Creating Your Reality With Conscious Deliberate Intent

The world we have created is our thinking process; it cannot be changed without changing our thinking. Are you consciously creating your reality, or are you living it by default?

You are continually creating your reality whether you like what you are experiencing. Your prevalent thoughts, feelings, and beliefs create and influence your reality in positive and negative ways.

Consider that there is no such thing as an original thought. Your thoughts are not your own. All thoughts are “recycled.” However, you can begin choosing thoughts that feel good to you and use them as a barometer for which direction to go.

If you want to begin a new chapter in your life, it is normal to feel uncomfortable. Discomfort does not always equal danger.

It’s also important to understand that many attempts to escape their reality. If you find yourself in a life situation that you do not prefer, instead of escaping it, recreate it instead.

Our thoughts, emotions, and actions serve as the building blocks that shape the world we experience. Harnessing the power of conscious deliberate intent is essential in crafting the life we desire amidst the myriad of external influences.

This article explores the transformative journey of intentional creation, highlighting key steps to manifesting our deepest desires.

“Imagination is the preview of life’s coming attractions” -Albert Einstein

Creating Your Own Reality vs. Escaping It
Creating Your Reality vs. Escaping It

Creating Your Reality With Conscious Deliberate Intent

Unlock the power of conscious intent to shape your reality. Clarity, positivity, action, and gratitude pave the path to manifesting your deepest desires – here’s how:

  1. Clarity of Vision: Achieving your dreams begins with a crystal-clear vision of what you want to manifest. Take the time to define your goals, aspirations, and ideals. Write them down and infuse them with emotion and detail. The clearer your vision, the easier it becomes to align your thoughts and actions with your desired outcomes.

  2. Positive Affirmations: Affirmations serve as potent tools for reprogramming the subconscious mind. Choose affirmations that resonate with your goals and repeat them daily with conviction. These positive statements help shift limiting beliefs and pave the way for a mindset of abundance and success.

  3. Mindfulness and Awareness: Cultivate mindfulness to become more attuned to your thoughts and emotions. Practice observing your inner dialogue without judgment. This awareness allows you to identify and release negative thought patterns, replacing them with empowering beliefs aligned with your goals.

  4. Visualization and Imagination: Visualization is a powerful technique for aligning your subconscious mind with your desired reality. Close your eyes and vividly imagine yourself living the life you desire. Engage all your senses and immerse yourself in the experience. Visualization enhances belief and accelerates the manifestation process.

  5. Inspired Action: While thoughts and intentions are crucial, they must be accompanied by inspired action. Take proactive steps towards your goals, trusting that the universe will support you along the way. Pay attention to synchronicities and opportunities that align with your desires, and seize them with enthusiasm.

  6. Gratitude and Appreciation: Cultivate an attitude of gratitude for the abundance already present in your life. Take time each day to acknowledge and appreciate the blessings, no matter how small. Gratitude opens the door to more abundance and invites further manifestations into your life.

  7. Release Attachment and Surrender: Practice letting go of attachment and surrendering to the flow of life. Trust that the universe has a divine plan for you, and everything is unfolding in perfect timing. Release the need to control every outcome and instead surrender to the wisdom of the universe. In this state of surrender, you allow miracles to unfold effortlessly.

Creating Your Reality vs. Escaping It

What Does it Mean to Create Your Reality? Creating your reality means having your life the way you want it to the best of your ability. Creating your reality comes in three steps.

  1. You have thoughts about what you want to create.
  2. You have strong positive feelings/emotions about what you want to create.
  3. You take massive action using your powerful emotions towards your preferred reality.

The stronger your emotions, the stronger your pull to attract what you want.

Escaping Reality

The Definition of escaping from reality: A defense action by using fantasy to avoid conflicts and problems in real life. An evasion of something undesirable; find no method of escape from pain and suffering. b: distraction or relief from routine or reality, especially: mental distraction or relief by flight into idealizing fantasy or fiction that serves to glorify the self. –Merriam Dictionary

The mind can be used for many things like memory recall and imagination. It can also be used as a tool for escapism, i.e., escaping from reality, which exists in the present moment.

I  used my mind to create fantasy scenarios to escape boring and repetitive things, mainly when I was in school or working. The problem with avoiding the mind is that it can be habit-forming.

You may get confused between this reality and your imagination. The mind has the unique ability to make anything seem real. I think that’s why so many creative geniuses are also labeled as crazy.

Try this experiment; imagine that you are sucking on a piece of lemon.

Did your mouth and stomach react as if you just experienced it; mine did.

The mind can be beneficial, but it is overused too much in our society. Once activated, it seems as real as the nose on your face, but it is not real.

