Abraham Hicks: 17 Seconds To More Money

Unlock the Law of Attraction with Abraham Hicks’ ’17 Seconds to More Money.’

Discover how focusing on positive financial thoughts can align your energy, attract abundance, and reshape your financial reality.

Harness the power of deliberate, positive thinking for greater prosperity.

The concept of “17 seconds to more money” is based on the Law of Attraction, as taught by Abraham Hicks.

According to these teachings, activating a matching vibration within you takes approximately 17 seconds of focused thought.

When you sustain that thought for around 68 seconds, it attracts similar vibrations from the universe.

In the context of attracting more money, the rule is to spend at least 17 seconds focusing your thoughts on the positive aspects of money.

During this brief period, you try to align your thoughts and emotions with the abundance and prosperity associated with financial well-being.

Thoughts beliefs create reality

Choose a Positive Money Affirmation

Select a positive affirmation related to money. For example, “I am a magnet for financial abundance” or “Money flows easily and effortlessly to me.”

Focus for 17 Seconds:

Concentrate on the chosen affirmation or a positive aspect of money for at least 17 seconds. Allow yourself to feel positive emotions associated with financial prosperity during this time.

Sustain the Thought for 68 Seconds:

If possible, continue focusing on the positive money-related thought for 68 seconds. This extended focus is believed to enhance the vibrational signal you send to the universe.

Release Resistance:

Throughout this process, it’s crucial to release any resistance or negative beliefs you may have about money. The goal is to align your energy with the positive aspects of abundance.

The 17-second rule is a practical way to quickly apply the Law of Attraction.

However, it’s important to note that this is just one aspect of the broader teachings of Abraham Hicks.

The overall philosophy emphasizes consistently maintaining a positive vibrational state rather than relying solely on short bursts of focused thought.

Positive and aligned thoughts and emotions, practiced regularly, are considered vital to attracting desired experiences, including financial abundance.

Abraham Hicks teaches that money is a form of energy and that individuals can deliberately attract it into their lives through their thoughts and emotions.

The teachings revolve around the Law of Attraction, which suggests that like attracts like, and that the vibration you emit through your thoughts and feelings influences what you attract into your experience, including money.

Key points Abraham Hicks emphasizes about money include:

  1. Positive Focus on Money:
    • Encourages maintaining positive thoughts and emotions regarding money.
    • Suggests focusing on the abundance of money rather than on lack or scarcity.

  2. Alignment with Abundance:
    • It stresses the importance of aligning one’s vibration with the energy of abundance to attract more money.
    • Teaches that feeling good about money and having a positive expectation about its flow are essential.

  3. Release Resistance and Limiting Beliefs:
    • Urges individuals to identify and release any resistance or limiting beliefs about money.
    • Teaches that negative beliefs can block the flow of abundance.

  4. Visualization and Emotional Alignment:
    • Recommends using visualization techniques to imagine and feel the experience of having the desired amount of money.
    • Emphasizes the significance of the emotional alignment with the feeling of abundance.

  5. Gratitude for Money:
    • Promotes gratitude for your current money, creating a positive and abundant mindset.
    • Suggests appreciating the flow of money in all aspects of life.

  6. Consistent Positive Vibration:
    • Highlights the importance of maintaining a consistent positive vibration over time.
    • Teaches that sustained positive energy attract more positive experiences, including financial abundance.

It’s crucial to note that while these teachings have resonated with many, individual experiences with the Law of Attraction and manifesting money may vary.

Abraham Hicks encourages individuals to find thoughts and emotions that feel good and to focus on the positive aspects of life, including financial well-being, to attract more of what they desire.

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Abraham Hicks: 17 Seconds To More Money Dialogue

Questioner: I have a question. It’s about the book Ask, and it is given the 17-second flashpoint or thought.

Abraham: Why do you want to know about that?

