My Meat-Free Journey: A Few Months In

Vegetarian Lifestyle – No Meat For Me Update. 

Over the past few months, I embarked on a journey that many might find challenging, eye-opening, and, in my case, surprisingly rewarding – going meat-free or vegetarian.

As someone who has always enjoyed a diverse palate filled with various meats, this decision wasn’t taken lightly.

In this update, I’ll share my experiences, challenges, and revelations during my venture into the world of vegetarianism.

The Meat-Free Decision

A specific event or external pressure did not drive my decision to go meat-free; rather, it was a personal choice rooted in a desire to explore a more plant-based lifestyle.

I wanted to challenge myself, learn more about alternative protein sources, and contribute, even if in a small way, to a more sustainable and eco-friendly way of living.

So I went meat-free back in May of (2012), and I will tell you what it has meant for me. First, let me tell you that improving my health is an ongoing process, and I am still far from being a role – model in healthy eating.

That said, I am so glad to have chosen to become a non-meat eater last May. I loosely call myself a vegetarian because I eat seafood and, occasionally, eggs. But I no longer eat animal flesh, so I think I am on the right track.

I had several reasons to stop eating animal flesh, but the main reason was the poor treatment of the animals in slaughterhouses, from being caged and confined to small areas to the uncaring treatment by the staff. It all helped to make my decision that much easier.

I had many tests over the past three months to see if I was committed to becoming a vegetarian.

I went to at least a dozen occasions with all the outdoor cooking favorites this summer. Hot dogs and hamburgers, Italian sausage with grilled peppers and onions, you name it, and it was there.

So what did I eat? Potato salad, Coleslaw, steamed shrimp, veggies, and dip. Anything that wasn’t made from animal flesh.

 And no, I never felt deprived of anything. Since becoming a vegetarian, I have never had any cravings for meat.

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Meat-Free Initial Challenges

The first few weeks were undoubtedly the toughest. The absence of familiar flavors and textures left me disoriented in the kitchen.

I questioned if I could truly enjoy meals without the centerpiece of meat.

Fortunately, with a little research and experimentation, I discovered a wealth of delicious plant-based recipes that satisfied my taste buds and broadened my culinary horizons.

The initial challenges of going meat-free were multifaceted. The abrupt departure from familiar flavors left me questioning my culinary choices.

I grappled with enjoying meals without the savory backbone of meat.

Adapting to a new cooking paradigm demanded patience, research, and a willingness to experiment.

However, with time and effort, I discovered a world of diverse and delectable plant-based recipes that satiated my taste buds and expanded my culinary repertoire.

Overcoming these hurdles became crucial to the journey, unveiling a rich tapestry of flavors beyond my previous meat-centric palate.

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Exploring New Horizons

One of the unexpected joys of this meat-free journey was the discovery of a plethora of fruits, vegetables, and grains that I had previously overlooked.

Quinoa, lentils, chickpeas, and tofu became staples in my diet, providing a rich source of proteins and nutrients. I was amazed at the variety of delicious and nutritious options available, proving that a well-balanced vegetarian diet is anything but monotonous.

Embracing plant-based staples like quinoa, lentils, and tofu transformed my plate and enriched my understanding of nutrition.

These ingredients brought vibrant flavors and textures, making every meal an exciting adventure. Diving into diverse fruits and vegetables, I discovered a rainbow of tastes, fostering a newfound appreciation for the richness and variety of plant-based options.

This exploration redefined my diet and underscored the idea that a well-balanced vegetarian lifestyle is not just healthy but also incredibly satisfying, both for the palate and the soul.

Meat-Free: Physical and Mental Transformations

The physical and mental transformations I experienced during my meat-free journey were subtle and profound. Physically, I felt light and increased energy, attributed to the plant-based, nutrient-dense diet.

Improved digestion and even some unexpected weight loss became noticeable benefits. Mentally, a sense of accomplishment and mindful eating took center stage.

The conscious decision to choose plant-based options shaped my body and fostered a deeper connection to the food I consumed.

This physical and mental transformation became a powerful motivator, reinforcing the positive impact of my choice and encouraging a continued commitment to a more holistic and mindful lifestyle.

As the weeks passed, I began noticing subtle changes in my body and mind. Physically, I felt lighter and more energized. My digestion improved, and I shed a few pounds without consciously trying.

Mentally, there was a sense of accomplishment and pride in making mindful choices about what I put into my body. Knowing that my dietary choices contributed to a reduced environmental impact added an extra layer of satisfaction.

Social Dynamics and Dining Out

Navigating social situations and dining out initially posed some challenges. Explaining my choice to friends and family and finding suitable options on restaurant menus required a bit of extra effort.