Reasons why people escape reality:

  • Boredom
  • Too many responsibilities
  • Dysfunctional home, work, or school environment
  • Lack of love from self and others
  • Unresolved trauma

The Ways People Escape Reality:

 Escaping Reality Daily

Facing reality is the purpose of life. Escaping reality will either fail badly (reality catches you out) or lead to a very nonresilient personality perpetually blaming everyone but yourself for your problems.

You cannot escape reality; you can only ignore it. No matter what you do to deny your circumstances, the circumstances remain unchanged. It is best to face reality and do what you can to cope with it for your self-interest.

One of the many benefits of meditation is that you get to experience life without all the mind chatter. I view the mind as a source of entertainment, not as reality.

The mind is a direct reflection of your state of being. If you are fearful, the mind’s thoughts will be by fear. I certainly have fun with the mind and even chuckle at some of the scenarios it comes up with.

View the mind as a tool and not a testament to who you are. The mind can come up with some outrageous things, and it is your job not to let them affect you.

I’ve heard people say they have thoughts of harming someone, and they get freaked out about this. It is not their intent to injure anyone, so why are they having these thoughts?

Once again, your thoughts directly reflect the state of your being. When I drink too much coffee, my state of being will change. My thoughts may be going a million miles a minute, and I can’t keep up with them.

I realize that my mind has become a match for my state of being.

Usually, when I wake up, I feel a bit tired; I also know that I will be feeling better within an hour. As my body adjusts, I feel better, and my mind becomes more apparent.

It’s common to see a celebrity getting caught doing something questionable in the news. I would say that their physiological body is out of balance, causing their brain and mind to be out of balance.

This is why it is essential to maintain the body with a proper diet and eliminate toxins.

So, if you are worried about what kinds of thoughts you are having, I would recommend allowing yourself to feel better. Try meditation, burn some incense, eat something healthy, do some breathing exercises, and ground yourself.

And lastly, stop worrying and learn to live a little. Remember that life begins outside your comfort zone. Life was meant to be fun and not a stressful ride.

Remember, the mind is just a tool of the complete human experience. It is not, by any means, the only tool. The mind can serve you or harm you. It’s up to you to decide how to use it.


Dr. Emoto – The Power Of Words

If you want to know why affirmations work, then read on.

Dr. Masaru Emoto, a researcher, and alternative healer, conducted many experiments throughout the 1990’s demonstrating the effects of words, music, prayer, and environment on the crystalline structure of water.

Dr. Emoto exposed water to lovely comments such as “I love you water,” “you are so pure,” and then froze it. He observed the crystal structure of water after it had frozen, and he noticed a wonderfully formed structure.

A similar experiment was carried out on water. Still, this time negative comments such as “I despise you, water,” and “you are useless” affected the crystal structure of the water.

When words of love and gratitude were spoken near the water, water crystals formed beautiful geometric shapes. But when evil words were uttered near another sample of water taken from the same source the crystals smashed and turned into destructed shapes

He concluded the study by stating that if the power of words can influence the crystal structure of water, then why not the human body, which is made up of 70 to 75 percent water?

The experiment shows that words are essential. They affect all living beings. If terms can affect plants, imagine their impact on humans.

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Create a Reality You Like

You can’t change the body you were born with, the family that raised you, or the environment you were brought up in. This reality is a challenge for children brought up in dysfunctional families.

However, knowing this fact, children can escape toxic situations and create a future that works in their favor. The best thing for children is to have a stable family where both parents are mentally, emotionally, and physically healthy.

If this isn’t possible, children need healthy relatives and friends to help them cope with their situation until they are old enough to live independently.

I know many kids that grew up in divorced families and alcoholic parents, and neglectful parents, and they managed to clean themselves up and create a more healthy life for themselves.

The emotional damage of childhood lingers throughout your entire life, but you don’t have to make it your identity. Becoming religious or joining a church or other religious institutions may help with feelings of neglect and abandonment.

Most people like going to church because it gives them a sense of community and belonging, but so does joining a gang. However, the choice you make will determine your future.

If you don’t like your current situation as an adult, then use that to motivate you to create a reality you don’t need to escape from. I know people who seem like they go on vacation every month to escape their reality. What you want to do is create a reality that you love.

If you want to get better at creating your reality, I recommend checking Be Extraordinary by Vishen Lakhiani.


Conscious deliberate intent empowers us to take charge of our reality and manifest our deepest desires. By aligning our thoughts, emotions, and actions with our goals, we co-create a life filled with abundance, joy, and fulfillment.

Embrace the journey of intentional creation with mindfulness, positivity, and unwavering belief, knowing that you have the power to shape your destiny.

As you cultivate a mindset of abundance and align with your true desires, you’ll witness the magic of the universe conspiring to fulfill your every intention.