Q: Well, I’ve been involved in meditation and things, and it sounds simple to have an uninterrupted thought for 68 seconds or whatever involving…

A: Here’s the thing. We like your question about what we’ve been talking about – about forking.

We’ll readdress the 17 seconds with a new way of looking at it in light of this, forking your way into the vibrational corner of your choice.

What he’s talking about is when we say that when you hold a thought for 17 seconds – only 17 seconds, another thought that is vibrationally the same joins that thought, which makes that “Now” a more powerful, more attractive thought.

And when you hold that thought for 17 seconds, another (similar) thought is joined.

Until after 68 seconds – which is just a sequence of 17,17,17,17 – after 68 seconds, if you can maintain momentum, you’ll have true movement in your vibration.

Limitless Law Of Attraction

Forking & 17 Seconds To More Money

So we’re talking about in terms of “forking” is I’m worried about money, I don’t have enough money, it’s not right that I don’t have enough money, this is all 68 seconds of maintaining thoughts – that in the same way, the momentum will carry you in the direction that you are pointed. (Lack of money).

So, as you try to fork in the direction of what you want and hold that thought for as little as 17 seconds, another thought equal to or better will occur to you.

That’s our point. And once you do that for 68 seconds now, let’s do that here relative to this forking technique and something important to you.

Q: It just seems like you start focusing, and 10,000 other thoughts come in before them that you know…

A: Well, maybe they do, but here’s the thing.

Those 10,000 other thoughts are vibrationally compatible with the thought you started with. It would help if you didn’t hold a singular thought; we want you to hold a singular vibration.

In other words, for example – let’s say you’re holding the thought of love. I love my friends, and I love my nieces, I love my dog, I love the world, I love the flower, I love life.

Vibrational Scale

In other words, when you get into that vibrational essence of love, there could be endless subjects to which you can apply it, or when you get into the subject of frustration or hate.

Some endless thoughts/ subjects hold the exact vibrational equivalent wherever you are along this emotional scale.

It would help if you didn’t say floor, floor, blue floor, blue floor, blue floor, carpet fiber, or fiber. We’re talking about the vibrational essence of something.

And we want you to be aware of what the thought is that you’re feeling and stay there for 17 seconds and hold the thought and then reach for another, and then reach for another.

And 4, 5, 6, or 7 times of forking deliberately in the direction of what feels good is enough to get the momentum going, and not that you could say enough forking, for now, I’ve left myself in an entirely different place.

I can begin to expect a different vibrational response from the universe.

Q: I think you answered my question.

A: Let’s fork. (Aud laughing).

Q: It’s a continual process.

A: It’s continual, and it’s now.

It’s not, “Oh I’ll wait until I get my journal and line it up later.”

It’s not, “oh I’ll wait until I get to my desk and open my computer and do it later.”

It’s not “oh I’ll wait until I’ve brushed my teeth and combed my hair and gone out into the kitchen and fixed my breakfast.”

It’s now.

Now is life, and now is where you feel the vibrational relationship of the life that you’re living now.

And we want you to start feeling that life is about focus, and feeling is about focus. Life is about how I feel; how I feel is about vibration, and the vibration is about my point of attraction.

My point of attraction is about all my manifestations, but all my manifestations aren’t about now.

How I feel is about how you see it. Good, so let’s fork.

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17 Seconds

Q: Okay – Money, I’ll start thinking about it. It seems okay until I get to a specific amount or something, how it will come, or when it will come.

A: It’s not even that vague or that off in the distance.

It’s about something that’s happening at this moment. In other words, you have visceral responses to what’s happening in a moment, and this is the thing that we want you to all become aware of.

It’s not my overall financial situation that I’m thinking about now, it’s what I will do right now. It’s can I afford that? Does that cost too much? Do I want to buy this for someone that I love?

Esther awakened yesterday morning, all excited because she said, “I dreamed about a magnificent car.”

And she said, “I saw it, and I wanted it, and I loved it, and I knew I could afford it, and I bought it, and I drove it, and I loved it.”

