this a fixed habit. For example, when you are angry, switch your mind to some action connected to your hobby or your primary purpose in life and keep it busy with that subject for five minutes.

8. Recognize that every circumstance which influences your life, whether pleasant or unpleasant, is the grease for your mill of life, and so use it to make it pay you dividends in one form or another.

Remember, meanwhile, that your strength rose out of your struggles. Follow this instruction, and you will soon learn there is no unprofitable experience.

9. Look upon your life as a continuous education process, learning from all your experiences, good and bad. Be constantly alert for gains of wisdom, which sometimes come to you in both your pleasant and unpleasant experiences.

10. Make the world over to fit your pattern if you choose, but begin with yourself in some self-improvement, making you more open-minded, patient, and generous in your relations with others.

11. Express gratitude twice daily for recognizing that you have been given complete control over your mind, and ask for guidance so that you may use this profound gift wisely in all your thoughts and acts. Start a gratitude journal.

12. Go out of your way daily to comment enthusiastically on the good qualities of those with whom you live and work, but do not mention their negative attributes. Then, observe with benefit to yourself how quickly others will begin to concentrate on your good qualities.

13. Accept all criticism of yourself as an occasion for self-examination to determine how much of it is justified. You will surely make startling discoveries about yourself, which will help you throughout your life.

14. Do not accept anything you do not desire from life or anyone else. And remember that Mahatma Gandhi proved himself to be more powerful than the Great British military forces by this simple method of passive resistance.

15. Remember that two circumstances cause you to worry: those you can do something about and those you can do nothing about. Nothing is, except to use passive resistance and refuse to permit them to worry you.

16. Keep your mind eternally engaged in thinking of your primary purpose in life, which you desire most. So no time will be wasted thinking of what you do not want.

17. If you should ever be so unfortunate as to feel sorry for yourself, look around until you find someone worse off than yourself and start where you stand to give him help. Make this procedure a habit, and you will witness one of life’s great miracles because you do to or for another; you do to or for yourself.

18. Choose someone you consider the sort of person you would like to be, then go to work and emulate that person in every way possible. Great people have always been hero worshipers, but they pick the right people to emulate.

19. Cultivate your tone of voice so your words have a pleasing musical sound. And remember that the sound of your voice is an open window through which other people look into your soul. Record your voice samples daily while you practice expressing yourself through a friendly-sounding voice.

If you are engaged in selling, this practice will quickly pay off in monetary dividends.

20. Write out this sentence and paste it in a prominent place where you work and on a mirror where you see yourself in your home; whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.

Remember that you are the only person who can give yourself a positive mental attitude. What are you going to do about it? Your answer to this question determines your entire future.


In essence, Napoleon Hill’s teachings on developing a positive mental attitude are a roadmap for achieving success and fulfillment.

By embracing these principles, individuals can cultivate resilience, focus, and the mindset needed to overcome obstacles.

Hill’s timeless wisdom inspires millions to adopt a positive outlook and strive for greatness in their personal and professional lives.

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