However, I discovered that many eateries now cater to a growing vegetarian and vegan clientele, offering creative and delicious alternatives.

Social dynamics and eating out in a meat-free context proved an interesting aspect of my journey.

Explaining my choice to friends and family required openness and patience, but it sparked insightful conversations about dietary choices and environmental impact.

Dining out demanded creativity, yet I was pleasantly surprised by the increasing availability of vegetarian and vegan options in various establishments.

This shift in perspective enriched my social interactions and highlighted the evolving landscape of culinary choices, making my meat-free lifestyle a shared and appreciated experience in different social settings.

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What happens when you go on a no-meat diet?

Embarking on a no-meat diet, commonly known as a vegetarian or plant-based diet, can lead to several notable changes in your body and overall well-being.

Here are some potential outcomes:

  1. Weight Management: Many people experience weight loss on a no-meat diet, as plant-based diets tend to be lower in calories and saturated fats. Additionally, focusing on whole, nutrient-dense foods can contribute to a healthier weight.

  2. Improved Digestion: A plant-based diet, rich in fiber from fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, can enhance digestive health. Increased fiber intake promotes regular bowel movements and supports a healthy gut microbiome.

  3. Increased Energy: Some individuals report increased energy levels after adopting a no-meat diet. This can be attributed to the elimination of heavy, processed meats and the consumption of nutrient-packed plant foods that provide sustained energy.

  4. Better Heart Health: A plant-based diet is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular diseases. The reduced intake of saturated fats and cholesterol from meat and increased consumption of heart-healthy foods like nuts, seeds, and whole grains can improve heart health.

  5. Balanced Blood Sugar Levels: Plant-based diets may help regulate blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. The complex carbohydrates found in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains provide a steady release of energy, preventing spikes and crashes in blood sugar.

  6. Lower Blood Pressure: The lower sodium content in plant-based diets, along with the abundance of potassium-rich foods, can contribute to lower blood pressure, promoting cardiovascular health.

  7. Positive Impact on Cholesterol: Adopting a no-meat diet can lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular issues.

  8. Environmental Consciousness: Beyond personal health benefits, choosing a plant-based diet can be motivated by environmental concerns. Reducing meat consumption has been linked to a lower environmental footprint, contributing to sustainability efforts.

It’s important to note that individual experiences may vary, and it’s crucial to ensure that your no-meat diet is well-balanced to meet your nutritional needs.

Consulting with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian can provide personalized guidance to ensure you get all the essential nutrients on a plant-based diet.

Vegetable garden Meat-Free.

Growing My Own Vegetables

Starting a vegetable garden in my backyard four years ago significantly influenced my eating habits. I have planted a vegetable garden in my backyard every summer for four years.

I planted tomatoes, green beans, okra, habanero peppers, green bell peppers, acorn squash, and yellow corn this year. It’s all organic, and I have to walk over to my little garden and pick whatever is ripe.

A vegetable garden is fun and easy; it grounds and connects you back to Earth. We all need to do this because of the electronic age we live in.

One of my favorite vegetarian side dishes is Szechuan String Beans. I will give you a recipe for a single serving below so you can try it out yourself.

  • Take about 12 raw string beans and cut off both ends. Cut about a quarter of an inch from each end.

  • Grab a small saute pan and add a tbsp of Olive Oil, a tbsp of low sodium soy sauce, a tsp of white vinegar, a tsp of fresh ground black pepper, and a clove of diced garlic.

  • Add your cut string beans to the saute pan and let them soak up the liquids in the saute pan. I prefer for about 10 minutes.

  • Set your stovetop burner to medium-high heat and cover your string beans.

  • For crispy beans, cook just a few minutes; cook for about ten minutes for softer beans. Remember to stir your beans while they are cooking.

  • Serve with white or brown rice.

I don’t know how and when my eating habits will change, but they will only improve as I become more aware and conscious of what I place in my body.


Reflecting on the past few months, I can confidently say that my meat-free journey has been a positive and enriching experience.

It has opened my eyes to the diverse world of plant-based cuisine, challenged my preconceptions, and prompted me to make more conscious choices about my diet.

While I don’t see myself adopting a strictly vegetarian lifestyle indefinitely, I’ve developed a newfound appreciation for the balance between plant-based and animal-based foods.

This journey has been about exploration, self-discovery, and finding a sustainable approach to a healthier and more mindful way of living.

Whether you’re a committed vegetarian or just looking to reduce your meat intake, taking the plunge into a meat-free lifestyle can be a transformative and surprisingly enjoyable experience.

Update 2017: I returned to eating meat after four and a half years.