And Jerry said, “What kind of car was it?” And Esther said, “I have no idea.” (Aud laughing).

It was a dream about seeing something and knowing it was possible, loving everything about it, and stepping into it. It was about the next logical step. It was about a vibrational relationship.

It was about the gap being closed. It was about the point of manifestation.

In every moment, you live your life and mold how you feel about the subject. And life is dealing up the subjects. In other words, you’re in traffic; life has dealt with the subject.

And so, as you’re in your “now,” and you are thinking about those 17-second explosions, you are making an effort to lean in the direction of what you want.

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Now You’re in Control

Now you’re in control in every moment and 30 days of that “loose awareness.”

That deliberate forking cleans your vibration upon so many subjects that people watching you would hardly recognize you as the same person in terms of what’s beginning to flow into your experience.

So, give us an example of your interaction with dollars, and then give us some words that amplify that moment.

Q: I’ve done well enough for myself. I think my main concern is about helping out other people.

A: We think so too, but you brought it up for a reason.

Q: Yeah, it’s like the old – take two steps forward, one step back when I’m focusing on things, it seems like I’ll…

A: But you see, the reason that we’re sort of stubbornly holding you here is that you want to talk hypothetical, and we want to talk at the moment, moving up the vibrational scale.

So you just said it seems like I take one step forward and two steps backward. Which way did you fork with that statement?

Q: Backwards.

A: So now, what do you want to say?

Q: Anything’s possible; some people have what I want now.

A: Better statement; keep going. In other words, find the vibrational essence and hold it for 17 seconds; that’s what you came to talk about here.

So you went the direction you didn’t want to go, and now what vibrational essence do you want to get hold of and maintain?

Q: I’ve always had enough, more than enough, to get by.

A: All things are possible; I’m getting a handle on this deliberate creation; while it is always ebb and flow, and I’ve never seen anyone make a direct beeline toward anything, they’re always moving around it one way or another or over it or under it.

In other words, every journey to every destination is flexible like that, but I always consistently keep moving in the direction of what I want.

My life continues to improve – my life does get better and better. And while certainly there are things that I would like to improve – you might be forking the other way just a little bit with that – on the whole, things are going very well for me.

And I ask this question not only because I’m eternally trying to improve the quality of my own life. After all, we all always are.

And as a teacher, there’s nothing better than teaching through the clarity of my example, but I want to get this to demonstrate it to others both visually and verbally.

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You Are The Creator of Your Reality

I want people to begin to understand that we are the creator of our reality, that the way we feel is everything, that life is supposed to be good, and abundance is out there for all of us.

And it’s illogical that there would be some people who would have outrageous abundance and some people who would hardly have any abundance at all.

It must be a vibrational variance. And so it’s fun to get a handle on it, and I like watching it in my own life, and I love how the universe will deliver to me precisely the vibrational equivalent to what I’m offering.

And I love playing this forking game because as I play this forking game, I can feel more and more how I am “shoring up” my vibration.

And I can feel that here now as I’ve been deliberately forking that I’ve achieved a vibrational essence with a thought way more than 17 seconds to more money way more than double that or triple that or quadruple that.

I must be way over the 68-second mark.

I’m sure I’ve been way over the 68-second mark, and it hasn’t been challenging as I got pointed in the right direction because the more I got headed in the right direction, the easier it was to go in the right direction.

This momentum is going, and I’m starting to feel freaking… (Aud laughing). I feel that I could accomplish anything right now. There isn’t anything that I can’t do. The entire Universe is cued up to give me anything I want on any subject.

Money has never been a problem for me – it never will be a problem for me – it’s just a matter of identifying what I want!

Related: Are ‘Money Blocks’ Deterring Wealth & Abundance?

I hope you enjoyed Abraham Hicks’s 17 Seconds To More Money.

Read Next: When to go General and When to be Specific

Abraham Hicks – Only 17 Seconds To More Money|YouTube.